Zero Escape: The Nonary games Steam version

2025.01.24 17:41 NYstate Zero Escape: The Nonary games Steam version

Hi all. I was thinking of buying the Zero Escape games on Steam to play on my SteamDeck. Whole reading reviews for the Zero Escape games on Steam I saw this review:

999: The Nonary Games (Remastered Version)
Do Not Play This Version Grab a ROM and play the original on the Nintendo DS.
The remastered version lacks the dual-screen functionality of the DS, which fundamentally alters the entire game. To compensate, the script has been rewritten in a hamfisted way to attempt to convey the same information through dialogue rather than narration. This affects every single scene in the entire game and completely ruins any sense of pacing or atmosphere.
Other reviews are understating how great of a difference exists between this title and the original.
It is simply not the same game. You have been warned.
While I have no problem playing the original via emulation how different is the original vs the Steam version? Spoiler free of course.
While I'm here, is it worth it for Zero Time Delima? It's either that or AI: The Somnium Files. Which seems more up my alley.
Thanks all!
submitted by NYstate to visualnovels [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 apex_editor Doing some light reading with my new Komandirskie.

Doing some light reading with my new Komandirskie. submitted by apex_editor to vostok [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Informal_Quarter_427 What type of Camera and mic does this YouTuber use?

What type of Camera and mic does this YouTuber use? I’m going to film content in this style but not sure what camera I need and mic for audio.
submitted by Informal_Quarter_427 to youtube [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 AcanthisittaHour4995 Latest data on LPSN from SqueezeFinder

Latest data on LPSN from SqueezeFinder
submitted by AcanthisittaHour4995 to lpsnstock [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 SilentBorderline What…are some good things about my art? (+What I could improve on too)

What…are some good things about my art? (+What I could improve on too) I promise I’m not trying to fish for compliments or anything, I genuinely want to know what I’m good at. As someone with hardcore self esteem issues, it really clouds my judgement on what I do good enough on, which makes it hard to self assess what I need to improve on. (All I know is that I need help on anatomy-) I’ve posted a couple times on Artcrit, but I kind of want an overall opinion? So I’ve posted my best (mainly) recent works.
Out of the two landscapes. Those are the first two landscapes I’ve ever done and it’s for an art portfolio.
Because of the nature of my post, you’re also welcomed to critique my weak points— So I feel less bad posting this 😭
submitted by SilentBorderline to arthelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Economy-Platform5740 Would you support a Federalised Europe ?

submitted by Economy-Platform5740 to TolerantEurope [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Poutcheki L'immunité de Farba levée - Guy Marius Sagna assène ses vérités : "La justice doit respecter davantage l'Assemblée"

L'immunité de Farba levée - Guy Marius Sagna assène ses vérités : submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Various_Throat_9097 Gym advice

I'm a 6 foot, 85kg 17M who is chubby and wants to lose weight. My priority is to lose weight but I also want to build muscle. Should I lose weight first then try and build muscle or vice versa? Any advice about anything gym related would be greatly appreciated
submitted by Various_Throat_9097 to AskTeens [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 dominic_l the beauty of empty spaces

submitted by dominic_l to photographs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Icy_Tower3256 Did they even thought this through?

Did they even thought this through? an M4 skin that assembles a XM4 blueprint from Cold War... AND THE ACTUAL XM4 CoDM devs are so high... can we get the Kuda from BO3 then? or not because the QQ9 already exists?
submitted by Icy_Tower3256 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Yurii_S_Kh 5 non-obvious reasons why you don't have time for anything

5 non-obvious reasons why you don't have time for anything Alexander Tkachenko. Permanent author of the “Thomas” magazine, practicing psychologist.
First of all, it is necessary to understand what it means “I don't have time”. Of course, it is about the inner feeling, about your own assessment of your efficiency: you can do 3 things, or you can do 33, but in the first case you will get satisfaction, and in the second case - not, although formally, you have done much more. The feeling of “I don't have time” is about the attitude towards myself and my life. Often it's not so much about planning as it is about prioritizing.
Sometimes the true reasons why this feeling occurs are overwhelming:
The desire to do for someone Try to estimate: whether all the things on your list are important to you. As a rule, a person first of all seeks to do what is necessary not for him personally, but for someone close, significant for him (husband, children, manager). In this case, the goal is not to finish the job, but to get approval, positive evaluation of their actions. Well, or at least to avoid censure. The result of the case itself is not so important for a person.
Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash
But the psyche always gives resources only for a specific task. And here it turns out that there is no task, the man himself does not need what he does. And then, instead of calm and productive work, a neurotic story begins with agonizing compulsion, endless postponements, and a constant sense of guilt. That is, “not having time to do” what I don't need to do.
If you don't have time for something, see if you really need it?
Of course, it is not about being selfish and focused only on your “I want”. Serving people is a healthy natural need, and it is also satisfying, but only when it is a conscious desire and decision to help. If the basis of “doing for others” is the fear of censure or the desire to receive praise, you do not have time for anything, and there is no time at all for your own affairs, then there is a reason to think whether you are living the right life.
Guilt and fear of rejection Fear of rejection is one of the reasons why people don't have time for anything. This story comes from childhood (for example, a small child could be punished for refusing to do something). Also, the fear of rejection (some parents use it as a punishment) stretches from childhood into adulthood. It is not even necessary to beat the child to make him feel unwanted, lonely, endlessly guilty. A parent can simply stop noticing a child who has misbehaved. And when a child occasionally sees a cold stare, complete indifference, or tightened lips of a native adult, it can be enough to carry into his adult life a sense of guilt and abandonment.
Photo by Yohan Marion on Unsplash
A pattern of behavior is formed where a person constantly feels guilty, afraid that guilt will be revealed and he will be rejected. And then he lives “not for himself” and “does for others”. And the psyche does not give energy for such activities. And a person has no time for anything. The main thing here is to find the cause of such behavior.
If a person is haunted by a constant feeling of guilt, we can talk about the formed skill of self-punishment. This process takes a lot of mental strength, because guilt is aggression, deployed on himself. And there is no strength left to do unnecessary work.
Sabotage Imagine that a boy of ten or twelve years old sits and does his homework. Mom stands over him with a belt in her hands and a steely voice says that until the child does not do, she will get away from him. And the child has been desperately dumb for hours on end and can't complete the assignment. Mom is angry, says that it was already last week, that he has already done similar tasks many times. And the child whines, whines, says that he does not understand anything, that his head does not think and all that. In the end, the exhausted mom gives up everything, says “Do what you want” and leaves. And the child calmly solves everything in 5 minutes and goes to bed happy.
Photo by Evgeniy Osipov on Unsplash
Here we see a classic sabotage: not to do something in protest, when it is impossible to refuse directly (mom is an adult, she is stronger), but the boy wants to somehow defend his right to independence, and maybe to annoy mom in response to her pressure and threats. And he unconsciously “turns on” such a sabotage model of behavior. Which will be practiced in the same way in his adult life, “having no time” in similar situations of pressure and threats.
Workaholism Try to count: how much time do you spend working? There are people whose work takes up all their time without a trace, they are always doing something, busy with something. And with such a schedule, of course, “do not have time for anything”.
Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash
Workaholism is a form of addiction. And any addiction is an anesthetic bandage on a bleeding wound. A person has some pain, problem, unresolved internal conflict, with which he is afraid to meet even mentally. This means that something distracting is needed, switching attention and forces to external objects. In an alcoholic, such a means of distraction from inner pain is drinking. For a workaholic, it's work. And this is again an unconscious process. It seems to the person, as if by increasing the hours of work, it will finally be possible to manage everything. But in fact, his goal is quite different: to load himself with external affairs so much that there will be no energy left to pay attention to the inner problem. Excessive workload leads to fatigue, and repressed internal conflict - to chronic stress. It is clear that all this is not conducive to good results in work.
It is extremely difficult to deal with such cases independently, because being inside the situation, it is impossible to assess it critically, some things require an outside view.
Striving for perfect results Try to answer the question, what is more important for you: to do or HOW to do? It often happens that a person endlessly postpones some things just because he wants to do them perfectly, but feels that he is not able to do it. There is a sad joke about this approach - the motto of a perfectionist-procrastinator: “It is better to do it never, but properly, than to do it poorly, but today”.
Photo by Oleg Moroz on Unsplash
This is based on a very simple mechanism: in childhood, a child was expected only the best solution, the ideal result. The child should be the best.
But the ideal is not reachable by definition. And at home, even a B+ will be scolded. Therefore, the child learned to postpone things until the last, to maximally postpone his next “failure” and parental censure. As a result: “I have no time” and in adulthood.
Therefore, the only way out is to learn to take care of oneself, not to demand perfect solutions from oneself and to praise oneself even if the result is not as good as desired.
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Poutcheki Levée de l'immunité de Farba : El Malick Ndiaye recadre une députée de Pastef en pleine plénière

submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Geridious Selling business wife and I own while she's on maturnity leave

Hey all, tried researching this but haven't had much luck was hoping someone could shed some light on it and how we go about it properly.
As title says we are selling a business while my wife on maturnity leave, I know you don't do bi weekly reports while on it. So for the payout and the money in our holding account that we are taking, just had a few questions.
How does she go about claiming that? Since the payout will be more then her maturnity leave pay will she lose her maturnity leave? Or will she just lose that week's pay?
Sorry if this has been discussed already just wasn't quite sure how to navigate it and want to do it properly and legally.
Thanks all
submitted by Geridious to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 LycheeGloomy3068 Laugh or cry for me.

Since January 2024, the CFO passed away, and the interim controller who took over the position quit. No new hires, no intentions of hiring, and no raises for the existing staffs over the past 12 months. How typical is it for a multi-million dollar head company to operate this long without a CFO, Controller, or CPA? I'm getting nervous.
submitted by LycheeGloomy3068 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 thinking_and_curious I have observed most youtube channels don't talk about government job postings in maharashtra

Government exam youtube videos don't show Maharashtra's cutoffs, job posting , etc.
Is it that they dislike Maharashtra or is it that I am watching wrong youtube channels?
If you know any Youtube channels for government exams then pls recommend.
submitted by thinking_and_curious to Maharashtra [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Primary_Technology65 Been using TikTok since 2020 and it’s never been this bad

See so many videos targeting certain ethnicities and comments getting thousand of likes insulting and dehumanising others. Press not interested and don’t interact with it but it’s like TikTok knows what race/ethnicity we are based on what we like (example: liking a cultural video) and purposely pushes rage-bait on your fyp to get interactions off you. I have friends from other ethnicities who say the same is happening to them
submitted by Primary_Technology65 to TikTok [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 MrHazyEyed Tatum played well, can’t blame him (last nights post results)

submitted by MrHazyEyed to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Prize_Ad4469 I am having trouble while installing unity hub
My system info
submitted by Prize_Ad4469 to UnityHelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Adventurous-Wall1389 Soyyoelmalo/a me equivoque o solo es manipulación?

Estuve en una relación con una chica que en lo que a mi respecta era alguien que le gustaba quedar como la buena cuando llevábamos 2 meses me empezó a tratar como si no fuera nada para ella con la excusa de que me faltaban cosas como novio estuve 1 mes buscando arreglar todo y pues al final quedo en que ya iba a llevar las cosas bien conmigo pero pues siempre se ponía en modo de “soy una molestia “ Y cosas así se ponía triste por eso y cuando estaba triste me trataba mal y tenía yo que estar ahí casi rogando que me dijera que pasaba y pues yo nunca tuve actitudes que la hicieran sentir una molestia como ella conmigo si siempre le tuve paciencia y para esto no podía hablar bien las cosas con ella por que decía que no le gustaba que le echaran cosas en la cara lo cual para mi era mas una manipulación de no me digas nada soy la buena no quiero aceptar mis errores y pues yo estaba como el malo con sus amistades y familia por lo que les contaba ella ahora yo nunca le conté nada a mi mamá pero para ella mi ex era una basura por que un día la vieron por unas cámaras del sector público estar haciéndome un drama alguien que conocía a mi mamá y le dijo lo cual me complico la vida por que empecé a tener varias discusiones con mi mamá intentando convencerla de que no era mala persona ya que mi mamá es alguien muy explosiva y nunca le conté de sus actitudes conmigo por que no quería que pensara que era mala ahora para mi duda un poco de contexto en la intimidad siempre le preguntaba de si quería hacerlo y ella no me contestaba y una me dijo que le gustaba que simplemente lo hiciera sin preguntar y ya el punto es que cuando terminamos fue en el trabajo y nos regresamos juntos a mi casa por que ella se iba a llevar las cosas que tenía en mi casa(al final solo se llevo una bolsa y tenía 2 maletas ahí) y pues a mi me gusta terminar bien entonces si era el último día pues quería que fuera como siempre y pues ese día tuvimos intimidad le pregunté varias veces si quería y al final solo me dijo “ya métela” después de eso volvió a hablar con su ex que es un manipulador y el causante de sus traumas y le metió al idea de que fue abuso y pues empezó a decir que tenía ascos y no podía comer ya me dijo esto la próxima vez que nos vimos que fue a mi casa por sus cosas le di de cenar por lo que me había dicho que no había comido y pues comió sin problemas y pues quedamos de intentar hacer que funcionara y no se le veía incomoda conmigo haciendo contacto físico entonces es algo que no me cuadra la pregunta es realmente fue abuso? En ningún momento tuve la idea de aprovecharme de ella y su argumento es que estaba triste pero bueno no es como Que yo no lo estuviera luego haré un post hablando bien de todo lo que pasó en la relación de momento solo quería saber eso
submitted by Adventurous-Wall1389 to SoyElMalo [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 BambusF Problem with transferring for cash balance

Hi guys, I I've encountered a problem when I was transferring for my cash balance in November: it was transferred with a wrong personal number and didn't entered my account. I've already written multiple times to the support team to discuss whether it's possible to get my money back, and have been promised third times that I will get the compensation, and my chats were shut down every time. Until today I haven't gotten my money back yet. I wonder if anyone had similar issues, and if possible, do you guys have any suggestions?
submitted by BambusF to WoltPartners [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 jcoc1702 [H] Amazon £50 [W] GBP80% PayPal F&F

I'll go first - not bought the card yet, I'll buy and send it when I find a buyer.
Going to buy with Klarna (buy now pay later, similar to affirm in US) because I need a bit of money to tide me over until I get paid on Friday - I'll send receipts and whatever too
submitted by jcoc1702 to giftcardexchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 burtzev [Kenya] Kenya abductions spark fears of a return to dark past | BBC

submitted by burtzev to worldanarchism [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 GlitteringSilence David Bowie - I'm Afraid of Americans [Industrial]

submitted by GlitteringSilence to Music [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 IchLerneDeutsch1993 Streak 394: Sony Kopfhörer

Ich habe heute einen drahtlosen Kopfhörer von Sony bestellt. Ich bin schon seit fast einem Monat auf der Suche nach einem neuen Kopfhörer, da mein alten kaputtgegangen ist. Ich habe genau dieses Modell von Sony beschafft, da einen großen Rabatt um 60% Angeboten wird. Darüber hinaus gab es einen zusätzlichen Rabatt, wenn man mit einer Kreditkarte bezahlt. Solcher Rabatt ist nicht zu verpassen. Dieser Kopfhörer besteht aus viele Merkmale, worauf ich mich freue.
submitted by IchLerneDeutsch1993 to WriteStreakGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 17:41 Miserella_ Trade Anyone?

Trade Anyone? submitted by Miserella_ to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]