“As long as Eevee doesn’t hit 5 in a row I’ll be fine!”

2025.01.24 18:15 probablysmellsmydog “As long as Eevee doesn’t hit 5 in a row I’ll be fine!”

“As long as Eevee doesn’t hit 5 in a row I’ll be fine!” They only hit 12 so it could have been worse
submitted by probablysmellsmydog to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 TheMightyPidgeon CPU: keep 7900X or get a 9700X?

I am upgrading my old PC for mix of gaming and productivity (web and game development, some photo editing, and some experiments with AI).
I settled on a build with the new Ryzen 7 9700X CPU for its efficiency, low power consumption and ease of cooling - I want a quiet PC in a small case, and the 650W PSU that I carried over from the old PC is not the strongest.
But there was a mix-up with my order and I received a Ryzen 9 7900X instead. I was so excited to finally build the PC that I didn't even realize that I'm putting in the wrong CPU until after the PC was already fully assembled.
Since the 7900X is already running, I was able to test it a little bit - it seems stable in 105W Eco mode and -30 undervolting. It stays quiet in Cinebench 2024, reaching 1580 in multi core and 117 in single core benchmarks while staying at 77 degrees and 5.4GHz. The stock 9700X should score around 1200 multi core and 130 single core.
Should I keep the 7900X or return it and get the 9700X for the same price? Is the single core performance gain from 9700X noticeable, or am I better off with the better multi core performance of the 7900X?
This is my build at the moment (GPU, SSD and PSU are carried over from the old PC. I plan to update at least the GPU soon):
submitted by TheMightyPidgeon to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 Live-Bus7937 it my fav..)

it my fav..) submitted by Live-Bus7937 to YuYuHakusho [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 HK_Berettajunkie93 Think any of these with grade 10 with PSA?

submitted by HK_Berettajunkie93 to pokemoncardcollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 MingusTheClown STANLEY CLARKE - February 15, 2025 at Yoshi's, Oakland

STANLEY CLARKE February 15, 2025 at Yoshi's, Oakland
In 2023 It was announced that Clarke will partner with Santa Monica, CA’s, BroadStage as its Artist in Residence. This multi-year partnership includes performances, curation, and mentorship for Santa Monica College Music Department and Santa Monica High School Jazz students. Clarke’s Pandemic work has involved producing and participating his new well-received web series, Stanley Clarke’s Bass Nation, which premiered November 2020. Stanley and his wife Sofia established The Stanley Clarke Foundation seventeen years ago, which offers scholarships to talented young musicians. He believes in giving back to help young musicians hone their skills.
Tickets - https://yoshis.com/events/buy-tickets/stanley-clarke-13/detail
submitted by MingusTheClown to BayAreaJazz [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 the_batman24 [PA] if political donations are free speech, shouldn’t foreigners be able to donate?

Hello all! I had a very random law question and felt this was the best place to get answers. This is for the entire US, not just a state.
I was thinking about campaign finance laws and how the Citizens United case rules that money/political donations are free speech. It got me thinking…. Wouldn’t that entitle foreigners to donate to political campaigns as well?
To my understanding, foreigners are protected by the constitution (and first amendment) while inside the USA. So, if donations are free speech, wouldn’t that make it unconstitutional to prevent them from contributing to campaigns while in the country?
I don’t think foreigners should be able to do so, I just believe this highlights the stupidity of the Citizens United case decision.
Would love to hear thoughts from people who actually know that law!
submitted by the_batman24 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 Frosty-Ad-1096 Hot take: I like rushing as victim

I'm not gonna wait for family to wake up Grandpa just for him to be at level three within a minute.
submitted by Frosty-Ad-1096 to TexasChainsawGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 supergibby Tattoo Artists from Washington state?

Moving to Washington next month and just looking for recommendations from mostly anywhere in the state!
submitted by supergibby to Animetattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 Open_Kaleidoscope499 Dollar an Inch! Need gone ASAP!

Dollar an Inch! Need gone ASAP! Dollar an inch, OG slide is $2/inch, all have tags! Pirate ship Proof of sales and trades 😊
submitted by Open_Kaleidoscope499 to BSTsquishmallow [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 TheStickySpot I can’t tell if I’m turned on or scared by Barbara interrogating a thug with Batman’s voice

I can’t tell if I’m turned on or scared by Barbara interrogating a thug with Batman’s voice submitted by TheStickySpot to BatmanArkham [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 lss_web_1444 Link post title 416

Link post title 416 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 furthuryourhead Grid joins my Crime Syndicate

Grid joins my Crime Syndicate submitted by furthuryourhead to McFarlaneFigures [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 Spiritual_Let_4348 Undeclared Major Stress

I got conditional as transfer student but my major is undeclared, at my current uni I am doing BSc Comp, Science.
It will be my second year at MacEwan. How does this work ?
submitted by Spiritual_Let_4348 to grantmacewan [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 Huge_Note5054 Cambio de moto

Buenas muchachos les hago una consulta , Estoy por vender mi moto una ns 125 a aprox 2000 usd que creo que está bien , quería meter algún upgrade por algo de menos de 20k de km que moto me recomiendan, Vi la gixxer , Glh, Xr 125 modelo viejo.
Nose que carajo hacer , porfa una ayudita
submitted by Huge_Note5054 to MotosArg [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 Snoo70640 😂

😂 Someone created a new sub after official AZ sub banned C posts and this is what happened
submitted by Snoo70640 to NFCWestMemeWar [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 prissysissyy1 Is this a cute outfit?

Is this a cute outfit? submitted by prissysissyy1 to TrapCuties [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 BringmeGin Item filter “failed to open folder file”… can anyone help me ?

Item filter “failed to open folder file”… can anyone help me ? submitted by BringmeGin to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 Efficient-Shopping-2 What do cramps look like?

Hey all, weird question but, has anyone ever seen what cramps look like? Like have they ever done imaging during a cramp that shows what the uterus looks like during? I'm curious if it looks similar to when you get a charleyhorse and the muscles move or something else. I can't find any sources that show or write about it. In the middle of some terrible cramps and wondered what this awful organ looks like while it screws me over lmao
submitted by Efficient-Shopping-2 to Periods [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 Future-Rise9993 Picking hard horizontal position when ascending and descending the strings

I've been trying to hone my technique by moving my hand horizontally towards the headstock while I'm doing ascending runs and vice versa for descending ones. When I play the high e, my pick is ideally around the lower part of the neck pickup and on the low on the low part of the bridge pickup. Anyone else do this? Is it subconscious/accidental or are you doing it with intent? I've noticed that when I manage to do it I can pick with less force and moving around with upward pickslanting is so damn easy. The problem is that I can't still do it "automatically", so it's a thing I gotta focus on.
submitted by Future-Rise9993 to metalguitar [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 National-Green-4631 Good upgrades? Trying to go all out with this thing

Good upgrades? Trying to go all out with this thing Just seeing if these would be the best upgrades I could do for it, I already have some rcawd aluminum links but wanting more performance
submitted by National-Green-4631 to CR18p_Evo_Pro [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 PolStel2 Léna Situation

submitted by PolStel2 to Celeb_France [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 cwildman3 Running Injury Pre BCT

I really need some advice here. I’m leaving for 19D OSUT 2/10/25 and I’ve been running 35-40 miles a week in preparation. But about a week ago I felt a strain/ tightness in my left Achilles tendon so I’ve taken a week off running and went for only a 2 mile run yesterday and the pain is at about a 3/10 , so mild discomfort. Do I continue to run or take a break? I’m just worried since my ship date is 2 weeks out.
submitted by cwildman3 to nationalguard [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 literallybroken Grade school book about kids with super powers in an asylum or school

This is a book from my childhood, I can remember the cover particularly better than the story itself, but I know it had a character with a blacked out silhouette, like a bust shot, with a white or white ish background with yarn strung in the back of various colors. I know in the story there was this kid that was sent to either a special school or an asylum for their superpowers which was I think seeing into the future. I know at some point as well the kid knew their sister lost a pair of earrings in a fountain and she found them at the end OR lost them I know something happened to the earrings. I think the sister was named Phoebe and the point of views shifted often. I know too that there was another character who had fire powers and would light stuff on fire often, and later in the story I think it was revealed that these characters didn’t really have superpowers and were actually mentally ill and the fire power kid was just lighting stuff on fire with a lighter I think? Unless it’s the other way I have no idea but I know the yarn on the cover is linked to the future sight. No idea what the book’s named, I’d like to know it
submitted by literallybroken to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 Nekowaifubaby annoying

why are they makin g surveys n ads? last i checked they are two different things... instead of adding surveys as another way to get coins they have to be annoying with the 0 effort improving the game over the last what? 4 yrs? anyone else rather have another free coin task like 15 coin ads but a survey added to the list?
submitted by Nekowaifubaby to AvakinOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 18:15 jvc72 Buy Signal The Wendys Company - 24 Jan 2025 @ 13:12 -> USD14.32

Ticker: WEN
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 24 Jan 2025 @ 13:12
Price: USD14.32
Link: https://getagraph.com/NASDAQ/stock/live-signals/WEN/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]
