Update 3.1.28 not available

If you use an account through your work, school, or other group, these steps might not work. Check with your administrator for help. To recover an account for a child under 13 (or the applicable age in your country) you can reset your child's password. Forgot your password Enter some information that's in the missing email. If you're not sure about exact words or details, leave the fields blank. At the bottom of the box, click Search . Tip: To filter your search results even more, you can also use search operators. If you’ve previously signed up for a Google Account, and can’t remember the username or email address that you used, you can try to recover it. On your device, go to the Apps section. Tap Google Play Store .; The app will open and you can search and browse for content to download. To use Chrome on Mac, you need macOS Big Sur 11 and up. On your computer, download the installation file.; Open the file named "googlechrome.dmg." If you can't sign in to your Google Account in Gmail, Google Drive, Google Play, or elsewhere, select the issue that most closely applies to you. If you enter the wrong UPI PIN more than three times, you might not be able to change or reset your UPI PIN for 24 hours. You won’t be able to send or receive money during this time. Learn how to change or reset your UPI PIN on Google Pay using your debit card. To get results from Google each time you search, you can make Google your default search engine. Set Google as your default on your browser If your browser isn’t listed below, check its help resourc If you can't sign in to your Google Account in Gmail, Google Drive, Google Play, or elsewhere, select the issue that most closely applies to you. This is occurring on my PC, TV, and mobile. I've restarted my browser and PC, disabled all extensions, cleared cache and cookies, signed out and in, disabled any ad block, I don't use a VPN, made sure I was correctly located in the US, etc.

2025.01.30 14:33 loganpowell04 Update 3.1.28 not available

So I just went to go play some R6 the other day and noticed my app saying that I was unable to use my Horizon for my Xbox because firmware was not up to date (being 3.1.28) so I went to update my Horizon to the newest firmware; me being only on 3.1.26 at the time of my update so it then put me at 3.1.27, well I then went ahead and did check for recent firmware and nothing will show up regarding the 3.1.28… I have sent them email after email and have not yet gotten a response. So now i am down to my last resort…Reddit
submitted by loganpowell04 to StrikePack [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 CaptnAyyHole Need advice

I’m looking for a fixed blade knife to put on a battle/range belt via Molle attachment. I was interest in the KaBar mk1 but I do not like the sheath.
Does anyone have any recommendations on either a decent sheath for that particular knife. Or a comparable knife in that price point, under $100
Thanks in advance
submitted by CaptnAyyHole to fixedblades [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 OCrazyOne Cape/Cloak/Thick Furs over bulky metal armor is such peak character design

Cape/Cloak/Thick Furs over bulky metal armor is such peak character design submitted by OCrazyOne to TopCharacterDesigns [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 PULSO19 Que opinan del cambio de sexo? Debería existir?

submitted by PULSO19 to preguntaleareddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 BattleCircuit Name a song you would want Paramount to use for Sonic and Amy Rose’s duo dance scene in Sonic 4. Would you prefer a scene where they dance together while destroying Metal Sonics or a romantic one with just the two of them?

Name a song you would want Paramount to use for Sonic and Amy Rose’s duo dance scene in Sonic 4. Would you prefer a scene where they dance together while destroying Metal Sonics or a romantic one with just the two of them? submitted by BattleCircuit to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Actual_Release7453 How do I say goodbye?

We adopted four cats in the beginning of the Covid pandemic, three of them were outdoor cats and the other one stayed indoors.
Garfield left in June 2022. Ginger never came home. Diding left on the eve of Halloween just two days after she got sick. Wangko the last one is fighting but the diagnosis isn't good.
I am just so scared and miss them so much and I wonder how do you guys say goodbye?
submitted by Actual_Release7453 to catsofrph [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 VinzentValentyn OneDrive Removing Files But Not Folders In Synced Location When SharePoint Permission Removed

Hi Guys
Normally I wouldn't ask for help but this is the issue.
Basically I have removed users permission to a certain folder which is a subfolder of another that they DO have access to.
So picture (normal location in users folder):
With folders like Issue 1-100 in there
But another folder in there called PROBLEM FOLDER
I have removed access to it. Manage access shows no access. If the user looks online they don't see it either.
HOWEVER OneDrive client has kept the folder structure inside PROBLEM FOLDER. Why has it not removed it from the local device?
Usually when I remove access the folder disappears from file explorer. Does anyone know why it's not happening here?
submitted by VinzentValentyn to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 jayzers161 Load order help with hard crashing.

So my game keeps hard crashing after I've left helgan right at the start of going to river wood, I've never really had this problem right at the start of a game so any help would be appreciated, here's my load order :
Simple workaround framework Beards of power Truth in legends Intresting npcs part 1 Hjertesten hall northern roads patch Tales of skyrim - berserkyr Cheat room Intresting npcs part 2 Ai overhaul non ussep Free crafting no perks/materials Jayserpas quest expansion bundle Wintersun - faiths of skyrim DAWN V2 grassmode the origins of 3d Skyland aio Improved npc clothing 1k Dragons 1k port by xtudo Irish cob horse- long haired horse Hair pack o' the charming B Hjertesten Hall Final version Northern roads Northern roads no nr roads Jks skyrim all in one Jks interiors aio Cities of the north aio The great towns and villages bundle for ai overhaul and jks skyrim Cities of the north aio / jks skyrim patch Tnf skyrim house remodel Viking longhouse Windcallers thu'um Realistic rs +elven children Immersive animations redux Bjorn custom voiced follower Aniya custom voiced follower Follower dialogue expansion erik Follower dialogue expansion aela Follower dialogue expansion roggi knot beard
I realise I may have to reorder mods also as they have become mixed up through going in and out of my load order but any help anyone can provide would be great.
submitted by jayzers161 to SkyrimModsXbox [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 EndEnvironmental7630 New Supporter‼️

Hi everyone, I bought 100k $TOSHI as of last week, and I’m wondering if I should sell them. I’m new to the crypto space and my first investment is $TOSHI. And I’m kind of scared to jump into something new and kind of just hoping for the best🤷🏽‍♂️ Just wanted to know if this a smart decision? (All feedback will be much appreciated‼️) GOOOO $TOSHI🚀🚀🚀
submitted by EndEnvironmental7630 to toshicoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 ahmedhamodii Do I have a bunion ? And what are bunions exactly and how is it cured ?

Do I have a bunion ? And what are bunions exactly and how is it cured ? I feel pain after playing football in this area
submitted by ahmedhamodii to bunions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Octuplecommader Can we agree that "bro" has become a gender-neutral term?

submitted by Octuplecommader to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 LionTigerTrex You know what bros? Just keep aura farming. You'll be fine

You know what bros? Just keep aura farming. You'll be fine submitted by LionTigerTrex to marvelmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 delicatespecimen redraw of stevonnie ~

redraw of stevonnie ~ submitted by delicatespecimen to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 BusyDucks 8 days ago, Netflix posted a promotional video of what going to happen in 2025, and this was in the video

8 days ago, Netflix posted a promotional video of what going to happen in 2025, and this was in the video submitted by BusyDucks to squidgame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Asgore77 I'm having an odd issue with ALAC Lossless files.

Lately I've been ripping my CDs in ALAC for storing and then down-converting them to AACs for playing. but just recently they've been ripping at Half the Data. the CD will be 720MB and the rip will be 312MB. I checked the settings. its at Apple Lossless with Autatomic setting. They aren't in Mono. I'm really confused. I'm considering just abandoning the Lossless part and ripping straight to AAC because this is a headache and a half.
submitted by Asgore77 to AppleMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Wonderful_Gap8144 New

As I am thinking taking this years exam Which online classes/courses should I join
submitted by Wonderful_Gap8144 to SSCCGL [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 SuperTayna [FOR HIRE] Commissions Open (0/5)

[FOR HIRE] Commissions Open (0/5) submitted by SuperTayna to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 andreanyx Mettere 600 euro da parte al mese basteranno per un semi-FIRE?

Ciao a tutti!
Il mio obiettivo è smettere di lavorare nel momento in cui finisco di pagare il mutuo, ovvero quando avrò 60 anni, nel 2055.
Quadro personale:
- Casa di proprietà alla fine del mutuo (valore ad oggi: 190k da nuova costruzione)
- Nessuna intenzione di avere eredi (il capitale lo posso - e devo - consumare prima di morire, non solo usare la rendita)
- Come somma dei primi due punti: casa vendibile in nuda proprietà
- Sud Italia
- Non-passione per le macchine - la devo avere perchè dove vivo serve, ma finchè ha 4 ruote e 4 posti è ok. Ho una Yaris da 10 anni, fatti 75k km, (uso molto la bici), quando arriva a fine vita probabilmente andrò sempre di Yaris, anche usata, a prescindere dal mio stipendio.
- Spesa mensile personale ad oggi sui 130 euro al mese
- Bollette ad oggi circa 120 euro al mese.
- 50 euro di benzina ogni mese o mese e mezzo
- Altre spese - tipo spese condominiali, bollo, assicurazioni, TARI - riesco a farle entrare in 200 euro al mese che metto da parte ma non sono contati nei 600 al mese perchè so che verranno spesi.
- Svaghi e hobby: non ho hobby particolarmente costosi, o meglio è roba costosa come entry ma una volta comprata puoi passare decenni senza fare acquisti, e sono più o meno a questo livello. Oltre a questi hobby mi piace andare al cinema e mangiare in pizzeria il sabato.
Escludendo il mutuo ma considerando tutte le altre spese, anche i soldi che metto da parte per viaggi e acquisti grossi, semplificando su 12 mensilità, spendo circa 1300 euro al mese per vivere senza privarmi di niente.
Quindi riesco a mettere almeno 600 euro da parte ogni mese, che investo tra SWDA e XEON. Il mio capitale attuale, oltre alla casa, consiste in circa 40mila euro, di cui 15 in bitcoin (non ci avevo messo così tanto, ma è salito e me li ritrovo, li considero "regalati"), 15 in XEON, 10 in SWDA.
Ho RAL 35k e fondo pensione Cometa. Punto ad aumentare il mio stipendio e questi 600 euro ogni anno di una quota almeno pari all'inflazione per l'anno corrente. Se prendo aumenti "reali" del potere di acquisto tanto meglio - ma ad oggi vi chiedo di basarvi su questa situazione.
Sui miei genitori ed eventuali eredità, considerate che 0 mi arrivano ma 0 spendo per le spese di mantenimento in vecchiaia - datelo per assodato, non vi sto a spiegare la situazione.
Che dite? Obiettivo realistico o irrealistico? Cosa posso cambiare?
submitted by andreanyx to ItaliaPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Trash_Can_Kid98 Help with trying to find a manga

I need help finding a UC manga that I read the first chapter of a while ago. It was about a weak or lacking federation squad waiting for their leader to land and meet back up with them in zeon territory(can’t remember if it was a colony or earth sorry) but said leader crash lands and is surrounded by Zakus and they go rescue him. I read this while just starting 0079 so I can’t really remember super in universe details. Sorry I hope someone knows what I’m talking about.
submitted by Trash_Can_Kid98 to Gundam [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Wafflemir Should I get this graded before I sell it or would it be worth just throwing it on Ebay?

Should I get this graded before I sell it or would it be worth just throwing it on Ebay? submitted by Wafflemir to Pokemoncardappraisal [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 bilalzou School Spirits Season 2 is a series worth haunting

School Spirits Season 2 is a series worth haunting submitted by bilalzou to SchoolSpirits [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Astrea1xs that’s it… endgame?

that’s it… endgame? do you think he arrives to sit with Schmeichel/Buffon/Cech
submitted by Astrea1xs to pesmobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 BradCable Still a cheap to buy your tickets to the SUPER $BOWL!! 📈🏈🏉 IMO lotta upside, limited downside in the next ten days.

Still a cheap to buy your tickets to the SUPER $BOWL!! 📈🏈🏉 IMO lotta upside, limited downside in the next ten days. Superbowlana - 87AcqGt2dXKJJVzU1m7LnNxY775djG9tQ63EeeBo9UdK
DYOR - This is not financial advice
submitted by BradCable to shitcoinmoonshots [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 UVbutterchicken Help me choose one

Help me choose one After a lot of research, I’ve narrowed it down to three options but can’t decide which one to go for. Would love to hear your thoughts!
1. Seiko SRPE51-K1 (“Dress KX”) – A versatile, everyday beater with a sunburst dial, no bezel, and a strap-friendly design (₹21,500). 2. Seiko SRPK91K1 (Modern SNXS Reissue) – Vintage-inspired with a champagne/beige dial, domed crystal, and a compact, elegant look (₹26,250). 3. Citizen Tsuyosa NJ0151-88L – A Rolex-inspired piece with a textured dial, sapphire crystal, and a solid presidential bracelet (₹31,250). 
I don’t want to end up regretting later that I should have spent ₹5k-7k more for a better watch, so I’d love to hear your opinions before I make the final call.
submitted by UVbutterchicken to watchesindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 14:33 Ok-Ebb6682 D and G cramps

I was just thinking, remember when these 2 used to be doubled over in pain due to their menstrual cramps? Funny how that all of a sudden disappeared. Now they come up with other injuries. The cramps must not have made them a lot of money🤣
submitted by Ok-Ebb6682 to DRAMATWINS31 [link] [comments]
