Que "tistreza"

2025.01.30 21:49 VicenteBrazil Que "tistreza"

submitted by VicenteBrazil to concursospublicos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 niswank نتيجة الشهادة الابتدائية والإعدادية 2025 | كيفية الحصول عليها عبر بوابة الأزهر ونتيجة نت | منتديات نسوانجي

نتيجة الشهادة الابتدائية والإعدادية 2025 | كيفية الحصول عليها عبر بوابة الأزهر ونتيجة نت | منتديات نسوانجي submitted by niswank to Arab_trend [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 EverNotREDDIT Captured this fog/mist vortex 20 minutes ago here in Wildwood, MO!

Captured this fog/mist vortex 20 minutes ago here in Wildwood, MO! submitted by EverNotREDDIT to tornado [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 jakejanoski FREE - 4 tickets Hawks Canes

I’m not able to go today the game so if anyone wants them they’re yours just PM me. Hope someone gets to enjoy them.
submitted by jakejanoski to hawks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 brotherboofer furry✋irl

furry✋irl this is why i’m a furry
submitted by brotherboofer to furry_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Aromatic-Orange-6416 160k miles for 3500 Is this a good deal or should I just forget about it ???

G35 2004 , I’m carless rn and found this Clean title tags up to date and has 160k I need someone advice . According to my research these care could last up to 200k or more if mantaince well Any advice ????? Should I get it keep looking ?
submitted by Aromatic-Orange-6416 to G35 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Alternative-Canary43 My husband doesn’t want me to decorate

My husband and I are going on our fourth year of living together. We have moved around a few times which is why I have never wanted to put too much effort into decorating or making our house feel like a home.
We have now settled into a space that we will be in for at least a few years, and I really want to start making the space my own.
My husband has a lot of opinions and normally that doesn’t bother me. But for some reason he always has opinions about my decor and makes snide comments about how everything is “fashionable over functional” which is just not true at all. But yes, I do also like to have the occasional throw pillow on the bed or decor that just looks pretty.
Decorating is one of my soothers and hobbies and having a home that looks pretty makes me more motivated to keep it clean. I spend my freetime making wishlists for each room and inspo boards for how I want it to look
For background, I have a certification for interior design and am very knowledgeable on it and fengshui. This makes it extra frustrating when my husband acts like I have no idea what I am talking about when I pick certain furniture because it will warm up the space or because it will create more storage or even just make the space look nicer.
We both make good money, and I have no intention of buying everything at once, but we are absolutely not in a place where we can’t afford it. I am truly feeling depressed and not liking the space I come home too. I have no desire to clean or be productive around the house because I hate looking at it (I am autistic for context)
My husband is normally not controlling and usually very supportive but I feel like he weaponizes it being “his home too” even though he has no interest in decorating it himself.
None of our furniture matches, we have second hand broken furniture, no storage space, and lots of clutter. I just feel super frustrated
submitted by Alternative-Canary43 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Badboyforlife411 My old beat up blue tele needed a facelift so…..

submitted by Badboyforlife411 to NewYorkMets [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Oshawott51 So we're just removing rules 6 and 7 and renaming to r/TennesseePolitics right?

Since that's all we've posted here for the last week with a good chunk are people who post all across the country.
submitted by Oshawott51 to Tennessee [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Pbellouny Help

submitted by Pbellouny to accesscontrol [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Insurafoodie Longitudinal fissure

Longitudinal fissure submitted by Insurafoodie to CreepyArt [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 lumen_loop Solving State Bloat with State Archival: Risks and Mitigations | Garand Tyson (Stellar)

Solving State Bloat with State Archival: Risks and Mitigations | Garand Tyson (Stellar) submitted by lumen_loop to Stellar [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Don_Frahn [WTS] BCM Sopmod Mod 0 and Grip Mod 3, black

Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/k39VIDa
These have only ever been mounted and removed. Basically brand new.
$60 🚢 for the pair
Comment before sending PM’s. PayPal or Venmo, F&F only.
submitted by Don_Frahn to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 potatoflames Anyone running shocks with no springs or limit straps?

submitted by potatoflames to RedCat_Ascent18 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 tsliformice schalke galatasaray küfürlü spiker floodu

hemen işte sayın seyirciler maç başladı schalke Galatasaray maçı işte özetleri görüyorsunuz muslera amına koyduğumun evladı muslera jones un ortası muslera yumruk attı gerizekalı neredeyse oradan kafayı vursa neyse ki dany kontrol etti amına soktuğumun oğlu onu benim kardeşim de tutardı her neyse o kim zenci futbolcu sağ kanada verdi sağ kanattan mükemmel bi atak gerçekleştirmeye çalışıyor riera ve muslera gerizekalı amına kodumun malı amına kaydığımın evladı drogba 30 santimlik kobrayı verdi Selçuk orda burak burak hayır Ronaldo at kendini yere burak vurdu gol gol gol gol gol gol gol golvüvivivi burak mükemmel bir gol işte kalite bu kalite çin malı çakma Ronaldo işte bu burak mükemmel bir gol çakma Ronaldo golunü attı farfan fırıldak farfan farfanın ortası musleraaağh yine bi bok yapamadı amına kodumun kalecisi ne boka yarıyosa huntelaar orda görüyorsunuz bomboş muslera yanlış yerde duruyor orda dokunsa adam yarağı yedi amına soktuğumun çocuğu hep yanlış eğğğhh bakıyoruz drogba 30 santimlik kobra baktı defans oyuncusu alamadı ağzına snejder drogba 30 60 eliyle değmeye çalıştı kaleci mükemmel bir müdahale vur hamit amına soktuğum direkten döndü amına koduğumun hamiti amına kanını siktiğimin oğlu onu da atamayacaksan siktir git piç amına koyim senin fatih terim işte imparator senin anayı götünü bacını sikerim dedi işte sağ kanattan yine yükleniyorlar farfana doğru farfan muslera kale bomboş muslera amını kanını sikiyim senin bi kere de tut lan şu topu amına koduğumun çocuğu bak yine bak bak ebesine kaydığımın oğlu siktiğimin oğlu ya riera ordan snejdere snejder karısına selam söylemek istiyor snejder vurdu dışarı gitti snejderin karısı orgazm oldu hamit hamitos drogba 30 santim önünde burak evet burak çakma Ronaldo burak vur amına koyim senin buy amına hasiktir Ronaldo bunu atardı ama çakması atamıyor burak yılmaz burak mükemmel bir mücadele hamit hamit göt göte mücadele var hamit iki zenci oyuncu mallar birbirine girdi napıyor bunlar amını götünü sikiyim sizin işte snejder ebue 30 amına koduğumun melosu piçin çocuğu orada almadı amına koduğumun oğlu gidiyor farfan farfan kale bomboş işte amını siktiğimin muslerası amına koduğumun çocuğu amına kanına kayıyım senin şerefsizin oğlu püh ebeni sikiyim senin görüyosunuz bak bak bak bak orda topu atıyor kaleye bak bak amını siktiğimin oğlu bir de ters köşe atlıyor piç amına sok bir de amına mal ya bu kaleci ebesine kaydığımın oğlu riera ordan amrabat riera sol kanattan mükemmel bi orta gelebilir riera açtı kaleci tam bir orospu çocuğu farfan farfan farfan iki kişiyle birbirine girdi yine sağ kanattan mükemmel bir an önünde dany var 30 santim var olmadı vurdu dışarı hayır kime çarptı dany dany uzaklaştır amını sikiyim işte bakın kaleyi bulsa yine gol olacaktı musleranın tuttuğu kale bomboştur zaten orada müdahale var drogba drogba hadi drogba 60 cm olmadı burak vur hasiktir hasiktir bunu da atamıycaksan siktir git çakma Ronaldo zaten ofsaytmış bi de bu burak yılmazın o kafayı elini hareketini amına koyim yine yaptı hareketini işte mükemmel bir karar sol kanatta melo dokunamadı vurdu dağlara taşlara huntelaar gözü patlamıştı amına koduğumun oğlu hiçbir yeri göremiyor drogba hadi çakma Ronaldo çakma Ronaldovv vaoov vat da fakin hel bradır drogba indirdi burak vurdu Selçuk inan orda otea amını kim o sabri sabri sabri sabri sabri tribünlere vurmak istedi kaleye gitti sabri Sarıoğlu ne yaptın sen ve hakem maçı bitiriyor bir birlik sayın seyirciler Galatasaray için kötü bir sonuç değil çünkü Galatasaray yine kendi evinde oynayacak sonuçta almanyada da o kadar gurbetçi var bu işi bize bırakın galas schalkenin anasını bacısını kanını ebesini yengesini sikeceğiz hadi bay bay.
submitted by tsliformice to kopyamakarna [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 keenerperkins Quitting is hard when your boss is your mentor...

I recently was offered a job. I think I will accept it and leave a company I have been at for over a decade. I almost left 15 months ago for a smiliar job, but stayed when my boss expressed I was intended to take over their role and manage my department. I was hesitant, but talked into staying with a pay bump and the idea that "if I didn't like it, I could take the higher title and leave." My boss still hasn't retired, but is planning to later in the year. I have had the opportunity to perform as a manager and, while the challenge is nice at times, I overall find it unforgiving, stressful, and frustrating. I also do not fully trust my boss's boss and find the idea of working directly beneath them troubling, as I don't think I will recieve decent guidance or support. When a state position came across my e-mail, I applied and was offered the job within two months (albeit, at a lower salary grade...but with better long term benefits and a walkable commute).
Needless to say, I have my reasons for wanting to leave. That said, I really have loved much of my time with the company, it is just the last year where things have appeared to be changing. If I'm being honest, when I stayed the first time...I didn't stay envisioning myself growing old there. I stayed assuming I would take the title and eventually search for new opportunities. All that said, I am finding it really hard to let my boss down and feel like I'm leaving them in a lurch. My boss was aware I had this application out there (as they were asked to verify my employment and kindly did so), so I called them to let them know I had an offer and was considering it and would let them know once a decision is made. It was sad, to say the least.
After ten years, I am sort of scared of change...but regardless of which path I go...change is happening. I think I want to explore new opportunities and that state-level experience can benefit me. Regardless, it will be really hard to break it to my boss if that's the case. Last time I definitely stayed a bit for them and not me...
submitted by keenerperkins to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Fearless_Switch_3925 Who is McNamara and what biotech do they make? Is the biotech human?

submitted by Fearless_Switch_3925 to investingforbeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Resident_Meet_7801 I feel like my kid is going to starve himself.

My 6M son was diagnosed with autism earlier this year. We’ve ALWAYS struggled with eating. He has a VERY narrow list of safe foods and they’re pretty basic. The only protein I can even get him to eat is chicken, solely in nugget form. I have tried supplementing with pediasure and stuff like that, but he refuses to drink it. He got sick recently and I think it literally traumatized him or something because now he won’t even eat his chicken nuggets or any of his other safe foods for that matter. We go to a feeding therapy every week to try to overcome some of his sensory issues, and it has helped a little, but he has literally lost two pounds since being sick this past weekend. I’m worried to death. Yesterday all I could get him to eat was a couple apple slices and a slice or two from a block of cheese. Today all he’s had is a single chicken nugget and some chips. I’m scared of how this is effecting his body, I’m scared of other adults thinking I’m malnourishing him, I just don’t know what to do. Advice is welcome
submitted by Resident_Meet_7801 to autism [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Snynapta_II Georgia X Georgia

submitted by Snynapta_II to GeorgiaOrGeorgia [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 personalcheesepizza Are criminal profilers used much in local law enforcement agencies?

I’m wanting to go back to school and get a degree. I know it’s a difficult field to get into, but I’m currently a deputy and have gotten some interesting cases while on patrol and working as a school deputy. We’ve had a couple incidents where we’ve sent information on individuals to our intelligence unit and I’ve thought that was extremely interesting.
My agency doesn’t have profilers or anything like that, we do have an intelligence unit and crime analysts. My question is- would I even be wasting my time going back to school for a degree that would be related to criminal profiling? It’s a competitive job, I know and my semi-large agency doesn’t even have any… I’m worried I’d be wasting my time.
submitted by personalcheesepizza to police [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 LeadOk1137 I accidentally made jet fuel, looking for a good take 2 recipe

So, my first batch of mead brewed successfully. however in my newbie hubris, i didnt add any flavourings/ingredients to it, and also forgot to get the before reading to calculate ABV%.
I will not be making the same mistake again. Does anyone have any recipies that you think are beginner friendly? Preferably with step by step instructions. I was thinking maybe an apple cinnamon one, but ive heard mixed things about using cinnamon as a beginner.
As always, any and all suggestions are greatly appreciated!
submitted by LeadOk1137 to mead [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 WinnerAccomplished69 AI takeover audiobook

Good day fellow Redditors. I was listening to a audiobook like a year ago, for some reason I quit it and want to finish it up, but can't remember it's title. Character names might not be 100% correct, as ENG is not my native language.
So, the plot is centered around 2 main characters + the beginning of AI takeover.
1st character is undercover DEA agent, who was working on a case, but got exposed because of his daughter's phone call and he had to kill several drug dealers. His name was Piero (nickname Pyro). He later found out that his daughter was beaten up by her classmates, who he later confronts and kidnaps. I believe all this was happening in Chicago. During this time, the city was attacked by rogue drones killing civilians and Pierro together with last DEA agents wanted to kill main drug lord.
2nd character was a lady called Illiana, she came from Mexico and wanted to find her kidnapped sister. She was trained by her father to handle herself. Illiana met an assassin, who (I believe) betrayed the drug cartel and wanted to get back with his family. As story progresses, we find out that the assassin and Pierro are brothers. Illiana finds and rescues her sister.
During this time, some kind of AI starts to acknowledge itself and wants to implant itself into a human. Killing several high standing people for coverage and regular civilians to transform herself.
That's as far as I've gotten. Some elements might not be 100% correct, because I listened to this audiobook while walking my dog late in the evenings. I would greatly appreciate your help, so I can continue with the story while walking my dog :)
submitted by WinnerAccomplished69 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 Legitimate_Bet_1920 Pretty expensive 😮‍💨

Pretty expensive 😮‍💨 submitted by Legitimate_Bet_1920 to SipsTea [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 SpideyARB Can we vote to name the Play-Doh ripoff from the new chapter "Playtime-Doh"

I know that it has a name in the game but my idea is funnier (unless it's called that in game then great minds think alike Mob games)
submitted by SpideyARB to PoppyPlaytime [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:49 KonekodenST Y’ALL MY DEATH P.A.C.T. STICKERS ARE HERE!!!!!

Link to the seller: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1615268094/?ref=share_ios_native_control
submitted by KonekodenST to ObjectShows [link] [comments]
