2025.01.30 17:43 globset Ensoniq VFX SD live experiments
More experiments, trying to push what I can do without the sequencer.
submitted by globset to Ensoniq [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 lss_web_1444 Link post title 384
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 Friendly_Turnover381 Books About Enclosure
In multiple books I've read recently (Less is More by Hickel and Talking to My Daughter About the Economy by Varoufakis), I've seen references to the Enclosures in Britain being a vital step in the formation of Capitalism. . Does anyone know of any good books that focus on the Enclosures and their consequences?
submitted by Friendly_Turnover381 to cushvlog [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 GlitteringBowler Santa Monica HS pool
Don’t live there or swim there, but visiting and found it beautiful. I’m loving this post thread. I’m at a bunch of pools in the Texas area, and when I travel I also geek out on nice pools. I think the LA area cannot be beat worldwide. submitted by GlitteringBowler to Swimming [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 17:43 ripped-soul What is the possibility of finding a girl to via Instagram in Sri Lanka?
And how? Please do add tips if you got any.
submitted by ripped-soul to srilanka [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 Imaginary_End5723 Notino
Hellooo lanyok🫶🏼
Valakinek nincs esetleg notino kuponkodja?
submitted by Imaginary_End5723 to szepsegtippek [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 Jkillerzz Blurry picture of a cat
submitted by Jkillerzz to blurrypicturesofcats [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 17:43 ConditionSimilar3150 Documents
Hey, Are the transcript & final mark sheet the same? I uploaded the documents while applying but now I will have to ask my college to mail the documents! Should I share the same docs? submitted by ConditionSimilar3150 to LSE [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 17:43 itznah PEPE is up to us
It’s very simple to make meme coins sky to the moon, it’s up to us, if all of us buys plenty of PEPE and actually give it the hype it deserves, it will be no problem for us to become millionaires, there is 40,000 people in here, everyone needs to come as a community and put everything in this coin!!!
submitted by itznah to Pepecryptocurrency [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 Leather-Fish-7407 Buying 3 BHK in KLJ Platinum Heights
"Is it a good idea to invest in a 3 BHK in Sector 77, Faridabad? What’s the rental income potential like in that area?"
submitted by Leather-Fish-7407 to Faridabad [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 Puzzleheaded-Can-769 How to not worry about RTO?
I’d love to hear from some others who companies aren’t forcing RTO. I work fully remote and all the RTO post make me worry.
I know I shouldn’t worry about it. But it’s hard not to when my whole feed is full of it these past few weeks.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Can-769 to WFH [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 Similar-Feedback-913 What font is this?
submitted by Similar-Feedback-913 to identifythisfont [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 17:43 PragmaticBodhisattva Allco Park to Golden Ears…?
Hey— so we all know how reliable AllTrails is lol. Anybody have any idea if you can actually get to Golden Ears from Allco Park? Since you can’t drive in to Golden Ears anymore, my favourite hikes have become pretty much impossible within the timeframes I have free… the hike to Mike Lake as a junction takes way too long. I was checking out various maps and noticed this on AllTrails. Is this a viable way to get into Golden Ears? It would make some of the other trips much more accessible within a 9-5 timeframe. submitted by PragmaticBodhisattva to vancouverhiking [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 17:43 kamael125 Please help
This is my first grow, I‘m using plagron‘s cocos premium with cocos a&o as well as their powerroots fertilizer. The EC is about 1.52 of the solution. I started feeding them about 4 days ago, which is about a week or so after I put them in soil. I‘m wondering if the lamp burned it (hangs about 45ish cm above plants) or if I started feeding to early/late (potassium/magnesium deficiency). I Need some advice from more experienced people! Grateful for every proposed diagnosis! submitted by kamael125 to weedgrower [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 17:43 ImmenatizingEschaton Just started a job with $270k annual salary. How to manage?
2025.01.30 17:43 MixaLv A crane fly bobbing under an overhang
https://reddit.com/link/1idsnms/video/0x7ogm6r36ge1/player This was the summer of 2017 in Finland. I tried to google "crane fly bobbing up and down", and I found a blog post mentioning this behavior without an explanation, and a post from 3 years ago from this sub + a comment that gave a possible explanation. Do we still agree that this is indeed a female's way to release pheromones or are there other sources? https://loirenature.blogspot.com/2011/12/craneflies-tipulidae.html https://www.reddit.com/Entomology/comments/tplbkw/comment/i2bkwy5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button submitted by MixaLv to Entomology [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 17:43 Proper_Performance38 Help identifying
Found in Yuma az and was wondering if one may be fire agate and the other I have not even a clue...any thoughts? submitted by Proper_Performance38 to Minerals [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 17:43 ZurgenWoW Book Recommendations?
Hey all, I am looking for some book recommendations.
So far I have read He WhoFights with Monsters, part of Defiance of the Fall, Savage Awakening, and Path of the Berserker.
Out of all of these PotB was my favorite, and after thinking about why, I think I found the reason. It integrates some of the rpg elements into the story itself in a way. I did not enjoy the “interface”, “inventory”, and “leveling up” style that the other books had. Does that make PotB more of a normal fantasy book than a litrpg?
Anywho, looking for some book recommendations in the way PotB is written if you have any? ( Very much looking forward to books 4 and 5 when they get to Audible )
submitted by ZurgenWoW to litrpg [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 Artistic_Writing8739 She a easy eater
submitted by Artistic_Writing8739 to Miraq [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 17:43 Hopeful_Winner4731 3 way modern models + v2 MyheritageDNA
submitted by Hopeful_Winner4731 to illustrativeDNA [link] [comments] |
2025.01.30 17:43 Ok-Stone4152 Sikeresen államvizsgáztam, úgy érzem megalázott a tanár, ezért MA-ra sem akarok már jelentkezni.
Sziasztok, nagyon el vagyok keseredve, hasonló helyzeten átmentek véleményére vágyom.
Tegnap volt az államvizsgám alapszakon. Rengeteget készültem rá, az ajánlott irodalmakat is mind elolvastam és magamtól plusz könyveket is olvastam.
A szakdolgozatom ötös lett, az írásbelim négyes. A szóbeli külön volt, két tételt kellett húzni. Mindkettőt nagyon jól tudtam az egyiknek a szakirodalmát is begyakoroltam. 2 oldalas vázlatot írtam mindkettőhöz.
Elmondtam a tételt, szerintem jól is sikerült, a 2 tanár aki bent volt megdicsért és mondták, hogy jó lesz és kezdjem el a 2. tételt, de erre a 3. tanár közbeszólt és aztán kb. 25 percen át kérdezgetett, az elején tudtam minden választ, de a végére már nagyon nehezeket kérdezett, olyat is, ami az ő előadásai anyaga és nem a szakirányomhoz tartozik. Itt a kérdések végén hiányos válaszaim voltak
Megkönnyebbüléssel kezdtem bele a 2. tételbe, hogy felhúzhatom a jegyem az első tétel után, és megmutathatom mennyit készültem. Ezt alvásból kelve is elmondanám, mert a kedvenc témám is egyben.
Ebből 2 mondatot mondtam, ezután 3 kérdést tett fel, ezeket is tudtam, és aztán azt mondta, hogy elég és ne mondjam el. El szerettem volna mondani, de flegmázott, hogy nem kell.
Ezenkívül megalázott közben, úgy beszélt velem, mintha hülye lennék és személyeskedett és gúnyolódott a vezetéknevemen.
Hármast kaptam végül. Nem a hármas zavar maga, a kettesnek is örültem volna tanulás ide vagy oda, az bánt, hogy rengeteget tanultam, és nagyon büszke voltam magamra, hogy így felkészültem. Nem zavar az sem, hogy olyat kérdezett ami nem is az én szakirányom, mert végülis hármasra kilogikáztam, de nem érzem fair-nek, hogy nem engedte meg, hogy mindkét tételt elmondjam. A másodikat nagyon szerettem volna elmondani, arra csak külön 1 hetet tanultam, mert nagyon érdekel is a téma.
Nem tudok egyszerűen örülni a diplomámnak és már nem akarok MA-ra se menni emiatt, meg diplomaosztóra se. Nagyon megalázóan bánt velem és nagyon csalódott vagyok.
Volt már valaki ilyen helyzetben? Hogyan lépjek túl ezen? Ez gyakori dolog? Nincsen senkim, csak Anyukám, de ő nem járt egyetemre és büszke rám, de én borzasztóan érzem magam. A szaktársaimnak sem merem elmondani.
submitted by Ok-Stone4152 to tanulommagam [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 fanofreddithello RAK already switching of at 70% battery level?
A friend of mine told me that the RAK already switches off (well, or brownouts) at a charging state of 70%. Meaning the battery can only be used between 100% and 70%.
This sounds strange to me. Can anyone confirm?
He also says that the voltage level is 3,7v at 70%. This also sounds kinda strange to me.
Any experiences?
Thank you!
submitted by fanofreddithello to meshtastic [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 Gaymer0913 What are some good ideas for a first valentines together?
submitted by Gaymer0913 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.30 17:43 Tietam UK Citizen Buying Football Tickets for Matches in Romania
Hello :)
I'm a UK citizen hoping to travel to Romania in February for a month of travel around your amazing country. I'm also a big football fan and was hoping to attend some matches when I'm over. I'd like to see FCSB play Dinamo and Rapid play FCSB.
A few questions:
2025.01.30 17:43 CrisGMF I’m selling GTA Online money PS4 edition
Cayo perico with pink diamond I can give you 1.7 million for 1.5 dollars, I’ll give it to you in less than 15 minutes, and we can repeat it as much times as you want as long as you pay I accept PayPal, I don’t have cashapp btw, dm me for details
submitted by CrisGMF to GTAMoney [link] [comments]