Book Recommendations?

2025.01.30 17:43 ZurgenWoW Book Recommendations?

Hey all, I am looking for some book recommendations.
So far I have read He WhoFights with Monsters, part of Defiance of the Fall, Savage Awakening, and Path of the Berserker.
Out of all of these PotB was my favorite, and after thinking about why, I think I found the reason. It integrates some of the rpg elements into the story itself in a way. I did not enjoy the “interface”, “inventory”, and “leveling up” style that the other books had. Does that make PotB more of a normal fantasy book than a litrpg?
Anywho, looking for some book recommendations in the way PotB is written if you have any? ( Very much looking forward to books 4 and 5 when they get to Audible )
submitted by ZurgenWoW to litrpg [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Artistic_Writing8739 She a easy eater

She a easy eater submitted by Artistic_Writing8739 to Miraq [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Hopeful_Winner4731 3 way modern models + v2 MyheritageDNA

3 way modern models + v2 MyheritageDNA submitted by Hopeful_Winner4731 to illustrativeDNA [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Ok-Stone4152 Sikeresen államvizsgáztam, úgy érzem megalázott a tanár, ezért MA-ra sem akarok már jelentkezni.

Sziasztok, nagyon el vagyok keseredve, hasonló helyzeten átmentek véleményére vágyom.
Tegnap volt az államvizsgám alapszakon. Rengeteget készültem rá, az ajánlott irodalmakat is mind elolvastam és magamtól plusz könyveket is olvastam.
A szakdolgozatom ötös lett, az írásbelim négyes. A szóbeli külön volt, két tételt kellett húzni. Mindkettőt nagyon jól tudtam az egyiknek a szakirodalmát is begyakoroltam. 2 oldalas vázlatot írtam mindkettőhöz.
Elmondtam a tételt, szerintem jól is sikerült, a 2 tanár aki bent volt megdicsért és mondták, hogy jó lesz és kezdjem el a 2. tételt, de erre a 3. tanár közbeszólt és aztán kb. 25 percen át kérdezgetett, az elején tudtam minden választ, de a végére már nagyon nehezeket kérdezett, olyat is, ami az ő előadásai anyaga és nem a szakirányomhoz tartozik. Itt a kérdések végén hiányos válaszaim voltak
Megkönnyebbüléssel kezdtem bele a 2. tételbe, hogy felhúzhatom a jegyem az első tétel után, és megmutathatom mennyit készültem. Ezt alvásból kelve is elmondanám, mert a kedvenc témám is egyben.
Ebből 2 mondatot mondtam, ezután 3 kérdést tett fel, ezeket is tudtam, és aztán azt mondta, hogy elég és ne mondjam el. El szerettem volna mondani, de flegmázott, hogy nem kell.
Ezenkívül megalázott közben, úgy beszélt velem, mintha hülye lennék és személyeskedett és gúnyolódott a vezetéknevemen.
Hármast kaptam végül. Nem a hármas zavar maga, a kettesnek is örültem volna tanulás ide vagy oda, az bánt, hogy rengeteget tanultam, és nagyon büszke voltam magamra, hogy így felkészültem. Nem zavar az sem, hogy olyat kérdezett ami nem is az én szakirányom, mert végülis hármasra kilogikáztam, de nem érzem fair-nek, hogy nem engedte meg, hogy mindkét tételt elmondjam. A másodikat nagyon szerettem volna elmondani, arra csak külön 1 hetet tanultam, mert nagyon érdekel is a téma.
Nem tudok egyszerűen örülni a diplomámnak és már nem akarok MA-ra se menni emiatt, meg diplomaosztóra se. Nagyon megalázóan bánt velem és nagyon csalódott vagyok.
Volt már valaki ilyen helyzetben? Hogyan lépjek túl ezen? Ez gyakori dolog? Nincsen senkim, csak Anyukám, de ő nem járt egyetemre és büszke rám, de én borzasztóan érzem magam. A szaktársaimnak sem merem elmondani.
submitted by Ok-Stone4152 to tanulommagam [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 fanofreddithello RAK already switching of at 70% battery level?

A friend of mine told me that the RAK already switches off (well, or brownouts) at a charging state of 70%. Meaning the battery can only be used between 100% and 70%.
This sounds strange to me. Can anyone confirm?
He also says that the voltage level is 3,7v at 70%. This also sounds kinda strange to me.
Any experiences?
Thank you!
submitted by fanofreddithello to meshtastic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Gaymer0913 What are some good ideas for a first valentines together?

submitted by Gaymer0913 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Tietam UK Citizen Buying Football Tickets for Matches in Romania

Hello :)
I'm a UK citizen hoping to travel to Romania in February for a month of travel around your amazing country. I'm also a big football fan and was hoping to attend some matches when I'm over. I'd like to see FCSB play Dinamo and Rapid play FCSB.
A few questions:

  1. Would it be easy enough to get tickets for these, even though they are derbies?
  2. Do I need to register anywhere in order to buy tickets as a foreigner? I had to do this in Egypt, Italy and Turkey - all tickets are sold through a single website for which you need a specific ID. I'm not sure if there is a similar process in Romania.
Thanks for any help and advice!
submitted by Tietam to AskRomania [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 CrisGMF I’m selling GTA Online money PS4 edition

Cayo perico with pink diamond I can give you 1.7 million for 1.5 dollars, I’ll give it to you in less than 15 minutes, and we can repeat it as much times as you want as long as you pay I accept PayPal, I don’t have cashapp btw, dm me for details
submitted by CrisGMF to GTAMoney [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 the_unchangedloop How many of you have watched Meet the Parents and never noticed this?

Watched meet the parents today for the 1 millionth time and noticed for the first time that when Greg and jack enter the oyster bay drug store to get Greg his missing necessities the song playing in the background in the store is day by day by godspell.. which the lyrics to the song is the prayer he says at the dinner table a few scenes after!! I always thought he made that prayer up. This is one of my favorite movies that I re watch on the regular and I never noticed this or even knew this was a song nonetheless a real song from an actual band from the 70s! He hears the song at the drugstore and that’s why he says that at the dinner table.
submitted by the_unchangedloop to movies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Affectionate-Map6335 Hpa fitting

On my tank I have USA fitting but I need the EU one is there any conectors or something? (I live in europe btw)
submitted by Affectionate-Map6335 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Cultural_Fennelbulb First Oris: BCPD 80th Anniversary

First Oris: BCPD 80th Anniversary I love the color and bronze so far! Anyone else rocking this model?
submitted by Cultural_Fennelbulb to OrisWatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 breadiguess Skill solution?

Skill solution? submitted by breadiguess to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 TTKDagwon97 Mia and Freya Familia

If Mia is not heldback by her word, how bad of a beatdown would she have given the Freya Familia after she hears what they did to both her staff and the Hestia Familia? Maybe not the latter as much, but at least the former?
submitted by TTKDagwon97 to DanMachi [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 sixstrings72 Wisdom

“A person who is healthy has 1000 dreams, but a sick person only has one.” RFK Jr.
I have learned a lot about posting on line when my heart was bitter over the last 15 years. It’s a bad idea. You can’t take it off the internet, it’s there forever. I am bitter with some people, and one “Christian” was so embarrassed that he told me he would take pleasure in witnessing the loss of my eye.. twice. 😂
So, with this I just want to say to the ones on facebook all the time (like me) whatever the reason we are not at work, I am sorry. I wish everyone only the best today and for the days to come.
God blessed us all, we are here today. Let’s try and hold everything with an open hand and make friends.
submitted by sixstrings72 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 rusakovic 📩 Senior Customer Success Manager Salary: 💰$115,000 - $155,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States

📩 Senior Customer Success Manager Salary: 💰$115,000 - $155,000. 📍Remote job in 🇺🇸 United States submitted by rusakovic to likeremote [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Novaliviaaaa Does anyone know the name of this and where to find

Does anyone know the name of this and where to find submitted by Novaliviaaaa to Minerals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Blastoise_R_Us Not sure if I should make a La Bomba joke or a sticker price joke.

submitted by Blastoise_R_Us to KingOfTheHill [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 ApexEternal WE ARE... about to lose it.

Venom main here. I've watched a lot of grandmaster venom players and followed their advice to be a better venom for the team. Climb to a spot where i can see the enemy team while hidden, alert my team, confirm the play, dive and cause as much disruption and chaos to get the enemy's attention so my dps can finish them and push for the objective, if im low use symbiote resilience and swing out. Also make sure that Im tanking the damage for my squishies when they are getting ambushed so they can live. Rinse and repeat. Playing venom is enjoyable and fun for me but gets instantly ruined by horrendous teammates. Its not my fault I'm the only tank on the team and you all split up and play the most passive dps instead of helping me and the 2 other healers push (shoutout to those dedicated healers). Literally got blamed for "solo diving" when I only did it once but because you PINGED that your Psylocke ult was ready and jumped into the enemy team so I helped commit, dove, snared the entire team only to find out you dashed out immediately shooting from across the map thus getting me killed. I honestly don't know what mentality some of the dps players have blaming the tank and healers for not pushing while im trying to save our adam and mantis from getting mauled by a flarking panther and psylocke breaking our ankles while you dps push in 1 by 1. Do any of you guys understand how a venom or a tank works? "L tank 6 kills 2 deaths go back to qp" said the camping moon knight who was 14-10. I checked the scoreboard to find out that I did the most damage and tanked the most damage that match. Venom is not meant to be a dps or get massive kills, hes suppose to help the team push and make sure they dont get killed by focusing the enemy's attention on himself. I swear its like you guys are trying to purposefully piss me off or smth. Constantly blaming me after I just killed their supports and 1 of their dps but they still lose in a 3v5. Im trying to do my job as a tank but some of you wont do your part for the team and ignoring that our jeff WHO IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU gets his skeletal structure folded into origami by iron fist while our invisible woman is our 4th dps. I cant teleport between the front lines and my healers constantly and im not an invincible meat shield that will follow you individually. Venom has cake but that cake can only last for so long with a split team. I love venom and but you guys keep making me switch to a strategist in order to keep you alive through stupid decisions and win the game. Born to vanguard, forced to strategist.
submitted by ApexEternal to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 fillter-png [FOR HIRE] Commissions Open, feel free to DM.

[FOR HIRE] Commissions Open, feel free to DM. submitted by fillter-png to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 F-B--I Free $8

Get $8 sent to your PayPal after making any purchase. There are items less than $1 with free shipping.
submitted by F-B--I to promocode [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 sylvanqueer Are these roach/mouse droppings?

submitted by sylvanqueer to whatisthisbug [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 SpiciestSpices allah

allah submitted by SpiciestSpices to comedyheaven [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 SturdySnake Powering on by smart plug question…

I’ve just set up my pc to power on when it receives power, and have the power hooked up to a smart plug.
But is there a safe way of shutting down my pc in a way that will allow me to flick the switch and have it power on again?
Currently it only works when I cut power to the without shutting down windows.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by SturdySnake to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Midawn What do you guys think? They are a group going on adventures together

What do you guys think? They are a group going on adventures together submitted by Midawn to characterdesigns [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 17:43 Troubadour21C Ian Alexy-Troubadour 21st Century

submitted by Troubadour21C to Listige [link] [comments]