Pq é tão difícil conseguir sexo casual lesbico?

2025.01.30 21:40 Automatic-Role-2779 Pq é tão difícil conseguir sexo casual lesbico?

Eu só queria transar hoje, não sei pq é tão difícil arranjar sexo casual lesbico 😓
submitted by Automatic-Role-2779 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Cute-Consequence-184 Free ebooks today

submitted by Cute-Consequence-184 to preppersales [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 DungeonDilf Please suggest songs that feel like they could be a James Bond movie theme but they aren't

Songs that have that same larger-than-life, mystery/intrigue, dramatic feel of Bond theme.
submitted by DungeonDilf to musicsuggestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Final_Praline_2958 Why Did You Start Using Reddit?

submitted by Final_Praline_2958 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 AG_turtlegod I made this shitty thumbnail for my scratch game, it's just a bunch of things i like, or random sprites and images. What do you guys think

I made this shitty thumbnail for my scratch game, it's just a bunch of things i like, or random sprites and images. What do you guys think submitted by AG_turtlegod to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 OldSoulBoldSoul Head is hot after washing off henna

First time henna in more than a decade. Virgin hair. I left the henna on for 6.5 hrs. Used cream of tartar and water. Washed with only water. Lightly blow dried and straightened hair.
My head is hot. Feels like it's radiating heat. Is this normal? There is no itching. It been about 4 hrs since I washed it off.
submitted by OldSoulBoldSoul to henna [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 VladimiroPudding Grading seems random.

Hello all,
I am posting this because I did not find any similar thread in GradSchool.
I'm finishing a terminal masters this Spring, in a "prestigious institution" in the US, that uses a curved grade. No, I'm not pursuing a PhD, so, yes, I know grades don't matter in the end as long as I'm not failing. But I've been 1 year and half in my program and what has been bothering the most is that grades seem to be totally random. It doesn't seem to matter if I apply myself in studying the material and putting hours and effort into doing a good work. If anything, caring too much might even result in a grade drop. The reverse is also true: several classes I cared the less are the ones I have the best grades, whatever that means.
I thought it was my program, but then I did classes in other buildings and noticed people complaining about the same stuff. That they did almost a carbon copy of the answer key and they got a bad grade. Teaching teams and professors run away from students complaining, so there's no way to truly understand their grading system.
The intent with this post are two things: 1) am I going crazy, or is it something the majority also feels, but don't talk about? 2) how I am supposed to care about my assignments if the grading system means nothing? (I am learning almost nothing during my Masters, which is something almost every international student I met here echoes, regardless their country of origin, institution they are enrolled, and Masters they are pursuing. But that is another story).
So, does anybody else relate?
submitted by VladimiroPudding to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 _Elec I want him to give off a "sad wet cat" type of vibe

Originally sketched this out to practice lineart, but I didn't really like how it turned out 💔 so I'm hiding it on the second slide lol
submitted by _Elec to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 vampirebloodstew Shop again

Shop again Added: Bahia pacifier and WW skirt
submitted by vampirebloodstew to RoyaleHigh_Trading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 FlimsyEfficiency9860 Justice for Porygon

Justice for Porygon submitted by FlimsyEfficiency9860 to pokememes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 angelachan001 Hold real estate under a trust... how much would it cost?

I'm thinking of buying a few properties in London for investment purposes (for collecting rent) , and I want to do it through a trust. Does anyone know how much it would cost me?
submitted by angelachan001 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Jesus___Crust Heres a look at my Beta 1.7.3 world so far, I'll post update images. I decided to build over a skeleton spawner, I've been on this world off and on for about 2 weeks now.

Heres a look at my Beta 1.7.3 world so far, I'll post update images. I decided to build over a skeleton spawner, I've been on this world off and on for about 2 weeks now. submitted by Jesus___Crust to GoldenAgeMinecraft [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 financegirl29 Are you guys good at cutting/being in calorie deficit?

Im a women! And its not that I can’t loose fat, I can. But in a structured cutting kind of way, where I am in 500 calorie deficit a day, I can’t. When I’m too hungry or restricted it affect my mood, my energy level and I get hangry. A lot of guys on this page make it seem easy. So is this a women thing?
submitted by financegirl29 to WorkoutRoutines [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Acrobatic-Telephone7 Ordering first 2011

So I’m ordering my first 2011, I’ve landed on getting a Staccato XC (Go big or go home) it’s well within my price range and I’ll eventually be using this as a duty weapon for law enforcement.
Is there a big difference in selecting an aluminum or polymer trigger?
submitted by Acrobatic-Telephone7 to 2011 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 One-Gate-6034 "I've heard you wanted the new zamasu"

Getting the broly animation just for it to be him for a second time
submitted by One-Gate-6034 to DragonballLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 BarracudaBrilliant79 How to stop feeling insecure about this

So, a few months ago I was going through some stuff. I had allowed myself to finally acknowledge some stuff regarding same sec attraction that I think I had been repressing for a while. For a bit, I would be really stressed about whether I fit the exact definition of bisexual or this or that. Basically I had a lot of insecurity about the fact that I am not really sexually attracted to other guys nor have I ever felt the desire to date one, but still find them attractive in many of the same ways I would find a woman attractive as well. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that no label mattered, and that whatever I feel, I feel and that’s all that matters.
But sometimes, I still get these moments of confusion and insecurity and I’m not sure where they come from. To be honest, I’m not even sure where the insecurity is coming from.
Have any of you gone through this or have any idea where it may be coming from?
submitted by BarracudaBrilliant79 to TeenagersButBetter [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Effective_Move_4685 Мислам дека е проблемот во "Traffic control tower"...Безбедносното возило со ротациони светла, само што ќе се повлече, трките продолжуваат...И не се виновни сите возачи, туку поединци...

Многу жално за девојчето. Всушност is free country, не можете сите да ги контролирате...Полицијата и органите знам се мразат, туку вакви нешта сегде и секогаш, повремено се случуваат...Никој не може да му влезе во умот и да го запре лудиот поединец кој делува во афект..( Малку на шега насловот)
submitted by Effective_Move_4685 to mkd [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 verissimoallan John Leguizamo did not like Jacques Audiard's statements.

John Leguizamo did not like Jacques Audiard's statements. submitted by verissimoallan to oscarrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 Cooltrooper MK4 Service Schedule

Is the service schedule available anywhere?
I don't mean the regular 10k/1yr I mean at the third service replace this and this and on the 5th do this etc etc
Thanks in advance 🙂
submitted by Cooltrooper to FocusST [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 ALOIsFasterThanYou Muni to cut service on a number of bus lines this summer, as it confronts $50 million shortfall

Muni to cut service on a number of bus lines this summer, as it confronts $50 million shortfall submitted by ALOIsFasterThanYou to sanfrancisco [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 eperry79 Is there a platform dedicated to civic activism?

Hey y'all! Curious if there are any applications dedicated to civic engagement? Connecting like minds to various causes/organizations? Streamlining communications with elected officials?
I know a great number of folks who are dissatisfied with the current political climate where we are, but it is a challenge getting them engaged and/or taking action.
submitted by eperry79 to AskTechnology [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 maroonjohn How should I approach repairs?

How should I approach repairs? Hi all,
Earlier today I was turning around on a side street and miscalculated my turning circle. The passenger -side front tire went up onto the curb beside a parking lot entrance, while the driver-side front tire didn't since it cleared the curb and simply went into the the parking lot entrance. It didn't seem like a big deal, just a bump on the way onto the curb, and because the driveway entrance was right there I was able to complete the turn without it slamming back down.
However, upon getting out and inspecting the car, I was met with the damage shown in the pictures, and as such have a few questions I'd appreciate some help with.
  1. Would you feel comfortable driving this car with this damage in the time before Im able to get it repaired?
  2. Any idea how much time it might take to repair this damage, and how much it might cost?
  3. Does this look like it would be worth dealing with through insurance, or would it be better to pay out of pocket and avoid an increase in my insurance premium?
  4. This is moreso out of curiosity: does this damage look like it was caused by a simple drive onto a curb? I'm happy to take the responsibility for the damage, but the symmetry of the dents seems strange for an event that had such asymmetrical impact. It also looks like the damage is worse on the driver's side, which didn't hit the curb. I'll admit I don't often look at the front of the car since I usually pull into parking spaces, leaving the front obscured by the cars beside it, so is it possible this happened due to some other event, but that hitting the curb prompted me to inspect and notice already existing damage?
Thanks in advance for your time and help!
submitted by maroonjohn to jetta [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 BadgersAndJam77 Gog really DID want that kebab...

Gog really DID want that kebab... submitted by BadgersAndJam77 to MitchellAndWebb [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 RandoDude124 Happy Birthday to the great Gene Hackman who Turned 95 today

Happy Birthday to the great Gene Hackman who Turned 95 today A great lex and honestly, one of my favorite actors.
submitted by RandoDude124 to superman [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 21:40 frog_evsy Nascar Rumble (PSX)

submitted by frog_evsy to NewYoutubeGamers [link] [comments]
