''Yabba dabba Doo!'' Fred Flinstone Matchup tierlist

2025.02.01 19:30 SuggestionThick9848 ''Yabba dabba Doo!'' Fred Flinstone Matchup tierlist

''Yabba dabba Doo!'' Fred Flinstone Matchup tierlist submitted by SuggestionThick9848 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 SuggestionThick9848 ''Yabba dabba Doo!'' Fred Flinstone Matchup tierlist

''Yabba dabba Doo!'' Fred Flinstone Matchup tierlist submitted by SuggestionThick9848 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Upbeat_Ad1439 Chastity device to end death grip

Hi guys, I want to share a tip that helped me ending death grip: chastity devices.
My main problem was that when I was at home, when I realized I was touching myself. It wasn't a conscious decision it was a reflex of my body looking for dopamine.
Chastity devices helped me overcome that, it served as a reminder of my goal. Whener I thought of masturbating, there it was.
I also combined it with coconut oil, using the oil to help my dick slide in the device.
I hope this tip helps you guys.
submitted by Upbeat_Ad1439 to EndDeathGrip [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 throooowaawayyy01293 What is this in my bed?

What is this in my bed? Been getting bitten in bed and found this today, could it be the culprit?
submitted by throooowaawayyy01293 to whatbugisthis [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 MayfairShields SLB / BBF - Hot Take

Credit to Hoopfix (u/samneter) for a great interview with the BBF Chairman.
Pretty bold of the Chairman to jump on a podcast so soon after the news came out. My 'hot take' is that he came across really well, very professional and deeply committed to the integrity of their tender process.
Honestly think SLB look pretty stupid having heard the BBF's side of the story. Everyone is getting hung up on the £££ side of it, but he made it very clear that the tender stated that the licence fee was negotiable. £25k to tender in the grand scheme of things probably barely covers BBF's costs, and he's rightly refusing to halt the tender process because one parry who've lost out are throwing their toys out the pram.
If the SLB chose not to engage with the process, that's their fault.
Welcome everyone else's thoughts.
P.s. regardless of the above, the British Basketball Memes are phenomenally funny!
submitted by MayfairShields to BritishBasketball [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Muted-Cranberry7736 You let them in

I hate guys sometimes. You let them in and all they do is hurt you. Thanks to Instagram & dating apps, no one values anyone anymore. I know with time, it won’t feel as painful. Thanks for hurting me, ghosting me, and gaslighting me.
submitted by Muted-Cranberry7736 to heartbreak [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 highreevess Do you strip at basic again like at Meps?

At rsp a girl told me we have to strip and spread to make sure there’s no contraband once we get to basic. Is that true or no? FYI, fort sill is where I’m going.
submitted by highreevess to nationalguard [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 disclosingdara Lost Confidence

The last two lessons I had have been terrible - I scraped the alloys twice on the curb and my instructor had to use her brakes once because I wasn't firm enough after coming off a fast road. I have a private lesson in my own car tomorrow and I'm scared because there's no dual controls in my car.
My instructor wasn't concerned about me having private lessons, even encouraged me to do it, and surely she wouldn't encourage me to do something dangerous... right? She obviously thinks I'm safe on the road to encourage me to drive my own car with someone supervising me, right?
I was so confident before and now I feel like I'm dangerous without dual controls. How do I build my confidence again?
submitted by disclosingdara to LearnerDriverUK [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 rapalien This game never ceases to amaze me

Some screeenshots i took this afternoon
This game's amazing update after update
submitted by rapalien to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Skeledog14 When can I handle my gecko?

2 days ago I got a 6-7 month old male gecko and he’s pretty chill and is already eating from his bowl and he isn’t skittish and doesn’t run away from me and I’m wondering when I can handle him.
submitted by Skeledog14 to CrestedGecko [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Specific_Schedule Help

Help Today I installed this SOLIS inverter but grid And load does not show up correctly. Is there a fix?
submitted by Specific_Schedule to solar [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Toad_Speed Swapping The Music of Every Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Course (Part 6 - BCP Waves 5 & 6)

submitted by Toad_Speed to MarioKart8Deluxe [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Zayden626 [Game Thread - MBB] Michigan at Rutgers

Michigan (15-5, 7-2) at Rutgers (11-10, 4-6)
Gamecast/Box Score
When: Sat., 2/1, 3:30 PM ET
Where: Jersey Mike’s Arena, Piscataway, NJ
Betting: Michigan -6.5, O/U: 155.5
Feel free to use this thread for coaching, giving predictions, analyzing the game, asking/ answering questions, or commenting on anything else Michigan Basketball-related. For more information, check out our Wiki Page. Go Blue!
submitted by Zayden626 to MichiganWolverines [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 animal_wax Even though I love Jessica Williams as Gaby I keep this thinking Rutina Wesley would be great in this part

submitted by animal_wax to ShrinkingAppleTVplus [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 South_Internet_3025 42mm on a 7.25in wrist

42mm on a 7.25in wrist I was holding out for a 38, but got a really good deal on watchexchange and said screw it. I personally love it at 42, as most of my watches are 36mm, but some may think this is too big for them. Again, just for reference!
submitted by South_Internet_3025 to HamiltonWatches [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Chemical_Score_7364 Update of city, plus my region

submitted by Chemical_Score_7364 to TheoTown [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Beautiful-Box-3139 Big boyy on mee 991429168523

submitted by Beautiful-Box-3139 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 agritite What's wrong with random encounter matchmaking?

Literally, I just quit from a dotn random encounter due to the host dying. So I immediately try to search random encounter with dotn filter, thinking it would let me rejoin the same host. Then the game says "no suitable matches". Sure, it must be that the host just rages quit and goes to sleep /s. Anyway, I then search without filter, and guess what? I joined the exact same host. Why does the game do this?
I basically get "no suitable matches" like all the time when searching with dotn or underworld filter, and I've never thought much about it. Today this happened, and it just occured to me that, Nioh 2 steam players are like 1000~2000 at any given time, and not a single player in dotn or underworld summons visitors?
submitted by agritite to Nioh [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Appropriate_Egg_2811 Apka kya plain hai?

submitted by Appropriate_Egg_2811 to indiameme [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 CompetitiveApexMod ALGS Year 4 Championship Prediction Poll || Match Point Finals

submitted by CompetitiveApexMod to CompetitiveApex [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Mchxcks Second AK - ZPAP M70

Second AK - ZPAP M70 Bought my first ak a month ago, it was a palmetto GF5, figured I try a Serbian one…
submitted by Mchxcks to ak47 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Hot-Cell9787 Rifftrax Live: Godzilla (1997)

Rifftrax Live: Godzilla (1997) Digging through old pictures and found one of me and Tom Servo in Nashville when i drive down to see the magic in person i think it was 2014(?)
submitted by Hot-Cell9787 to Rifftrax [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 YopapitoGrande Wardrobe Change

I catch myself commenting on the level of animation with each episode. It’s another thing to appreciate about the shows.
One thing in particular that I appreciate is the attention paid to changing the characters’ wardrobes. From memory, Juste with his red coat, Maria in her room with her two dresses, and Richter in his black shirt near the end of the last episode.
It’s a minor detail, but I loved how it added some visual diversity.
submitted by YopapitoGrande to CastlevaniaNocturne [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 Fathers-Four-Boys [positive] u/bmore_tasty

Another stellar transaction with this excellent community member. Thanks again!
submitted by Fathers-Four-Boys to SportsCardTracker [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:30 ONESNZER0S Toyota Landcruiser From PVC Pipe (RC)

Toyota Landcruiser From PVC Pipe (RC) Have you seen this amazing RC 80 series this guy made?
submitted by ONESNZER0S to LandCruisers [link] [comments]
