Living in Nanaimo as an Asian

2025.02.01 22:00 Hola_Isco Living in Nanaimo as an Asian

First, I apologize for any broken English. I'm still learning it.
My girlfriend and I plan to move to Nanaimo in June this year. But the thing is, we are Eastern Asian. This is our first time living on the Island, so we are a little nervous.
It may seem silly, but to ease my worries a little, I would like to ask the seniors who live in Nanaimo.
As immigrants, will we have a hard time living in Nanaimo? Do we have to worry about racism, like Asian hate, compared to Downtown Vancouver?
We want to hear from people who live or used to live in Nanaimo.
Thank you!
submitted by Hola_Isco to nanaimo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 usergdubs Michelle Pfeiffer

Michelle Pfeiffer submitted by usergdubs to celebnipvisibility [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 JaqentheFacelessOne Fine for parking at Tarrytown train station on Saturday?

Maybe I’m somehow out of the loop here, but I just got back from the city and was greeted with a $40 ticket at my parking spot in Tarrytown train station. It’s been free on saturdays for as long as I can remember. Saw tickets on other peoples windshields as well. Wtf happened?
submitted by JaqentheFacelessOne to Westchester [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 menegat How tf can I pass through this mf

I have figured out a pattern for the first three bosses of this level and i'm able to go through them kinda easily by now
But with this fucking demon I can't even survive long enough to figure out a pattern or know what to do
submitted by menegat to ArcheroV2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 AutoModerator Practice and Qualifying Discussion Thread: NCS - February 1st, 2025

Today's Events: (All times below are EDT)

Today's Races:
submitted by AutoModerator to NASCAR [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Broad-Association-63 Got him for 3.87

What do y’all think? He was naked and I bought the outfit separately. His eyes are scratched a bit but I still love him.
submitted by Broad-Association-63 to sylvanianfamilies [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 x420brittanyx I'm down to 25 coins to get .01. Plz help 85527804

Almost there
submitted by x420brittanyx to TemuThings [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Smogh Up to $2500 Off Tesla

Use my referral link:
submitted by Smogh to teslareferralcode [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 cattimusrex Musk now has control of the Treasury payment systems, including social security

submitted by cattimusrex to politics [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Fair_Entertainment59 [fem V] Dog town merc

[fem V] Dog town merc submitted by Fair_Entertainment59 to NightCityFashion [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Alice_in_w0underland Pc gets “stuck” when it goes into rest mode

Recently just built my first pc and it was fine up to about a week ago. Whenever it goes into rest mode the case fans and everything still runs like it’s on, and the cpu light on motherboard turns on;keyboard and mouse don’t light up either and none of the case buttons work when it’s in this state. The only way I’m able to get it work normal again is by unplugging the psu a times and using the case buttons to turn but it takes multiple attempts of me doing this (least 4-6 times) till it finally boot rights. Build: Ryzen 7 5800x Fuma 3 cpu cooler Msi b550-Vc WiFi motherboard G.skill 32gb (2x16gb) 4070 super (msi slim) Corsair- CX750m semi modular Windows 11 pro
Some notes: Only settings I tweaked in BIOS was turning on eco mode, and that’s kinda when this issue started to happen Pc runs perfect with no issues, this only happens when it automatically goes into this sleep mode or manually put it in sleep mode Power plan settings are set to balance
If anyone has any ideas, I’m all ears
submitted by Alice_in_w0underland to pchelp [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 fanime34 Mist Basketball Club versus Vinyl Basketball Club on Saturday, February 1st, 2025

Teams First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter Score
Mist Basketball Club 0
Vinyl Basketball Club 0
submitted by fanime34 to wnba_discussions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 sekat441 I just don't know what it is

I am realy confiused. what the hell is this and does it even have a name. print-me matt pet-g, 0.1 mm layer h., 245 temp, enabled ironing and printing thin walls.
submitted by sekat441 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 amantesinos estoy perdida

Realmente ni siquiera sé por donde empezar, tengo 19 años y llevo años luchando contra la depresión, entre otras condiciones, el año pasado tuve una pelea contra una recaída que realmente no quisiera volver a repetir (aunque ya está sucediendo) cabe aclarar que llevo años asistiendo a terapia y aunque no siempre llego a encontrar la vida miserable, muy en el fondo sigo sintiéndome como la peor mierda que existe, cargo tantas cosas, pensamientos y dolores que siento que ya ni siquiera puedo sacarlos hablando con personas que son de confianza para mí, cada día es más duro, cada día me siento más sola y realmente ya no sé que intentar para salirde todo esto, estoy excesivamente agotada de esta situación.
submitted by amantesinos to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Ordinary-Weird-9151 Wedding Band?

Hi 🥰. So my engagement ring is quite dainty and I love sparkle. Wondering if something like this is okay to pair? The band is not my size at all and I’d imagine most wedding bands would stick out since my band is thin? Thoughts?
submitted by Ordinary-Weird-9151 to EngagementRings [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 KingVenom65 Disturbed: Black: Final Round: Longlegs, Junko Enoshima, and Pyramid Head have finally been added! Thus, the roster is complete! Thank you to those who participated!

Disturbed: Black: Final Round: Longlegs, Junko Enoshima, and Pyramid Head have finally been added! Thus, the roster is complete! Thank you to those who participated! submitted by KingVenom65 to createaroster [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 hxpelesschxise [QC] Full Black Amiri Belt - EastMallBuy - Budget Belt (10$)

[QC] Full Black Amiri Belt - EastMallBuy - Budget Belt (10$) submitted by hxpelesschxise to RepsObsession [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 intiharcorbasi Im new at this sport and i try instinctive shooting

Im new at this sport and i try instinctive shooting submitted by intiharcorbasi to Archery [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 xtratuffff Where to get a beer tower in Anchorage?

Is this a thing in town? I have some friends coming up in late spring, hopefully when it’s not to cold to be outside. Don’t tell my mom (she’s Catholic)
submitted by xtratuffff to anchorage [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Bubbacarl What is this gun?

What is this gun? submitted by Bubbacarl to Firearms [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 josylad Hiring: Odkostniacz wołowiny at Goedegebuur Vlees Rotterdam

Goedegebuur Vlees Rotterdam is hiring a Odkostniacz wołowiny
Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
Szukamy pracowników z pasją, którzy mają różne techniki rozbioru i doświadczenie w odkostnianiu wołowiny na linii rozbioru w środowisku produkcyjnym.Co oferujemyWynagrodzenie początkowe waha się od 600,- € netto (podstawowe) do 1.000,- € netto tygodniowo. 20,16 € brutto za godzinę. 3.150,- € brutto miesięcznie (z wyłączeniem dodatku za sztukę), w zależności od doświadczenia i wymagań stanowiska.Dodatek za podróż, dodatek za niedogodności, rekompensata za nadgodziny i program emerytalny, zgodnie z naszym układem zbiorowym pracy.Stabilna praca, wystarczająca ilość pracy i szansa na stałą umowę.Godziny pracy od poniedziałku do piątku, od 5:30 rano (czasami trochę później lub trochę wcześniej, w zależności od plan
Learn More and Apply:
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Sosickofwaiting What's the point of taking pictures of an empty shelf?

More importantly, why am I having to do this when items aren't available? There could be 5 items total that are of stock. It DEFINITELY helps when customers preapprove a replacement. Are these pictures for Doordash or the customer? 'Jesus found this item 4 days ago' ... Good for him, I know he made miracles happen but the item isn't here now. It seems like these Shop and Deliver orders have become so overly complicated to navigate in the app. I got so fed up a couple hours ago that I just unassigned myself haha, what a joke! No, I don't want to walk around and bother a store associate. I also do Instacart and their app is 10x's more easy to navigate.
submitted by Sosickofwaiting to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 ASICmachine You have to zero any drive or storage medium that has ever touched your wallet (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Warm_Resist5763 I have a Nukeproof Mega that has a 170mm RockShox Lyrik Ultimate fork do you think it would be worth switching to Zeb Ultimates or Fox Factory 38s?

Just wondering what your opinions are do you guys prefer the 38mm stanchions instead of the Lyriks 35mm stanchions which would you choose if you had this choice and why ?
Are there any major deciding factors or is one fork better for all conditions ?
submitted by Warm_Resist5763 to MTB [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:00 Lev559 [P5V12] Honzuki Reread P4V9

submitted by Lev559 to HonzukiNoGekokujou [link] [comments]