2024 Fastest Lap Award Leaderboard With Two Races Remaining

2024.11.25 13:19 The_Skynet 2024 Fastest Lap Award Leaderboard With Two Races Remaining

2024 Fastest Lap Award Leaderboard With Two Races Remaining submitted by The_Skynet to formula1 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 Thin-Pool-8025 Giant enemy Spiders

Giant enemy Spiders
  1. Shelob - The Lord of the Rings
  2. Kumonga - Godzilla: Son of Godzilla
submitted by Thin-Pool-8025 to TopCharacterTropes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 AlarkaHillbilly Meme Monday

"Start your week with some laughter – it’s Meme Monday! Share your funniest ham radio memes, whether you made them yourself or found them online. Extra points for any that nail the struggle of late-night QSOs! Let’s get the antennas shaking with laughter! 😂📻 #MemeMonday"
submitted by AlarkaHillbilly to onlyhams [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 AmbassadorWorf I'd like to solve the puzzle

I'd like to solve the puzzle submitted by AmbassadorWorf to UnitedFederation [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 Klongon How I'm Feeling This Morning

How I'm Feeling This Morning submitted by Klongon to NFCEastMemeWar [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 Low_Share_313 Folk som tar upp hundbajs i påsar men lämnar påsarna med bajs i längs vägen

Har sett detta överallt. Varför gör folk såhär??? Vore det inte bättre att bara sparka ner bajset i diket istället för att lämna massa plastpåsar överallt? Naturen kan ta hand om det på några veckor sen är det borta. Plastpåsar däremot
submitted by Low_Share_313 to sweden [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 TheCreativeeMajour Suspect just wants to receive high praise too 🤧

Suspect is ME. LMAO, Jester really played in our face ☠️😂. This scene had me tripping up the stairs! 😭😅
submitted by TheCreativeeMajour to RomanceClub [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 WadGlotztnSoBloede89 Olaf Scholz und seine Rettungsversuche – ein kaputter Kanzler & seine SPD

Ah, Olaf Scholz, unser Lieblingskanzler im Standby-Modus. Der Mann, der aussieht, als würde er gerade einen Power-Nap nehmen, während Deutschland brennt. Und die SPD? Ach, die klatschen brav Beifall, während der Chef wie ein Mechaniker ohne Werkzeug versucht, den Karren aus dem Dreck zu ziehen.
Ob es die "Rettung" der Wirtschaft, der Energiepolitik oder der Außenpolitik ist – Scholz' Strategie scheint klar: Nichts tun, dann kann man auch nichts falsch machen. Die legendäre Scholz'sche Ruhe, die nur eine andere Bezeichnung für politische Starre ist, hat uns immerhin eine Sache gebracht: Die Erkenntnis, dass man auch ohne Rückgrat Kanzler sein kann.
Und die SPD? Na, die ist so überzeugt von Scholz wie ein Autofahrer, der sich freut, dass der Beifahrer den Stadtplan falsch liest. Aber hey, wer braucht schon eine Richtung, wenn man im Kreis fahren kann? Hauptsache, es gibt ein schönes Grußwort auf Twitter und ein paar lahme Phrasen wie "Wir stehen zusammen".
Olaf Scholz: Der Kanzler, der alles retten will, aber sich nicht mal selbst aus einem leeren Raum befreien könnte. Applaus für den Mann, der beweist, dass Politik ein Job ist, den man auch mit Null Energie und einer Prise Desinteresse überleben kann.
SPD, viel Erfolg mit eurem Kapitän! Möge das sinkende Schiff wenigstens noch ein paar Wellen schlagen, bevor es im Februar dann endgültig untergeht.
submitted by WadGlotztnSoBloede89 to satire [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 asdasdwqwdqwd Plotarmor

You can hate me for this, and that's okay, BUT it's crazy to me how you can give a character so much plot armor that I was sitting in front of the TV, rolling my eyes so far back into my head I could practically watch my pea-sized brain get punch-drunk from the sheer amount of damage these characters take and still manage to win. I get it—Miyata is a prodigy, a genius, and that's fine. But it's already established that this boy doesn't have a body built to tank damage.And the Crocodile is suppost to be as strong of a puncher as Ippo and he strikes him frontal on the chin quit a few times plus counters him wich is supposesd to hurt him even more. In my opinion, it's a missed opportunity not to further develop Miyata into a world-class boxer instead of going down the ridiculous route of "spirit is all you need." The lack of Opposition is crazy, Ricardo is the only real Champ in the show every other Champ just gets beaten first try, because of the we are Japanese and we dont give up plot armor lmao. Sometimes I feel like the Manga is just the wet dream of a japanese box fan. (Still a great show though)
submitted by asdasdwqwdqwd to hajimenoippo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 svetlozarovP Experience™ is such a wonderful concept!

Experience™ is such a wonderful concept! submitted by svetlozarovP to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 adulting4kids Poetry

  1. Sonnet:
  1. Haiku:
  1. Villanelle:
  1. Limerick:
  1. Free Verse:
  1. Acrostic:
  1. Ghazal:
  1. Tanka:
  1. *Cinquain:
  1. Pantoum:
- *Definition:* A poem with repeating lines and a specific pattern, often used for reflection. - *Example:* Craft a pantoum exploring the cyclical nature of life and change. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 Revolutionary_Ask123 RUINS | Explore the Darkest Depths of Ambient Music

RUINS | Explore the Darkest Depths of Ambient Music submitted by Revolutionary_Ask123 to YouTubeSubscribeBoost [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 Appropriate_Low_1487 What can I add on the sides next to this fireplace?

I am in a studio apartmen
submitted by Appropriate_Low_1487 to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 ZoeClifford643 Sky News Host Panics During Climate Activist Interview

Sky News Host Panics During Climate Activist Interview submitted by ZoeClifford643 to murdochsucks [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 Normal_Comfort_5847 Interview tomorrow for NHS Reservist position- Need advice to stand out

Hi everyone,
I’ve got an interview tomorrow for a reservist position with the NHS, and I’m determined to make a great impression. I don’t have any prior healthcare experience, but the role doesn’t require it. I am eager to prove that I can learn quickly and be a reliable member of the team.
This job is incredibly important to me because I’m currently in a tough spot financially.
I’d really appreciate any advice on how to stand out during the interview. Are there specific qualities or examples I should highlight to show I’d be a great fit for the role?
If you’ve been through this process or have any general interview tips, please share. Thanks in advance for your help!
submitted by Normal_Comfort_5847 to UKJobs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 Weary-Organization62 Join the next generation.

submitted by Weary-Organization62 to AFL [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 Salt_Fish_7402 Alpha Trauma

Alpha Trauma: Read Online
submitted by Salt_Fish_7402 to Aingpedia [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 InMyBag365 How do I act nice and still get respect?

I’m usually a quiet soft kid, I joke around a lot, I don’t understand why people think that because I don’t talk. They can just say whatever and be rude to me,
I never talk in public because I’m an introvert and I really don’t care about friends or girlfriends or anything because I’ve just been betrayed by people oh so many times. I don’t talk not because I’m scared I don’t talk because I don’t have a reason to.
This white old guy who was talking disrespectful to me because he was in a bad mood. He thought he could take his anger out on me or something. I… crashed out… not in a ghetto way. But I basically just told him “watch your mouth bitch, idgaf about none of that you walk away before I slap the shit out of you”
Dude… I’m a really nice guy, I felt so fucking bad. I hate acting like that but I feel as if I’m forced. This isn’t the first time nor is it the last he was so mad he was outside talking to everyone how he was gonna fight me. He never did and changed his mind as soon as I stepped outside to confront him.
wtf. I just don’t want any problems and I wanna be nice to people.
How do I be nice and still get respect from other people? They take my niceness for granted and try to walk all over me. It seems like ppl only respond with respect when you crash out on them or “prove” yourself.
TLDR: When I act nice to people they walk all over me, when I’m mean I get more respect. Is there a way to be nice and still get respect without having to be confrontational constantly?
submitted by InMyBag365 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 llangi What on earth is happening with Bianca?

submitted by llangi to eastenders [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 Suspicious_Abies7777 Unf***inbelievable

I swear UP here in Portland Oregon waits for people to escape the state mental hospital then provides them with a job in management, these nimrods have no idea what they are doing, absolutely none, I’ll put it this way, when you have a long train, heavy, you need maximum horsepower……gee willikers
submitted by Suspicious_Abies7777 to railroading [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 JustTangy0 Guys it's supposed to snow soon I'm ending it

Guys it's supposed to snow soon I'm ending it submitted by JustTangy0 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 ProfessionalLime6489 Skip All Tutorials in Dragon Ball Legends with One Click 🔥

Skip All Tutorials in Dragon Ball Legends with One Click 🔥 submitted by ProfessionalLime6489 to ddjj [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 Calm_Farm2410 Cops find GUN insider Her P$$Y

Cops find GUN insider Her P$$Y submitted by Calm_Farm2410 to KarenFreakouts [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 KavyaJune It's deeper than you think!

submitted by KavyaJune to ShittySysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:19 SquirrelEmpty8056 Pq a la gente les gusta cerrar todas las ventanas en la combi custer ?

Un ambiente cerrado todo Abombado y la gente cierra todo.
Me parece una estupidez.
submitted by SquirrelEmpty8056 to Lima_Peru [link] [comments]
