2024.11.26 11:30 flosupa Best Air Rifle for Rat Control Around My Chicken Coop (10-30m Range)?
I want to buy an air rifle to kill rats around my chicken coop. I'm not very familiar with spring piston, PCP, and CO2 capsule systems, but I was wondering which system would be best for a DIYer like me. I won’t use it actively, but just occasionally when I see rats around. The system that really interests me are the PCP sniper rifles that you can manually pump up, allowing several shots before needing to pump it again. Could you help me make the right choice?
I also found some packages, but I have no idea if they are good for shooting rats at a distance of 10-30 meters. My budget is around 400 euros.
The types I came across are: Hatsan Flash QE, Diana Stormrider, Umarex Origin, and the PR900W.
I look forward to your feedback.
submitted by flosupa to airgunhunting [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 username13278 How is Base Reward calculated?
I searched this forum but found only talk about the Bonus. But how Base is calculated? Trying to figure out WHEN is best time to prestige/double prestige to spend those rewards on badges. submitted by username13278 to IdleBrickBreaker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 MugShots Photo: Celina police investigate ongoing situation in Mustang Lakes subdivision
submitted by MugShots to ArrestStories [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 RipleY1138 Ed’s Breakdown of The Babadook on The Brighterside Monster Ep
Made me finally watch this movie. Really liked his breakdown of the movie.
submitted by RipleY1138 to LPOTL [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Plane-Experience-820 Sou babaca por eacolher presente caro de natal?
Vamos lá, namoro há 3 anos e meu namorado é um tanto pão duro, não compra presente, só compra mesmo no Natal (esse ano me deu kit de perfume de aniversário + dia dos namorados + aniversário de namoro, kit foi de R$300,00). Normalmente ele não escolhe meu presente, eu que escolho e sou razoável tipo presentes de R$100 até. Esse kit eu pedi achando que não ia ganhar. A questão que não é dinheiro, ele não é rico, trabalha e ganha bom salário (12k). Quando ele quer comprar algo para ele, compra sem dó, no pix. Ex: Lente de fotografia por 8k, fone de ouvido de R$600,00, monitor para jogar R$3k...eu acho caro mas não falo nada.
Enfim pedi uma corrente de ouro, vi que o custo é R$800,00 reais e toda vez que ele pergunta, digo que quero uma corrente de ouro ou ele pode escolher meu presente. Estou sendo muito babaca em insistir nisso? Dou outra sugestão? Até qual valor?
Sinto que sou uma mimada do kct, mas esse é o presente que quero hahaha já que ele não quer ter o trabalho de escolher.
Obrigada de
submitted by Plane-Experience-820 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 ObscuredString Pokemon animanga cover, scanned by @pokescans, on Tumblr
Link submitted by ObscuredString to aaml [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 lss_web_1444 Video post title 405
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 GapRevolutionary1055 W: EPR Aligned flamer. H: 50 leaders
submitted by GapRevolutionary1055 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 SPOScripts Create SharePoint List Items wtih MS Graph API
Hey folks!
I recently wrote a guide on creating SharePoint list items using Microsoft Graph API and PowerShell. If you’re working with SharePoint or just starting to explore automation, I think this might help!
Here’s what I cover:
2024.11.26 11:30 AncientGreekHistory If you want to avoid rising API prices, look for bots described as a "server bot".
API costs are only going to keep going up, so if you want cheaper prompting, go to the model search and type (with the quotes included):
"server bot"Some are even free, presumably because they'll use your prompting for testing and training, but the pricing of these is controlled by whoever is running that off-site server, not big frontier models Poe has to pay, on top of their own internal costs.
2024.11.26 11:30 WeAreThough God condemning the devil to eternity in hell is unjust and hypocritical
Because if God sent Jesus to teach us to love our enemies, then how could God not love the devil?
It would be hypocritical of God to expect us to love our enemies if God cannot forgive the devil.
Also, if Jesus is God according to doctrine, then how could God not abide by what Jesus preaches?
If God can act opposite to what Jesus teaches, then either Jesus is not God, or God is not God.
submitted by WeAreThough to Christianity [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Frequent_Pay7417 2 screens/devices? Dm on Kik - theonenonlyrepeat
submitted by Frequent_Pay7417 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 weldoingthebest Life-Changing Quotes by Haruki Murakami
submitted by weldoingthebest to CaliforniaPics [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 gikad4 Emotionally down because of being undiagnosed
It's clear that having an emotionally abusive parent and untreated narcolepsy caused some long-term harm. I kept hearing accusations that I was fabricating symptoms, exaggerating, being dramatic, pursuing attention, being lazy, greedy, etc. This continued for years, and as I approach a diagnosis, I'm only now beginning to undo the harm caused by internalising these ideas. I would really like to know if anyone else has any comparable stories to offer. It's such a unique sensation at the nexus of narcolepsy and childhood trauma that I've never felt like anyone else really gets it.
submitted by gikad4 to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 anonymous00000010001 What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by anonymous00000010001 to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Empty-Extreme6465 Dpdr for ptsd?
I have had dpdr throughout my life But it went away on its own, one time I had a bad trip from marijuana and that's where it all started Panic attacks, a lot of anxiety, anguish and apathy, I could only smell marijuana and I already felt bad, do you think it's PTSD? Or worse?
submitted by Empty-Extreme6465 to Dissociation [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 staterafurs Would you ride this.
submitted by staterafurs to lobotomydash [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 Responsible-Access97 Galactus for any two 5 star cards☺️
submitted by Responsible-Access97 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 Love_JWZ Wie zei wat?
submitted by Love_JWZ to nederlands [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 Turnover44 "Watch You Go" isn't about a past relationship but about Parker himself?
The way I understood this song is its personified like a lot of stuff from "Proper Dose".
I see "It's never enough to have you here, I'd rather watch you go" is how Parker's telling himself being present in the moment isn't enough and wouldn't matter if he wasn't there whether consciously or physically.
This bit I understand as some sort of self-awareness/self-conflict.
I get it if you hate me I'm barely here lately Distant and lazy Lacking motivation in a basic conversation Will you chase me if I run? And you want more, but I have none
Going through loss and knowing this record was about that I really think this isn't a about past relationships and is instead about Parker going through grief and dealing with himself in the process.
How do you interpret this song?
submitted by Turnover44 to TheStorySoFar [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 sam-hayo Sam Hayo
submitted by sam-hayo to BigArms [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 DSDLDK The post about viktor losing his walk is misinformation, and its so sad seeing People judge the rework before we see it.
Viktor ony floads during is ult and he keeps his walk, the post about him losing his walk is pure guessing. Please stop judging stuff before his final release submitted by DSDLDK to leagueoflegends [link] [comments] |
2024.11.26 11:30 MaddMango69 Magic Swords: Special Purpose?
On p.369, Table 8-6 Sword Special Purpose, I need some clarification. Is this the reason the sword was created, or it is what the sword thinks it was created for? It might sound the same on the surface, but these are two different things to me. How has this played out on your table?
submitted by MaddMango69 to dccrpg [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 Scary-Inspector1903 Weather Boosted Dialga we are with 3 now add me 622797995269
WB Dialga
submitted by Scary-Inspector1903 to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]
2024.11.26 11:30 ishraq2019 انت / انتي اي شخصية حسب ما مكتوب ؟
تقديرا لنفسك ومعاملتها بشكل لطيف دليل على صحتك النفسيه والسلوكية . submitted by ishraq2019 to saudiarabia [link] [comments] |