Tried the girl next door look. Is this okay?

2024.11.28 11:41 InterestAcrobatic363 Tried the girl next door look. Is this okay?

Tried the girl next door look. Is this okay? submitted by InterestAcrobatic363 to CrossDressRealism [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 EntertainmentEasy366 Confused About This Girl's Intentions

So, this weird thing's been happening at uni. I keep running into this girl, like, a lot. It's not just random chance, it's getting pretty frequent. Every time we bump into each other, we end up chatting for a while. She's really easy to talk to, and the conversations always flow smoothly.
The strange thing is, she doesn't seem to have a huge social circle here. I'm starting to wonder if she's actually interested in me or if she's just a naturally friendly person who happens to be around a lot.
To make things even more confusing, one of my friends (who doesn't even know we chat) randomly mentioned that he thinks she likes me. I was totally caught off guard by that.
I'm not sure what to make of it all. Any advice on how to gauge her interest without coming off too strong? Or maybe I'm just overthinking things?
submitted by EntertainmentEasy366 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 Pikantlewakas Alternative zu Proteinriegeln, die nicht süß ist?

Servus, ich esse im Schnitt 1-3 Proteinriegel pro Tag, was je nach Riegel ca. 10-60 Gramm Protein entspricht. Ohne die Riegel würde ich es nicht schaffen meinen Tagesbedarf zu decken.
Ich bin aber eigentlich kein Süßigkeitentiger und vor allem an bestimmten Tagen meines Zyklus hängt mir der Süßkram fast schon zum Hals raus. Daher meine Frage; kennt ihr Alternativen zu Proteinriegeln, die nicht süß sondern salzig oder herzhaft sind, die man trotzdem gut mitnehmen kann?
Es gibt zwar Protein-Chips die auch weniger Fett haben, aber die sind mir auf Dauer zu teuer bzw. auch nicht so praktisch für unterwegs. Auf amazon wurde mir Beef Jerky vorgeschlagen, das dürfte eigentlich ganz gut passen. Bevor ich bestelle wollte ich trotzdem vorher hier nachfragen, ob jemand noch andere Ideen hat. Freue mich über jeden Vorschlag.
submitted by Pikantlewakas to FitnessDE [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 Noah10_25 Can anyone pls help me for the spaying fee of a stray cat I would like to rescue? About to relocate & running out of time.

Hi. I know this may be a stretch but I would like to ask for help. We are moving to a smaller apartment (2 hrs away from where I’m currently located) because I recently lost my job. I have 4 cat rescues and there is a stray that I have been feeding everyday for almost a year and I would like to bring her with me and officially adopt her. However, I don’t have enough funds to have her vaccines & spay — me and my sister only have enough for their food & vitamins, at least until I get back on my feet and start working again. I have to move in 2 wks time so I decided to try and ask for help. I live here in the Philippines and the total amount would be US $100-150 approximately (I can send all the receipts from the vet for transparency and proof if needed). I am so sorry everyone — I just need a little help. No judgment please, I just thought I would try asking here. Thank you so much for your time.
submitted by Noah10_25 to Straycats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 Unfair_Pain95 Como sair do ensino médio de escola pública ?

Eu estudo atualmente em uma escola pública, aonde os alunos são horríveis e os professores não faz nada a respeito, então já procurei por Etec, Senac e escolas particulares. No máximo que consegui encontrar, que talvez esteja mais disponível pra mim, foi vagas remanescentes na Etec com ensino médio (aonde você entra pelo 2° ano) no meu caso não queria repetir o 1° ano, e o Senac é a melhor em relação com preços.
Vocês acham que vale a pena, dar uma chance para minha escola pública (falam que de manhã é mais de boa, e tbm eu cai na pior sala da escola, aparentemente as outras sala são melhores), ou melhor procurar uma escola melhor ? se tbm vocês tiverem recomendações de escola na região de São Paulo Capital.
submitted by Unfair_Pain95 to estudosBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 DomesticErrorist22 Cyprus could become a member of NATO when conditions permit, the country's president says

Cyprus could become a member of NATO when conditions permit, the country's president says submitted by DomesticErrorist22 to worldnews [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 stonestone55 Should CC TV's be used to fine travellers on VB

Should CC TV's be used to fine travellers on VB I am travelling in Vande Bharat rn and it's empty in the centre seats that are opposite to each other.
There's these kids who were shouting and playing right from the start and the parents just left them here and went to their seats.
These kids ( 5 of them in total ) have been creating ruckus and littering and as I'm typing now, they are spitting the swallowed water onto the desk. I've just threatened them that the cc TV's will fine them and their parents will have to face consequences for their acts.
It fuckin worked. They've arranged all the biscuits and chips packets in one tray and put it aside and cleaned the water with their jacket !
Aaaand, just as I'm typing this, we've arrived at the next station and you know what, the dad came and just took the kids away to their seats. It's all a mess now. And there's new passengers here now.
So, I know these are kids but do you think fines through cc tv surveillance works ?
submitted by stonestone55 to indianrailways [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 ticataca9 DCF860

I’m looking to buy the DCF860 impact driver before the end of Black Friday. Does anybody know where the best deal for this tool is for the UK?
submitted by ticataca9 to Dewalt [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 LunarLlamaLounge My 1st try on Motion with Midjourney

My 1st try on Motion with Midjourney submitted by LunarLlamaLounge to midjourney [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 Professional_Sea6529 looking for a new tablet with de Black friday

Hi, I'm looking for a new graphics tablet and I want to turn to XP pen after using not very reliable brands for a long time. I noticed that there were very interesting promotions at the moment and I would like to have an opinion. I put aside some money for my birthday and I can go up to 600-800 euros.
I noticed the following models but I don't know which would be the most qualitative/better between the "artist 24 pro", "Artist Pro 16 (gen 2)" and "Artist 22+".
can you advise me?
submitted by Professional_Sea6529 to XPpen [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 munchbizkit Vibe/Safety at Elderbrook?

Travelling from the west to see Elderbrook tonight with the missus. Never been to a gig of his, but a big fan of his music. Just wondering what kind of vibe/audience he'll draw in?
Maybe I'm out of the loop but it's in the National Stadium which I believe is next to Dolphins Barnes. Will we be safe around the area and at the gig? Any tips on what to avoid? Thanks - an ignorant culchie.
submitted by munchbizkit to CasualIreland [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 Low-Caterpillar8547 Mindbender 89 ti length decision

Heey, I am 26 years old (187cm tall and 70-80kg) and I would describe myself as quite a good Skier. I have been skiing the k2 Shreditor in 184cm for the past years. Its a great ski for fresh snow and being playfull. But I am now looking for something more directional, hard and aggressive to ski. I am really thinking about getting the Mindbender 89ti, but I am unsure about the length. Is the 182cm enough? Or could I have even more fun with the 188cm? More Stability at high speed and more surface to flott if I Happen to go off piste every now and then. Or would it get to tough to turn? Maybe 188 with bindings plus 1 Or 2 cm? Any thoughts and advice appreciated. Thanks
submitted by Low-Caterpillar8547 to Skigear [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 m00nbum Prime: $5.98 (Reg. $13.90) BBIA K-Beauty Last Sebum Pact - Sebum Control Pressed Powder Pact with Mirror & Puff

Prime: $5.98 (Reg. $13.90) BBIA K-Beauty Last Sebum Pact - Sebum Control Pressed Powder Pact with Mirror & Puff submitted by m00nbum to RunandBuy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 Vivid-Study-8752 O que acham do TQM( fundamental e medio)?

Estou querendo começar a estudar pro ITA ano que vem, no 3 ano do ensino medio e pretendo passar em 2 anos. Como quero estudar mais rapido, me indicaram esse livro ao inves do FME. O que vcs acham sobre ele?
submitted by Vivid-Study-8752 to estudosBR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 AEQER Why is everyone using “deck reversal” decks?

Like 3 in 5 games rn are against people who have mostly cards that copy my cards and make them better (pirates) or cards that convert units, and then a bunch of ‘contingency’ cards (like voidsurgers etc.) to survive until they can cycle your better cards. Is this hard meta rn or something it’s so annoying like I can’t play my good cards cause it makes their deck better!
submitted by AEQER to stormbound [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 vodkapower1 please recommend me tear-jerking movies

submitted by vodkapower1 to Letterboxd [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 mcm8279 [Shatner Short Film Reactions] NERDIST on 'Unification': "Actor Gary Lockwood, who played Kirk’s buddy Gary Mitchell, returned to the role after nearly 60 years. The implication here is that he used his godlike powers to help Kirk reunite with Spock in his dying moments."

"Using a combination of live-action footage and computer-generated imagery, this short imagines what would have happened if Captain Kirk had left the other dimensional Nexus (where he existed for 80 years in a suspended state) to visit Spock as he died many decades later. (Or did Section 31 bring him back to life? That part is unclear). 765874 – Unification is filled to the brim with Star Trek Easter eggs. In fact, the name Unification is also the name of a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode centered on Spock in his middle-aged years. (Which, for Vulcans, is around 120 or so). Actor Lawrence Selleck plays Spock, with CGI and makeup enhancement to appear like Nimoy.
Actor Gary Lockwood, who played Kirk’s buddy Gary Mitchell, returned to the role after nearly 60 years. Mitchell ascended to godhood in Star Trek’s second pilot episode, “Where No Man Has Gone Before.” The implication here is that he used his godlike powers to help Kirk reunite with Spock in his dying moments. And Kirk would have needed the help of a deity. Because when Spock died offscreen in Star Trek Beyond, he was actually in another universe. The iconic Vulcan passed away in the so-called Kelvin timeline, used in the modern J.J. Abrams films.
Another character making a cameo is Robin Curtis, who played the Vulcan Lt. Saavik in the film Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. The younger James Kirk was portrayed by Sam Witwer, who fans know as the voice of Darth Maul in the animated Star Wars shows, as well as the series Being Human. [...]
More Trek luminaries involved include Michael Giacchino, composer of the modern Kelvin-verse Star Trek films, and Picard production designer David Blass.
Maybe the deepest cut reference in the film is a character from Star Trek: Discovery named Yor. This character crossed from the Kelvin Universe to the Prime Universe. Shatner’s Kirk and Nimoy’s Spock never got to say goodbye to each other on the silver screen. But 765874 – Unification is certainly the next best thing."
Eric Diaz (Nerdist)
submitted by mcm8279 to trektalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 weebf_ckingweeb Nah i'd crit

Nah i'd crit submitted by weebf_ckingweeb to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 kake92 Police officer Robert Klein shares his experience in Connecticut, 2022, regarding a car-sized orb hovering 30ft./10m overhead filling the entirety of his car's cabin with a bright light before darting off instantaneously across the entire lake next to him. This is his first time appearing in public.

submitted by kake92 to UFOB [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 frankievalentino “It Wasn’t a Drone”- Veteran Connecticut Police Officer Describes His UFO Encounter Recorded on Video

submitted by frankievalentino to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 ThatMoon2 One of the comments on the new event level...

One of the comments on the new event level... submitted by ThatMoon2 to geometrydash [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 Bad-Independent Mega altaria on me now add me 074325004499

Mega altaria on me now add me 074325004499 submitted by Bad-Independent to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 Adventurous-Run-6241 Need Advice on Marriage

So I got married on Sept 21 of this year after dating/knowing my gf for 3 months which is fast but I was very prayerful about it and constantly sought God in my decision making process. I Thought that Jesus Christ was in my heart at the time but realized I was demonically influenced in so many ways. Spiritual warfare is very real however I was completely unaware of it until after I got married.
We went on our honeymoon to Puerto Rico for a week, had a real bad week of arguments and ego based dissension on the honeymoon which ended up in a huge blowout/fallout when we returned home on Sept 30. Disrespect, ego, selfishness, and pride were at the forefront and because I had moved outta my home state to be with her, I packed my bags and left because I felt unwelcome in an unfamiliar place around unfamiliar people being her family. 9 days into our marriage and we were full blown separated.
This is where it gets good. I completely broke down and surrendered my life to God as he exposed the true contents of my heart to me. I had so much ugly, nasty, sinful things in my heart that I was oblivious to and God made it known once I asked him to search my heart and show me anything that isn’t of him and to purify and cleanse my spirit so that I can be in alignment with him. Its been gratifying really learning myself and working on myself so that I can be a worker for Gods kingdom. Within all that, I’ve learned to love the way Christ loves us, to endure it all, to never stop loving , to be tenderhearted and not be harsh and to walk in humility and servitude largely. I’ve grown to absolutely love my wife very deeply from afar.
Its been two whole months and no contact with her, she has filed for an annulment of our marriage and Im still back in my state. I know God hates divorce and people undermining the Covenant we made with him. I have given this entire situation to God and took my hands off of it. I was not a good partner. Satan had his grips in my heart as its been 32 years of being away from God. I didnt reassure her, i was a my way or highway type of guy, didnt make her feel heard and took her for granted. I wont go into her faults because we all know it takes two to tango but what God has really impressed upon me is how to properly steward a marriage regardless of your spouses actions, to lean on God and focus on our actions because that is the only thing we can control but in a Godly fashion.
The way God has washed my life , I feel so grateful that he is the center of my life. I could have been dead and hes saved my life and spirit so I understand he has a purpose and plan for my life. I was hardened but he has turned me into flesh. Confessing and repenting and staying in the Bible is transforming my heart posture where I dont even care about being right or dominating others or getting the last word in. We’re all his creations so I just wanna spread joy. Gods love is in my heart now , hes shown me he has always been faithful to me even when I had nothing to do with him.
My heart believes in restoration of our marriage but i become discouraged as I realize the coldness and distance in the very limited exchanges my wife and I have had since departing two months ago and the topics are strictly logistics, nothing about us or our marriage. I am very discouraged but I know what is in my heart. Never thought we would be in a space of filed for annulment a week into marriage but this is my life. If I were your brother, what advice would you give my fellow believers?…
submitted by Adventurous-Run-6241 to married [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 BelicianPixieFry L'anniversario del giorno più brutto della mia vita.

Io sono morto il 28 novembre 2023, il giorno in cui mia moglie, malata terminale di cancro, svegliandosi da un sonno febbrile, cominciò a non parlare più in modo ordinato. Ero nella stanza con lei quando cercando di dirmi qualcosa farfugliava frasi sensa senso. Era una professoressa di lettere, potevamo parlare per ore di qualunque argomento senza fermarci mai. La sensazione di sconforto che ho provato la ricordo come se fosse ora, come se dentro di me il buio stesse spazzando via qualunque sentimento positivo avessi in corpo. Lei sarebbe morta cinque giorni dopo e io sono diventato qualcun altro, perché una parte di me è morta quel giorno e non tornerà mai più. Il suono della sua voce è la cosa che mi manca più di tutto, l'unica cosa che mi ha permesso di andare avanti è stata l'idea che nel bene o nel male ho fatto tutto quello che era in mio potere perché tutto andasse come aveva deciso lei. Non so perché scrivo questa cosa qui su reddit, ma a volte parlare con degli sconosciuti è più facile. Aggiungo un consiglio banale da "vecchio sull'autobus", dal momento che questo sub è pieno di persone dubbiose su un sacco di cose: lanciatevi, parlate, sbagliate, fate tutto il cazzo che volete, dite quello che pensate a chi volete che vi ascolti, perché la vita e una e non possiamo passarla ad angosciarci, il rimpianto è la cosa più brutta che esista.
submitted by BelicianPixieFry to CasualIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 11:41 poodleenthusiast28 RDR1 on switch?

I’ve had RDR2 for ages but not really sat down to finish it since it’s quite a long and complicated to play and I need to be home in front of the PS4 to finish it. I played RDR1 on PS Now years ago and found it a lot quicker and easier to get into though RDR2 was in a different league.
Now RDR1 is on sale for my switch should I dive in?
submitted by poodleenthusiast28 to ShouldIbuythisgame [link] [comments]