New Beta Feature: AI Coach Avatar

2024.11.28 21:31 Athletica_ai New Beta Feature: AI Coach Avatar

New Beta Feature: AI Coach Avatar submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Familiar-Alarm2788 Okolegowie co to za epicka stróktóra

Okolegowie co to za epicka stróktóra submitted by Familiar-Alarm2788 to okkolegauposledzony [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 OneIndependence7705 Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! I helped set up for guests as my family was hosting.
In peace and quiet, made my dish.
My biggest worry was which leaves would match with the theme I was going for.
Meanwhile, as guests trickled in, one complained about their drama with their SO and the other stonewalled me as it’s everyone’s fault they’re single and alone on the Thanksgiving without being able to depend on someone to make the season enjoyable because they have too many other options and want me to share their misery because there’s no way a female can find happiness outside being in a relationship- the world revolve around that you know! lol, another person wanting to stall the whole meal because they need the Holiday drama and attention and want to ruin the day, another person gripping why everyone is showing up late when those people have other families they don’t get along with, but due to being n-laws, are required to visit, etc.
No thanks taken-in-2024 and beyond I’ll enjoy my little view I made for the guests, take my quiet day as I go into work because I want to, eat my little snacks, go for a walk, maybe watch Wicked, then go home with the little plate that i prepared before all the remaining guests showed up that I got to make because I choose to and not a daily required obligation 3 times a day because an SO or children depend on me to not including clean up.
Happy Thanksgiving🍵
submitted by OneIndependence7705 to SingleAndHappy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Agile_Nebula4053 Thanksgiving Fit

Thanksgiving Fit submitted by Agile_Nebula4053 to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 XoSkeleton23 I know this was a Toyota, but what model of car is this that was behind me.

I know this was a Toyota, but what model of car is this that was behind me. submitted by XoSkeleton23 to CarTalkUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 thisishowibro93 Where to buy in the United States?

Where to buy Hell in the United States?
I was in Bulgaria over the Summer and tried their "Hell" energy drink on a few occasions and really liked some of the flavors.
As I live in the U.S., it's been difficult trying to find a place to buy it. I tried Alibaba but all shops have ridiculous minimum order amounts and it's nearly $100 for a case off Amazon. Is there a more obvious place I can look for this drink to get it at a reasonable price?
submitted by thisishowibro93 to HellEnergy [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 wildestangeldoll Picture you can hear

Picture you can hear submitted by wildestangeldoll to spongebob [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 LazyTurt1ee [US-CA] [H] Mr. Suit WK R2 Babypowder, Iron165 R2 teal, gmk striker, gmk shoko, vertex angle, Drop Holy Panda switches, Whipped creams switches, Zealios v2 tactile switches 78g, Alpaca switches, Durock Pom linear switches [W] Venmo G&S

Prices are negotiable, Only CONUS, please comment before pm.
BNIB Mr. Suit WK R2 Babypowder with blue weight, 2 Solder PCB, Fr4 plate and Pom plate, black artisan $525 Shipped OBO
Used Mr.Suit WK R2, babypowder with silver weight and silver chamfer, 1 used hotswap PCB, 1 new solder PCB, pom plate, one minor paint wear off on the bottom right corner of the board, could provide pics upon request , little bit of scratches on the side of the weight missing one gasket feet, but not a big deal $350 Shipped OBO
BNIB Iron165 R2, Teal, 6.25U, Alu plate, Forged Carbon Fiber Tsangan plate, 2 Solder PCB, Iron 165 SS weight and badge flawless $340 Shipped OBO
Vertex Angle, BNIB, R1 CN Unit E-white, ALu plate, brass PVD plate, 2 Solder PCB, having a little bit of yellow stains on the back of the board $400 Shipped OBO
Drop Invyr Holy Panda from 2020, 110 switches, $110 Shipped
BSUN Translucent Panda, 200 switches, $80 Shipped
Whipped creams or Broken in creams from RNDKBD 2021, 175 switches, $150 Shipped OBO
Zealios v2 tactile 78g from 2020, 200 switches, $150 Shipped OBO
Alpaca switches, 175 switches, $100 Shipped 85 switches, $50 Shipped
Durock Pom linear switches, 242 switches, $140 Shipped OBO
Mauve switches, 178 switches, $70 Shipped
BNIB Gmk striker r2 base $110 Shipped OBO
BNIB Gmk shoko r2 base kit and space bar kit $200 Shipped OBO
submitted by LazyTurt1ee to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Athletica_ai New Beta Feature: AI Coach Avatar

New Beta Feature: AI Coach Avatar submitted by Athletica_ai to athletica_ai [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Existing-Professor21 First Game beat on Miyoo Mini V4

First Game beat on Miyoo Mini V4 Just got my Miyoo Mini V4 in the mail yesterday and knew I had to play Mega Man 2 on it. Beat the game! Love Mega Man 2 and love my Miyoo Mini
submitted by Existing-Professor21 to MiyooMini [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 ConcentrateOk5377 D-Side kiro idk

D-Side kiro idk Idk about this d-side thing, but since sin did it i did too
submitted by ConcentrateOk5377 to Godzilla_N_Friends [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 LeviBateman Dread RPG Advice

Posted this on dreadrpg already, but this sub seems more active.
I’m running my first game soon and need some advice. The scenario I’m running ends with characters trying to escape an IKEA-esque furniture store filled with Home Alone style death traps. The scenario just doesn’t go into much detail. My questions are:
How many traps seems appropriate? What ideas do people have for the types of traps?
Thanks for any help!
submitted by LeviBateman to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Cletus_Crenshaw What does my fridge say about me?

What does my fridge say about me? submitted by Cletus_Crenshaw to FridgeDetective [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 virgile2005 The United Kingdom but without England

It's pretty short I just had a dream where England pissed off the other countries in the UK so much while preventing them from leaving that they ended up banning England
submitted by virgile2005 to Dream [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 northshoreapartment The preview/sizzle reel at the start of a 5-10 minute YouTube video

I'm already watching the video, I already clicked on it, just let me watch! Why show me all the fun parts out of context before it's even started? I'm just gonna see it again in a couple minutes anyway. This annoys me so much and it's becoming more and more common.
submitted by northshoreapartment to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Icy-Opening283 LF Doctor Strange! For stars or gifts!

LF Doctor Strange! For stars or gifts! I don’t have any 5 stars to trade, but I am willing to trade stars! I would be so grateful!
submitted by Icy-Opening283 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 LUCHER4321 Help me to complete it

submitted by LUCHER4321 to nudebingo [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 crussiam Considering joining the National or Air Guard at 33, thoughts?

I’ve seen a lot about people who have joined in their 30s and enjoyed it. I’m married and we have our first child on the way. I always wanted to serve, but life took a different path. Figure it’s now or never and don’t want to regret anything. Wife is supportive of the conversation but has some understandable hesitations. I’m currently living in Texas but wanting to move back to Florida to be closer to family.
What are the pros and cons of Air vs National Guard? Has anyone joined up with a child on the way? How did it go? Any other general advice is much appreciated!
submitted by crussiam to nationalguard [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 DigitalZeroes Films that was in the theaters Twenty Years ago (2004) Part 1.

Films that was in the theaters Twenty Years ago (2004) Part 1. submitted by DigitalZeroes to Zillennials [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 winebagpapi What recoil spring is better?

What recoil spring is better? I’m building a full size upper for my p320, just bought this slide from KMT. Debating on running a stock sig recoil spring vs armory craft recoil system. Any reasons I should run one or the other?
Also need to buy slide internals, 3rd party or OEM ok? Or should I get those through sig?
submitted by winebagpapi to SigSauer [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 JJYak695 Local slide milling

Looks for recommendations for local companies that mill and plate pistol slides. Sorry if this has been asked already and thank you in advance!!
submitted by JJYak695 to CTguns [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 EPMT90 BASIS GZ Insights

I'm in the process of interviews and was curious if anyone could provide insight into BASIS GZ, specifically. I understand that many people have only negative things to say about the BASIS network. Of the school, I know that it's outside of the city and that there are mixed reviews on ISR.
Truly I'd like insight and avoid a spiral of negativity.
If anyone's worked there or has insight into GZ in general, please send me a pm!
submitted by EPMT90 to Internationalteachers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 S-p-o-o-k-n-t Raised my CG by 4 waves - I think I'm good, but any tips for higher waves that I might not know?

Raised my CG by 4 waves - I think I'm good, but any tips for higher waves that I might not know? submitted by S-p-o-o-k-n-t to Ultrakill [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 hyyyperlink Kann mir das jemand mit den Bonds erklären?

Kann mir das jemand mit den Bonds erklären? submitted by hyyyperlink to BettenBad [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 21:31 Reppotimus Financial Advice for Men

Financial Advice for Men submitted by Reppotimus to LinkedInLunatics [link] [comments]