IDK what happened but I'm not able to close yt vids to watch other ones

2024.11.30 02:40 CosmicX2979 IDK what happened but I'm not able to close yt vids to watch other ones

IDK what happened but I'm not able to close yt vids to watch other ones submitted by CosmicX2979 to youtube [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 Clontarf- How does everyone manage caterpillars?

I’m loving my little veggie patch, I have a mix of tomato’s, chilli’s, snow peas, radish and cucumbers. The only issue is they’re all getting overrun with little caterpillars and most leaves have tiny holes. What’s a natural way to deal with this / or is it totally fine to leave as is?
submitted by Clontarf- to GardeningAustralia [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 Early_Nectarine_185 cleanser/moisturizer/sunscreen recs for on tret (k beauty or other)

ive had hormonal acne for a while and around 3 weeks ago my derm put me on tretinoin and clindamycin phosphate
AM: - la roche posay foaming cleanser - roundlab dokdo toner - clindamycin phosphate - roundlab birch moisturizer - roundlab birch sunscreen

i wanted to ask, since these products are about to be used up, should i repurchase them or are there better options? i was gifted a roundlab set and have been using it forever, except the cleanser
especially sunscreen, since i know how important it is on tret and i play tennis around 3 times a week
thank you so much!
submitted by Early_Nectarine_185 to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 Otherwise-Reserve-97 was I robbed

was I robbed Theme was fairytale
submitted by Otherwise-Reserve-97 to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 film-bookdotcom TV Review: THE KNICK: Season 1, Episode 2: Mr. Paris Shoes [Cinemax]

TV Review: THE KNICK: Season 1, Episode 2: Mr. Paris Shoes [Cinemax] submitted by film-bookdotcom to TVShowReviewIMDb [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 Ok_Medium9362 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: submitted by Ok_Medium9362 to MonopolyGoDiceLinks [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 motorionline F1 | Ferrari, Leclerc: “Second place in the Drivers’ Championship would mean a lot this year”

F1 | Ferrari, Leclerc: “Second place in the Drivers’ Championship would mean a lot this year” submitted by motorionline to Formula1eng [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 film-bookdotcom TV Review: THE KNICK: Season 1, Episode 2: Mr. Paris Shoes [Cinemax]

submitted by film-bookdotcom to tvseriesreview [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 krissykross CPAP and double nostril piercings

I got both my nostrils pierced today. I wear a FFM that sits under the nose (f30i) for CPAP at night. I guess I just wanted to seek advice that this will be okay? I'm on top of cleaning with piercings (I've had 16) but never had a fresh one with CPAP. Will humidity make things heal slower? Should I turn it down? I don't want to buy a f20 just for this as they'll be halfway healed by the time it gets to me.
submitted by krissykross to CPAP [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 PurpleAndGold24 First post here. Probably my best work!

First post here. Probably my best work! Haven't been able to replicate it... but I can't complain about attempting it again.
submitted by PurpleAndGold24 to steak [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 yung_saucin Can’t equip my sniper in ranked cod

Having a problem since ranked came out i cannot pull out my LR 7.62 for some reason. Instead it pulls out a XM4. anyone else running into this problem?
submitted by yung_saucin to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 somewhatdope Broken passenger side power seat

Broken passenger side power seat Suffering from a broken power seat on my passenger side, water bottle had spawned in under the seat and was not noticed until I tried moving the seat and without warning I heard a snap and the seat stopped moving. It broke on the outer end of the plastic bar with the seat motor, and it has some wound up wire which I assume is the drive cable.
I’m thinking this will require a seat frame replacement as I can’t locate a part for just what’s broken for me. Also if it is a seat frame replacement, I see one for sale for a Q4, do the seats differ from model to model in non-QV?
submitted by somewhatdope to AlfaRomeo [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 nyctose7 Is there a way to sanitize crystals?

I have a lot of both polished and raw crystals, is there any way to sanitize or disinfect any of them?
submitted by nyctose7 to Crystals [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 Euphoric-Neck2495 Can someone review my SOP for BME for UMich

I’m currently applying to the UMich for a graduate program and would love feedback on my Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement. If you’re someone who was admitted to UMich (or knows the application process well), your insights would be incredibly valuable!
submitted by Euphoric-Neck2495 to StatementOfPurpose [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 BaldursFence3800 Computer keeps shutting down randomly

Upgraded a family member’s computer from a 3700X to a 5900X. New motherboard.
Computer has had issues where it randomly shuts down. Even if I stress it, it might not do it. Can just shut down while he is idling on discord and YouTube.
-upgraded to a thermal right peerlesss fan/heatsink
-bought new Corsair 850w power supply
-updated bios on the Asus Rog Triz Gaming mobo
-swapped the 6750XT to a 5700XT, still occurs. Though less frequently?
-still on same windows 10 install as before.
-same 2x16gb Corsair Vengeance memory
-installed additional fans to the case for intake, rear and top exhaust.
-nothing of use shows in event viewer
-I ran 3dmark and the cpu and gpu temps look to be within spec to me. Gpu tops in 80s at most. CPU in 70s. At load. Otherwise they idle in 40s-50s.
I am running out of ideas on what to do next.
submitted by BaldursFence3800 to pcgamingtechsupport [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 sunDi0sa How do you find the time to eat?

4 weeks postpartum here! I was lucky enough to have my mom help me for the first three weeks, but now that I'm on my own this week, I’m struggling to manage everything—especially when it comes to remembering to eat a proper meal. I feel so disorganized.
My husband works 12-hour shifts and, to be honest, he’s not much of a cook. But he’s been incredibly attentive in making sure I have snacks stocked up, helping around the house when he gets home, and taking over with the baby in the evenings so I can have some time to shower.
The real challenge for me is getting a decent meal in the mornings or early afternoons. Baby has been cluster feeding, so it feels like he’s on my breast constantly. When he does sleep, I’m left with the choice of either catching up on sleep (which usually wins) or doing quick chores like laundry or wiping down the kitchen. I’ve come to terms with the fact that the house will never be as clean as I’d like it for a while. Since I’m breastfeeding, I know it’s really important to eat well, but how do you find time to actually get all three meals in? How do you make the "trenches" of early postpartum life feel more manageable?
Do you meal prep? Order food in? Any tips for staying nourished and sane during this time? Can’t wait to hear what’s worked for you!
submitted by sunDi0sa to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 Odd-Character4257 TAROT READINGS AVAILABLE

Hi! I’m available for tarot readings. I can do 60 o 30 min of reading (your choice) or just simply answer a few questions. I also do natal chart readings and matrix chart. Feel free to dm me ☺️
submitted by Odd-Character4257 to Sagittarians [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 LectureGlad6145 What’s it like to go to the ER for mental health in MA? Any tips?

I’m not having SI (I’m safe) but my anxiety and panic attacks are OUT of control. And seasonal depression. Coping skills not working. Need a break and some fast med changes. But I’m very afraid of getting sectioned and stuff so hoping so hear from some people who have been through it or who have had friends or family go through it to relieve some of my anxiety about taking this step. Or anyone who works in the MH field who has insight. Like does a hold have to last 72 hours? Are crisis workers in the ER on the weekend? What if I have a mental health episode while I’m waiting for a bed? I live in southeastern MA and have MassHealth insurance. Ty in advanced for any help
submitted by LectureGlad6145 to massachusetts [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 Texasproud2 Anyone else try and register for the accounting entrance exam?

The site shows that the accounting entrance exam opens for registration by November 29 at 5pm, but it it isn't showing on the register page.
submitted by Texasproud2 to utarlington [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 dvisyxo Family meal..

Have you ever had “fruit cocktail salad”?
It’s canned fruit cocktail mixed with eggnog and flavored with cinnamon, nutmeg etc. - served chilled.
Typically served for Thanksgiving!
Is there a name for this or is it just a struggle meal?
submitted by dvisyxo to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 shoostar813 PEEKABOO! Damascus Watu

submitted by shoostar813 to spyderco [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 West_Yogurtcloset936 Building shower fountain with a natural filtration system.

Is it possible to build a natural showefountain, let's say using a log, with a natural filtration system(charcoal, sand, peoples) that the water drains through before getting pumped back up through to the fountain part? I wouldn't be using any in line plumbing and the filtration system plus pump would be under a 6in platform.
submitted by West_Yogurtcloset936 to Hydroponics [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 Gokuusjgodgmail So did I Momo want ******* to marry her and aira?

submitted by Gokuusjgodgmail to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 SpWRJ Thomas edits.

Thomas edits. submitted by SpWRJ to thomasthetankengine [link] [comments]

2024.11.30 02:40 aluminiumlynx A note for the sensor.

If I were in Juliette’s position at the end of S02E03 I would be planning to write a note to place on the sensor of silo 18. Question is what should it say (answer in comments)?
submitted by aluminiumlynx to SiloSeries [link] [comments]