Misleading deals

2024.12.01 00:40 urcap Misleading deals

Misleading deals I recently saw a deal saying if i had paid for 4 orders i would be given $20 off my next order. I often don't order from doordash, but i made a one time exception, only because $20 off sounded crazy to me.
Then i was met with this.
Not anywhere did it say at first "wait 60 days". It simply said "on your next order".
I'm not asking for any feedback, but I'm simply posting this to warn anyone else who could possibly be mislead by this.
submitted by urcap to doordash [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 Berean_Katz What are some scary films or TV shows that aren’t usually considered horror?

I was thinking of Jurassic Park and how I consider it sci-fi horror, but most people I know wouldn’t list it as such—just as a sci-fi film. What are some other good examples of terrifying movies/shows that aren’t considered horror?
submitted by Berean_Katz to horror [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 Zoe_loves_cats Rate my kitties!!

Rate my kitties!! Names: Caspian, Caesar, Chadwick (In order) They're half Persian so they have slightly smashed noses! 😸
submitted by Zoe_loves_cats to SLGreddit [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 BreakRulesRun TIL Tim Allen surname is Dick

TIL Tim Allen surname is Dick submitted by BreakRulesRun to todayilearned [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 PaperGiraffe659 I'm hoping beyond hope right now.

I'm hoping beyond hope right now. submitted by PaperGiraffe659 to AshMains [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 cellard00r18 We got physical how do we handle holidays now

Long story but my boyfriend’s mom got physical with me, threatened to call cops on me , threatened to take me to court, embarrassed me in front of her neighbors, accused me of crazy things, and called me disgusting things. It was absolutely not deserved and manic.
I’ve never been in a fight before in my life and never in a crazy situation like what happened. This woman is trashy and known for being so. Not really worried about the families opinion if she tells them her side because they know she’s crazy.
Boyfriend blocked her and I did too.
Now with holidays it sucks because she’ll probably be at family gatherings and I won’t go in that case and my bf probably won’t. We didn’t go to family thanksgiving because she’d be there. there is my family to spend the holidays with but that’s not solving spending it with his.
Does this mean I just don’t see his family on holidays now? His niece and nephew Birthdays? How does it even work? I don’t want to be someone that they have to work around but…it doesn’t seem healthy or fair that I’m just not going anymore now
submitted by cellard00r18 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 cosmicbooknews Superman: James Gunn Ditching Big Part of Story

Superman: James Gunn Ditching Big Part of Story submitted by cosmicbooknews to CosmicBookNews [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 OkAdhesiveness5025 Flashback from the past?

And maybe not so historical because it's current. Any of you remember dialling: 318-425-0211??? For time and temperature?
IDK how we got on the subject. We -my husband and I, decided -let's try it out.. why don't you try it out as well?
submitted by OkAdhesiveness5025 to shreveport [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 ItsReverze Frustrated..

Been really enjoying the newest update, bought the ultimate edition leading up to this update. Playing it a lot for the past few days. Grinding those Lockdowns. Extracted quite a few blacklist cars just going and doing the thing.
Finally come across the M3, extract it. Now this car i want to use next!.. Its not there.. Check my whole garage.. none of the blacklist cars are there.
Read some of the issues about going over the 200 car limit. 117 cars in the garage, haven't played single player so that shouldn't be an issue, right? 67 cars.. what, how?? so I look through the list... it's mostly cars that have been added from the ultimate collection i bought.. I never touched carreer after finishing it and going online.. never knew some cars are copied over.
Still, 117+67 = 184, still room for some cars.... .. cop garage adds 9 cars.. thats 193. still not quite 200... soooo... do jacked cars count towars the 200 limit?
Anyway.. start selling my career cars.. Play a lockdown match, boost a blacklist car, extract.. and it's there..
I thought it had 13/15 cars collected, turns out it's just one.
The game really does a shit job at informing the player that you have reached your garage limit.
submitted by ItsReverze to needforspeed [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 ShlongMcDongly What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by ShlongMcDongly to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 Paulin_Redditor took some screenshots uhh

took some screenshots uhh https://preview.redd.it/375ecq74v44e1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a13b07e486c6f689f248bec3c04a0b0ad97cedf2
isn't this version of the lobby like dev exclusive or just hyper rare or sum
submitted by Paulin_Redditor to PressureRoblox [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 Brilliant_Smoke_3384 Ap Operations and Ap Service associate Here

Here to answer questions regarding being a DSD receive Claims and Door Host worker.
submitted by Brilliant_Smoke_3384 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 ProfessionalPlus5047 19-25 year old friend meet-up ?

Anyone fancy doing some sort of meetup? A coffee maybe or some drinks. If you message me I’ll give you my insta and we can sort something out :)
submitted by ProfessionalPlus5047 to Sunderland [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 XXGODGT What are these birds?

They’re green birds that squawk like this “squawk Squawk!” And they make giant, stick nests on the power lines
submitted by XXGODGT to birding [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 Shaonic //Reboot: Platform. Subject of log: File Modification, Design comparison old vs new.// [ Concluding Event, returning to previous status://UNKNOWN?// ]

//Reboot: Platform. Subject of log: File Modification, Design comparison old vs new.// [ Concluding Event, returning to previous status://UNKNOWN?// ] submitted by Shaonic to TalesoftheLostsouls [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 RaiRai-Raven Maya UV Maps Not Lining Up With Substance Painter Maps

Maya UV Maps Not Lining Up With Substance Painter Maps I'm trying to add textures to my model, but for some reason this group isn't laying out the same way it is on Maya. It's not because it's part of a group, my other groups are fine. The most I can think of is that they're made with the guad draw tool but otherwise I did everything with the same process.
UV maps on Maya
UV Maps on Substance Painter
submitted by RaiRai-Raven to Maya [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 Galan1234 Complete merge project.

Complete merge project. Is this a good build? Just trying make a old unit powerful again. Oh yeah the only arcane weapon I have is eljuonir should I use that?
submitted by Galan1234 to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 Ok-Ingenuity-8970 MBP4 is here!

I got the Amazon deal plus the minus 200 with the Amazon prime card!!!
I had a ton of issues with my eyes and the M1 display so I was a bit hesitant of getting a laptop but my eyes feel great after 4hrs!
Use case: Software Development, browsing the web and watching movies here and there when I have time.
submitted by Ok-Ingenuity-8970 to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 Mountain_Main_6553 Stupid budget cuts, you make me look bad!

Stupid budget cuts, you make me look bad! submitted by Mountain_Main_6553 to countablepixels [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 Mango7185 Disappointed with friends and general people

So this might be long I would apologize but I just want to get this off my mind.
I am turning 40 next summer and I wanted to do something to celebbrate. I asked some of my friends which is a small group say 4 people. I kept trying to figure out what would be cost effective. It's like a push and tug where it's like you also do not want to count pennies. So I picked a cruise. So a lot of my friends are not in the best financials but some did it to themselves. Two have kids one looking for new apt has money from divorce but like refuses to use it for said housing the other makes more than me but pays child support and in court etc. The other the husband pays for most including vaca tions.
So one married said she can't which I kind of figured. It's frustrating that your husband wouldn't help for your best friend I known two of them since 7 years old. We went to a cruise and I asked if I could get a ride to the airport and he told her no because they driving back and wanted to make time. Which to me was wild but OK.
The other two one asking me what the total would be which i cant give exact numbers. I will say did inquire about doing something which people said ok to.
anyways I feel like no one is going to go.i know people will say go by yourself but ​I want memories and inside jokes and experiences not just in my head. I just feel really lonely not dating for years but trying. I'm also the friend that drops and helps everyone gives. The amount of gifts I gave and what I got back was always shocking. I did it to also make people feel good and loved because most of my friends also come from difficult homelife and feelings sad etc. I'm the person who people look at for advice etc so it can be draining. My mom said if no one comes than I need to stop talking to all of them for awhile. Not that it matters but I'm a cancer sign so you always giving giving. I just want to scream I went on tons of vacation and dinners and shit when I made no money for everyone where is the reciprocity? This is why I wish I just had a man so I never have to ask my friends and I cant do every vacation with my mom.
submitted by Mango7185 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 bot_neen ¡Enemigos pero enamorados! María León y Yahir presentan su nuevo sencillo “Ya no somos ni seremos”

¡Enemigos pero enamorados! María León y Yahir presentan su nuevo sencillo “Ya no somos ni seremos” submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 dontaskmenoqs What's Your Tips/Habits To Maintain Consistent Profitability?

As many people find out, successful trading isn’t about making every trade perfect. It’s about consistency and sticking to your strategy.
For all the seasoned traders, what tips/habits do you have for staying consistent/disciplined in your trading?
One of the most effective ways I maintain consistent profitability is by sticking to a well-defined daily routine. My strategy allows me to have clear entry and exit points so all I do is sit and wait for price to reach my levels. If it doesn't reach my levels then I don't take a trade. It took me years to get to this point so it's something that I'm proud of. Additionally, I review my performance regularly to learn from both my successes and mistakes. I keep a psychological journal as well as your traditional trading log journal. Feel free to share any insights or tips. I'm a data geek so I love tracking metrics so if there's something you like to track specifically then I'd love to hear about it!
So here is the key takeaways:

submitted by dontaskmenoqs to Trading [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 DutyOk183 H: Fcjs W: 800 Leaders

submitted by DutyOk183 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 redit0r69 Project Management

Looking for someone who understands it well for a small assignment.
submitted by redit0r69 to DoneDirtCheap [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:40 Ashrelm Zero Build

I’m just coming back to Fortnite tonight and haven’t been able to find zero build. Did Epic remove it completely?
submitted by Ashrelm to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]
