its like every game im in i see "femboy's stiff socks" or "femboyfinder." i'm on to you THE FINALS community.

2024.12.01 00:31 No-Ambassador2874 its like every game im in i see "femboy's stiff socks" or "femboyfinder." i'm on to you THE FINALS community.

its like every game im in i see submitted by No-Ambassador2874 to thefinals [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 Dismal-Diet-704 What’s the deal on protein?

I’m a 5’3’’ woman, 172lbs on semaglutide. My trainer recently has me eating 175grams a day for fat loss/training. It’s hard for me to have complete faith but doesn’t this seem like a lot? Or almost impossible? Even on days I try to eat a lot of protein my medicine doesn’t allow me.
I’m starting to think this may be too much protein….My whole adult life is revolved around protein. I’ve never ate this high amount of protein in my life. I know it’s important but is it as important as everyone claims? With this amount id have to go full carnivore.
Bonus 🍽 if anybody has any semaglutide non-nausea protein recipes lemme know ✌️
submitted by Dismal-Diet-704 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 BigChungoisYup Jobb eller Master? (IT)

Jeg går nå siste året mitt innenfor IT (bachelor neste semester). Har lest litt rundt, både reddit og internett generelt, og det virker som at mulighetene for å få jobb innenfor IT som nyutdannet (med kun bachelor) er ganske dårlig. Jeg bor på studentbolig og har muligheten til å bo her i 5 år totalt, som tilsvarer en mastergrad. Det er jo greit ettersom alt er inkludert og leia er ok.
Her kommer første spørsmål. Jeg har en deltidsjobb som betaler ganske greit ved siden av studiene. Hittil har jeg hatt fullt lån + stipend hos lånekassen. Hvis du hadde vært i mine sko, hadde du fortsatt valgt dette eller valgt kun stipend for å slippe høyere lån etter endt utdanning? (dette gjelder fortsettelse med master)
Jeg tenker å begynne å søke relevante jobber etter nyttår for å se om jeg får tilbud innen jeg er ferdig med bachelor. Det neste spørsmålet mitt er:
Hadde du takket ja til hvilken som helst jobb innenfor IT og dermed starte karrieren din, eller hadde du KUN takket ja dersom jobben betalte bra/bra arbeidsplass. Hva er minimumslønna du hadde akseptert? Får jeg mer ut av å jobbe etter bachelor, eller får jeg mer ut av å ta en master?
Dette er min første post her, og er kun av ren nysgjerrighet for å vite hva andre hadde gjort. Takk til alle som setter av tid til å svare!
submitted by BigChungoisYup to norge [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 V01d3d_f13nd Israeli tank destroys an ambulance in Southern, Lebanon

submitted by V01d3d_f13nd to comedyNactivism [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 veelovesherpug Real or Fake?

Real or Fake? Pls help with these 4 LPS!
submitted by veelovesherpug to littlestpetshopfakes [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 Aggravating_Ad_1581 Favorite time of the year

Favorite time of the year submitted by Aggravating_Ad_1581 to walmart [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 Justheretoreadbroski Pregnancy Symptoms

25 y/o, first time pregnancy.
I was on BC for years and stopped taking them around August- ended up pregnant very quickly (October) and my husband and I were so surprised.
I have had VERY little symptoms thus far. I am a little over 10 weeks currently. But, being tired more than usual, and sore boobs have been present from the beginning. Since about 8 weeks I have been urinating more frequently as well. I had some acid reflux for a couple weeks earlier, and nausea/gross feeling if I didn’t eat on a regular basis (3 meals/day, 2-3 snacks). For the most part, no food aversions other than I can’t eat my homemade enchiladas anymore 🥲, no morning sickness whatsoever.
I have just such a stupid amount of anxiety. It doesn’t help I am an anxious person as is, also self diagnosed hypochondriac 🙄 .. I feel as if something is wrong because of my lack of symptoms. I am constantly touching my boobs to make sure they are sore!! People tell Me I should be happy with my lack of symptoms. Which, don’t get me wrong, I am, but I also feel like I wish I could feel more symptomatic of the typical pregnancy symptoms that everyone talks about .. I honestly feel for all the mothers who have gone through pregnancy and haven’t had the best experience.. I kinda feel shitty because I feel so good.
scans have been normal thus far- had one at 7 weeks, heartbeat 142 .. just has one a few weeks ago at 8w 4d and heartbeat was 182. Next appointment scheduled, I will be just shy over 12 weeks .. I am so nervous something is wrong with baby, or something bad will happen because I feel so normal still.. If any other moms who can relate to me and my situation just give me some reassurance that everything will be ok, I would greatly appreciate it!
submitted by Justheretoreadbroski to firsttimemom [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 Snoo-43394 [M4F] looking for a new longterm partner!

Hello there!!
Looking for an 18+ longterm partner!
my name is cameron, I’ve been writing for a 13ish or more years now, and I am interested in the ad that you posted. I just wanted to say that I absolutely delight in writing longer responses typically around 1-3 paragraphs and delving into intricate detail when I collaborate with others. I try to never leave a response in a state where the other person is incapable of building off or improvising from the material that I have provided. Brainstorming is also something that I really enjoy, creating something with another person and shooting ideas back-and-forth in a captivating manner is something that I look forward to when creating original stories.
A couple things to note about my writing style.

Anyhow, let me know if my offer deems of interest to you and if not, here is a rose to keep 🌹- Cameron
submitted by Snoo-43394 to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 yourmysticmuse Just me and my soft cleavage

Just me and my soft cleavage submitted by yourmysticmuse to cleavageSFW [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 ddm92392 I want to submit my play for competitions

Hello. I have a play I wrote that's been sitting for a bit. It's about 65 pages. Centers around the history of an African American family and how that history has shaped their legacy. I would love to submit it into competitions, but I'm not familiar with any to do so. Could anyone recommend such competitions? Either geared towards black playwrights or otherwise. Thank you.
submitted by ddm92392 to playwriting [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 KittenBotBot 20241201 - cute maine coon kitten:cyberrealistic_1_3:3659470511

20241201 - cute maine coon kitten:cyberrealistic_1_3:3659470511 submitted by KittenBotBot to kittenbot [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 myspotIessmind [chat] 23f - yappers to the front 🗣️

honestly, im just in the mood for a lil chitchat. if the chat is good, then i’d be down to stay in touch over discord. my interests are pretty varied, so i’m sure we’ll find something to chat about <3
submitted by myspotIessmind to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 tired_bob3 A FRIENDSHIP JUST ENDED

A FRIENDSHIP JUST ENDED submitted by tired_bob3 to PedroPeepos [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 _II_I_I__I__I_I_II_ Zelenskyy agrees to record podcast with American interviewer Lex Fridman

Zelenskyy agrees to record podcast with American interviewer Lex Fridman submitted by _II_I_I__I__I_I_II_ to Global_News_Hub [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 Hanzlolz Which would be better? Ally's dad getting out of jail or Tuxy's dad coming home with the milk?

Just thought of it
submitted by Hanzlolz to Socksfor1Submissions [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 90138I5JKM Platinum help!!!

Platinum help!!! submitted by 90138I5JKM to pokemonteams [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 gentlemen-odss Miners benefits

Why does some people say if you buy kas u only making miner richer?? A now krc20 gave miners lots of extra revenue but what extra revenue does the network provide them?? Are the smart contracts going to generate extra revenue for them??
submitted by gentlemen-odss to kaspa [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 SnooOpinions4357 Shirt looking like it fits good? Not too Big?

Shirt looking like it fits good? Not too Big? Gained some weight the past few years and am experimenting with XXL
submitted by SnooOpinions4357 to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 PJKetelaar3 Canadian premiere tonight

Let's hear about it from our friends in the Great White North.
submitted by PJKetelaar3 to StarWarsSkeletonCrew [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 Salty-Conclusion-719 Please help me pick a new phone!

Hey everyone, I’m in need of a new phone and could use some advice. My current phone is on its last legs, so I’m deciding between a few options. I’m looking at the iPhone 16 Plus: should I go for the 128GB version for $929, or the 256GB version for $1029? Alternatively, I’ve also found a refurbished iPhone 14 Pro Max (512GB) on Apple’s website for $1019. I’m mainly interested in longevity, performance, and value for the price. Which one would you recommend and why? Thanks!
submitted by Salty-Conclusion-719 to iphone [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 ostridge_man AAF Violate doesn't show up

As I said it doesn't appear in MCM when I'm in game, but if I go to Mods and cluck load order AAF Violate is there. I don't know if its working, but since it wont show up in MCM I can't edit it. Yes I'm using the right versions of both of the things. I'm not too familiar with modding so I been hitting "use suggested" in Vortex.
submitted by ostridge_man to FO4mods [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 Bcw-2 khloe Kardardashian Pt.2242

khloe Kardardashian Pt.2242 submitted by Bcw-2 to KhloeKardash [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 Boethiah_The_Prince TIL if you destroy the training dummies in Chenyu Vale, the Millelith will come to murder you

TIL if you destroy the training dummies in Chenyu Vale, the Millelith will come to murder you submitted by Boethiah_The_Prince to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 Erutious Cry of the Strawmen Read by Doctor Plague

Cry of the Strawmen Read by Doctor Plague submitted by Erutious to HorrorNarrations [link] [comments]

2024.12.01 00:31 BriefSail1020 Recommendations for swing sets? Something with motion, swings back and forth , also something last a while.

Recommendations for swing sets? Something with motion, swings back and forth , also something last a while. Swing set that has motion, sound, moves side to s rocks. Something I will be able to use for a while un.. he gets older of course. Thanks
submitted by BriefSail1020 to firsttimemom [link] [comments]