How do I add particle light to candles and candlehorns using community shaders?

2025.01.19 21:42 cKestrell How do I add particle light to candles and candlehorns using community shaders?

When I was using ENB it worked on its own but with community shaders it doesnt work anymore? I tried using the Candle Glow optional file in the Light Limit Fix page but it doesnt work. I only have that fake glow. It looks like this.
submitted by cKestrell to skyrimmods [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 BoroSkippy81 *SPOILERS!!*

So I trie to get the worst ending possible and here’s how it ended up:

Never again. Happy endings only from now on 😭
submitted by BoroSkippy81 to DetroitBecomeHuman [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Agile-Might-5550 laser hemorrhoidectomy

Does anyone had a positive experience or outcome from laser hemorrhoidectomy ?
submitted by Agile-Might-5550 to hemorrhoid [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 CherryBlossomEnding OMEGA X Jaehan and Son Gwanghyuk (formerly 14U Rio) have been cast in the original musical “인간탐구생활 (Human Exploration)”

OMEGA X Jaehan and Son Gwanghyuk (formerly 14U Rio) have been cast in the original musical “인간탐구생활 (Human Exploration)” submitted by CherryBlossomEnding to kpop [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 usernamenotfound-_-1 What’s a conspiracy theory that you find strangely believable, even if you don’t fully buy into it?

submitted by usernamenotfound-_-1 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Total_Run_9201 New to town Looking for Hockey, Ball hockey etc..

Just wanted to reach out, as I find that as much of a Hockey town Kamloops is, it seems like the adult rec, competitive hockey/ ball hockey leagues, aren’t advertised often to grow numbers and seek ppl of the same interest to join. Has anyone else, fairly new to town experienced this?
I’ve spoken a few ppl interested in playing either ice or ball, but I’ve been told, it’s all in who you know to get on teams, and that there’s drop ins too.
I get it’s a close knit community in terms of certain sports, but I feel like it’s strange that the ball hockey league teams are dwindling in numbers, yet there’s ppl who want to play and didn’t know a league existed!
I feel like this city has huge potential in growing the sport and numbers if marketed more often by the league facilitators, since it’s already a desirable place to play hockey for junior players alike.
submitted by Total_Run_9201 to Kamloops [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 NikoKekwic Apollo save tool question

Hello to whoever’s reading this. I just unlocked the Gran Turismo 6 ("Route Master" trophy) via the Apollo save tool and synced it to my account. I plan to do the same with the "Autobarmy" trophy (both are grindy and mileage related) and, last but not least, the platinum either tomorrow or in two days. Will I be safe? Thanks in advance.
submitted by NikoKekwic to ps3hacks [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Balalaika_enjoyer House life

House life submitted by Balalaika_enjoyer to okbuddyvicodin [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 uhkiou Sarah Makem - Barbara Allen

Sarah Makem - Barbara Allen submitted by uhkiou to RedScarePodMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Tornado4x WB Ho-oh 3 with party play add only one account 6279 1855 9346 and 0625 2427 4317 doing multiple raids

WB Ho-oh 3 with party play add only one account 6279 1855 9346 and 0625 2427 4317 doing multiple raids
submitted by Tornado4x to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 thisistheway06 singles for sale

submitted by thisistheway06 to sportscards [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Low-Potato-4991 Could this be MVP?

Gonna make this quick because I have to hop in the shower but: basically I just want to know if these could be related to MVP.
To start; I’ve had NUMEROUS EKGs due to the fact that I have POTS. While trying to get diagnosed with POTS, I was in and out of the hospital very frequently. While in the hospital one night, they told me that “my EKG was SLIGHTLY abnormal” but I had no reason to worry, just had to go get rechecked by a Cardiologist. (This ER doctor is the worst ER doctor imaginable. Trust me, he told me that my heart issues were anxiety and my broken rib was just me trying to get steroids 😭)
Flash forward, that Cardiologist was so bad. The only thing I’m glad she told me was that I have Mitral Valve Regurgitation, after doing an Echocardiogram. Having diagnosed me with POTS, she just sent me on the way saying there’s nothing we can do about both things (yes, I am seeing another Cardiologist now LOL)
Though, as I’m looking in my notes now, I notice a few things. In my test results, it states EXACTLY what was wrong with my EKGs. I have ST-Abnormalities, T-Wave Inversion, My T-Wave Axis is -79 (which the normal range is between 0-90), and I have a heart murmur.
So basically naming everything wrong, I have ST- Abnormalities, T-Wave Inversions, T-Wave Axis Decreased a lot, mitral valve regurgitation, and a heart murmur. I’m a 16F with Ehlers Danlos, so I know that MVPs are common with the disorder! Does this sound like MVP or do you think it could be related to something else?
I have a Cardiologist appointment coming up, so I was wondering if I should mention MVP to him!
submitted by Low-Potato-4991 to mitralvalveprolapse [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 LagginWagon22 Captain🫡 🥹

Captain🫡 🥹 Finally Got Secret Wars Cap 😁
submitted by LagginWagon22 to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 NikoKekwic Apollo save tool question

Hello to whoever’s reading this. I just unlocked the Gran Turismo 6 ("Route Master" trophy) via the Apollo save tool and synced it to my account. I plan to do the same with the "Autobarmy" trophy (both are grindy and mileage related) and, last but not least, the platinum either tomorrow or in two days. Will I be safe? Thanks in advance.
submitted by NikoKekwic to ps3hacks [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 TartSubstantial9919 my spiderman room

my spiderman room <3
submitted by TartSubstantial9919 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Vegetable_Shallot350 WB HO-OH RAID ADD ME 5250-8492-6015

WB HO-OH RAID ADD ME 5250-8492-6015 submitted by Vegetable_Shallot350 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 BasicCourt4182 AITAH for refusing to put my father in a nursing home and stop taking care of him?

My father is 70 years old and is in the process of getting his back, knees, and hips opperated on. My girlfriend and I have had to live with him for the past year. I have needed to take a break from working in order to care for him.
We recently found out that he may need heart surgery and my girlfriend lost it on me today. Its my birthday, but she went off on me for putting our lives on hold to care for him.
She does not help me and has basically created her own living space in our bed room with a fridge and portable stove. He is unable to care for himself so he ends up making anywhere around him filthy which turns into a huge issue with my significant other. She hasnt left because she has no where else to go. She has severe mental health issues with no ability to care for herself.
The amount of stress Im under from the both of them is overwhelming. I dont know what to do but I dont want to abandon my father in his time of need. He did a lot for me and we both took care of my mother while she was dying of cancer. My significant other and I broke up during that time because the amount of time I spent taking care of my mother was too difficult for her. She had a mental breakdown after and thats how we ended up back together. I love her dearly but I cant abandon my father. AITAH?
submitted by BasicCourt4182 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 another_13 Tuscany and Sicily in 10 days?

Hi! I'm planning a trip with my partner to Italy. I've been to Tuscany before but she hasn't. We also want to go to Sicily. We're only interested in flying into Catania and going to Taormina, Siracusa, Ortigia, and Noto. Then we were thinking of flying to Florence and renting a car and going to a few towns in Tuscany.
Is this way too much to do in 10 days? Would it be more doable if we did 12~ days? Would love any advice or examples if you did something like this.
submitted by another_13 to ItalyTravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Chadmuska64 Factory 2006 GT angle from catalytic converter to manifold

Does anyone know what degree of bend the factory catalytic converter is from the mid-pipe to the manifold?
submitted by Chadmuska64 to Mustang [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Fun-Statistician-532 Nissan March 2008 radio

 Nissan March 2008 radio submitted by Fun-Statistician-532 to CarAV [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Hooper24Life TikTok Being Banned Phase

TikTok Being Banned Phase submitted by Hooper24Life to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Nihanwhale How to cancel request to delete pubg

How can I cancel my PUBG account deletion? I requested to delete it, but now I want to keep my account. How can I cancel my deletion request?
submitted by Nihanwhale to PUBGMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 mer063 In k-8th grade open tournaments do people look at experience when they do bracketing?

We just went to kids open tournament. It was 2nd ever for my 10 year old boy. He has 1 year wrestling (going to classes twice a week) but no tournaments besides 1 beginner tournament a week ago. Anyway, he got placed with 3 other kids who obviously had more experience then him. Same thing happened at other tournament. So my question is: when you register - you have to tell how much experience kid has. Does that even matter when bracketing happens? Or people just lie that their kid has little experience? I heard from few parents that they do it this way. That makes me kinda angry. I want my kid to wrestle beginners like him, not a state champions. He is now just scared to go to tournaments again.. why do this??
submitted by mer063 to wrestling [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 FinancialHoe At this point it’s the mods just wanting to prank us

At this point it’s the mods just wanting to prank us It’s real funny right right yeah ☺️
submitted by FinancialHoe to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 21:42 Sea_Act_6896 trading my inventory, also lf the pets on the last slide, desperately need them

trading my inventory, also lf the pets on the last slide, desperately need them submitted by Sea_Act_6896 to adoptmeroblox [link] [comments]