Was told its under cooked

2025.01.20 02:59 daddy16- Was told its under cooked

Just curious cause I know I prefer my steak on the medium rare/ rare side but still undercooked is kinda crazy?!
submitted by daddy16- to steak [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 yookj95 Transformers Nemesis team building. Which team is better?

Transformers Nemesis team building. Which team is better? So I finally started playing Transformers Nemesis about a week or two and I’m enjoying it! The story mode is also very well written too! Right now on PvP, I’m choosing which team is better and what weapon and equipment gear to give them. Got any tier list for every character? Although, what’s your best team though?
submitted by yookj95 to Transformemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 JJ_Redditer Did the Norman conquest increase Old Norse on influence Middle English.

During the Viking age, many Vikings settled in England, interacting with Anglo-Saxons and introducing several words into English, including many common everyday words. However, most Old Norse loanwords aren't documented in Old English, and didn't start appear in writing until the Middle English period, long after the Viking age.
My theory is that Old Norse loanwords were usually considered informal and only used by commoners, especially in places Vikings settled. But after the Normans invaded England, and French became the language of the elite, this meant English no longer had a standard variety and people could speak and write more freely. This intern would allow words that were once restricted to certain regions and social classes to spread across the country, spreading Old Norse vocabulary in Middle English.
submitted by JJ_Redditer to asklinguistics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 hehzehsbwvwv Is tomorrow (MLK Jr. Day) a state holiday? Are we off?

I’m pretty sure but I’m getting anxious because I don’t remember anyone talking about a long weekend. 😅 Thanks in advance!
submitted by hehzehsbwvwv to CAStateWorkers [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 artpile Tonight's vision in the crowd.

submitted by artpile to sketches [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 dansemove Box

submitted by dansemove to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 viceversa220 driving is cool and fun actually!!

i'm in my 20s and finally getting my license, and it's actually... not that bad? like, i had issues the first few lessons but i'm picking it up now! i still hate turning and parking is kind of iffy but it's fun??? i like driving??
submitted by viceversa220 to evilautism [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 CraftyWifeNMom So which is it?

So which is it? So I’ve been thinking about purchasing one of the Chris Christensen slickers to see if they’re worth it and that’s if I can even find in Canada for a while now. While researching on their site I found this contradictory statement swapping what each the big K and big G do (I highlighted the two sections) On top of that they also have a much cheaper home version, but that has the same specs it looks like? Also are people actually purchasing both sizes? Like large for body and medium for legs as suggested? Thoughts and recommendations welcome please.
submitted by CraftyWifeNMom to Goldendoodles [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 Pilotskybird86 Interesting pink glitch

Interesting pink glitch I’ve never had anything like this happen before. It lasted for a few minutes before suddenly disappearing… Barbie 2 secret promo?
submitted by Pilotskybird86 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 Remote-Revolution799 Would anyone do this trade?

Would anyone do this trade? submitted by Remote-Revolution799 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 Solenoidics Virat and Dhoni running between the wicket

Virat and Dhoni running between the wicket submitted by Solenoidics to IndianCricket [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 Kalinka_98 Was it worth it? I spent R$79.

Was it worth it? I spent R$79. submitted by Kalinka_98 to hatsune [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 Striking_Metal8197 Frequency to Notes

I’m working on some Arduino code for a piano kit I picked up. The frequency for a song was provided in an Array, but I wanted Notes. So I copied the freq table into Word’s Copilot and asked it to convert please Notes. It went perfectly. I now have a Notes table. Very cool!
submitted by Striking_Metal8197 to CopilotMicrosoft [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 AmethystGD Anybody else just keep funny cards?

Idk I found these mildly amusing
submitted by AmethystGD to mtg [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 Jello_Penguin_2956 [HSS] a couple questions

1 can you change the skill that comes with class? Not the equippable one but like Nomad's -1 stamina for quest one.
2 how do you raise unit stars?
submitted by Jello_Penguin_2956 to Kairosoft [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 hotelparklane Dr Vaseem Mirza interview

A very insightful interview with Vaseem Mirza, a proud mysorean and award winning wild life vet officer who takes care of Bandipur forest area. Towards the end of the video, he says if you take him out of Mysore he will likely die!
submitted by hotelparklane to mysore [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 Background-Resort564 Continuing research project after parting with co-researcher (university)

This is a bit of a long story. I'll try to keep it short.
I worked with a PhD student at my university for two years (freshman and sophomore years, I'm an undergrad). She was in her 40s. At the time, I was 17-18
She has had a lot of issues in the past. She was fired from her lab and eventually left the university as a whole after ruining her reputation with her advisor and entire committee.
This whole time, we were working on a research project I loved. We gathered all the data and even presented at a conference.
The conference turned out to be the problem. We traveled together. The whole time I was made very uncomfortable. She spoke badly regarding my personal religious and medical choices (such as telling me to stop taking birth control).
When I was finally home, I never wanted to see her again. That was about when she left the university, and the state. She tried to contact me five months later and immediately said something incredibly offensive regarding my recently deceased pet. I never replied.
I only say all of this because I knew otherwise the immediate answer was going to be "just talk to her again!" I do not feel safe talking to her again.
Herein lies the problem: I spent two years working on this project and gathering data. I damn well want to get a paper out of it. I was always going to be first author, and I have access to all the data, but rightfully, she has some claim to it.
Maybe this isn't even the right sub, but it seems too personal for academia or research. Hoping someone in academia here will be able to help me out.
What do I do? Who do I talk to? Is my research project forfeit because I don't want to talk to this person anymore?
submitted by Background-Resort564 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 taozuidesongshu 小红书看了赛博对账,你觉得赢麻了?并不是

小红书看了赛博对账,你觉得赢麻了?并不是 https://preview.redd.it/amjuuywua2ee1.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ef5831ef8f699864f7fae736c5584dd0f0f933c
很多人看了这波对账,突破了信息茧房,觉得我们这边赢麻了,又开始遥遥领先。 别着急先看看这张图,对账的双方并不是一个阶层的人。
不可否认,受益于当初的菜篮子工程,这边不至于吃不上饭。 当然了历史也表明了,一旦吃不上饭就开始风雨飘摇了。
双方都有很多内部的矛盾,比如: 美:LGBTQ,流浪汉,暴力事件,通胀
预测: 预测1:不排除,特朗普上台后为解决问题又和中勾兑,又开始一家亲。 预测2:特朗普上台后靠加密货币做蓄水出,与传统既得利益阶层对抗,贸易战继续。
submitted by taozuidesongshu to China_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 worthlesscatman Dashers stealing orders?

I work long hours and time my DoorDash meals to align with a break. Probably once a month I get a photo of black or a house not in my neighborhood saying the order was delivery and neither I or my neighbors have any food. Is this common for others who order daily? How many times can a dasher do this before they are banned?
submitted by worthlesscatman to doordash [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 DefaultUserFR CHAT: W/F/L

I traded: GINGERSCOPE AND ICEP They traded: Chroma Constellation
submitted by DefaultUserFR to MurderMystery2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 Unique-Ad-7510 Looking for recommendations

Hello po. Any leads for shops that offers used laptops that can give decent warranty and can issue official receipts? Thank you po
submitted by Unique-Ad-7510 to PHbuildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 Adventurous_Web_1033 What do you think would be the best executive order Trump could sign to address the current issues in the country?

submitted by Adventurous_Web_1033 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 Civil_Front2808 Need help finding a story!

I can't remember the title or author of this fic. :( The plot took place after Breaking Dawn, where the Cullens found another hybrid child named Henry, who was adopted by Rosalie and Emmett. It was a fairly long story, and there was a sequel as well. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Civil_Front2808 to TwilightFanfic [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 New_Piano7830 Do I deserve punishment? What should I expect while getting apanked?

I am 18 and my bf is 20. Recently, I've been super sassy, rude, lying and hiding stuff from my bf. He cought me 3 times and he forced me to guve him a blow job as a punishment once, 2nd time was sleeping naked on the floor and 3rd was having harsh forced sex with him. We love eachother but I am so rude. I want to improve but its hard and he said he will do anything he can to help me. He warned me that he will spank my bottom fucking hard for hours if I lied or did anything bad again. I have never got spanking in my life. I dont know what to expect and how that works.does spanking hurts? Also, if you were my bf what would you do to me? Can someone explain how spanking works and what should I expect? How would you deal with me? Also, I had a sex with his friend and he locked me in dark room for a day but he might burst out of anger anytime... I am scared.Last night, we were supposed to have a sex together but I said I am tured and I lied and later he found me mastubrating and he said Get ready for tomorrow... what should I do?? How is it gonna be ? What would you do with my type of girl?
submitted by New_Piano7830 to spankingonlyfans [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 02:59 DenaBee3333 No more heartburn

I’m in my 4th month of semaglutide and the heartburn that woke me up almost every night has now subsided. I’m also no longer having random nausea. Is this normal? I keep thinking the meds aren’t working any more since I don’t experience those side effects, but I am still eating less and not feeling addicted to food or binge eating.
So I guess I should just count my blessings. 😀 The heartburn was really the worst part of this for me. So far.
submitted by DenaBee3333 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]
