A silver lining on the school board travesty

2025.01.22 04:21 ttaiter111 A silver lining on the school board travesty

Can we acknowledge and appreciate the courage and boldness of Amber Huett-Garcia, Michelle McKissack, and Tamarques Porter.
submitted by ttaiter111 to memphis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 TheSkinnyVinny I thought it might be coral, but now thinking it might be bone. Thoughts? Found on the beach in CA

I thought it might be coral, but now thinking it might be bone. Thoughts? Found on the beach in CA submitted by TheSkinnyVinny to shells [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 indiaartndesign Reviving Heritage: A Chettinad-inspired Refurbishment| Studio Pa. Ra.

submitted by indiaartndesign to interiordesignideas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 marichan3 Low Cost Properties with Friendly Neighborhoods in Pampanga. Help a girly out.

I, 26F, desperately need a fresh start. I’m a Baguio girly born and raised. I love my hometown, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think I’ll stay here forever.
I’ve done plenty of research about Pampanga that’s why I am seriously considering moving there. But one more inquiry wouldn’t hurt.
QUESTION: Would I be able to afford a property in San Fernando or Angeles with a safe neighborhood (for a girl who will live alone) with just a budget of 2 to 3 million?
A good access to the business districts and public transpo is also a plus for me but I have a car so its negotiable.
It would be really nice if you could name Subdivisions or areas that I can look into.
No agents please. I genuinely need to know the opinions of the locals.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by marichan3 to Pampanga [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 GroupIntelligent673 (PC) W: 748mil runes (anything helps though) H: karma, ask

submitted by GroupIntelligent673 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 Lost-Mouse-5941 Snake bites

submitted by Lost-Mouse-5941 to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 sammykent713 Old billiards chairs

Old billiards chairs My parents purchased these a while back second hand, they could be custom, but I’d like to know if anyone knows where they might have come from or something similar. I specifically think the chess/checkers board in the center is super cool. If nothing else, this is a super cool piece of furniture!
submitted by sammykent713 to findfurnitureID [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 OptionKnown5133 What baking paper do you use?

I love love love this baking paper. Nonstick talaga, good price (550Php, 150m) and di madali masunog. Kaso out of stock na sa shopee :( what brand do you recommend?
submitted by OptionKnown5133 to BakingPhilippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 gregs0101 Juárez vs Puebla - Resumen Jornada 4 Torneo de Clausura Liga MX Femenil 2025

submitted by gregs0101 to FutbolFemenilMexico [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 strawberryarugula Missing Cat

Name: Luna Weight: 12lbs Age: 7 Colour: Black Breed: Ragdoll - Longhaired Domestic Date Missing: January 20
She’s strictly an indoor cat and is likely extremely scared and hiding. I’m begging everyone and anyone to keep an eye out for her …
submitted by strawberryarugula to kelowna [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 K-K-Kikam They changed it again?

They changed it again? The "hide" thing didn't last even a month and now it's "remove". Why did they even change that thing? It still does the same tho, so it's just an useless change 🫤
submitted by K-K-Kikam to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 CryHavoc3000 I can't believe people think Elon Musk did the Nazi salute

Elon looked like he'd never waved at anyone before. It was so awkward. If that was a Nazi salute, it was the worst Nazi salute in the history of Nazi salutes.
For someone to think that was a Nazi salute, you'd have to need glasses.
No, seriously, I'm still laughing.
submitted by CryHavoc3000 to Rants [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 toxiditea Get this one remaining slot (Spotify)

[H] Spotify Family Premium [W] Paypal
i have a member that switched to apple music and leave a spot to fill. please get this 1 remaining slot.
this is my own account, and i prefer a long term member.

selling it for only 2 USD/EUR or country's equivalent (monthly)
submitted by toxiditea to accountsharing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 NotEpic8217 Desabafo: falecimento de pai e mãe me apresentando um novo homem

Olá Reddit, está não é minha primeira vez aqui no sub, mas vi a necessidade de postar novamente já que estou no período de férias e não estou vendo muitas pessoas. Então, tenho 17 anos e há 5 meses meu pai veio a falecer devido a complicações no seu câncer. Já fazia quase dois anos que ele estava batalhando contra os tumores, mas acabou de um jeito que não esperávamos, tínhamos muita esperanças em sua melhora e quando ele se foi, todos ao meu redor sofreram, minha mãe, meus tios, amigos, e eu. Tem sido meses muito difíceis já que estou sendo forçado a me acostumar á uma rotina estranha pra mim, meu pai foi o melhor homem de todos, e eu todos os dias eu me pego pensando nisso. Acredito agora que estou um pouco mais estável do que nas primeiras semanas, já que nos primeiros dias minha família e meus amigos não desgrudaram de mim sem me abraçar ou sem falar palavras de conforto, foi graças a ajuda de todos que eu consegui me "recompor", apesar de tudo ainda estar estranho e possivelmente continuar estranho pro resto da minha vida. Entretanto, há algo além disso que preciso comentar, no início do ano, minha mãe (que felizmente está bem melhor) esteve conversando com um novo homem que ela conheceu no Instagram, ela veio me contar sobre este homem enquanto eu jogava, ela estava radiante contando sobre ele, dizendo como ele era um ótimo homem e gentil (eu já havia notado o tempo que ela passava com ele em ligações, mas não sabia quem era, então não estranhei e nem questionei), enquanto minha mãe estava falando sobre ele, não consegui evitar e entrei em pânico, evitava fazer contato visual para que ela não notasse minha reação, mas ela notou sim, e estranhou o porque eu estava daquele jeito, ela me contou que era só um amigo e que o fato dos dois estarem conversando não significava nada (oque faz sentido), mas não pude evitar ou me conter. Minha mãe está muito feliz conversando com ele, mas me sinto extremamente desconfortável, e odeio o fato de estar assim, queria estar feliz por ela mas não consigo me controlar, meus pais estiveram casados por 20 anos, apesar da morte ser inevitável, jamais imaginei que seria assim, e não conseguia imaginar nenhum dos dois com outras pessoas. Eu sabia que ela voltaria a se relacionar com outros homens novamente, mas não esperava o quão cedo seria, e não consigo conter meu estresse, minha mãe esperava que eu ficasse feliz com a notícia, mas eu não fiquei, agora fiquei sabendo que os dois vão viajar e passar o fim de semana fora e honestamente não sei como devo me sentir com isso. Meu 2024 foi terrível e o meu futuro parece mais imprevisível do que nunca, eu não sinto ciúmes deste cara, isto apenas representa uma mudança brusca na minha rotina e no que eu estava acostumado. Eu tenho problemas constantes com o estresse, me irrito com facilidade e é difícil me acalmar, algo que sempre foi um grande incômodo para mim foram mudanças forçadas na minha vida, eu entrava em pânico e não queria fazer mais nada. Fico muito feliz pela minha mãe ter se recuperado da depressão, mas tudo isso cria um grande ponto de interrogação na minha cabeça. Conversei com ela sobre como eu estava me sentindo com este assunto, mas parece que ela não entendeu como eu realmente me sinto, eu sei que eu devo saber, e que inevitavelmente eu terei que me relacionar com este homem, mas eu só gostaria que não fosse tão breve, que eu tivesse apenas um tempo para ajeitar a minha cabeça. É muito bom poder escrever isso, é como se meu coração estivesse comandando minhas teclas, e bom que haverá pelo menos algumas pessoas a ler isto. No final, eu só quero ser feliz de novo.
submitted by NotEpic8217 to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 Proof-Exit-8790 Registered Nurses working bedside with MS on Rituximab infusions?

I am specifically looking for registered nurses who work bedside and are on Rituximab. I need to start rituximab. I am an RN who does bedside and charge nurse. My doctor said I could still work in my job but that I need to be careful due to lack of b cells. I am scared and I have already been cautious of germs all my adult life so this is making me question how I can safely do this. I work in a large, major city, acute hospital in pediatrics. I see kids with all viruses, colds and flus, and even random ones because I work on an immunocompromised floor. I recently had patients with shingles and chickenpox, which happens a few times a year. I am not at the age to get the shingles and pneumonia vaccines so this worries me also. Anyone successfully still in their bedside nursing job? Or did anyone leave their bedside job for safety? Is it unrealistic for me to try and stay? I am delaying starting my rituximab at the moment so I can figure out work and adjusting my life.
submitted by Proof-Exit-8790 to MultipleSclerosis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 kotabear1290 Yall I made some stray kids fan art

Yall I made some stray kids fan art submitted by kotabear1290 to straykids [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 BlotchyThePaintMan Pillow and Black Hole as a final 2 in a final challenge that decides the winner of the show could be really interesting

Imagine if the final challenge is just "Last person standing wins the game" and its between BH and Pillow, if it was BH could get over his irrational fear of killing one person and not being able to stop (i say this is irrational because he has killed before and never got a taste for it) because he has the moral dilemma of "Concede on the challenge and not kill pillow causing her to kill everyone else" or "Kill pillow and win the challenge to prevent her from killing everyone" he then has the tough choice to make where he kills pillow to stop the other deaths and has to be forced to realize that sometimes when push comes to shove he will have to get his hands dirty and do it himself.
I feel like this could work really, really well because it feels like Death Pact has been one of the main teams that has been consistent in TPOT, and making the finale Death Pact-oriented would be an amazing way to give the team a sendoff.
submitted by BlotchyThePaintMan to BattleForDreamIsland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 xBumBumStuffx 32 [M4A] #online #vermont Nerdy heavier guy looking

I do feel i need to preface this with i work overnights EST timezone so responses during the morning may be delayed, but i wake up after 2pm most days.
Hello all! Im a 32 year old nerdy guy located in Vermont, about 40mins from Albany,NY.
Im looking for something longterm. Preferably someone nearby me, but online works as long as we plan to meet at somepoint :)
Im a big nerd (literally and interests wise) i am 6ft tall, about 260lbs (dad bod, but im comfortable with myself) I enjoy all types of video, card and tabletop games including but not limited to Elden Ring, Fallout, fortnite, pokemon, elderscrolls, Stardew Valley, magic the gathering, dungeons&dragons. I know it might sound bad, but im not particularly ambitious, i just want to live my life quiet, hopefully with the company of someone with similar interests :) I dont drink (dont really care for it) and i dont smoke 420, Nothing against it, just not for me. Kinda prefer if you didnt drink, bit occasionally is fine, and dont mind if you smoke 420, but absolutely no cigarettes. Theyre just disgusting.
✨Spicy✨ wise im pretty open to most things, we can discuss this later in private. As far as looks i suppose i go for more AFAB. And im fairly sure my main love-language is parallel play/quality time :)
I use mostly discord and can exchange if it gets to that point. Notifications on here kinda suck for me, ive tried everything to get them to push but nothing lol.
Hope this interests someone out there, please dont be shy and reach out! You never know right?
submitted by xBumBumStuffx to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 Emergency-Sport-8229 Seen on a trash truck...

Seen on a trash truck... 1/21 midday
submitted by Emergency-Sport-8229 to LosAngeles [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 locomadness Geyse or Rodrygo

Geyse or Rodrygo I was gonna pick Geyse for the Blueprint Evo but did an 83+ TOTW pick since I needed one for another SBC and got Rodrygo it felt meant to be. Should I go for him or stick with Geyse? She looks solid with that physical.
submitted by locomadness to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 obvi20 Snippet of the new feature dropping on the 31st

Snippet of the new feature dropping on the 31st submitted by obvi20 to GEazy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 AnteaterWeary4121 Random hypothetical question (especially those already in medicine): If you were offered to do undergo a dental degree that would only take you 2 years to complete, would you do it?

Ik it doesn’t make sense, but there is a reason I am asking for myself. Just click yes or no?
View Poll
submitted by AnteaterWeary4121 to UCAT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 Express_Application8 I get we are under maintenance but what exactly does this mean?

I get we are under maintenance but what exactly does this mean? submitted by Express_Application8 to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 SeniorGur129 Add Deataulas

submitted by SeniorGur129 to YoungPeopleShorts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:21 geekyplug Lazybird Lifetime Discount Code 2025

Do you want to create human-like voiceovers with this AI voice generator platform?
If yes then Lazybird is for you and using our SPECIAL LINK (Lazybird lifetime coupon code attached), you will get 35% discount for a LIMITED TIME ONLY.
submitted by geekyplug to bloggingwithwordpress [link] [comments]
