Kaliňák kupuje nové hračky.

Čerstvé zprávy z domova i ze světa vám přináší Blesk.cz. Přinášíme zajímavosti, příběhy, vše ze světa peněz a ekonomiky. Ve zprávách najdete i aktuality z krimi a poslední nehody. Nové make-up trendy Ivana Jirešová: Skok do zmrzlého jezera, pak nemocnice! Jana Adamcová už balí do Indie, ale předtím...Oslavila synovy 19. naro... Trump v projevu: Pošlu vojáky na jižní hranici USA, skončíme Green Dea... Pro ženy a maminky. Nejčastější novoroční předsevzetí ... Aktuální zpravodajství z České republiky, regionů a ze světa. Video reportáže, články a rozhovory z online redakce Televizních novin TV Nova. Mezi její hlavní pracovní priority nyní patří i seriál ZOO: Nové začátky, kde se nejen představuje v jedné z hlavních rolí, ale také se podílí na psaní scénářů a utváří příběh, který každý všední den pravidelně vstupuje do českých domácností. Pokud by se po státních zástupcích požadovalo, aby předkládali soudu jen věci jasné, kde je téměř nulová pravděpodobnost zproštění, potom by značná část zločinů zůstala nepotrestána, říká v rozhovoru pro MF DNES Lenka Bradáčová, kterou vláda jmenovala nejvyšší státní zástupkyní. Seriál ZOO Nové začátky navazuje na oblíbený seriál ZOO. Pětice mladých lidí se na počátku profesní kariéry sejde v jedné zoo a v jednom bytě. Nikdy předtím se neviděli, a najednou spolu mají nejen spolupracovat, ale také bydlet. Každý z nich je úplně jiný, má odlišné plány a vidí v této šanci jinou příležitost. Diváci se mohou těšit na své oblíbené ... Změn doznaly také akce v okolí – desítky tisíc Američanů, které chtěly sledovat průvod nové hlavy státu od Kapitolu k Bílému domu, o program nepřijdou. Slavnost se přesune do sportovní haly v centru. Do nové opravárenské haly v Chebu se vejdou celé vlaky Skiareály po útlumu z minulých zim zažívají žně V Česku žije přes milion cizinců, za deset let jich dvojnásobně přibylo Nejlevnější nové auto pořídíte již za 289 990 Kč včetně DPH; Za nejnižší ceny se prodávají malé vozy s nízkým výkonem; Dvojí zastoupení mezi 10 nejlevnějšími auty má značka Hyundai, Suzuki a Kia; 10 nejlevnějších nových aut v ČR pro rok 2025 Aktuálně.cz - kompletní zpravodajství, zprávy z domova i ze světa

2025.01.22 08:59 PropOnTop Kaliňák kupuje nové hračky.

Kaliňák je známy ešte z čias svojho prvého ministrovania na vnútre ako motorkár a milovník technických hračiek. Svojho času predvádzal príslušníkom na východnej hranici, ako sa dá terénna motorka dať na zadné.
V tejto záľube pokračuje aj na ministerstve obrany. Niežeby sme nepotrebovali obmeniť vojenskú techniku, a každému je asi jasné, že potrebujeme výrazne navýšiť výdavky na obranu, ale tiež je mimoriadne pravdepodobné, že z týchto peňazí pôjde nezanedbateľná časť, možno stovky miliónov, práve tomuto bradatému mágovi v pozadí smeru, ktorý sa len nedávno naplno pustil do obranného biznisu.
Neviem, či máme vôbec spracovanú vojenskú doktrínu, na základe ktorej by sme selektovali techniku zodpovedajúcu našim potrebám a neviem, či vôbec prebiehajú výberové konania, ale myslím, že dymová clona, ktorú smer a jeho menej mentálne zdatné sputniky produkujú, má zakryť aj túto Kaliho činnosť.
submitted by PropOnTop to Slovakia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Ill-Rip-2101 Who’s got their taxes back ? You know i love you right Hon i believe in you all i ask is show up for my birthday & get me in the top 10

Who’s got their taxes back ? You know i love you right Hon i believe in you all i ask is show up for my birthday & get me in the top 10 submitted by Ill-Rip-2101 to unionwelderFACTS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 muglahesh Books with a sweet, gentle, scarred/traumatized/messed up MMC

I've noticed that I really enjoyed books with what some would call a "beta" hero (I'd call them quietegentler) with a dark past-- in the HR world that's often been a soldier in the Napoleonic Wars returning home scarred, or some kind of self-made rich man with a dark and tortured past/miserable childhood. Would love any recs for more!
Work of Art by Mimi Matthews-- quite a quiet, serious MMC, almost like Colonel Brandon vibes, walks with a cane after a war injury
I've read most of Mary Balogh's Survivor's Club-- some of the MMCs are more on the sardonic/intimidating side, but Ben and Vincent are quite sweet
England's Perfect Hero by Suzanne Enoch-- adored how tortured/angsty the MMC is, I'm just a sucker for the "I'm not good enough for her so I have to let her go" scenes. He's her friend's brother, sort of the youngest brother in a loud and boisterous family, traumatized, withdrawn, and she brings him out of his shell.
Simply Love by Mary Balogh-- probably one of my favorite MMCs ever but cannot recommend the book because of the infuriating way the FMC's experience of sexual assault is dealt with. But an exceptionally sensitive yet strong, quietly dignified MMC dealing with a seriously tragic war story.
submitted by muglahesh to HistoricalRomance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Environmental-Bad586 Most fun quick play experience

Most fun quick play experience This said it's just an icon while dominating us
submitted by Environmental-Bad586 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Negative_Car8237 7 little Johnston

Just how many professions have amber and Trent had? I swear they are just trying everything to see if something sticks.
submitted by Negative_Car8237 to 7LittleJohnstons [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Velociripper Is there a name for the Jokic and Murray PnR ending in Gordon dunk?

And if there isn’t, I feel like we should make one up. It feels like our bread and butter “can always get a bucket” play.
submitted by Velociripper to denvernuggets [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 WhatACasualGamer LF Guild in NA/PC - Tired of playing Solo!

As long as I've been around ESO. I'm actually still quite a newbie. I honestly need to go through the main story as well and explore many of the expansions I've still yet to explore, story wise. Everything else like Trials, etc., I'm new at as well and also don't have experience on good class builds or any crafting experience. I wish to become an solid ESO player someday and maybe even a Vet after a year or so.
In order for that to happen, I need to be surrounded by friends, close-knit ones too. Not those large guilds who prefer quantity over quality. Or, not the large guilds where it's hard to find a friend/person to talk to/hang out with because there are already small groups among this large guild and they just want to play by their selves with the group they already have! I'd much prefer a smaller, more kind and welcoming guild where I jump in and everyone's beaming and excited to have me along. Those kind of friends! Despite my sometimes crazy "not flexible" at all work schedule, I'm hoping that you'll still want me even if there are big chances I wouldn't be able to join you on events (I'm a 2nd shift worker like mostly 3pm-12am EST) I'm really really aiming to look for the most friendliest, kind, welcoming of gamers whom love to play ESO on the more relaxing and laid back side of things, just enjoying our time together in the world of ESO, forget about real life/reality just for a bit and immerse ourselves in many different fun activities!
Those activities being like PvE, learning crafting, Dungeon and Delves, World Bosses, Skyshard hunting, and so much more together! Even outside of events, impromptu events! Especially for late workers like me!
In the past, I've made a bunch of characters on my account and leveled them all up to 15, if I remember correctly I think it was in a desert zone and there's 3 anchors that dozens of players formed parties on, like a raid. However, as of typing this, I'm thinking of making a new character to experience everything from the beginning again.
I hope that you'll choose me. I'm super friendly, kind, respectful, very laid back and casual :)
submitted by WhatACasualGamer to ESOGuilds [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 No-Calendar-2672 Mai folosește cineva detectoare radar cu succes?

Ma bătea gândul cu noile radare puse pe trepied și mobile să îmi iau un detector radar, pare c șansele să fie raportate pe Waze sunt destul de mici (acestea fiind efectiv greu de reperat vizual).
Folosește cineva de pe aici Uniden R3/R4 sau chiar R8 sau Escort Max 3 cu succes mai ales pentru cele laser.
submitted by No-Calendar-2672 to AutomobileRO [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 SquirrelMaster21 High rounds in Liberty Falls

That jet gun tho
submitted by SquirrelMaster21 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 jayqcal007 Money Manifestation Technique

This post may not be for everyone. If so, please scroll on. If you have an open mind please read on. You have nothing to lose.
I used to make a high six-figure salary and lost nearly everything. I ended up living in a rental car wondering how did I get here.
I was living day-to-day driving for Uber and Lyft. I couldn't seem to get out of the broke poverty ‘cycle.’
One night I received the message below with clear visuals from Spirit.
At bedtime do either of the two things for the next 30 days or shorter depending on how well your mindset adapts to this new belief, focus, and habit.
Option 1 1. Wrap a $1 (or whatever bill) to your leg or somewhere on your body where it will stay throughout the night. The money needs to touch your skin. 2. Say the mantra below: Money is energy and so am I. The universe is abundant and so am I. I release all energy blocks. Money easily flows to me and through me. Money easily flows to me from any means. There are infinite possibilities and ways money flows through me and to me.
Option 2 1. Lay on your back and visualize stacks of money being put into your chest cavity. Each stack can present something you want or need such as a job, car, money for rent. Be detailed and specific as possible. 2. Visualize the stacks of money being placed in your chest cavity and the energy from the money flowing through your body from head to toe.
When I did this, the below happened within four months.

  1. Secured two jobs with one being remote. I stopped driving for Uber and Lyft.
  2. Clarity and a new focus on my career path and calling
  3. Money from Uber ~$700. I have zero clue why they deposited this extra money into my account. I hope they dont ask for it back lol
  4. Received a $1400 tax refund check for a missed tax credit back in 2021.
  5. After living in my car for a year I was able to afford a decent hotel room and will be relocating to a different state soon!
These are just some of the examples.
Try this without expectations and comment below the results to help inspire and motivate others. Any questions feel free to message me.
Keep a gratitude journal and notice all of the blessings both small and big!
submitted by jayqcal007 to poor [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 ancientlisten4186 Gas stove fire can only be controlled/ignited by the gas valve

Im in Asia, so my gas stove runs on gas tanks, thatis connected to a gas valve + pipe to the stove.
The issue is, for me to light up the stove, I need to turn the gas valve (on the tank) simultaneously while turning the stove knob to light up the fire. If I just leave the gas valve open, and try to turn on the fire it does not work. My hands need to be on the gas valve and the stove knob at the same time for it to ignite.
Also i cannot adjust the strength of the fire through the stove knob, I need to literally adjust the gas valve itself to control the fire strength. For context, even though our country uses gas tanks, this is not normal - we should still be able to control the fire strength through the stove knobs.
Initially I suspected faults in the ignition mechanism (Eg Battery etc), but if that were the case, it wouldnt explain the issue with my fire control, right?
submitted by ancientlisten4186 to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 yungneldon monkey mode (mild brainrot)

monkey mode (mild brainrot) submitted by yungneldon to cs2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 BasedChadEdgelord Challenge accepted

Challenge accepted submitted by BasedChadEdgelord to ChadsAndEdgelords [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Mo523 Botox and Teaching

TL;DR Do it at the beginning of the summer if you can.
I teach second grade and had Botox a week before winter break. I took the week off, giving me three weeks off. I know side effects vary a lot and mine seemed more severe, but here is what I had that affected teaching or would have if I wasn't working:
*Excessive burping. Two days after the procedure I pretty much burped all day. Breathing, swallowing, yawning, and turning my head made me burp. The excessive burps settled down, but I still burp a lot more than normal 5 weeks out.
*Slow swallow. It took me a week to figure out how to eat. I still can't take a 10 minute lunch and do prep. I need extra time and water to swallow, but it is doable.

*Reflux/regurgitation. I have this pretty bad and alginate (like in Reflux Raft) has helped. Until I got that figured out, things like bending down would be hard. And every so often stuff comes up while I'm teaching which sucks, although it settled down about a month out.
*Energy. My energy level is up and I feel WAY better even with all of this. But I spent a lot of mental energy thinking about burping.
I definitely needed more than a day off with my symptoms, although that doesn't mean you will. You wouldn't need to schedule it, but I would be prepared to take more time off. I'm really, really glad I wasn't trying to work that week or even the following week. I could have made do the 2 weeks after or - although it wouldn't be pretty - three days after, but honestly a month would have been better. My first week back was hard sometimes, but not terrible.
submitted by Mo523 to noburp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 loopdog123 karma

karma for my cat shadow
submitted by loopdog123 to raisingkarma1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Apprehensive_Shift89 Can anyone explain

Can anyone explain Does anyone know why this keeps happening? I have sanded this down 3 times now and it isn't getting any better. I make sure to wipe it down good with a rag and water then I wipe it with alcohol before I pour a new coat but it keeps coming out like this
submitted by Apprehensive_Shift89 to epoxy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Agreeable-Handle-303 Help! What would you do?

Started taking/ dating this guy roughly 6 weeks ago. He leaves for a solo trip in a month. We've talked about dating intentions. Decided to take it slow & see where things go. He knows I'm intentionally dating. The thing is I usually give myself 3 months of talking/ dating someone before I do a temperature check to see if the other person is on the same page. If they are still hesitant to commit, I cut things off. My dilemma is: he leaves in 3 weeks, 3weeks short of the 3-month mark & his trip is 5-6ish weeks. Is the 2 month mark too soon to have "the talk"?
In addition; I know that kind of trip would be a red flag for some people. I personally don't think it is IF there's commitment on the table and there are actions that prove he is willing to put the effort long distance. I know its not a great idea to start a relationship with long distance but I don't want to wait around for 5-6 weeks to delay "the talk" and have it potentially end anyways. I could use those 5 weeks to grief this connection if we aren't on the same page.
People of Reddit... What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Would you have "the talk" at the 2-ish month mark? Or would you wait till he comes back from the trip (3.5-4month mark)to have "the talk". At most we'll see eachother 2-3 more times before he leaves. Orrrr do I cut things off sooner as to not put any pressure on this connection & just right it off as wrong timing. I just don't want to waste either of our time but I also don't want to cut things off prematurely.
Help! I like this guy & I don't want to get more invested if he's not on the same page. I also don't want to rush into anything because of this trip but I don't want to wait around to see if this connection goes anywhere.
submitted by Agreeable-Handle-303 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 New-Onion6039 Syndicate|RGV New movie

Syndicate|RGV New movie submitted by New-Onion6039 to tollywood [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 DarkSaber01 Wedding Beel

Wedding Beel submitted by DarkSaber01 to Cult_Of_BAELZEBUB [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Strong-Wash-5378 Chicken Noodle

Chicken Noodle Warming chicken noodle soup that’s homemade.
submitted by Strong-Wash-5378 to soup [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 rodentwear Tony Hawk skating to Nitzer Ebb in a 1993 skate video (starts at 0:38)

Tony Hawk skating to Nitzer Ebb in a 1993 skate video (starts at 0:38) Maybe there aren't many skaters in this sub, but I've been addicted to industrial-adjacent music and skateboarding since my youth. It was extremely rare to hear anything considered industrial in skate videos (Pailhead was used in the 80's) so I was pretty excited when this came out. Especially since Tony edited the video himself and wanted to use this track.
submitted by rodentwear to industrialmusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Top_Fisherman6658 AITAH for hating my family and taking time off work

so basically there’s some backstory to this but essentially i (22f) had a huge falling out with my family recently. so throughout my entire life they were just always making me do things that i don’t wanna do. it went from like forcing me to do the IB program in high school when even my principal would tell me that im not ib material and i would constantly get yelled at infront of my class and humiliated for not reaching everyone’s expectations. after i graduated IB, i initially wanted to go abroad (for context i live in lebanon) but they didnt let me as money was a bit tight at the time. so i had two local university options that i wanted to attend and they rejected both. they insisted i go to this other uni just because they know one of the teachers. so i had to pick my major based on what they offered which was very the basic majors.
i found an online uni from france that had the major that i wanted and was cheap compared to others. it took me a whole semester to convince them to let me change unis which eventually they did but never let me forget that they paid for my uni. and honestly i dont get it bc i had told them that i would rather not go to uni and go to beauty school since my goal was to be a makeup artist which again they knew since i was 11yo.
but anyways, then i ended up moving to the states for 6mo but then i wanted to go back to lebanon. surprise surprise they didnt let me. so i had no other choice than to go to london where my dad was (who i havent seen in like 5 years at the time). it was horrible i stayed there for 2 years and i worked as a hostess at a high end restaurant. my mom was the one who got me the job and my dad gave me shit about it everuday bc he didnt like that i was working at a restaurant. some comtext: they were not giving me an allowance or any money other than paying for my uni so as any other uni student would do i got a job at a restaurant. i would go on holiday a few times and go back to lebanon everytime.
after i graduated uni, i decided to move back to lebanon full time because i could not stand london it wasnt for me. at first they didnt say anything about it kinda bc i said that i was gonna go spend summer there and then get a job after summer. (keep in mind im paying for everything myself) everything was fine until september when my mom (who lives in oman with my younger siblings) told me to come to oman for a visit. so i went for a momth and she got me an internship (that i didnt ask for) at a PR agency. keep in mind ive BEEN saying i wanna do makeup since i was 11yo and everyone KNOWS that.
so i go to oman and im forced to do this marketing internship that i didnt ask for because “its my moms friend and it would look bad if i didnt”. it was horrible but anyways i ended up going back to lebanon after that. so i go back and then things started to get heated between lebanon and israel so my parents started to get all worried and insisted i leave the country immediately even tho it was not a state of emergency and nothing was even happening here. they book me a flight without telling me and me being a guilt ridden people pleaser i took the flight. so they send me to qatar bc my mom has a friend there that surprise surprise has a PR agency and got me an internship. BUT my mom told me that her friend was launching a makeup collection and that i was gonna be the makeup artist for the collection. she said the internship was just gonna be a couple weeks until she starts launching the collection. so again im stuck in an internship that is not gonna help me with what i wanna do and really just a waste of my time. i started it and i didnt last a week. my mom had me moving every two nights from apartment to apartment bc i was supposed to stay with one person at first but then things got mixed up. this is where my mental health started to become really really bad.
they would not let me go back to lebanon at all. so i came up with an idea fhat they agreed on where i would go to lebanon for christmas then i would go back to london and get a makeup certificate. so they finally agreed and i went back for a month.
the month ends and i go to london and start my course. the course was absolutely horrible not what i was expecting at all. i barely learned anything and it was just not it and all the atudents agreed on that. but anyways then i start to go through one of the hardest times of my life. it was a little bit related to health and my parents knew everything for context. it passes but im still going thru a horrible horrible time. then to add onto that they dont end up giving me my certificate bc i had missed 6 days (bc of my health problem that i had told them about and all they said was to get well soon). so this drives me absolutely insane.
at this point im at my lowest and i insist that i go back to lebanon. they didnt say anything so i went back. this past year was horrible for me mental health wise bc of everything that i had been going thru. my parents knew thay but didnt really care.
so i end up working in makeup for a few months in lebanon but it was really hectic and i was just not doing well at all and i needed a break which i was capable of doing bc i had some money on the side (keep in mind i support myself financially). so i quit my job and took some time off. then the war starts to get worse and my parents start panicking again. they insist i go back to london and at the time the government sent a charter plane and i panicked so i took the flight. i get to london and i have a HORRIBLE time. it just so happend that my mom comes to visit for her birthday. my parents and i have huge fights and i ended up booking a flight back bc i just couldnt not be in lebanon right now. so i pack up qnd leave them and at this point they were nonstop badgering me every two seconds someone from my family would text me aaying not to leave and that im gonna die basically if i go. but again there was no state of emergency in the country and literally so many people were still there bc the war was only in some parts of the country.
so i go back and then things start to calm down with the war amd with my family and slowly slowly we start talking again. so i had plans to go to america for christmas bc my sister just had another baby and i havent seen them in a long time. so i discuss this with her (when i was in london). we never brought it up after that and i decided not to go anymore. then later on my grandma tells me that my sister booked flights for my dad and two of my siblings to go see her for christmas. so i get enraged because there was another christmas when i was still in highschool where everyone went to the states to spend christmas together and left me behind bc i had to “study”. i get really mad and at this point im just like f u guys bc wtaf is this.
a little backstory: i had an online stalker from age 11 and they never helped me never called the police never did anything. they blamed me for it and they just didnt wanna hear about it. i spoke to police, ngos, school, and even hackers to try and find the person (never found out who it was) at age 8-9 my dad left us to work then at age 13 my mom left us to work. i was treated very differently than my siblings ( i have two older and two younger)- they all got to do after school activities, sports, go out and i was never allowed to and if i wanted to go out or do something i had to get a taxi and pay for it myself and basically figure it out myself. (my siblings all were given rides and even drivers and each had done several different sports) (they even paid for therapy for my ounger sister bc of her anger issues and never once thoight of me with my harrassing stalker)
so my whole point is that now i took time off (like a gap year for example) and everyone is giving me sht for it and basically saying that im throwing my life away and that im a sht person and im the problem. does this make me the AH? i dont see it that was at all i see it as my family being the AH. not trying to victimize myself but i do see myself as a victim of neglect, sexual harrassment, and abandonment.
sorry this post is super long but bc theres a lot of backstory that i needed to include for context.
submitted by Top_Fisherman6658 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 bongcatalan123 Are we even getting customizable vehicles

Not the one where you add colors that don't blend with the surroundings, I'm taking about decals, camo paints and hull texture variants (worn, slightly rusted and clean)
submitted by bongcatalan123 to TrenchesRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Klutzy_Agency747 Does anybody know about this?

Does anybody know about this? submitted by Klutzy_Agency747 to MobileLegendsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 08:59 Kaesebrot1234 Hmmmmm

Hmmmmm submitted by Kaesebrot1234 to ClimbingCircleJerk [link] [comments]
