Free Udemy Courses Available for January 22, 2025

2025.01.22 10:02 smartybrome Free Udemy Courses Available for January 22, 2025

Udemy Free Courses for 22 January 2025 Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.

submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Certain_Ad_79 Best Brush and Land Clearing Equipment - Buy Your Equipment

Best Brush and Land Clearing Equipment - Buy Your Equipment submitted by Certain_Ad_79 to buyyourequipment [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Rachel21321 Country Formal Guest Dress

Country Formal Guest Dress Hi - thoughts on these (or other options) for a country formal wedding that will be HOT. Dress code is supposed to range from semi-formal to formal but leans “country”. Thinking adding cowboy boots (own black and silver knee-high cowboy boots) and the right jewelry should do??
submitted by Rachel21321 to Weddingattireapproval [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 axRotmg My WMMT Car vs my IRL Car

My WMMT Car vs my IRL Car submitted by axRotmg to wmmt [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 EraTempest Which app to choose?

Hyena Spots Heavy, Hyena Blots Heavy, Hyena Stripes Heavy, or Proteles Heavy
submitted by EraTempest to lioden [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 pizzarollzzzs Weird striping bug on model ingame

Weird striping bug on model ingame This changes with the lighting and I can't figure out the source. It's an extruded texture - I've looked through the texture itself and nothing is overlapping - Checked through the UV map and there doesn't appear to be a problem
Is anyone able to identify what the issue is or where I should look?
submitted by pizzarollzzzs to Blockbench [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 LineScared9714 Rookie numbers.

submitted by LineScared9714 to unexpectedfactorial [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 ismailOrdek0 Analitik geometri için barış mı apotemi mi

Hangisi daha çok yorum ve grafik analizi katar çözdükten sonra analitik konusunda sıfır eksik ve zor soruları çözme kıvamına hangisi getirir?
View Poll
submitted by ismailOrdek0 to liseliler [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 de_ezNutz Mouse recommendations for 19x10 claw grip?

Mouse recommendations for 19x10 claw grip? submitted by de_ezNutz to MouseReview [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 PikiSquare Traded My HP Reverb G2 for the Pimax Crystal Light - Here's My Experience So Far

Hey everyone, I wanted to share my experience after trading in my HP Reverb G2 for the Pimax Crystal Light. I saw that Pimax is offering $80 for G2 customers, and thought it might be a good opportunity to try something new.I’ve been using the Reverb G2 for a while, and while I liked it, I wanted to see if the Pimax Crystal Light could offer a better experience, especially for high-end sims like DCS, iRacing, and Microsoft Flight Simulator. I haven't had it for too long, but here's what I can say about the transition so far:

I'd love to hear from others who’ve made the switch or are considering it. Any tips for optimizing the Pimax Crystal Light for these titles? Also, how does my rig stack up for these games? Your insights would be super helpful!
Claim your $80 discount today
submitted by PikiSquare to WindowsMR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 ComfortableDream8468 thank you nakaraos din

thank you nakaraos din submitted by ComfortableDream8468 to pinaytiktokfyp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 GoldenSimba is there a way to increase look up/peek window size or scale it up in safari like the other browsers that have this feature? its useless otherwise being this small. Thanks!

is there a way to increase look up/peek window size or scale it up in safari like the other browsers that have this feature? its useless otherwise being this small. Thanks! submitted by GoldenSimba to MacOS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Ok-Style-3057 Looking for mature pawgs, love their thick asses, panty lines

submitted by Ok-Style-3057 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 josylad Hiring: Court Reporter at New Zealand Ministry of Justice

New Zealand Ministry of Justice is hiring a Court Reporter
Location: Wellington city, New Zealand
Court Reporters (Transcribers)
Fulltime Permanent
$58,729 - $80,794
Ngā Kaipato Kōrero o te Motu/National Transcription Service, Te Tāhū o te Ture/Ministry of Justice
A unique perspective on the justice system – making a difference to the lives of New Zealanders.
You could be working entirely from your home (subject to a suitable working environment), based at a Ministry of Justice site as listed below or in a hybrid arrangement. Whangarei, Auckland region (with options at North Shore, Auckland Central, Papakura and Manukau), Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and Invercargill
Te āhuatunga a te tūranga/About the Role An accurate record is often at the heart of the justice system, and transcription is an essential part of that. In the demanding role of National Transcription Service (NTS) Court Report
Learn More and Apply:
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Level_Supermarket880 Pre Board 3????

I failed maths (19/80) in Pre Board 2 and just now my friend told me that the school will be conducting Pre Board 3?? and those who fail in Pre Board 3 will have to reappear for Pre Board 4??? wtff is this shit bru there’s less than a month left for board and this dumbass school is still hosting Pre Boards, wtfff do i do??
submitted by Level_Supermarket880 to CBSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Sachare Es-ce-que c'est worth ?

Es-ce-que c'est worth ? J'ai trouvé ça à Emmaus (pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas : c'est une chaîne de " brocante " ) Et je me demandais si c'était bien pour un PC gamer ?
submitted by Sachare to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 DrKaizzer Enlarged spleen

M35, 192cm, 90kg, no smoking/drinking, athletic
I had an abdominal ultrasound 2 weeks ago which was totally fine. My spleen measured 11.1x5cm. Another ultrasound i did like a week before that measured 12.5cm.
Yesterday i did a full MRI of thorax/abdomen. Everything fine, no suspicious lymph nodes. My spleen is enlarged and was measured 14cm (which is 2.5cm larger than the Ultrasound a week ago).
I did a full CBC exactly 1 week ago and today.. both are perfectly fine.
I had a rough 5 weeks behind me. I had some bad withdrawl effects after stopping Atenolol 25mg which i took the past 2 months (i have benign extrasystoles - did a full heart check).
On decemeber 11 i ate a lot including ice cream at the end. After that i my extrasystoles got really bad and i developed mushy stool and anxiety/panic attacks the following days (couldnt sleep, etc)
My heart finally got back to normal, but i still have mushy stool from time to time. My appetite finally got better.
I am awaiting gastroscopy/colonoscopy in 4 weeks, but this MRI is freakin me out.
I have no follow up appointment until my G/C is done.
I had mononucleosis in 2008/2009. My spleen measured 17cm and during my last ultrasound 14.5cm.
I Never did an ultrasound again after this so i don‘t know my „normal“ spleen size
submitted by DrKaizzer to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Ok-Cap6895 The Mandelbrot Lawn

The Mandelbrot Lawn submitted by Ok-Cap6895 to mathmemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Saralily_Fairies09 Chowder once said

submitted by Saralily_Fairies09 to Chowder [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 sternocleido_ Hilfe, ein Medfluencer – das Vertrauen in das Gesundheitswesen stirbt, aber mit 10% Rabatt

Aus aktuellem Anlass möchte ich mich hier über ein Thema auslassen, das mir schon länger auf dem Herzen liegt. Der Tagesschau-Artikel von gestern und die SWR-Doku (Links s.u.) haben mich nun dazu bewegt, meine Gedanken in diesen Sub zu posaunen.
Es geht um Medfluencer. Explizit um jene, die durch die Kraft Gottes und der ÄApprO der ärtzlichen Profession angehören, und jene die es gerade werden wollen und erlernen (s). Rettfluencer etc. seien in diesem Text ausgeklammert, und ich rede nicht von Accounts, welche sich evidenzbasiert mit Aufklärung und Prävention auseinandersetzen, auch wenn hier die Grenzen teilweise unscharf sind. Ich verstehe, dass man den digitalen Raum nicht sich selbst überlassen kann und erkenne die Vorteile von medfluencen im Allgemeinen. Soweit so gut.
Es geht mir um Accounts von approbierten Ärzten, die hirnverbranntes Zeug ins Internet stellen und mit alternativer Alternativmedizin die evidenzbasierte und leitliniengerechte Versorgung torpedieren. Es geht mir um Accounts von Kommilitonen, die am laufenden Band Reels und TikTok’s in das Internet gießen, wo sich vor der “entspannten” 8-stündigen Bib Session noch ein Liter Macha mit Whey reingeschraubt wird, Dozierende und Mitstudierende in Hörsälen und Seminarräumen gefilmt werden und zu erkennen sind oder Patientendaten geleaked werden.
Im Chirurgie Block-Praktikum wird im Kasack noch mal kurz der Bizeps geflext, und im Anschluss gibt es noch Diagnosen-Bingo in einem Kurzvideo, wo die Folgschaft dazu aufgefordert wird sich einmal kritisch mit dem eigenen Intake eines Stoffwechselmetaboliten zu befassen, weil das ja der Grund sein könne, dass man die ganze Zeit so gestresst ist und schlecht schläft. Und hier gibt es dann noch irgend ein Pulver, eine Kapsel oder weiß der Kuckuck, wo man mit dem eigenen Rabattcode nochmal 10% spart und sich selbst das Leben rettet - deal of a lifetime.
Man unterschätz wie viele Menschen medizinische Informationen im Internet suchen, katalysiert durch lange Wartezeiten, der sinkenden health literacy, dem Drang nach mehr Informationen etc. Die Leute machen es - und landen im schlimmsten Fall bei Matcha & Diagnosen-Bingo. Und es geht uns alle etwas an: Medfluencer setzen eine sowieso schon strapazierte Vertrauensbasis weiter aufs Spiel, und die Leute führen ihre negativen Erfahrungen häufig nicht auf einzelne Personen zurück - sondern auf das Kollektiv.
Es ist eine loose loose Situation: Medfluencer sagt/macht Müll, die Leute glauben es und verlieren das Vertrauen in die davon abweichende Versorgung, oder Medfluencer sagt/macht Müll, die Leute finden es unglaubwürdig und projizieren es auf alle.
Auch viele Kliniken haben diese Entwicklungen nicht auf dem Schirm. Nach Jahren von Restriktion hat man nun verstanden, dass es im Kontext von Employer Branding & Werbung für das eigene Haus super hilfreich sein kann, Medfluencer den eigenen Reihen zu rekrutieren. In München gibt es ein passendes Beispiel, wo eine Kooperation mit einer Medfluencerin und dem Hauner'schen dem LMU Klinikum nachher um die Ohren geflogen ist. Und weitere werden folgen - da bin ich mir sicher.
Insbesondere kommerzielle Bestreben im Sinne von Produktplatzierungen und dem Bewerben von eigenen Produkten oder Dienstleistungen liegen häufig im Graubereich, Verbraucherzentralen & Landesmedienanstalten kommen bei der Flut von Müll offenbar nicht hinterher und die Ärztekammern werden nur auf Hinweise aktiv.
Also, was kann man dem entgegensetzen? Muss der Gesetzgeber nachschärfen, müssen wir einen Social Media Führerschein für Ärzte und jene die es werden wollen einführen? Oder müssen Gewerkschaften und Fachschaften mehr über "Do's and dont's" informieren? Auch wenn sich das nach nach einem first world problem anhören mag, warne ausdrücklich davor diese Entwicklung zu unterschätzen.
In dem Sinne.
Medizin-Influencer - Gesundheitstipps mit Nebenwirkungen |
VOLLBILD - Recherchen, die mehr zeigen: Gesund durch Influencer? - Medizin-Hype mit Risiken & Nebenwirkungen - hier anschauen
Weiterer, interessanter Beitrag einer Anwaltskanzlei:
Ich nenne bewusst keine konkreten Beispiele, mir geht es nicht darum einzelne in die Pfanne zu hauen - die möglicherweise sich nicht mal im klaren über das eigene Verhalten sind. Beispiele gibt es genug, und ich hoffe, ich erreiche hier Leute, denen diese Entwicklung auch schon aufgefallen ist.
submitted by sternocleido_ to medizin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Proud-Sample5825 (OC) Dumbass got bit lmao

(OC) Dumbass got bit lmao S
submitted by Proud-Sample5825 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Significant_Border49 Soon to be a father. How do I spare my future children the avoidable struggles I went through in my youth?

Hey all, I M26 recently graduated medical school, will start working after finishind my thesis by summer and yesterday found out I am going to be a father by autumn. Sure, I'm happy and for it, but also very concerned about how I am going to raise my children.
The problem is that I've in the past two decades long been extremely socially inept, emotionally dysregulated and to this day struggle with a lot with organisational tasks, among many other things. I could go very deeply into the details (feel free to ask anything im the comments), but I think it would make the post a bit too long here.
This handful of points matter most in my opinion:
I've made a lot of progress in many fields of life I've been struggling with, particularly social skills (heck I would never have been able to find my girlfriend otherwise), but still struggle a lot with emotional stuff, especially being empathetic outside of professional settings (it's relatively easy for me when interacting with patients to understand and react to their worries, but when friends, family etc are upset or sad about a bunch of things I just shut emotionally and have to make sure not to do additional psycological harm).
I've reflected on many of these problems and more often than not realised that one or two of my parents have the exact same trait, I've suffered from those traits dirong my childhood (sometimes even now still), and somehow copied them.
Pair that with garbage communicative skills and you have a recipe for desaster.
Now, I want to avoid at all costs to pass this on to my children. These (strongly culturally influenced) toxic traits shall end with my generation. But how do I ensure that? I mostly only become aware of these issues after they caused a lot of damage, or when a friend hints at my problematic upbringing or behaviour, and even then I often struggle for monts or years to really understand and correct stuff, and that takes insane amounts of mental energy and willpower.
It feels like I have to raisw myself again.
How the hell do I raise my children without traumatizing them the same way it happened to me? I don't want to burden them with expectations of achieving X, Y or Z that I didn't achieve or did so way too late, but I just want to spare them the (technically) avoidable and unneccessary trauma and bad life quality as a result.
submitted by Significant_Border49 to Fatherhood [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Secret-Flight4214 Modern Pedals Vs Vintage Pedals

Are pedals from like the 90s better than the pedals from now?
I was told that the pedals from now are more digitized and more consistent so they could be easily replicated through a DAW
But as for the old ones they’re not that replica-table just cause of the old circuitry and them being less consistent
Is this true?
submitted by Secret-Flight4214 to pedals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 PurpleRabbit3330 HELP GUYS

What do you think is the guaranteed admission score for Global Humanities this year on the TOLC-E?
submitted by PurpleRabbit3330 to SapienzaRoma [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:02 Dr-tripod [32] daddy. Who else loves big thighs and shorts

[32] daddy. Who else loves big thighs and shorts submitted by Dr-tripod to GayRateMe [link] [comments]