What's that random act of kindness that someone did for you that changed your perspective on humanity?

2025.01.22 14:00 SanaBrina2 What's that random act of kindness that someone did for you that changed your perspective on humanity?

submitted by SanaBrina2 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 HOTSWAGLE7 Could the Breach be PvPvE?

I think this game could make it work. 3 player groups going into a larger shared space with gear and currency extraction. Fighting bosses and small mobs and setting traps for human players. maybe have tiers of how difficult it gets the further away from the entrance you get. idk i know coop and arena will be a thing but why not both?
submitted by HOTSWAGLE7 to NoRestForTheWicked [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 s0nzeblue Turista per un giorno

Richiesta consigli mangerecci e non. Mi fermo una notte a Pistoia. Cosa e dove mi consigliate di mangiare (anche asporto) per colazione, pranzo e cena? Mi consigliate anche posti caratteristici da vedere? Grazie
submitted by s0nzeblue to Pistoia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 MudOutside2808 Whens toty today?? time??

TOTY when does it happen
submitted by MudOutside2808 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 zyckzense Gemini mars and/or Libra Venus, what mars/venus/moon did you marry?

I’m dating a Gemini Mars 10H, Libra Venus, Leo Sun, and Scorpio moon. He’s highly driven and a business man. I’m a Leo Mars and Venus, Virgo Mercury, and 10H Jupiter Capricorn.
His character is like intelligent, go-getter type, highly ambitious man. I’m starting to think that we’re not going to last long and that only reason why we clicked is because we have some attraction - we both love work probably because of our 10H, he keeps me stimulated considering my Virgo Mercury and his Gemini Mars, I’m also attracted to his Leo energy.
I’m a Virgo sun and moon and need “balance” and “respect.” I love intelligent conversation and friends as well, but I like balancing that with something else. His Scorpio moon brings too much intensity when he gets aggravated. I think his Scorpio moon and Gemini mars gets him to be snappy plus his Virgo rising.
I heard that Gemini mars would match very well with Aqua moon/mars/venus. I’m probably not the best for him. :))
I have my Libra NN conjunct his Libra Venus and my Saturn opposite his Saturn. Were hooked. But we’ll see how this goes. :))
submitted by zyckzense to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 ficvasepi StubHub Sixers Deals

Visit this page for StubHub Sixers Deals. The website offers a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly, just visit the website to find the perfect one for you.
submitted by ficvasepi to OrcusNeoSales [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 x3bo9 [Fabrizio] AC Milan have agreed deal to sign Kyle Walker from Man City, here we go!

submitted by x3bo9 to ACMilan [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 radibeam Velocity and forge 1.19.2

hi guys, I'm trying to create a network of minecraft servers with different versions of the game, some of them modded and some vanilla. I ran into a problem, if I connect from the hub to the 1.12.2 server with mods, then everything is fine, but if I try to connect to 1.19.2 with mods, then it says that I am trying to connect with vanilla. I use velocity as a proxy server, hub 1.16.5 and forge 1.19.2. I tried pcf and bungeeforge. I also tried to change the velocity settings from legacy to modern ones, but it didn't work. I don't want to lose compatibility with 1.12.2 server due to modern mode.
submitted by radibeam to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 StudentNo8606 selling my laser beam eyes

selling my laser beam eyes looking for 7k saps or 7-8 wish coins!
submitted by StudentNo8606 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 South-Emotion7383 Offering to spawn a hatch in the killer shacl on the map Garden of Joy

So I know that when a offering for hacth to spawn in the killer shack the hatch will spawn to the closed side of the window but right now in my game i was playing i saw the offering for hatch to spawn i shack and the hetch spawned inside it insted of to the closed window outiside. Is this only for this map or am I bugin?
submitted by South-Emotion7383 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 sharewithme Word of The Hour: competent

English: competent

  1. answering to all requirements
  2. adequate; sufficient
  3. suitable; capable
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/past
submitted by sharewithme to Word_of_The_Hour [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 Temporary-Call2143 Hey guys, who wants to chat?

I'm a 21 male from Finland (would prefer on the same / near that time zone by the by) and would love some friends, kind of in a lonely situation rn, never had good luck with finding friends irl nor online.
Anyone up for some gaming or just chatting, hit me up! Minecraft, Roblox or CSGO is what I play!
submitted by Temporary-Call2143 to lonely [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 Short-Tone1084 Kæreste, ekskæreste eller en helt tredje?

Hej almægtige og alvidende Brevkasse,
Her kommer endnu et håbløs kærligheds dilemma. Beklager for et langt skriv. Håber det giver mening. Ville gerne lave en TL;DR, men man har nok brug for at læse det hele for at forstå situationen.
Jeg står i en meget ærgerlig situation, som jeg udmærket godt er klar over 100% er min egen skyld, men derfor spørger jeg alligevel om hjælp så jeg nu ikke gør det værre...
Sagen er den at jeg (23) slog op med min kæreste (24) tilbage i august (min beslutning). Vi havde været sammen i næsten 3 år på daværende tidspunkt. Hn var fuldstændig knust og helt ude af den. Jeg havde det egentlig nogenlunde okay de første 2 måneder, hvor jeg her begynder at savne hn. Vi har så ingen kontakt i 2 måneder, så jeg vælger at kontakte hn og vi begynder at snakke sammen igen. Jeg gør det meget klart overfor hn at jeg gerne vil tilbage sammen, men h*n er meget usikker (forståelig nok). Spol så frem til slut december hvor vi ender med at komme sammen igen.
Men efter vi har været i kontakt i to måneder (midt i december) så finder jeg så ud af at der er en fra studiet som der har et godt øje til mig, og som jeg egentlig også har gået (i den tid jeg var single) og tænkt hn virkede smadder sød. Men jeg er glad for at jeg er i kontakt med ekskæresten igen så jeg lægger personen fra studiet på hylden og prøver at glemme hn. På dette tidspunkt har jeg ikke haft noget kontakt med den her person udover nogle enkelte gange vi har hilst på hinanden.
Igennem hele den her tid fra jeg får kontakt med ekskæresten igen til nu, har min intentioner været 100% ærlige og jeg har ikke på noget tidspunkt gjort det for at udnytte h*n eller fordi jeg var ensom. Det er i hvert fald sådan jeg selv ser det... og jeg har også været glad for hende i den her tid og glad for vi var sammen igen, indtil nu… ja der har da været problemer og mangler i forholdet men jeg har generelt været glad.
Nu er situationen så den at jeg virkelig føler jeg ikke kan glemme den her person fra studiet. Og jeg er begyndt at snakke med hn lidt mere. Intet seriøst. Det hele er stadig meget venskabeligt, men jeg kan mærke at hn muligvis har en større interesse i mig end bare at være venner. Og jeg kan selv mærke at jeg også begynder at have samme interesse. Der er noget ved den her person som giver mig en følelse jeg ikke har følt meget længe...
Så kære Brevkasse, hvad filan gør jeg lige nu. På den ene side vil jeg super gerne se hvad den her nye relation kan føre til, men på den anden side vil jeg jo virkelig heller ikke knuse min kæreste endnu en gang... især når jeg var den som gravede vores forhold op igen. Jeg ønsker virkelig ikke min kæreste noget som helst ondt, eller noget i den stil. Det ved jeg godt er for sent at sige nu, men det har aldrig været min hensigt eller intention. Jeg er godt klar over at utroskab ikke er en mulighed. Det er ikke i mine tanker og ikke noget jeg vil ud i. Jeg søger måske bare råd til om jeg er helt ude af den og måske bare skal vente og se det an, eller hvis jeg vælger at gå fra min kæreste igen, hvordan dælen får man det sagt til h*n IGEN?...
submitted by Short-Tone1084 to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 ligiabueno [FOR HIRE] Open for Commissions! | Dnd, Fantasy, OC's! Dm me if you are interested

[FOR HIRE] Open for Commissions! | Dnd, Fantasy, OC's! Dm me if you are interested submitted by ligiabueno to HungryArtists [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 HockeyMod Off-Day Thread - 22 Jan 2025

Today's Games

22 Jan 2025
BOS at NJD - 6:00PM CST
CBJ at TOR - 6:30PM CST
WPG at COL - 8:30PM CST
FLA at LAK - 9:00PM CST
Yesterday's Games
21 Jan 2025
TBL (2) at MTL (3)
OTT (0) at NYR (5)
DET (1) at PHI (2) OT
SJS (5) at NSH (7)
CAR (2) at DAL (1)
WSH (3) at EDM (2)
BUF (3) at VAN (2)
FLA (5) at ANA (2)
Standings EAST
Atlantic GP W L OT P
TOR 48 30 16 2 62
FLA 48 28 17 3 59
TBL 46 25 18 3 53
Metro GP W L OT P
WSH 47 32 10 5 69
CAR 48 29 16 3 61
NJD 49 26 17 6 58
OTT 47 24 19 4 52
MTL 47 24 19 4 52
-- -- -- -- -- --
BOS 48 23 19 6 52
CBJ 47 22 18 7 51
NYR 47 23 20 4 50
PHI 48 22 20 6 50
PIT 49 20 21 8 48
DET 47 21 21 5 47
NYI 46 19 20 7 45
BUF 47 18 24 5 41
Central GP W L OT P
WPG 48 31 14 3 65
MIN 47 28 15 4 60
DAL 47 29 17 1 59
Pacific GP W L OT P
VGK 47 29 14 4 62
EDM 47 29 15 3 61
LAK 44 25 14 5 55
COL 48 28 19 1 57
CGY 45 22 16 7 51
-- -- -- -- -- --
VAN 46 20 16 10 50
STL 48 23 21 4 50
UTA 46 20 19 7 47
SEA 48 21 24 3 45
ANA 47 18 23 6 42
NSH 46 17 22 7 41
CHI 47 15 28 4 34
SJS 50 14 30 6 34
Top 5 Skaters
The bot can only be as correct as its sources, the sources it uses are linked below each table. If you notice an error that is not due to an incorrect source or you want to suggest a source click here to message TeroTheTerror.
submitted by HockeyMod to wildhockey [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 flophi0207 Were the Accounts on the show actual product Placements?

Do you think some of the companies that were Accounts on the Show like Lucky Strike or Hilton actually paid to be in the show?
submitted by flophi0207 to madmen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 jayaldinho "Say my name"

submitted by jayaldinho to drawing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 notindulged what does karma-farming even do? u get any prestige or sumn?

submitted by notindulged to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 edaj_____ Ajuda no treino 🙏🏻🤩

Ajuda no treino 🙏🏻🤩 oi, meninas! estou retornando p academia após 4 meses sem treinar. confesso que nunca fui muito da musculação, mas, nesse momento, queria muito dar um gás e ficar namoral, tendo continuidade.
vou na academia pelo menos 3x e esse é o meu treino. gostaria de fortalecer os músculos e deixá-los aparentes. tenho 1,60 e peso 59kg, tenho uma alimentação muito saudável.
ajuda euuuuUuuUuu
submitted by edaj_____ to gymgurls [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 sachtefahrn Be aware of scam - alchemy orb stacks in 20

Be aware of scam - alchemy orb stacks in 20 submitted by sachtefahrn to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 itsssssshenry Where to find Championship Newspaper

I was wondering if anyone had luck finding the Columbus dispatch newspaper for the championship. Just tried the Kroger on chambers and had no luck.
submitted by itsssssshenry to Columbus [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 WarehouseMisery A to Z should track our time spent having to handle HR matters on the app

Sick and tired of having to use my own time off the clock to handle HR's fuck ups! Why should I have to waste 2 hours of my day off having to chat with HR to try and correct an error on my schedule? A to Z should track our time having to deal with HR off the clock and pay us for technically, having to work off the clock. Never in my life have I worked at any other company and was made to use my own time to speak to HR. Also, what's up with us having to use our own personal cell phones to complete the knet training during orientation?! Pretty sure they are supposed to compensate us for having to use our own personal cell phones for work 🤷‍♂️
submitted by WarehouseMisery to AmazonFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 Anya_Curator Anya

Anya submitted by Anya_Curator to AnyaTikhomirova [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 Muted_Call_6232 Piece of advice

You guys needs to learn a thing or two about
And how novelists put their work on enhancing the monologue of their main character or a random character
Because the amount of misinformation and misunderstanding that come from this sub is Huge
Go watch Dexter for example … tv series about a SK
You would find a lot of similarities between both Monologue ( koji-Dexter)
I am willing to do a post later on about how Monologue are served in each novel
And the Relation between what happens in the Monologue of each character and how they apply it in their dialogue with other characters
The piece of advice: Dont Take a Monologue seriously when reading about a Complicated character ….
submitted by Muted_Call_6232 to ClassroomOfTheElite [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:00 travelguideian Just 68 mi from the Gulf of Mexico rises the third-highest peak in North America

Just 68 mi from the Gulf of Mexico rises the third-highest peak in North America Most Americans grow up imagining the entire perimeter of the Gulf — from Cancún through Louisiana all the way around to Florida — is just featureless flatlands.
Took me until adulthood before I ever heard about Citlaltépetl / Pico de Orizaba. Blew my mind.
PC: Melanin Base Camp
submitted by travelguideian to geography [link] [comments]
