network quality indicators for cloud gaming sessions on browser and TV.

2025.01.22 17:09 IamMovieMiguel network quality indicators for cloud gaming sessions on browser and TV.
submitted by IamMovieMiguel to xcloud [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 PristineHearing5955 Archaeologists Discovered An Underground Inca Labyrinth, Confirming a Centuries-Old Rumor

Archaeologists Discovered An Underground Inca Labyrinth, Confirming a Centuries-Old Rumor submitted by PristineHearing5955 to GrahamHancock [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 Ardibanan Tinfoil hat theory about the Adam tree

Now that we have learned that there are several Adam trees in the world of One Piece. Could the beanstalk from Skypia perhaps be another Adam tree, or perhaps Eve tree? It is insanly durable, its holding an island in place so its not drifting away on clouds. They do mention that there is a safer way to access the sky, maybe the beanstalk goes all the way down to the Blue Sea, but we didn't see it?
submitted by Ardibanan to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 Different_Day_7169 Combatting loneliness

Any suggestions from other Elders (who might live in smaller cities or towns) on how they combat loneliness??
I live in a smaller city in eastern Ontario with an almost non existent gay life and sometimes I just wanna scream because of the boredom and isolation.
Bars and hook ups are not what I’m looking for. Just the occasional get together for coffee or a meal.
Sorry for the rant but I thought I’d put the question out there…
submitted by Different_Day_7169 to AskGaybrosOver30 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 DepressedMeoww "My life is all I have. My rhymes, my pen, my pad..."

Just tryna say that my V kinda looks like J.Cole
submitted by DepressedMeoww to LowSodiumCyberpunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 chamilton2392 I did it!!

I was finally sleeved yesterday 1/21. There’s nothing that can prepare you for the gas pains but thankfully now 24 hours later they have seriously subsided. Now I just feel like I did a workouts for 5 days straight. So glad my fiancés was able to change her work schedule around to be home with me for the week, I’d be stuck where I ever I sat down or laid down as I cannot sit up in my own. Pacing around my house for 5 minutes at a time every hour or so. The journey has begun!!
submitted by chamilton2392 to gastricsleeve [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 Afraid-Function-8496 Who to choose !??

Should I r1 Sakura or get Fatima is she good ?!?!
submitted by Afraid-Function-8496 to Dislyte [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 Public_Bedroom_2405 Piper penguin and his fantatic flying machine

Piper penguin and his fantatic flying machine Ripoff happy feet and surf up
submitted by Public_Bedroom_2405 to crappyoffbrands [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 iama_tree__ama Narrows - cyanobacteria risks currently?

I’m looking to hike the Narrows next Wednesday, at least up to wall street. Is cyanobacteria anything I need to worry about? There’s currently a warning about it on the Zion park website.
Anyone hiked in the last month or so with any negative experiences with cyanobacteria?
Narrows looks so incredible and I’m feeling pretty stupid for being so anxious about this. I would hate to miss it over something that turns out to be a non-issue
submitted by iama_tree__ama to ZionNationalPark [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 1215DayTrading How I Made over 50% in ONE Hour

How I Made over 50% in ONE Hour I created a post not too long ago explaining one of my best breakout strategies. You can find that post HERE. If you have been keeping track of that strategy, you'll find it does pretty well.
But I wanted to share another way of trading it because the beauty of this strategy is how adaptable it can be. While the core setup and criteria stay the same, there are different ways to enter and exit the trade depending on how the price action develops and the personal preference of the trader using it.
In the example trade I posted a photo of; I took a slightly different approach. I first entered a position as soon as there was confirmation of support holding at the bottom of the premarket consolidation lows. This gave me an early entry with a tight stop, allowing me to take advantage of the stock’s natural bounce off support. Once the price broke above the premarket high—my regular breakout entry point—I added to the position. Combining these two entry methods allowed me to maximize my position size while keeping the overall trade within my risk tolerance.
For this trade, I calculated the stocks maximum potential beforehand and used that as my target. This is my preferred method because it gives a clear, logical price target based on the stock’s earlier movement. It does require patience, though. In this case, I waited about an hour for the price to reach the target, but the payoff was well worth it.
The key takeaway here is that while the core strategy stays the same—focusing on unusual premarket volume, clean premarket consolidations, and clear levels of support and resistance—I can vary my entries based on how the price action develops. In this case, entering at support allowed me to build a position early, while the breakout entry let me capitalize on the momentum.
I hope this information helps, whether you decide to test it out yourself or take pieces of it to develop your own approach. Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!
submitted by 1215DayTrading to Daytrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 heavenlyshecomes Zehn Prüfungen in zwei Monaten

Im kommenden Sommersemester stehen mir innerhalb von zwei Monaten insgesamt zehn Prüfungen bevor, verteilt auf je fünf pro Monat. Ich befinde mich derzeit im zweiten Jahr meines Pharmaziestudiums, wobei einige dieser Prüfungen ursprünglich bereits im ersten Jahr hätten abgelegt werden müssen. Zwei der zehn Prüfungen sind zudem Wiederholungsprüfungen, da ich sie beim ersten Versuch aufgrund von Prokrastination und mangelnder Vorbereitung nicht erfolgreich bestanden habe. Nun habe ich überlegt, mich intensiv auf diese Herausforderung vorzubereiten, indem ich ein sogenanntes “Handy-Detox” durchführe – sprich, meine Smartphone-Nutzung drastisch reduziere oder mir ein einfaches Klapphandy zulege, um Ablenkungen zu vermeiden. Mein Ziel ist es, mich voll und ganz auf das Lernen zu konzentrieren, da mir bewusst ist, dass meine bisherigen Misserfolge hauptsächlich auf mangelnde Disziplin zurückzuführen sind.
Ich frage mich, ob jemand bereits ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht hat und ob ihr glaubt, dass mein Vorhaben realistisch umsetzbar ist. Persönlich halte ich es für machbar, doch wenn ich auf die Meinungen anderer höre, bekomme ich oft zu hören, dass zehn Prüfungen in einem Semester eine enorme Belastung darstellen.
submitted by heavenlyshecomes to Studium [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 bda2019 Camtek opticam with sodick vz300l

Anyone here doing any wire work with a sodick vz300l using opticam?
submitted by bda2019 to Machinists [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 pyrolux7 I Can't Find the Mission "First Traveler"

I was at the crashed freighter for the mission but couldn’t find the encryption key. I decided to do something else, thinking I could easily return later. After warping back to my main base, I lost track of the freighter's location.
I’ve tried everything to reset the mission—warping far away, even traveling to a different galaxy—but nothing works. The mission only shows a path I can follow, but I have no idea how far away it is. After two hours of what felt like endless warping across thousands of light-years, I’m completely stuck.
I’d really appreciate it if someone could help me find a solution!
submitted by pyrolux7 to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 Wasad_ NH-U12A or NH-D12L for a 7950X with the idea of (maybe) downsizing later in the future

I need to buy a cooler for my 7950X. I prefer an air cooler since I have a Deepcool CH170 case.
I am not sure if I pick up an NH-U12A or an NH-D12L. I know the U12A is a more suitable cooler for the 7950X, but a D12L would allow me to downsize to a smaller case later in the future (i.e., Dan C4-SFX v2) if I want to.
Does someone know if the U12A is the better option? Meaning, I am better off getting the U12A now and then getting a new cooler if I downsize my PC? (and sell the U12A and the case of course).
submitted by Wasad_ to sffpc [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 Khy_00 Info Video

GoddessKikiDoll just posted a video. Take a look here:
Findom Fendom Paypigs Brat Greedy blonde princess angel tease teasing footworship walletdrain cashcow humanatm domme subs domina moneymiss moneyslave moneyslavefr paypig piggybank paypig soumis pigeon sumiso financiero finfet finsub pagafantas pagacopas blackmail
submitted by Khy_00 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 ListofReddit Comparing price per vial

I need some help with cost per vial. I'm reading the pinned provider post but it doesn't answer my question.
I currently get a 4ml vial, (17/2 mg/ml). This cost $599. I'm currently on 7.5mg and most likely moving up to 10 next. My question is, how many shots does this vial contain if on 7.5 or 10 or 12.5? How do I find out the math? I'm using units so right now I'm on 45 units. I started at the lowest dose and titrated up to 7.5. I just took my 3rd 7.5 and it looks like I have one more shot available for 7.5 before it runs out.
Now when comparing to other places like OrderlyMeds or Fella, it seems you get a vial that contains 4 doses regardless of what level you are on.
Is the cost for the 4ml vial better overall than the other compounded versions or is a different place like those two offer a better cost?
submitted by ListofReddit to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 123imthatguy123 [pumpkin time!][abcdegg] please boost to full, use deflector, and be active. Thank you!!

submitted by 123imthatguy123 to EggsIncCoOp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 adulting4kids First and last sentence prompts

"The ominous shadows crept along the walls, a foreboding presence in the stillness of the night."
The city skyline glittered with promises, each skyscraper holding secrets within its gleaming structure."
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 ImBupster Potential HSV, but tested negative?

25m, 5'7", 275lb, non-smoker, sexually active.
I noticed some tingling on my lips a month ago and went in to go get a full panel done. I've recently been growing out my facial hair, and my tests came back negative. Doc said it could be the hair irritating the skin, so I thought nothing of it.
Recently, the tingling came back on my lower right lip, and there was this red/pink blemish there. Overnight it kind of vanished, but now there's two small spots underneath the skin of my lip. No sores. No bleeding.
It's cold out here, my lips have been cracked and dry. Could this be anything else, or should I really go in for another HSV test?
submitted by ImBupster to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 Histon_ Could anybody measure the Arctis Nova Pro Wireless base station for me?

I'm considering getting these headphones, but the room I do all my gaming in is pretty small and everything is pretty meticulously planned out to fit whilst being comfortable to use. I've got a pretty small spot placed out that I think might fit it, but I just wanted to make sure it would before forking out £300 for the headset. Any help is greatly appreciated as I've been unable to find size specifications for the base station anywhere else.
submitted by Histon_ to steelseries [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 capricerun $250 for keyboard folio? Best I can do is a $50 ZUGU case and a beat old iMac keyboard :)

$250 for keyboard folio? Best I can do is a $50 ZUGU case and a beat old iMac keyboard :) submitted by capricerun to ipad [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 Frequent_Emotion_543 Si una persona tiene relaciones con otra que se considera perro. ¿Sería zoofilia?

Quiero ver que opinan las minorías de esta paradoja 🗿
submitted by Frequent_Emotion_543 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 W1nt3rKn1ght42 Amy Adams

Amy Adams submitted by W1nt3rKn1ght42 to CelebMILFnBikini [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 FL_4LF Windshield Wednesday, no snow in my neck of the woods.

Windshield Wednesday, no snow in my neck of the woods. submitted by FL_4LF to TheRealFriendsOver40 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 17:09 CSH0714 Dua Lipa vs Freya Allan

Dua Lipa vs Freya Allan submitted by CSH0714 to CelebBattles [link] [comments]