Apple planning to launch at least one new iPad Pro this year

2025.01.22 14:52 MobileNewsBot Apple planning to launch at least one new iPad Pro this year

Apple planning to launch at least one new iPad Pro this year submitted by MobileNewsBot to mobiles [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 fuzzilogik01 American Revolution - how to add general

Just started playing American Revolution and the mechanics are so much different than all the other games I'm struggling with a few things. My biggest question right now is how do I recruit a new army commander. I still only have my starting general and the problem I'm having is that when he leaves an area, the brits just march in and take everything over. I think it's crazy that a fortress with 2,000 men in it can disappear without an option of going to RTS battle. I think I've mostly figured out battalions and regiments, but the army commander eludes me. All the youtube how tos seem to assume I know how to do it.
submitted by fuzzilogik01 to ultimategeneral [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 NefariousnessPast396 How to fetch dpf soot mass?

I tried amz on my creta 2024 Diesel manual variant. Soot % is missing when i checked the sensors. Although i could see following sensors with some values getting updated. Can someone explain me if these are useful? And soot sensor could be missing from the list? Should i buy another odb device which supports particular sensor?
Following sensors did show some values: PM Sensor Mass Concentration Bank 1 Sensor 1 0.06 mg/m3 PM Sensor Mass Concentration Bank 2 Sensor 1 mg/m3
Diesel Particulate Filter Bank 1 Delta Pressure 0.04 psi Diesel Particulate Filter Bank 1 Inlet Pressure 13.79 psi Diesel Particulate Filter Bank 1 Outlet Pressure 13.75 psi
Basically i would want to know about how much soot is generated? So i could take it to highway to clear the filter.
submitted by NefariousnessPast396 to Hyundai [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 Careful-Ferret-8424 am i a j or p type? whats the difference?

im not decisive at all, but i tend to prefer structure in my environment. im not really close-minded. im not really organised when im depressed, but i will generally fall back into shape and be organised once im in a better mood. i hate travelling. im mostly productive but i can be really unproductive aswell.
i feel like im a contradiction. i thought i was a J type but lately ive been wondering if i might be a p type. whenever i google it i feel like i always get mixed results.
submitted by Careful-Ferret-8424 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 vilomstren Home Depot Milwaukee Sale

Use the link for Home Depot Milwaukee Sale. The website features a wide selection of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly for you to choose from and make your purchase more affordable.
submitted by vilomstren to MementoOffers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 Lithamshae Black mini and a tank top for the win

Black mini and a tank top for the win submitted by Lithamshae to skirt [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 Dramatic_Share_7168 Is a septum piercing "typical" for a certain "lifestyle"?

Hi, I was wondering if a septum piercing (or nose piercing in general) is something that is "belonging" /typical for some groups. (For instance like metalheads, goth, more common by men/women, etc.)? I don't know anyone with such a piercing and don't have any experience in this field but since I'm interested in getting one I just wanted to ask... I've already looked in the internet but the answers are very different. Thanks! :)
submitted by Dramatic_Share_7168 to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 cardsrealm Pokémon TCG: Top 10 Best Shiftry of All Time

submitted by cardsrealm to cardgames [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 BagelManForEver Send me friend request I send gifts every day and would like more back

149768660817 That’s my number send me request, I send gifts and expect some back
submitted by BagelManForEver to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 worstcase512 New addition. First project of 2025.

New addition. First project of 2025. Honestly I may go back over it with Mr Hobby Flat Clear. I don't really like the Gaianote FC. Not flat enough.
submitted by worstcase512 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 lss_bvt_ios_06 LssTest-CrosspostTitle

submitted by lss_bvt_ios_06 to CrosspostAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 Mrddx2 Top 3 IPTV Add-ons to Enhance Your Streaming Experience

Take your IPTV experience to the next level with these powerful add-ons:
1️⃣ Kodi Add-ons

2️⃣ EPG Importers 3️⃣ Recording Tools 💬 What add-ons do you recommend? Let’s help the community build their ultimate IPTV setup!
submitted by Mrddx2 to IPTVCommunityhub [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 BababoeyCactus Winnercity fantasy

submitted by BababoeyCactus to Losercity [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 artur_zuer He kissed a dice and he liked it

He kissed a dice and he liked it submitted by artur_zuer to brawlart [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 modern_julius Does composer now have a sense of humor?

Does composer now have a sense of humor?
I was laughing outloud at its responses
submitted by modern_julius to cursor [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 itrustpeople Primă de pensionare de 100.000 de euro la o instituție de stat. Mircea Fechet: Am cerut lista beneficiilor

Primă de pensionare de 100.000 de euro la o instituție de stat. Mircea Fechet: Am cerut lista beneficiilor submitted by itrustpeople to Romania [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 Decent-Ad-2879 SICK OF DEALING WITH SONOS-wanna buy mine?

So tired of how this thing operates, I'm just over it. Anyone near Nashville, TN want to buy my system?
submitted by Decent-Ad-2879 to sonos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 Deamon-Chocobo A Dumb Joke I made Years Ago on Tumblr

A Dumb Joke I made Years Ago on Tumblr submitted by Deamon-Chocobo to Super_Robot_Wars [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 wayniac244 Tem muita gente desinformada sobre o assunto no sub então acho necessário postar isso aqui

Tem muita gente desinformada sobre o assunto no sub então acho necessário postar isso aqui submitted by wayniac244 to futebol [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 I_Burn_Cereal Art by Velnna

Art by Velnna submitted by I_Burn_Cereal to ImaginaryLovers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 Remarkable_Pianist_2 Corolla 2005 Lpg

Hey everyone.
I have a 2005 corolla 1.400cc , with 100.000k miles, and was wondering, if any of you installed LPG, did you have any issues? Opinions on this one are split, some friends of mine say they got 400.000 with lpg and no issues.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by Remarkable_Pianist_2 to COROLLA [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 RaggleFraggle5 Selling Books and Comics!

Selling Books and Comics! Hi fellow Halo fans! I'm looking to part with the books and comics posted in the pictures above. I've made sales through reddit before and always use PayPal G&S for both our safety.
I am NOT splitting anything. Prices include shipping and PP fees.
Books - $150 Comics - $150 Both - $225
Will ship to main 48 States only. Located in Cincinnati, OH for anyone local.
submitted by RaggleFraggle5 to halo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 nottetizeraz Teste2

Rapaziada tenho 18 anos, fui na entrevista, a vaga era pra auxiliar de produção, 1.700 o salario, numa empresa pequena, de material eletrônico e iluminação, perto de casa, demora 10 minutos pra chegar lá a pé, não tem beneficio além da cesta basica, pessoal lá no ambiente parece feliz e tranquilo, não parece muito pesado lá, de segunda a sexta de 8:30 a 18:00 e sábado de 8:30 a 13:00, falaram pra eu trampar lá 1 semana, se eu n gostar eu falo e n fico com a vaga, se eu gostar fico, será q é meio ruim? to querendo trampar logo pra guardar um dinheiro e investir na carreira do audiovisual. O lugar em geral é pequeno e não parece que vou ser feito de burro de carga
submitted by nottetizeraz to conversas [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 Future-Foot-8593 Packed him today from 3k gems pack should I rank him up or use for shrads ☝️🤓🤓

Packed him today from 3k gems pack should I rank him up or use for shrads ☝️🤓🤓 🤓☝️☝️
submitted by Future-Foot-8593 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 14:52 Queasy-Drag-8491 HC Nuzlocke, against Bugsy and Misty.

HC Nuzlocke, against Bugsy and Misty. (First screen vs Bugsy). (Second screen vs Misty). Crazy to say but in this run Bugsy>>Misty xD. I decided to sacrifice tatsugiri cuz imo it's bad compared to the other mon i have in the team.
submitted by Queasy-Drag-8491 to pokemonradicalred [link] [comments]