Help me pick a name for my baby girl!

2025.01.22 16:03 Vast_Succotash_306 Help me pick a name for my baby girl!

I'm in the VERY early stages of naming my daughter (due July 2025) and I'd appreciate some opinions on a couple of names I've placed together. I love vintage/nature/unpopular names and I'm looking for something both feminine and strong.
My first daughter's name is Delaney Joan if that influences anything at all! I have two first names that I'm loving right now ~ Saffron (Saffy) & Odette (Odie). Let me know what you think and also how you feel about the middle names I've paired them with! Thank you.
Saffron Elowen
Saffron Goldie
Saffron Fleur
Odette Bloom
Odette Ferne
Odette Wren
submitted by Vast_Succotash_306 to BabyNames [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 Nestledrink Designing the Founders Edition | GeForce RTX 5090

Designing the Founders Edition | GeForce RTX 5090 submitted by Nestledrink to nvidia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 Rich_Pomelo_5397 CSE 411

If anyone is currently taking CSE 411 and is not that serious about it, please drop it so I can join the class. It’s my last semester and I really want to add this course to my schedule. Thanks!
submitted by Rich_Pomelo_5397 to UBreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 lemkowidmak @GoLeopards: RT @LafayetteMBB: Game 2⃣0⃣🆚 Loyola Md.⏰ 7 p.m.📍Baltimore, Md.📺📊 | @GoLeo…

@GoLeopards: RT @LafayetteMBB: Game 2⃣0⃣🆚 Loyola Md.⏰ 7 p.m.📍Baltimore, Md.📺📊 | @GoLeo… submitted by lemkowidmak to LafayetteLeopards [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 Witty_Pomegranate987 Is this real Imagine if this happens in future
submitted by Witty_Pomegranate987 to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 yoChillgod Looking for - offering below

Looking for - offering below Can't fly sorry
submitted by yoChillgod to PokemonGoTrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 Kira_Stardust Okay so by Infold logic I could buy 5 in one tap for 5.99€ but if I buy 5 in 5 taps I pay 4.95€?

Okay so by Infold logic I could buy 5 in one tap for 5.99€ but if I buy 5 in 5 taps I pay 4.95€? submitted by Kira_Stardust to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 senhornomall sou babaca por ficar cobrando minha namorada pra limpar o meu banheiro?

Tava tendo um churrasco de aniversário do afilhado dela e ela junto com o primo dela acabaram bebendo muito. Como vi que já era meia noite e ela já tava ficando meio doida e falando umas besteiras resolvi ir embora com ela pra não passar vergonha, ela veio dormindo no caminho e quando chegou ela deitou no sofá e ficou uns 10 minutos, do nada ela sai correndo pro banheiro e nem deu tempo de chegar na pia ou na privada, vomitou toda minha porta e o tapete do banheiro. Eu que não iria passar o resto da noite limpando, precisava acordar 5:20 pra trabalhar e quando acordei nem entrei naquele banheiro com cheiro de morte, escovei e lavei o rosto no tanque daqui.
Já é 12:00 e mandei mensagem e ela nem respondeu, deve ter dado um PT tão forte que tá dormindo até agr, agr tô encucado pensando que vai ser difícil do meu banheiro sair daquele cheiro horrível de álcool e carne, e pior ainda, eu que não vou chegar cansado e limpar aquela merda. mas poxa faz 11 horas que tá tudo vomitado lá, não tô acreditando que ela não vai ter forças pra limpar aquilo hoje e vai ir embora pra casa dela e me deixar ferrado. seria babaca que eu ficasse cobrando ela pra ela limpar, sei que ela não teve controle, mas não tô afim de limpar sujeira dos outros não. Eu sou babaca por ficar enchendo o saco dela provavelmente enjoada cobrando?
submitted by senhornomall to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 Potato_Head1000 Olivia Dunne or Lily Chee?

Olivia Dunne or Lily Chee? submitted by Potato_Head1000 to 21stCenturyBabes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 Expert-Risk-4897 drugz (official video)

drugz (official video) It starts off really boring but he gets really into it halfway through and it's hilarious.
submitted by Expert-Risk-4897 to crappymusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 elshine17 Textured skin

Textured skin Having issues with textured bumpy skin. It seems to get heated and bumpy when I either get stressed or use products on my face. I use Neutrogena Hydro Boost but lately seems to be irritating the hell out of it. I moisturize with Cera Vé Ultra Light Moisturizing gel. I don’t use anything else because my skin has such a harsh time. Would also be nice to have the sides of my nose not so red:(
submitted by elshine17 to SkincareAddicts [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 PotentialMortgage689 Boot VMWARE ESXI through a NVMe SSD that's connected to a PCIe adapter card dell precision T7610?

Dear Folks!
I have a Dell Precision T7610 and recently I installed WD-1 TB over PCIE adapter, i am wondering if I can install VMWARE ESXi and boot through it, i tried several times to install several versions of VMWARE ESXi 6.5,7, 7.0 just to rule out if it is VMWARE ESXI compatibility issue i have installed Linux on the NVME and indeed it has booted normally over this NVME.
Can anyone help by suggesting a clear Workaround to solve this ESXI booting matter?
Thanks in advance.
submitted by PotentialMortgage689 to homelab [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 GhostPrivateJobs Question related to automation start-up?

Hi all,
I have been doing some research on building my own company.
Little intro about me: I holds bachelors degree in Mechanical and Masters in Mechatronics focus on Robotics and a bit AI.
My mission is to solve problems in different fields. Therefore, I am researching some fields.
Therefore, I want to know if there are already existing companies in these fields or not.

I just want to focus on automation in different fields.
I did some research on google, but still needs more info.
Any suggestions and advice would be helpful.
Thanks in advance
submitted by GhostPrivateJobs to indianstartups [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 tigerjjw53 Players are able to warp to another match mid-game(world tour)
submitted by tigerjjw53 to thefinals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 ScheidingDerKrachten Is It Common in Angular to Use Separate Models for Forms, Requests, and Responses?

I've been working on an Angular project and am wondering about best practices when it comes to structuring models. Specifically, is it common to create separate objects for:

  1. A form model (to represent form data).
  2. A request model (to represent what you send to an API).
  3. A response model (to represent what you receive from the API).
Additionally, if I then convert these into a "business" model using a factory or mapper, does that make sense, or is this overengineering?
On one hand, it seems clean and aligns with the single responsibility principle, but on the other hand, it feels like a lot of boilerplate code.
What are your thoughts? Is this common practice in Angular, or is there a simpler way to handle this?
Would appreciate any insights or advice!
submitted by ScheidingDerKrachten to Angular2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 Boring-Condition1373 Made my mom some Gnome earrings for Valentine’s Day. Link in the comments if anybody would like them.

Made my mom some Gnome earrings for Valentine’s Day. Link in the comments if anybody would like them. My mom has been wanting some gnome earrings so I decided to make them Valentine’s Day themed.
submitted by Boring-Condition1373 to BambuLab [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 SurvivorGirl200 The Funniest Pic of Reginald I’ve taken 😂

submitted by SurvivorGirl200 to Hedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 taylortiki gay👀irl

gay👀irl submitted by taylortiki to gay_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/calgaryflames roundup for the week of January 15 - January 21, 2025

Wednesday, January 15 - Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Top videos

score comments title & link
373 23 comments Lomberg and Coronato doing great community service!
236 20 comments [Hype] Let's take a moment and appreciate this absolute piss missle. Feel like wolfs performance overshadowed it's audacity.
68 17 comments [Video] The Hockey Guy take on the Flames so far
38 77 comments [Video] FN Barn Burner: Heated Debate On The Immediate Future Of The Calgary Flames With Seravalli
Game thread comments
score comment
114 zoziw said My God! 3.25 goals saved above expected and a .974 save percentage on 39 shots. Compared to two goals for, not including the empty netter. Little offence, little defence. No question how we w...
94 DepartmentSea8381 said 38/39. Killed both penalties against the best PP in the league. Kuzy scores. Kerins is a PPG player. Good hard effort by the boys. Wolf’s a goddamn stud.
68 ErikDebogande said I did NOT have The Flames beating the Jets on my bingo card. The Jets were absolutely ROBBED by Wolfie, just give him the Veznia and Calder already! A WOOOOOOOOOOOO!
64 NerdHerder77 said ![gif](giphy|DL2DtCHmzwYPEKvtgO|downsized)
56 buchsy45 said On the bright side, we don’t have to play the Blues again this season. The downside is that we couldn’t even win a single fucking game against them.
52 GrafNebelgeist said Dustin mother fucking Wolf. That's all I gotta say.
49 abrandnewsharpie said Serves those nasty Jets fans right for wearing cowboy hats when Calgary comes to town. GFG!
47 Comfortable-Ad-7158 said Soo.. Kerins is here for the rest of the season? I don't see him going down before his waiver exemption ends. He doesn't do anything super flashy. But he makes smart plays. Plays hard and seems mor...
36 GrafNebelgeist said That was unpleasant, and I wish to not experience such a thing again. Thank you. At least our rivals are losing at the moment.
34 froglikker said My god it feels so good to have a goalie that can steal games for us. Against the 2nd best team in the league, no less. Unreal performance
Top Non-shitposts
score comments title & link
718 232 comments The Jets and Sabres have already banned TwitteX links on their subs and it looks like many other sports subs are seriously considering it. Should we?
284 43 comments I peeked at the Jets post game thread lol
192 4 comments Saw This Cutie At Hockey Day In Canada
189 26 comments That’s Craig Conroy for ya 🫡
184 34 comments Flames now have a 64% chance of making the playoffs according to Money Puck
178 19 comments [Jerseys] Found my old ‘04 jersey.
172 3 comments New Quilt
166 49 comments Big props to the mod team here
161 88 comments [Post Game Thread] Dustin wolf (22-16-7) vs Jets (31-13-3) - January 18th - post game thread.
151 15 comments HIM !!
Top Shitposts
score comments title & link
215 27 comments [Shitpost] Reading comments from 2 fan bases arguing which cross-check was worse
146 11 comments [Shitpost] Please come back
98 17 comments [Shitpost] Zayne's on team tank
91 29 comments [Shitpost] Guys is this worth pursuing any longer?
70 8 comments [Shitpost] Dobes vs Wolf
submitted by subredditsummarybot to CalgaryFlames [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 thatoneguymontag This was my gateway to Sabbath. What was yours?

submitted by thatoneguymontag to blacksabbath [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 bakerman0077 Hilfe, sie antwortet mir nicht mehr!

Hallo, ich bin etwas verzweifelt! Ich (m) chatte hier auf Reddit seit einiger Zeit mit einer Frau. Der Chat kam zustande indem sie mich anschrieb nachdem ich hier einen Beitrag kommentiert habe. Sie wollte von mir etwas Wissen bezüglich des Beitrages. Wir schrieben dann hin und her. Wir waren uns auf Anhieb sympathisch und sind auf einer Wellenlänge! Am vergangenen Wochenende haben wir in der Nacht von Samstag auf Sonntag sehr lange gechattet und vereinbart am nächsten Tag weiter zu schreiben. Seit dem habe ich nichts mehr von ihr gehört! Ich habe mir heute mal ihr Profil angesehen und festgestellt dass dort freizügige Bilder gepostet worden sind. Das ist aber definitiv nicht die Person mit der ich gechattet habe. Ich weiß wie sie aussieht! Ich denke mir, dass ihr Profil gehackt worden ist. Ich kenne leider nur ihren Vornamen und weiß in welcher Stadt sie wohnt. Ist ne Großstadt, also hinfahren und suchen ist nicht! Ich würde sehr gerne weiter mit ihr chatten! Was kann ich tun? Wie kann ich sie erreichen? Auf Insta oder so ist sie nicht! Für Tipps und Ratschläge wäre ich sehr dankbar! Ihr könnt mir auch gerne direkt schreiben wenn es nicht jeder lesen soll! Vielen Dank schon mal im voraus!
submitted by bakerman0077 to Ratschlag [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 AmberTherese22 Thanks anyway gf

Thanks anyway gf submitted by AmberTherese22 to funnymeme [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 vladz7102 Move Save from Lemuroid

Hello! I recently tried to play Pokemon Leaf Green on Lemuroid but didn't knowyou can't do trade evolutions. I want to either move my save from Lemuroid to something like MyBoy, but every tutorial is outdated. Is there a way for me to do this? I also had another ideea, to rename my save file to use it for a Leaf Green ROM file that has trade evolutions changed to normal ones, but every time I manage to change the name of the save file and start the new rom the game resets and start a new playthrough. What should I do?
submitted by vladz7102 to EmulationOnAndroid [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 DonGenove Chevrolet Captiva 2.2 Automatic

I just found a Chevrolet Captiva 2.2 184hp equipped with automatic transmission. The car looks great but I heard a lot of bad things about the automatic gearbox. Is it really that bad?
submitted by DonGenove to Chevrolet [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 16:03 AngryCanadienne This northern Quebec business pulls out all the stops to recruit and retain foreign workers - Why not do this for Québécois or at least Canadian workers?!?!

This northern Quebec business pulls out all the stops to recruit and retain foreign workers - Why not do this for Québécois or at least Canadian workers?!?! submitted by AngryCanadienne to CanadaHousing2 [link] [comments]