Assassin's Creed Origins Gameplay Alexandria Exploring

2025.01.23 09:49 GamingxZone Assassin's Creed Origins Gameplay Alexandria Exploring

Assassin's Creed Origins Gameplay Alexandria Exploring submitted by GamingxZone to YouTubeSubscribeBoost [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 adyuma My champions trophy XI

My champions trophy XI Feel free to discuss or critique but really you shouldn’t need to because this squad is perfect.
submitted by adyuma to PakCricket [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Salem1690s Why did Sterling Cooper continue to employ Lee Harvey Oswald after he murdered JFK?

Why did Sterling Cooper continue to employ Lee Harvey Oswald after he murdered JFK? submitted by Salem1690s to okbuddydraper [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Pitiful_Physics9180 S22 Ultra users, will you upgrade to S25 Ultra?

submitted by Pitiful_Physics9180 to Tech_Philippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Educational_Swim8665 Pi Network Launch Date: Is It Finally Happening?

Pi Network Launch Date: Is It Finally Happening? submitted by Educational_Swim8665 to CryptoAirdropsHunters [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Late-Sail3763 22 | Slowly but surely, drawing closer to the goal 💪🏼

submitted by Late-Sail3763 to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Hafermilk 100% Veggie= nicht vegan!

100% Veggie= nicht vegan! Mal wieder ein Produkt, was mit Veggie beworben wird, aber nicht vegan ist. Wie ich das hasse.
submitted by Hafermilk to VeganDE [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 arierep60 30€ em ações fracionadas GRÁTIS na XTB

A XTB é uma corretora Europeia e está a oferecer 30€ em ações fracionadas para novos utilizadores.
Para ganhar os 30€ basta :

1- Efetuar registo pelo Link (partilho por MP) 🔗
2- Fazer download da app. 📲
3- Completar Registo. 🙋
4- Depositar 1€ ( por cartão é instantâneo ) 🏦🏧
5- Já está! Em 5 minutos acabas de ganhar 30€. ✅🤑 O prémio é atribuído logo após o depósito contudo, caso seja fora do horário de funcionamento da bolsa de NY, a ação é recebida no horário de abertura seguinte! 💱💹
Como sempre, estão à vontade sendo que se tiverem qualquer dúvida é só perguntar! 🧐
⚠️ Pedia só como costume para, no caso de se registarem pelo link, me informarem a fim de eu verificar a correta associação ao bónus! ⚠️
Non Ref Link
Já só tenho vaga para 2 pessoas se inscreverem! Envia PM que eu mando o link de convite
submitted by arierep60 to BeermoneyTuga [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 piffol Ok my friend is wild lmfao

Ok my friend is wild lmfao submitted by piffol to Badfaketexts [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Yonderdead My 10 year old rescue dog woody. I've had him for 8 years

My 10 year old rescue dog woody. I've had him for 8 years submitted by Yonderdead to lookatmydog [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 bot_neen Juez vincula a proceso a Guillermo ‘Billy’ por lavado de dinero

Juez vincula a proceso a Guillermo ‘Billy’ por lavado de dinero submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 LyteUniverse VHS Style - Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace 35MM Czech Telecine Scan Poster

VHS Style - Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace 35MM Czech Telecine Scan Poster I wanted to share something I’ve been working on! I recreated this poster based on the VHS cover for Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, specifically for the Czech 35MM Telecine Edition. Since I haven’t seen an HD scan of the original VHS cover, I decided to take a shot at recreating it myself. I thought this design would work perfectly for the Czech Telecine Scan, as it complements the retro feel of the project. While I’m not a Photoshop wizard, I did my best to stay true to the original design and capture the nostalgic charm of the VHS art.
I hope it brings some nostalgia for those who remember the classic VHS covers. Any feedback is welcome,
submitted by LyteUniverse to PlexPosters [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 MudGrouchy9379 2012 Rick Santorum feedback request

Hello, I created the 2012 Rick Santorum mod that can be found on The Community Trail Website. It is my first mod and the feedback has been quite nice so far.
So what i'm asking is that you play the mod and in the comments of this post, tell me some things that can be improved from it. I'm open to receptiveness.
So far i've seen people want more "personality" in the feedback and in the answers aswell as more realistic margins in the states.
submitted by MudGrouchy9379 to thecampaigntrail [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 NastyStreetRat Trump Era: New Army Commander-in-Chief for South Asia
submitted by NastyStreetRat to lies [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 111cosmeowz111 uhm chat did i watch the right south park???

uhm chat did i watch the right south park??? like I don't even remember these names???? 😭
submitted by 111cosmeowz111 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Collt092 Gnaw their tongues-I speak the truth yet with every word uttered thousands die released 2020

Gnaw their tongues-I speak the truth yet with every word uttered thousands die released 2020 Gnaw their tongues-I speak the truth yet with every word uttered thousands die released 2020
Here we have one of the most recent albums from gnaw their tongues, and to me it might be my favorite. Everything I’ve heard from them is at the very least interesting, and unbelievably punishing however, I don’t go back to those other projects quite as much as this one. This album is to me his most hateful, and don’t get me wrong. His entire discography has been filled with Nilistic and disgusting music, however, on this record, it really feels like a step up in terms of the sick and demented nature of the record. as I mentioned every album by him is quite simply horrifying, but this one is the horrifying elements of the previous records turned up to 11, and that is partly because of how much noise influence is on this record. Don’t give me wrong most of his albums are glorified noise albums with bits and pieces of black metal. But in this record, it seems the only remnants of black metal are the vocals, and beyond that the record is just a noise record. And as you can tell from the sample, I posted on this post it is a unbelievably unhinged and tough album to listen to, however, for a trained ear like myself, it is not tough to listen to, it is simply horrifyingly fascinating and impressive. So I don’t think I will ever recommend this album to anybody except for people who I know has the stomach for it, however, if you can appreciate it, I think this is one of the most ambitious and ballsy releases in the history of black metal. Because this does not follow black metal conventions, sure it is made for a black metal audience, but when it comes too the staticy, wall of noise affect of this record, a lot of of black metal fans simply don’t have the tolerance for that. So to create an album, so unhinged and unapologetic that some of your fans, or people within your circle might not like it. I think it’s something truly commanding respect. So all in all, this is a absolutely brilliant record that in spite of it absolutely harsh and abrasive nature I get so much enjoyment from listening to because it is so powerful
gnawtheirtongues #noise #blackmetal #rawblackmetal submitted by Collt092 to blackmetalrecords [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Same_Host2702 Send pics of Amelia and I'll cock trib

submitted by Same_Host2702 to TheFamousWu [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Bitter-Till7162 Genus🩸🩸red methylbromide

submitted by Bitter-Till7162 to Drank [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Time_Area_1034 Erfahrungen Skoda Scala 1.0 TSI - Abgasuntersuchung

Hallo Zusammen,
ich bin gerade auf der Suche nach einem neuen Auto und dabei auf den Skoda Scala (mit 1.0 TSI 70 oder 85KW)gestoßen.
Nun habe ich meinen Mechaniker um Rat gebeten und der hat mir folgendes gesagt:
"Die Skoda Skala schaffen derzeit nur knapp die Abgasuntersuchung, in den nächsten Jahren soll die AU für Benziner ähnlich wie bei Diesel verschärft werden. Dann fallen diese Autos reihenweise durch und müssen ggf. nachgerüstet werden damit Sie wieder die AU bestehen"
Tatsächlich finde ich im Netz (nach längerem Suchen) Berichte vom TÜV der eine Verschärfung der AU auch bei Benzinern empfiehlt. Gesetzlich oder am Anbahnen ist noch lange nichts in Sicht aber es könnte ja möglicherweise kommen.
Nun meine Frage, schaffen es die Autos wirklich nur knapp durch die AU? Habt Ihr dazu Erfahrungen?
Wie findet Ihr den Skoda Scala?
Danke euch und Viele Grüße!
submitted by Time_Area_1034 to skoda [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 ruffneck_chicken please help with a module

Hi there, i'm struggling with a module. (FalseIlyu/MMM-IdF-Transport: MagicMirror² module - test) i want it to display 2 lines in Direction A on the left side. and the same two lines in direction B on the right side. here is the result. but i want on the left: line 51 and 40 => direction A on the right: lines 51 and 40 Direction B
here is my config:

module: 'MMM-IdF-Transport',
position: 'bottom_right',
config: {
apiKey: 'someapikey',
stops: [
{ stopID: 'STIF:StopPoint:Q:5733:',
lineID: 'STIF:Line::C01873:', }
showLabelRow: true,
reloadInterval: 3600000,
nbStopInfo: 2
} ,
module: 'MMM-IdF-Transport',
position: 'bottom_right',
config: {
apiKey: 'someapikey',
stops: [
{ stopID: 'STIF:StopPoint:Q:5733:',
lineID: 'STIF:Line::C01868:', }
showLabelRow: true,
reloadInterval: 3600000,
nbStopInfo: 2
} ,
module: 'MMM-IdF-Transport',
position: 'bottom_left',
config: {
apiKey: 'someapikey',
stops: [
{ stopID: 'STIF:StopPoint:Q:5732:',
lineID: 'STIF:Line::C01868:', }
showLabelRow: true,
reloadInterval: 3600000,
nbStopInfo: 2
} ,
module: 'MMM-IdF-Transport',
position: 'bottom_left',
config: {
apiKey: 'someapikey',
stops: [
{ stopID: 'STIF:StopPoint:Q:5732:',
lineID: 'STIF:Line::C01873:', }
showLabelRow: true,
reloadInterval: 3600000,
nbStopInfo: 2
} ,
what am i doing wrong? thanks!
submitted by ruffneck_chicken to MagicMirror [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 HandicapMafia Grab your Lederhosen Tom. It's literally about to get Nazi Germany up in this bitch.

Grab your Lederhosen Tom. It's literally about to get Nazi Germany up in this bitch. Guttentag Mein Übermensch!
submitted by HandicapMafia to SpaceXMasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 IAmGolfMan Let's make this sub more active immediately!!

submitted by IAmGolfMan to Okbuddymangos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 Signature_Space2024 Its like a Goat Tree...

Its like a Goat Tree... submitted by Signature_Space2024 to BeAmazed [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 throwaway_0299 Need 2 CAS Mumbai Tickets GA back or front

F2F transaction preferred
submitted by throwaway_0299 to Tickets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 09:49 YetAnotherHobby4954 Why can't I enjoy cucumber?

For as long as I remember, I have hated cucumber. I've tried store-bought, garden grown, everything in-between, and they are always just completely inedible for me; they have a harsh, soapy, bitter flavor that completely overwhelms and ruins anything they are in. If I have to eat a salad that has cucumber, I essentially have to carefully eat around the cucumber in order to avoid losing my appetite. At the same time, people around me seem to love, or at least tolerate, cucumber. Is there something wrong with my sense of taste?
submitted by YetAnotherHobby4954 to AskCulinary [link] [comments]