Redakcija lista Danas i portala se pridružuje generalnom štrajku

2025.01.23 13:14 dobar_dan_ Redakcija lista Danas i portala se pridružuje generalnom štrajku

submitted by dobar_dan_ to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 CricketUpbeat5205 How to get a part-time job at a cafe/restaurant as a teenager?

Hi everyone,
My 13-year-old son has been asking about getting a job at a cafe or restaurant to earn some pocket money and gain experience. He loves to cook and is really interested in learning more about the food industry.
Does anyone have advice on:

  1. How to approach local cafes or restaurants about hiring young teens?
  2. What kinds of jobs he might be eligible to do (dishwashing, bussing tables, etc.)?
  3. Whether he should prepare a resume or walk-in and ask in person?
Any tips or success stories would be really appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
submitted by CricketUpbeat5205 to GoldCoast [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 JudgementSpice Can this be done with stock OS

Can this be done with stock OS I dont mind updating drastic or changing emulator if its possible! Rather keep stock OS instead of garlic of knulli.
submitted by JudgementSpice to RG35XX_Plus [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 vegetablelasagna11 Which side?

Which side? submitted by vegetablelasagna11 to SleeperApp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Downtown-Tangerine80 My new favourite rug 🌸

My new favourite rug 🌸 submitted by Downtown-Tangerine80 to DesignHomeGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Amalthea1917 Made a server for fellow snark tank fans to hang out

It's a very basic server cause I don't expect many people to join
submitted by Amalthea1917 to SnarkTank [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 meeeaowwwww hmmmmmmmmmmm

submitted by meeeaowwwww to WorkAtaPizzaPlaceRBLX [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 StayPuzzleheaded7758 First time smoking weed

Hi guys, so, this would be my first time smoking weed, I've been smoking hash for a couple years since it's way easier to find where I live. I finally got my hands on some weed and I would know what are the major differences between the two, how u roll it (quantity and yes/no tobacco), the effects and duration. Sorry for my bad english and thank u guys 🙏🏻🗣️
submitted by StayPuzzleheaded7758 to weed [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Aimless_Amoeba2447 Ice north of bridge

Ice north of bridge Photo credit- MD state police
submitted by Aimless_Amoeba2447 to maryland [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Ok_Elk5183 Lexus IS300 F Sport - 2017 - Canadian Spec - 110km - 0 Accident UAE - 55k AED

Hi guys
What do we think about this deal/car should I go for it? What are the pros cons on a Canadian spec car?
submitted by Ok_Elk5183 to WhatCarShouldIBuyGULF [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Relzal Finally time to upgrade from my S10+?

I have had my S10+ for about 4-5 years now. The battery is starting to really frustrate me (although Accubattery says it's 67%), and the Bixy button has gotten weak enough that it falls out if the phone is not in the case.
Seeing this as a sign to change my phone, I was going to go for the S24+ but since the S25 reveal was close at the time, decided to wait for it. Looking at the specs, should I get the S25+ instead? While it will cost me about 1.2k after all the discounts, the S24+ costs around 1k (and probably 900 after an incoming 2/2 sale).
That said, the S25+ will have the free upgrade to 512GB, while the S24+ will have 256GB and I will need to get another region's one as my region's S24 line is the Exynos, which does bring a slight fear that Samsung Pay/Wallet may not work.
Basically, is the S25+ worth $200-300 over the S24+ if I'm coming from the S10+?
submitted by Relzal to samsung [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Svancoberg_official We had voted that first flag is Republican flag and second is military flag

This is government flag
submitted by Svancoberg_official to micronations [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 QiandaiYiyu I drew ponytail Jane Doe in a bikini!

submitted by QiandaiYiyu to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 TimestampBandit eu_never

submitted by TimestampBandit to eu_never [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 RockBalBoaaa Lucy: “Well, at least you can get away from Ricky. I have to stay here and take it. I'm like a sitting cement duck! What are we gonna do?” Fred: “I don't know, but I'd hate to be the next shoeclerk who waits on you!”

submitted by RockBalBoaaa to ILoveLucy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Hot-Presence764 Sarajevo / mostar / croatia itinerary!

planning for five days in June - how long to dedicate per city? was thinking 2 days in Sarajevo, travelling day with stopover in Mostar, then two days in split?
has anyone got any other suggestions of cities to do in Croatia instead? or how to allocate the days! looking for a mixture of nature, beach, and culture to cater to different interests.
submitted by Hot-Presence764 to travel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Virtual_Leg_1181 review

baka my telegram quizzes kayo for ascp pa add po
submitted by Virtual_Leg_1181 to MedTechPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Any-Tax-7251 Need advice on SWP. I need 1 Lakh/month without compromising on my overall returns too much

Need advice on SWP. I need 1 Lakh/month without compromising on my overall returns too much submitted by Any-Tax-7251 to mutualfunds [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 HammyShiro Year of the Snake Red Envelop designs by ToaPhantom

Year of the Snake Red Envelop designs by ToaPhantom submitted by HammyShiro to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 gkgsbaba Daily Banking Current Affairs of 23 January 2025

Read Daily Banking Current Affairs of 23 January 2025. Download Banking current affairs 2025 For all Banking Exams SBI, IBPS, LIC, RBI, NABARD, insurance Exams, etc. Crack Banking Exams.
submitted by gkgsbaba to GovernmentNaukri [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Successful_Topic_817 Frost building up on the window.

Does this mean the window itself needs to be replaced or is the insulation around the window bad or missing? For reference, this is a north facing double paned window. No other window in the house is doing this.
submitted by Successful_Topic_817 to Insulation [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Yaimidraws [For Hire] Hi Everyone I Do NSFW Female Characters | DM me for pricing

submitted by Yaimidraws to Artistsforhire [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 Marozzo_Espa My Campbell ducks gave me their first eggs today!

My Campbell ducks gave me their first eggs today! submitted by Marozzo_Espa to duck [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 ThatOneEczemaGurl Eczema Problems

okay okay there are a lot of Eczema problems for me and also,is it only me but when it is hot i randomly start getting itchy asf? and btw did i mention that when it's too cold my skin Gets so so soo dry and it's annoying but it doesn't make my skin itchy and another problem i never knew existed, eating any type of food i just knew that some foods can make your eczema flare a bit luckily not for me so that's not rlly a problem but eczema is still annoying and i literally cannot deal with it. and yes,i do have dupixent shots every month and takes my medicine(which is fish oil) everyday and it is getting better! atleast it's not all over my body now! it used to be ALL over my body now it's on my hands and legs so ig it's a bit better! and overall, it doesn't really effect my life much since its getting better but it's still annoying when it's hot and im fighting the urge to NOT scratch the itch and scratch somewhere else to transfer it there but it's fine anyways
submitted by ThatOneEczemaGurl to eczema [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 13:14 FitzFluffybottoms Frage zu undichten (?) Fenstern

Frage zu undichten (?) Fenstern Hi Zusammen,
Ich habe im November 2023 meine Wohnung (Altbau) bezogen, verbringe also aktuell den zweiten Winter hier. Letzten Winter schon ist mir häufiger mal ein bisschen Schimmel am Fenster aufgefallen, hab das aber bisher einfach mit etwas Chlor entfernt und fertig. Diesen Winter war der Befall aber richtig schlimm und zwischen Fenster und Wand sind auch diese Risse, die gefühlt größer werden. Auf den Bildern habe ich den Schimmel bereits entfernt, aber man sieht ja noch recht deutlich die Spuren…
Nun zu meiner Frage bzw. den Fragen:
  1. Nach meiner Laienrecherche handelt es sich hier um einen baulichen Mangel, der ja eigentlich vom Vermieter getragen werden sollte, richtig?
  2. Bei der Besichtigung ist mir das nicht aufgefallen. Ich gehe mal davon aus, dass der Schimmel vorher vom Vormieter entfernt und ggf. überstrichen wurde. Wenn ich das jetzt dem Vermieter melde, kann er dann behaupten, dass mir das bei der Besichtigung hätte auffallen sollen und mir die Kosten aufdrücken? Weil in dem Fall würde ich das dann wohl so handhaben wie der Vormieter und mir schnell eine neue Bude suchen.
  3. Macht es hier Sinn, den Vermieter - vorausgesetzt er ist dafür zuständig - jetzt direkt zu kontaktieren oder erstmal ein Gutachten einzuholen?
  4. Kann der Vermieter auf irgendeine Art behaupten, dass ich daran schuld wäre? Ich kann es zwar logischerweise nicht nachweisen, lüfte aber immer sinnvoll, ganz besonders in Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass das hier ein Altbau ist, und in der Küche beispielsweise sind weder diese Risse zwischen Wand und Fenster noch Schimmel irgendwo, insbesondere in der Nähe des Fensters. Wäre das ein Argument, wenn sich der Vermieter querstellen würde?
Wie sich aus dem Text eventuell herauslesen lässt, ist mein Vermieter leider eher von der Sorte, die niemals für irgendetwas verantwortlich sein möchten und am Anfang des Monats einfach nur ihre Kohle und dann Ruhe wollen. Selbst Kleinigkeiten sind hier recht mühselig zu klären, deswegen möchte ich einfach sicher sein, die Fakten aufzählen, sagen, dass was gemacht werden soll - und dann umgekehrt meine Ruhe haben 😇
Vielen lieben Dank schonmal an all die freundlichen Menschen hier überhaupt fürs Lesen und ggf. natürlich auch fürs Zeit zum Antworten nehmen 😊
submitted by FitzFluffybottoms to wohnen [link] [comments]