Algum momento você já sentiu que as coisas estávam indo para as alturas ?

2025.01.23 20:52 Dry_Chard8556 Algum momento você já sentiu que as coisas estávam indo para as alturas ?

submitted by Dry_Chard8556 to PergunteReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 Inquisitor_Jeff There is a way to get enough poro coins to create a guild in the game.

Requirements: an account below lv15 or an account below lv25 with 250 poro coins.
Method at lv15 and 20 you get given 200 poro coins and at lv25, 30 and 35 you get 50 poro coins
Why was this not removed probably because riot forgot about the level of system like literally every single player because who cares you don’t get anything from it past level 25.
submitted by Inquisitor_Jeff to wildrift [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 Emotional_Coconut_63 Is there any natural hair masks for example clays and powdered herbs that help curl hair much more ? Is there any water tonic or herbal waters you can spray to achieve more of a curl ?

submitted by Emotional_Coconut_63 to curlygirl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 Same-Tradition-5788 i just sound swapped my car in assetto corsa but the limiter got taken off how can i make it work

i just sound swapped my car in assetto corsa but the limiter got taken off how can i make it work
submitted by Same-Tradition-5788 to assettocorsa [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 Snoo76583 vetements translation hoodie got for a steal, paid £220 on flannels

vetements translation hoodie got for a steal, paid £220 on flannels submitted by Snoo76583 to VETEMENTS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 museofiend When and where was the last time you saw Rilo Kiley perform?

For me it was Coachella 2008 🥲
submitted by museofiend to RiloKiley [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 kajex1UP Paiste 2002 ride purchase

Do I buy a used one from the 80s in good shape for 200 or just buy new/like new for 300?
submitted by kajex1UP to drums [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 honeyyxxprincess lucky star

lucky star submitted by honeyyxxprincess to luckystar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 Blitzbeastgames Some questions on the nebula kit on my printer

i have some questions about the nebula smart kit. First does my printer need to be on the latest version before installing the nebula kit and secondly does the nebula automatically update your printer when it needs a update or do you need to manually do it
submitted by Blitzbeastgames to ender3v2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 catsynatsy 21/f - will be bored later today. HMU while I go down a rabbit hole.

Yes it’s a new account, yes that is me. I’m not selling anything I just want some fun conversation. My roommate is out of town and I crave attention and conversation. HMU if you want.
submitted by catsynatsy to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 Quick-Chipmunk-4627 PLEASE HELP

somebody please tell me what’s wrong… im on the FMW Roadster story order, i stripped EVERYTHING and replaced with new, reinstalled everything so there was nothing left in my inventory i couldn’t possibly have missed anything, but when i check the car status it still says there’s numerous parts not completed. Someone tell me they know how to sort this
submitted by Quick-Chipmunk-4627 to CarMechanicSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 spyral9 3D Printed Display Stand

3D Printed Display Stand Another dispaly stand and this one is for any xyz monster I Modeled and 3d printed this stand Would like to hear your opinions
submitted by spyral9 to masterduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 Logical_Money_8160 What’s the one thing you absolutely avoid thinking about before going to sleep?

submitted by Logical_Money_8160 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 KickinAP1985 Three’s a crowd (southern Michigan)

Three’s a crowd (southern Michigan) submitted by KickinAP1985 to birding [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:52 No_Age_7346 Como é o transporte público na sua cidade? (E qual cidade é?)

Como é o transporte público na sua cidade? (E qual cidade é?) submitted by No_Age_7346 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Irreverentlover WHY

I am not trying to go anywhere today. But i need to repot a few plants since I'm home. Buy why wont the spark drivers deliver to me? They really marked my order delivery attempted. Damn liar. Yeah, i spark. No Im not an asshole thats gonna take a shit on your rating. Was my lil 10$ tip for 2 miles not enough for my small itty butty order? I have a king size snickers bar with your name on it buddy.
submitted by Irreverentlover to Sparkdriver [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 TekkaN9na Mo LenyMo Problems

Mo LenyMo Problems Found an ethereal Lenymo in hell pits. From what I saw a Lenymo in hell pits is about 1/3m from a white mob, not even including the 5% for ethereal. Think this is more rare than the eth dweb I found from a white mob in hell pits.
Just want a damn griffons lol.
Bonus pic of the most life I've found on a skiller
submitted by TekkaN9na to Diablo_2_Resurrected [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 vAaronTS Void Erosion Purge isnt fun at all

So im someone who plays solo most of the time but i play in public groups, the reason for this is because im tired of being the only one that the enemy can aggro onto. In Void Erosion youre forced to solo alot unless you have a group of course. Doing these things solo is absolutely ridiculous, the enemies constant hit scan aimbot makes it virtually impossible to get through without dying a few times. Youtubers are like use Ines because you can hide around corners. You dont see an issue with that? You literally have to cheese this thing in order to beat it. I only started struggling when i got to round 18, died a bunch before i managed to do it. I have 35k defence and 15k HP which seems like it simply doesnt matter, these need to be public. I dont care about carrying people, i can solo all content in the game, but im struggling with this one. Its so dumb for a solo player. How hard the enemies hit, and they never miss, 2shots youre down, run low on energy and its game over. People saying its easy have done it in a group not solo, or they cheesed it with Ines, personally i built ines but i need Ion Accelerators (dont get me started on that dumb grind) Need to make Void erosion either all public or solo friendly. Thats my opinion
submitted by vAaronTS to TheFirstDescendant [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 chow_shepard Ballet Arizona SI Levels

Hi! My daughter and her friends auditioned for the Ballet Arizona SI and all got into the green level. They are trying to figure out where that lands on their scale. Does anyone know the levels or colors there? They have been poking around Instagram and social media with no luck.
submitted by chow_shepard to BALLET [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 The_Dude1412 Just found this and thought of The Superstar!

Just found this and thought of The Superstar! submitted by The_Dude1412 to DiscoElysium [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 According-Stage-8665 Question for those who draw their own or others thumbnailsa

What scale do you usually set your paper scale to? I think it's measured by pixel.
submitted by According-Stage-8665 to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Car_Eater1345 I don't know how people do it

Sorry for bad grammar and formatting. I'm posting this in spur of the moment and on mobile
So for a little backstory... I'm 18 currently, and as I grew up, my body has started to fall apart. I've been hypermobile entire life. I could bend and do things others couldn't, but it was mostly in my hips and shoulders when I was young, so it was never looked into. But now it's all hitting.
My ankles lost support first. I sprained both ankles in a span of less than 24 hours(I will share the story of how that happened if asked, but it's kind of sad so be prepared) when I was 15, and continued to sprain my right ankle and tear my ligaments over the next couple years. Now, I need to constantly wear an ankle brace and be super careful cause one more bad sprain, and my ligaments could snap- causing the rest of them could tear off leaving them totally disconnected. The ligaments in that ankle have already moved to an irregular spot because of how bad it is.
I've always had heart problems, ie dizziness, heart palpitations, loss of vision when standing, low blood pressure, ECT.. but I have had COVID 3 times, and it's just made my heart worse. I am on the brink of passing out constantly, and I pretty much didn't know what it's like to not have brain fog.
2 days ago I dislocated my left knee and tore my MCL in the process. I went to urgent care and they told me to not put any weight on it, but they couldn't tell how bad it was sprained/torn since X-rays don't really show ligaments that well?. Plus, they referred me to a specialist. But that means I can't walk around without crutches. I have to constantly be elevating my leg and putting ice on it and not walking around... It makes me feel so useless and lazy.
I'm just lost. My body seems like it hates me. I don't know how people live with disabilities that leave them unable to walk, but that seems to be the road I'm heading down now that this is all laid out in text like this. I was always told I should be grateful that my body was so strong, and that I would grow up to be a track star or something, so this just.. yikes. It's also smacking me in the face with my internalized abelism(ablism???) I don't go a day without calling myself lazy or saying that I deserve this somehow even when I try so hard to take care of myself.
Anyone else in the same boat?
submitted by Car_Eater1345 to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 perotech Any clue what this is?

Any clue what this is? Obviously besides "Bushido Blade", wondering if maybe it was a TGS Demo copy?
submitted by perotech to psx [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Puzzleheaded-Ant615 Sandals south coast excursions

Honeymoon is Nov.3rd-Nov.9th, and my fiance are looking for 2 MAYBE 3 excursions to do. Has any one ever done the deep sea sport fishing in south coast before and was it worth it??
Any recommendations on excursions would be appreciated 😊
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Ant615 to SandalsResorts [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:51 Sleazy_Speakeazy A Gaggle of Hippies in the 1960's ✌️🕊️

A Gaggle of Hippies in the 1960's ✌️🕊️ submitted by Sleazy_Speakeazy to TheWayWeWere [link] [comments]