Should i reset my account

2025.01.24 14:52 Expert_Olive2396 Should i reset my account

Should i reset my account I seen someone else post this and now i’m really questioning my decisions i made.
submitted by Expert_Olive2396 to luckydefense [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Even-Needleworker691 Wie können Sie von Ihren Patientenrechten profitieren und welche Tipps bietet die BPI-Broschüre dafür?

Die BPI-Patientenbroschüre bietet wertvolle Tipps und Informationen zu Patientenrechten. Der Bundesverband der Pharmazeutischen Industrie in Berlin hat diesen Guide entwickelt, um Patienten über ihre Rechte im Gesundheitswesen aufzuklären. Patientenrechte sind ein entscheidendes Thema, das jeden betrifft, und diese Broschüre stellt sicher, dass niemand im Dunkeln gelassen wird.
Wir möchten von euch hören! Was sind eure Erfahrungen mit Patientenrechten? Hattet ihr jemals das Gefühl, dass eure Rechte übersehen wurden? Lasst es uns in den Kommentaren wissen!
Für detaillierte Informationen und um die vollständige Broschüre zu lesen, besucht am besten den Artikel auf:
submitted by Even-Needleworker691 to verbandsnachrichten [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 kapri827 Day of the Dork Tattoo (artist: Manny Hernandez at Hand of Faith in Phoenix, AZ)

Day of the Dork Tattoo (artist: Manny Hernandez at Hand of Faith in Phoenix, AZ) submitted by kapri827 to tattoos [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Level_Ad_3676 Dundee game

Afternoon folks, just getting on to ask if ye reckon the game will go ahead tomorrow. Travelling from Dublin early morning and don’t want to land and it’s postponed.
Cheers in advance
submitted by Level_Ad_3676 to CelticFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Soldat_Oronir Voltage gain for JFET

Voltage gain for JFET Have I used the small signal model correctly? Are Vo and Vi correct? In the examples I have, resistance appears in the Vi formula only when we have resistors in the Source, so R1 is avoided.
submitted by Soldat_Oronir to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]



2025.01.24 14:52 Apprehensive-Boss454 Godzilla Quests

So I know I've completed half of my Godzilla quests because I just got to be Godzilla this morning, I also have a post party of it as well, but the quests showed back up as if I never done them. Is that normal? Do they come back after completing them or is it a bug? Also has anyone had this issue too?
submitted by Apprehensive-Boss454 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Foolforalifetime Projector purchase advice please

Hi everyone, I'm new here and have no idea what terminology to use but I'm hoping to get some advice on what projector to buy.
I'm an amateur astronomer and I take my scope out sometimes to events to show people the planets and moon (when it's not cloudy that is, I'm in the UK)
The problem is I invite people to have a look through the eyepiece but I can only do that one at a time, they often jog the scope which means I have to realign it, and what I'm watching often slips out of view.
I have a Svbony SV 205 telescope eyepiece camera, connected to an elderly HP pavillion small laptop (from about 2018) with HDMI port for a projector. I'd ideally like to find a projector that I can use out in the countryside to project on the side of a barn or something at astronomy parties. Then everyone there can see a lot clearer and I can make sure it's a good view and focus. Someone must have done this before.
Main points are:

submitted by Foolforalifetime to projectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Alert_Sugar_921 Using US socket (110V 50hz) in foreign countries (220-240V 60hz).

I recently traveled to India (240V) and had to use one of those Amazon International adaptors. They were so loose-fitting that I had to tape or prop them up to keep them in place. Ironically, all my power adapters would work perfectly over the whole volt range (110-240V). So, can I install the 110V US sockets in place of the local 240V ones and be able to connect the appropriate power adapters?
submitted by Alert_Sugar_921 to electricians [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Diligent-Slice3398 SPOILERS - Help finding the KSC location on EFIL (Kchabaloe pack)

So as far as I know there is a KSC that you can discover on EFIL, the moon of Anheta.
Does anyone know where it is? I can't access the forums anymore to find out lol RIP
submitted by Diligent-Slice3398 to KerbalSpaceProgram [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Spanix- What does this mean?

What does this mean? When I finished the theory quiz I got this message. (I did it correctly)
submitted by Spanix- to stepfordcountyrailway [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Asterion-DaGod Any ideas on who the blurred person is next to Level Up for Wooli Rocks?

submitted by Asterion-DaGod to Wooli [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Electromagnetisimo 1991 Mazda B2200 | Fresh Snow Falling

1991 Mazda B2200 | Fresh Snow Falling I have fun with photography. This shows the Harris Shutter Effect, which shows movement in color (R, G, or B) and static objects in black and white. My truck couldn't handle the snowy hills of Northwest Arkansas. I got new wheels and tires. I got 15" rims from a 2000 Nissan Frontier with 215/75/15 all terrain tires, which feel great. This is the last photo I'll have of it looking like this and thought I would share.
submitted by Electromagnetisimo to Minitrucks [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 lReskyl i know is not that bad but if there are ways to improve the quality a bit more and if you have any ideas i would love to listen to them

i know is not that bad but if there are ways to improve the quality a bit more and if you have any ideas i would love to listen to them submitted by lReskyl to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 YaoiEmpress Hva er en dyktig tannlege for deg?

Hei! Jeg var nettopp hos en tannlege for første gang på 2-3 år. Tennene var fine sa hun, bare 1 hull. Det skulle borres, og fylles inn to steder. Men her er greia. Denne tannlegen klarte å komme borti leppa mi hele to ganger med en sånn pussemaskin. Andre gangen gjorde det ganske vondt, og jeg har fått et rødt merke/lite sår av det. Svir litt i etterkant. Jeg har litt tannelegeskrekk fra da jeg var mindre, og prøver å finne en god tannlege som kan bli en fast en for meg. Hvis dette hadde skjedd på besøk hos tannlege for din egen del, hadde det vært en dealbreaker? Nå skal det sies at jeg faktisk ikke rykket til/rørte på meg under timen, så tror ikke feilen ligger hos meg. Ellers så var tannlegen veldig hyggelig. Hadde stressball tilgengelig og alt (noe jeg takket nei takk til- det er sprøytene som er skummelt hehe.)
submitted by YaoiEmpress to norge [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 mr_house7 Europe can import disillusioned talent from Trump’s US, says Lagarde

Europe can import disillusioned talent from Trump’s US, says Lagarde submitted by mr_house7 to EUnews [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 fortniteseeker71 is there a way to forcefully activate growth pains

I keep hearing people wining about growth pains and I want to now how they feel because I have not felt any.
submitted by fortniteseeker71 to TallTeens [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 boiledpotato03 It's been 30 minutes!

It's been 30 minutes! Where exactly is the money from all those packs containing 105 and 106 overall rated cards are going ?
submitted by boiledpotato03 to pesmobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 LordBlacktopus Cats pupils slightly different sizes

I have a white cat (Artemis) and he has heterochromia, with one blue eye and one green, and I've noticed that his blue eyes pupil is slightly larger than his green one.
It's not a huge difference, but I was just wondering if it's cos the blue eye is more sensitive than the green one? It's been this way for as long as I can remember, and he's never had any issues, so I don't think it's anything bad.
submitted by LordBlacktopus to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Organic_Tone_3459 This is it, my last attempt on NBA I’m done after this.

submitted by Organic_Tone_3459 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Sad_Yogurtcloset5599 Winter in Toronto

Winter in Toronto submitted by Sad_Yogurtcloset5599 to winterporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 BasicallyImSimon "As of today"

submitted by BasicallyImSimon to NoglaOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Fun-Dragonfruit-9006 Finally After All These Years, I Have Them All

Finally After All These Years, I Have Them All submitted by Fun-Dragonfruit-9006 to splatoon [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 fortniteseeker71 is there a way to forcefully activate growth pains

I keep hearing people wining about growth pains and I want to now how they feel because I have not felt any.
submitted by fortniteseeker71 to TallTeens [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 14:52 Reasonable-Maize5724 I don't have words

I don't have words 😶
submitted by Reasonable-Maize5724 to indianmedschool [link] [comments]