37 [M4F] anywhere/texas. it’s been raining for about 6 hours. Just looking to chat while I play rivals

2025.01.30 06:40 Arrestedbybatman 37 [M4F] anywhere/texas. it’s been raining for about 6 hours. Just looking to chat while I play rivals

Howdy. I’m from Texas. I think I’m stuck in a hurricane. It’s been raining All day. Luckily my dog is asleep and doesn’t wanna go outside. I don’t feel like cleaning mud.
Anyways a bit about me or why I’m here. It’s the start of a new year. I’ve moved to a new city so making friends in person isn’t the easiest with work and a dog. I have all my friends back home but ya know it does get a little lonely. I guess I’m missing the excitement of getting to know someone new.
I’ve always been a gamer but took a break for a while. This year I finally got back into it. I’ve put a lot of hours into helldivers, sparking zero, Tetris, and currently playing marvel rivals.
I’m into sports and movies. I’m currently obsessed with homemade hot pockets. I found a recipe on tiktok and they’re delicious. This ad is kind of everywhere. Even if we don’t share the same interest I’m always curious to hear or learn new things. Anyways. I hope this interest you a bit. I’m gonna get back to my game and wonder why they keep putting me in bad lobbies.
submitted by Arrestedbybatman to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 TorKemA Issue with Reverse Voltage Causing Overcurrent in Modbus Circuit Using SN65HVD3088EDR and CDSOT23-SM712

I have a Modbus communication circuit using the SN65HVD3088EDR transceiver on a detector board. The same transceiver is also used on the main control board that communicates with the detector. Both circuits have CDSOT23-SM712 bidirectional TVS diodes on the A and B lines for protection.
The issue occurs when 24V reverse polarity is accidentally applied to the detector’s power input. Despite having a reverse voltage protection diode on the power line, 24V appears on the GND pin of the CDSOT23-SM712 on the detector board. This voltage then flows through the A and B lines to the main control board’s CDSOT23-SM712 GND, completing the circuit. As a result, the system draws excessive current, and in some cases, the CDSOT23-SM712 diodes get damaged.
I have seen recommendations to use isolated communication lines, but I am looking for a lower-cost solution to prevent this issue. Any suggestions?
submitted by TorKemA to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 MudMental420 HER LAUGH IS SO CUTE

submitted by MudMental420 to megantheestallion [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 DecodeBuzzingMedium Why You Should Rethink Your Python Toolbox in 2025

submitted by DecodeBuzzingMedium to code [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Royyy10 Looking to hit website referral, will Venmo $3 for each person

Hi guys,
If you’re interested in a quick 3 bucks, change the * to a t and download via that link and make an account. Can be a fake email, doesn’t matter
Shoot me a PM with a screenshot along with Venmo/Apple Pay name, and I’ll pay you. Then post in thread that I did
This likely won’t work but I drop a lot of fucking money on this site so I would assume they want to keep me on it lmao
I would imagine this type of shit would be allowed on this subreddit, but who knows. I’m doing it in good faith so whatever
Thanks y’all
submitted by Royyy10 to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 weird_economic_forum This thought that’s incomplete… If love is sacred we use euphemisms like first love to describe what we’re otherwise referring to as relatively profane affairs

Beyond several occasions... https://youtu.be/NBTMonG-5Q0?si=CbdICpe2W8JOy83g
submitted by weird_economic_forum to RedScareDisko [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 OuOha the max value u can insert is 2147483647 in all auto thing does this help to unlock any secret achievement?

the max value u can insert is 2147483647 in all auto thing does this help to unlock any secret achievement? submitted by OuOha to RevolutionIdle [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 neveragainmaybe77 need help finding a video

i need help finding this one video where he was playing some kind of ed edd n eddy roblox game where you had to work at a candy store and had to restock the jawbreakers in a certain amount of time, and if you didn't do it quick enough you'd see plank and then get kicked from the game or something, the game was also pretty red i think? i don't remember what the full video was about but i think he was just exploring random games
submitted by neveragainmaybe77 to FlamingoFanClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 am_i_man_or_muppet Active guild looking for new members - TheG3ISTY

Active guild looking for new members - TheG3ISTY Come join us in TheG3ISTY, seeking daily players who donate and fight the boss
submitted by am_i_man_or_muppet to Doodle_Magic [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Fuck_____u Don't regret any decision u took in past like leaving job for preparation

Whatever be the present consequences never overthink about ur decisions of ur past. Life is all about hit and trial if ur finances are good don't bother about anything and prepare if not try to get a job and prepare along with. If u make it it's win or if don't it's not lose
submitted by Fuck_____u to SSCCGL [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 morganlikesgiraffes What it's like in here daily

What it's like in here daily submitted by morganlikesgiraffes to HuntShowdown [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 TrackaLackerBot Define Cropped Jacket *Nulu - Blue Willow - 14 is in stock at Lululemon for $118.00 (MSRP)

View current status at https://www.trackalacker.com/products/showcase/define-cropped-jacket-nulu...
As of 01/30/25 01:40 AM EST
submitted by TrackaLackerBot to LululemonRestocks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 littlegordonramsay Is it just me, or is the app rather slow today?

Is it just me, or is the app rather slow today? I keep getting "A communication error has occurred." message.
Maybe too many people trying to open the new packs?
OS: Android
submitted by littlegordonramsay to PTCGP [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 jgrassini Zoneless Change Detection

I'm playing around with Signal and Zoneless with Angular 19. For the following example I removed zone.js and I was wondering why the change detection still works. The app updates the counter after clicking on the button. Is the change detection always running as a result from a user interaction? If yes are there other interactions that don't need to use Signal.

export const appConfig : ApplicationConfig = { providers: [ provideExperimentalZonelessChangeDetection ()] };  
{{ counter }} import {ChangeDetectionStrategy, Component } from '@angulacore'; \@Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }) export class AppComponent { counter = 0; increment() { this.counter++; } }
submitted by jgrassini to Angular2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 notsostrong134 La Cdu vota con Afd sui migranti. Scholz: 'Imperdonabile' - Notizie - Ansa.it

La Cdu vota con Afd sui migranti. Scholz: 'Imperdonabile' - Notizie - Ansa.it submitted by notsostrong134 to NotizieInteressanti [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 Only-Replacement-383 How can I convince my parents to get me a new iPad?

Okay so, I have been asking for an iPad for YEARS already. I have asked it for christmas, my birthday... but they get me other things I might like instead of an iPad, which also makes me a bit sad sonce that is the only thing I'm asking for. We already have an iPad, but it doesn't really work that well, so I decided we could get a new one. Any ideas of how I can convince my parents(without using WikiHow)?
submitted by Only-Replacement-383 to ipad [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 abjinternational Sheffield United starlet Louie Marsh, 21, picks up interest from several Championship clubs while Ipswich Town right-back Harry Clarke joins the Blades

submitted by abjinternational to sportsnewstoday [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 shevchenko7cfc Hellraiser (2022)

Am I the only one that absolutely loves this film? I went into it with subterranean expectations, but my God do I love it. This movie hit me in parts of my soul I never knew existed. My younger brother is a recovering addict (with almost a decade clean), so I immediately related with Riley's brother. This bit aside I think the cenobites (new and returning) were hauntingly beautiful. The writers immediately make you relate to or actually care about the entire cast. It DOES have a bit much of expository dialogue, but I thought it was fun and interesting to get a more in depth look at how the box actually works. Plus I liked the ending and I've had a lot of fun discussing with people exactly what it "means." Everyone has their favorite installment of Hellraiser, and while this one isn't my top one, I felt an urge to post about it because I never see it discussed here. Also, the Hell Priest(ess) was just perfect imo.
submitted by shevchenko7cfc to horror [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 nahitscoolmyguy What's something upcoming that we should all be excited about?

submitted by nahitscoolmyguy to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 New-Organization618 Jazzy Belle - Sad Lo-fi Chillhop Beat (60sec STINGER)

submitted by New-Organization618 to RoyaltyFreeMusicDEMO [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 andreapurrple Always wear 2 skirties UwU

Always wear 2 skirties UwU submitted by andreapurrple to femboy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 morency59 best hair ?

who got the best hair and why is it eddy baker ?
submitted by morency59 to TeamSESH [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 AnimusFlux Trump fires heads of TSA, Coast Guard and guts key aviation safety advisory committee

Trump fires heads of TSA, Coast Guard and guts key aviation safety advisory committee submitted by AnimusFlux to ProfessorFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 TurningWager Janet Calhoon (Country Western Eurobeat)

Janet Calhoon (Country Western Eurobeat) submitted by TurningWager to GeneratedGrooves [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 06:40 ColdSchlomo (2024) Wizard School Subclasses

Hey guys! First time poster here. I took a swing at finishing out the subclasses for the OneDnd (2024) Wizard. Necromancy was my favorite subclass in the last edition, and porting it directly from 5e can be a bit clumsy, especially with the 3rd vs 2nd level stuff.
Anyway, I just wanted to post and get some feedback on it! I'm specifically concerned with balance and fun-ness at the moment. Since it's the very first draft, I'm not concerned with proper D&D grammar or typos; I wanted it to be enough to get across what I'm going for. And I'll obviously be making the document more pretty as I get closer to finishing, haha.
My primary questions are as follows, pertaining to each class:

  1. Is there anything overtly OP/unbalanced? Special consideration in comparing them to the 4 subclasses we have the 2024 PHB.
  2. Does it sound fun to play? Special attention to the new features I added (Some are taken directly from the 5e subclass). But also let me know if you don't like the old ones either and I can try some reworks!
  3. Does it fill the fantasy you have for that subclass? Are there things you wish you could enchant/transmute/necro-fy?
Thank you for taking the time to read!
Homebrewery Link
submitted by ColdSchlomo to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]
