Manchester United are the only unbeaten team in the Europa League this season

2025.01.30 22:01 simplsimonmetapieman Manchester United are the only unbeaten team in the Europa League this season

Manchester United are the only unbeaten team in the Europa League this season submitted by simplsimonmetapieman to reddevils [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 givemethestrapon Who do you think I look like?

submitted by givemethestrapon to doppelganger [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Both_Sherbert3394 This sounds like something Zach would make up to harass Tomar

This sounds like something Zach would make up to harass Tomar submitted by Both_Sherbert3394 to OneyPlays [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 AsherWeisberger96 CONTINUATION POST 5x 150k XFA

CONTINUATION POST 5x 150k XFA I originally posted in a previous post on my 5x 150k combined, said I would pass them in 2 days, and achieved the results.
I am now funded 5x 150k XFA.
My goal is $300 a day for 30 trading days copy trading all 5x accounts.
Resulting in 45k profit.
Withdraw, rinse, repeat.
If I am able to gain more than 300 a day, and have residual after a few weeks, I will take a payout of the residuals to pay myself back for the accounts that I paid for.
Happy trading
submitted by AsherWeisberger96 to TopStepX [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: salmão

salmão translates to salmon
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
submitted by sharewithme to PortugueseFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Comprehensive_Gas_6 AUFMC - Childbirth Cost

Hello! Anyone here who has an idea how much would be the total cost/ estimated for normal delivery at AUFMC?
With philhealth and also have Intellicare HMO. Any idea how much is the maximum reimbursable amount?
Thank you 🤗
submitted by Comprehensive_Gas_6 to Pampanga [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Adventurous-Dinner51 Hypothetically is there a finite limit to how much currency can be exchanged for another without adversely impacting or crashing markets not through trading but overtime? For example, could someone exchange 3-4 trillion USD for a basket of other currencies, and how would a bank facilitate this?

This is a purely hypothetical question.
submitted by Adventurous-Dinner51 to Forexstrategy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 CosmicHug Justin Tucker Faces Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Justin Tucker Faces Sexual Misconduct Allegations submitted by CosmicHug to thenewsoftoday [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 feelinsortawoozy me too

me too submitted by feelinsortawoozy to feelingwoozy [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Jester_Soul Whi is this hero?

Whi is this hero? Found new item with new hero icon.
submitted by Jester_Soul to BackpackBrawl [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Deppresed_homo_alt Miles morales! And a slight Spider-Man rework:3

Miles morales! And a slight Spider-Man rework:3 With miles I really wanted to combine the personality of hobie from into the spider verse with miles character which is why he’s a punk man and another thing is while I like the “Peter training miles” type shit I thought it would be an interesting dynamic for them to be similar ages and like they learn how to use their power together:3 (another lore detail is while Peter’s webbing is natural / comes from him miles webbing isn’t )
submitted by Deppresed_homo_alt to GachaClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 purururim Sloth on Tree, acrylic over canvas

Sloth on Tree, acrylic over canvas This was quite fun to paint, a request for a friend. :D A chill happy sloth.
submitted by purururim to painting [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Remarkable-Scale4443 Pick 1 or 2

Pick 1 or 2 Picture number 2 is what I have submitted rn, and picture number 1 is what I have rn ready to submit. Which one should I go with
submitted by Remarkable-Scale4443 to Dreamsnaps [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Cheesebol He’s having nightmares… 🥹

He’s having nightmares… 🥹 He keeps turning his head and breathing in large gulps, and his eyebrows are so furrowed.
Even though Zayne is also prone to nightmares, WHY does Caleb in pain even during sleep tug at my heartstrings!? 🥹
I keep poking him on the home screen, as if it’s going to comfort him somehow.
submitted by Cheesebol to LoveAndDeepspace [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 LSAT_Blog I've Taught the LSAT for 20 Years | Being a Perfect Student Is Destroying Your Score

I've Taught the LSAT for 20 Years | Being a Perfect Student Is Destroying Your Score submitted by LSAT_Blog to LSATUnplugged [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 abadgley15 Anything I can do to fix this?

Anything I can do to fix this? I’ve had this guitar for almost 10 years and never had any issues. Left it alone for a month or two and it stayed in my living room on a stand. Picked it up yesterday and noticed the neck was warped quite a bit. I adjusted the truss rod just to make it playable but I’m wondering if this will work itself out or if there’s anything I can do here. Thanks in advance!
submitted by abadgley15 to Luthier [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 nataliecee01 Open Club!

Open Club! just opened up a club! level 50 requirement to join!
submitted by nataliecee01 to Eatventure [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Gluconda530 Teller tray score!

Teller tray score! Stop by a Bank of America that I've never been to, asked the teller that was working if she had any halves or large dollar coins available? She said she did and handed me some Eisenhower, Susan B's in Sacagawea's.
None of the coins were silver, but did find these beautiful proof coins out of that bunch!
submitted by Gluconda530 to CRH [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: somon

somon translates to salmon
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
submitted by sharewithme to RomanianFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Cute-Amount5868 DRMTECHNIC :(

I worked for a small, family-run business. It seemed like a good job up to a point; there were issues, sure, but there usually are in my experience. However, the owner of the company basically decided to dismiss a number of employees straight after their first performance reviews.
Now, in hindsight, there were likely multiple contributing factors, a big one being a decision to restructure the company and focus more on installation engineers, effectively downsizing the R&D and tech roles.
The issue I had was that this happened out of the blue, at the start of November. And as it was less than two years' employment, there was little in the way of employee rights. I believe, in hindsight, this has been a repetitive pattern of the company owner. The red flags should have been the fact that I was employed to review legacy code for "boobytraps," and the management seemed constantly on edge regarding what the former tech employee may or may not have done. Generally, in hindsight, it speaks volumes about the manner in which the employee was left disgruntled. Now, after being dismissed, I realize the issue may have been the owner. His attitude was to not be forthcoming, and in meetings, he and management would discuss employees more like resources to be controlled, and their perspective managed (aka manipulated). It really was quite gross and exploitative. And when it came to ethics, it was often money first; the owner and his kin self-represented as holier than thou.
The company was quite shoddy, had severe cybersecurity vulnerabilities (e.g., ports left open), and generally, physical security was okay, but cyber was shot.
The software and hardware were an issue too, as I was a junior brought in to effectively do full-stack product development, which I actually did pretty well with. Yet the company directors were the owner's children; one had just changed career from a primary school teacher and was now a director for an engineering and manufacturing company, and literally did not have a clue beyond answering the phone lines and arranging team meetings. The other director was not actually working at the company; the boss's son was just a director on paper.
My line manager was the boss's daughter's husband, and the other manager, the boss's wife's (head of HR) best friend.
There were a few workshop lads who were cool, but ultimately, one of them got the boot at the same time as me.
The company were dropping the ball on a number of points: cybersecurity; I'm pretty sure they had some ghosts in their machines; health and safety violations; some minor human rights violations.
And in the end, while fighting the urge to go there in the middle of the night and superglue the doors and throw pink paint all over their workshop/factory/building, I decided to leave a bad Google review and Yell review. To my alarm and also weird gratification, the owner left a threatening voice message on my phone, saying he would call the police if I didn't remove the review. Okay, pretty sure the police don't do that, and nothing in the contract would allow for legal action. Moreover, I removed the review content anyway, leaving the one star, saying something like, "I removed the review at the request of the owner," which still shows one star, which is fantastic, as it is their only review.
The owner managed to get my Yell review removed and wrote a slightly odd review under a fake name, stating they were a recent employee and how great the company is, which, yeah. I believe the review thing got under the owner's skin.
I received a random email subscription to the Church of Scientology today, which was funny, and I am 90% sure it was the owner or his son-in-law. I found it sort of funny and returned the favor by applying for the same tour on their behalf.
I have been continually tempted to seek some type of vengeance, and I have little recourse under UK employee law and, moreover, would be dragged through a long legal process for little to no gainful end.
Ultimately, me having a sour experience with a mean and manipulative boss, who is not shy to threaten, lie, and manipulate, just wanted to get out how angry I am and have been about this experience and the still-burning desire to utilize my creativity or ethical hacking experience to get under the guy's skin some more; but I really want to move on. I would say I have moved on, but it's two months later from November 2024, and here I am, still engaging with the anger and gameplay with the owner.
Ultimately, I got really hurt by the systematic and unethical behavior of this people. In the end, it felt like the mobbed me. Time to move on, I think, and wish.
submitted by Cute-Amount5868 to BadBosses [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Small-Trash-9678 Wooooah

$6cuz6jjn$://🎉 SHEIN's New Year gift just for you—worth $600! Copy this message and search it in the SHEIN app, and we can both win big! 💸
submitted by Small-Trash-9678 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 stoklos2137 How much do you think it's worth?

How much do you think it's worth?
submitted by stoklos2137 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 aaaaannnnddddyyyyy 566 was a hypocrite but he finally spoke facts

566 was a hypocrite but he finally spoke facts Screw the “integrity” and “family”, you’re here to win money and that’s what he did. He was a hypocrite though, but finally, the cringe has stopped.
submitted by aaaaannnnddddyyyyy to BeastGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 Elegant_Equivalent54 Journalismus und Parteimitglied

Hallo zusammen. Mich würden Perspektiven und Meinungen zu diesem Thema interessieren. Ich bin seit ca. 10 Jahre als Journalistin tätig. Aktuell mache ich ein Sabbatical. Wie ihr ja selbst wisst, ist Deutschland über die letzten Jahre immer politisierter u. polarisierter geworden. Und es juckt mich in den Fingern, meinen Beitrag für die Gemeinschaft zu leisten und in eine demokratische Partei einzutreten.
Nun kommt die Frage nach dem Interessenkonflikt. Die reine Lehre sagt: Es ist ein No-Go als Journalist in einer Partei zu sein. Die freundlich-weichgespülte Variante sagt: Es wäre ja eigentlich transparenter, wenn eine Journalistin sichtbar als parteiisch gekennzeichnet ist als wenn sie nur das Mäntelchen der Objektivität hochhält und in Wahrheit eine feste Meinung vertritt wie andere auch, aber niemand das mitbekommt. Und dann gibt es welche, die das ohnehin nicht kratzt und im Stadtrat sitzen, PR für eine Partei machen oder Ähnliches und gleichzeitig Redakteurin sind.
Ich würde hier ungern das „ganz große Fass“ aufmachen und über Schlagwörter wie Lügenpresse, Merkel/Scholz/Soros rufen täglich an etc. diskutieren. Auch wenn es keine dummen Fragen gibt und ich sowas ggfs. auch kommentieren kann. Aber mein persönlicher ethischer Kompass funktioniert, und ich würde keinesfalls über Politik berichten, solange ich selbst politisch aktiv wäre (Wahlkampfzeit z. B.). Bin auch keine Politikjournalistin. Mit Sport, Kultur, Technik etc. gibt es ja Ressorts, die weitgehend unpolitisch sind. Eventuell würde ich auch gar nichts mehr publizieren, sondern im „Innendienst“ arbeiten, auch das gibt es ja. Also beispielsweise Layout journalistischer Produkte machen. Ganz aktuell - Sabbatical - veröffentliche ich eh nichts.
Die politische Aktivität, die ich mir vorstellen könnte, wäre jetzt auch nicht die nächste Kanzlerin zu sein, sondern sowas wie: den Ortsverein unterstützen, der ja meist total überaltert ist. Plakate kleben, Infostand in der Fußgängerzone, Ideen in Meetings diskutieren. Ich weiß zwar von Bekannten, dass man überraschend schnell tatsächlich im Stadtbezirksrat landen kann, aber das wäre mir tatsächlich eh „zu viel“ Engagement. Außerdem würde ich nicht ewig politisch mitwirken wollen. Vielleicht - Wunschdenken - sind in ein paar Jahren die Rahmenbedingungen wieder ruhiger und die vielen Menschen, die aktuell in demokratische Parteien eintreten, können wirklich etwas bewegen. Dann würde aus meinem Dilemma ein Ex-Dilemma werden. Was natürlich auch noch ein Problem sein kann, wenn es heißt „die hat vor x Jahren ja mal bei Y mitgemacht.“
Mich würde interessieren, was ihr sowohl als Nicht-JournalistInnen und Nicht-PolitikerInnen denkt, aber auch gerne aus den beiden Tätigkeitsfeldern. Fändet ihr die Kombi Politikengagement und Journi machbar oder problematisch? Und die JournalistInnen: Habt ihr schon ähnliche Gedanken gehabt, und mit welchen Ergebnissen?
submitted by Elegant_Equivalent54 to KeineDummenFragen [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:01 127-0-0-0 Why isn’t nose art like this common anymore?

Why isn’t nose art like this common anymore? submitted by 127-0-0-0 to Shittyaskflying [link] [comments]