Ministério Público investiga alegados despedimentos no Bloco de Esquerda

2025.01.30 22:33 maisribatejo Ministério Público investiga alegados despedimentos no Bloco de Esquerda

submitted by maisribatejo to noticiasSantarem [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 CosmicHug Penguins in Love Holding Hands and Waving, with Balloons and Hearts 🐧💖🎈❄️ Coloring Page

Penguins in Love Holding Hands and Waving, with Balloons and Hearts 🐧💖🎈❄️ Coloring Page submitted by CosmicHug to rainbowcoloringpages [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 my-snake-is-solid What I strive for in gardening

submitted by my-snake-is-solid to NoLawns [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 nopenotlandon Advice for A+ core 1?

Hey yall tysm for the support so many of you showed on my last post abt passing core 2, i was wondering if anyone has any advice as to what resources i should use to study for core 1. Ive heard a lot of ppl mention that the pbqs can be rlly confusing. Are there any practice ones online that would help? oh also side note, i’ve been watching videos on how to assemble PCs bc i figured it would be helpful to know how to do so for the exam 🤷‍♂️ Do yall think im wasting my time w these videos and should instead focus my attention on other things? Any help/ advice would be greatly appreciated :)
submitted by nopenotlandon to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 Internal-Apple-2904 More young foreigners?

New influx of younger foreigners, falling victims to usually poorer, or less educated girls that they wish to date meeting through apps?
submitted by Internal-Apple-2904 to Philippines_Expats [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 flexisexymaxi My grandaunt dressed in “traje goyesco” ca. 1916 and in the 1940s.

submitted by flexisexymaxi to TheWayWeWere [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 MightBeYourProfessor Soft Mortar to fill gaps? With pictures.

submitted by MightBeYourProfessor to masonry [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 brokerZIP thank you for your donations
submitted by brokerZIP to MordekaiserMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 cherryyy-bomb found Billie #2 at Ross!!!!!!

didn’t end up getting it cuz of already have it but likeeeee 😍
submitted by cherryyy-bomb to billieeilish [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 Freakocereus @giacomoturra spicy

submitted by Freakocereus to sanpedrocactus [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 Puzzleheaded-Fan-675 Car account Instagram

Car account Instagram I've just started up and instaram page following a rebuild project on my MK indy in the UK if anyone wanted to follow along, be great to follow other car profiles to if anyone has some cool builds currently 🤙🏻
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Fan-675 to projectcar [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 WallabyFamous3318 do i go to next th or wait for walls and heroes to upgrade?

submitted by WallabyFamous3318 to ClashOfClans [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 Quantisnow Celestica Announces 2025 Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders

Celestica Announces 2025 Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders submitted by Quantisnow to Quantisnow [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 Opposite-Parsley4017 Yea yea "marksman" my ass she doesn't even have long range

submitted by Opposite-Parsley4017 to Brawlstars [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 Sufficient_Relief179 Hongkong visa for people with Passport issued from Kolkata/Hyderabad

I have been looking into getting hongkong visa for an examination, I have my passport issued from Kolkata and I came across these articles:

It basically says, people who have had passport issued from Kolkata, Punjab or Hyderabad get rejection in PAR.
I find it a bit weird to believe but at the same time can't take risk.
Has anyone had any experience around this in last few years? Any suggestions or clarifications would be helpful!
submitted by Sufficient_Relief179 to nri [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 HIIII__- Selling 2 blossom snakes for robux!!

submitted by HIIII__- to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 Straats_tatts Rats get fat podcast

Rats get fat podcast Your go-to podcast for all things tattoo! Join us as we dive into the world of tattooing, interviewing artists and exploring the artistry, stories, and culture behind each unique tattoo Uncover the fascinating tales told here on Rats Get Fat.
submitted by Straats_tatts to tattooflashhandmade [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 xShinzyx Timebomb High School AU |Fan Behavior - Ch 6 (Ao3) (oc)|

Timebomb High School AU |Fan Behavior - Ch 6 (Ao3) (oc)| TIMEBOMB FANFIC EVERYBODY!!!! A little something ( Recently the fic is getting more and more positive feedback, so I figured out it might be nice to start promoting it wherever I can - to hopefully reach a bigger audience 😼
It’s basically about them being sillies and living their silly little teenage years they have been robbed of in the original universe. It is my duty to make them happy at this point.
If anyone’s interested, here’s the link:
submitted by xShinzyx to arcane [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 butterflyvision Dez is doing a Valentine’s Day show!

Dez is doing a Valentine’s Day show! submitted by butterflyvision to MaybeHappyEnding [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 flamugu Gray Talon is a boring trope and sticks out like a sore thumb in a game with high level character design.

Man-- non-specific native guy with a bow, complete with dream-catcher snare and a spirit animal ult is like, D tier character concept and execution. It really sticks out in a game with otherwise amazing design. I suspect Mirage may hit some people like this too. Like, why you GOTTA give your middle eastern character a fuckin sandstorm ability lmao
I love the desire to include a diverse cast, but Gray Talon really hits like T. Hawk from street fighter 2. I'd hope in 2025 we can have our indigenous characters be from specific nations and artists could draw some specific inspiration. Check out Crowfoot. There are countless examples of much more interesting and distinctly indigenous aesthetics the art team could be drawing from.
Don't get me started on summoning a fuckin owl, lol.
submitted by flamugu to DeadlockGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 M_i_c_K Trump rips CNN’s Kaitlan Collins after she grills him about ‘blaming Democrats and DEI policies’ over DC plane crash: ‘Not a very smart question’

Trump rips CNN’s Kaitlan Collins after she grills him about ‘blaming Democrats and DEI policies’ over DC plane crash: ‘Not a very smart question’ submitted by M_i_c_K to Republican [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 CrashedOutCunt Dresser Top Success

Dresser Top Success This was the first step I decided to take in my room. Bonus points, it took less than 30 minutes and made a huge difference.
All my snacks/bevs were in various reusable shopping bags scattered around and I hated having to search for what I wanted. We had mice in the kitchen a few weeks ago (farmland + nonstop snow/rain), on top of having multiple roommates, so I wanted to keep my items separate.
I bought the cabinet off of Facebook marketplace in 2021. It’s had multiple purposes over the years, but recently was sitting empty. It only took me 3 weeks to move the cabinet into my room after I decided how I wanted to use it lol.
There are a few knickknacks I have to re-home. Some I’m getting rid of. Overall, I’m very happy. There’s still a lot of areas I need to work on. Here’s to finding the motivation to continue!
submitted by CrashedOutCunt to UnfuckYourHabitat [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 nwymph slow damage/visual novels not working

i have an m1 mac and tried whisky, mythic, parallels, crossover to try and run slow damage and all of them dont work, has anyone had any luck running slow damage or a different windows visual novel? im beginning to lose hope lol
submitted by nwymph to macgaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 OdysseyPrime9789 Imo, after 40+ runs of the Trilogy with various romances and majority MShep though I did do a few FemShep runs, Ashley is bestgirl. Though Miranda and Jack tie for second place, with Liara in third.

Imo, after 40+ runs of the Trilogy with various romances and majority MShep though I did do a few FemShep runs, Ashley is bestgirl. Though Miranda and Jack tie for second place, with Liara in third.
I know I'll get hate and downvotes, most of the more vocal segment here have a hard-on for Tali and Garrus, but I won't apologize for liking what I do. Imo, Garrus and Tali work well together, and while Kaiden has a good arc I prefer Ashley's even in runs where I don't romance her. Personally, I also find Ashley to be more useful in combat since I normally run soldier because I like bulldozing through hordes of enemies with nothing but a rifle and some grenades. Kaiden can be useful in certain situations, but most of the time I found myself wishing I had Ashley and her grenades instead.
submitted by OdysseyPrime9789 to masseffect [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:33 Tiny_Net5733 Trades

Trades Muk is shiny Any offers?
submitted by Tiny_Net5733 to PokemonHome [link] [comments]