I give sweet. Unwelcomed? I leave.

2025.01.30 22:11 Medical-Bullfrog3453 I give sweet. Unwelcomed? I leave.

submitted by Medical-Bullfrog3453 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 AnnualEquivalent798 How's this look against Space Marines at 1000 points?

How's this look against Space Marines at 1000 points? General plan is to throw talos and wracks on opps objectives while mowing down units with the Dark weapons, scoring secondaries with kabs and mandrakes, and retaliating with Archon once Coven units are done. I have about 1000 points in other units available as well (sadly no wyches, lelith, beastmaster, or court). Last thing I'll add is that I'd like to keep the bomber for fun's sake.
Any thoughts or tips on utilising these units are appreciated. Thanks! Ya'll are crazy helpful as always.
submitted by AnnualEquivalent798 to Drukhari [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 complex_personaa Mommy of soon to be 3 chirren lol

Ok so a backstory , I have a 15 year old son & a 10 year old daughter & I’m now 20 weeks pregnant with a son . Man talking about starting over . One minute I believe this can be the lil bundle of joy my small family needs & another minute I’m saddened because my life will never be the same . Where I can get up and bolt out the door no kids in tow at times . I felt relatively fine with accepting that’s just what it is now but today was my first out actually looking in the baby department & man I started to feel down and disappointed because it just feels unreal I’m back in the baby section shopping … anyone else felt this way ….
submitted by complex_personaa to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 bomakoma Generator Android And Ios 2025 (Unlimited Gems Passes)

Episode Choose Your Story Cheat - Generator Android And Ios 2025 (Unlimited Gems Passes). VISIT HACK HEREvUnderstanding Episode Choose Your Story What is Episode Choose Your Story?
Launched in 2013, Episode Choose Your Story is an interactive storytelling app that allows players to create and control their own narratives. With over 10 million downloads on the Google Play Store alone, the game boasts a large community of creators and fans. Players can choose their paths, define their characters, and make decisions that impact the story’s outcome. The game features a variety of genres, from romance to drama to fantasy, catering to diverse player preferences. The Importance of Gems and Passes
In Episode, gems and passes are crucial for crafting an enjoyable gameplay experience. Gems are a premium currency used to unlock premium content, such as special outfits, character choices, and exclusive storylines. Passes, on the other hand, determine how many episodes you can play in a specified timeframe. With limited passes available, players often feel the pressure to acquire more to continue their adventures. Exploring Episode Choose Your Story Cheats Episode Choose Your Story Cheats No Human Verification
Finding cheats that don't require human verification can make your gaming experience seamless and enjoyable. However, it’s essential to be cautious when searching for these cheats online. Many websites claim to offer cheats, but not all are reliable. Be sure to look for platforms that have positive reviews and a strong community presence. Episode Choose Your Story Hack No Human Verification
submitted by bomakoma to EndgameSpoilers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 the_chosen_0ne_man Is it actually unfunny and i have a weird sence of humor or is the op butthurt over nothing?

Is it actually unfunny and i have a weird sence of humor or is the op butthurt over nothing? submitted by the_chosen_0ne_man to memesopdidnotlike [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 aurinkopaista Is there a possibility to run deepseek r1 locally with the ability for it to access the Internet?

So I managed to setup r1 locally with LMstudio. It works great but apparently it's knowledge cut off date is just 2024. Anything after that it simply cannot answer. Is there a way for it access the Internet so it can have the latest information?
submitted by aurinkopaista to DeepSeek [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Used_Location_9664 Sou babaca por acabar o caso com minha ex ficante?

Resumidamente conheci uma prima do meu melhor amigo (eu 26 anos e ela 24) na virada de ano, fomos à praia de Caraguatatuba juntos. A virada de ano foi maravilhosa, aproveitei a oportunidade de ficar com ela e criamos um elo muito forte. Desde então criavamos oportunidades para estarmos próximos, ela ia à casa dele e eu também. Fizemos encontros somente entre a gente para barzinho, entre outros lugares. Ao todo foram 11 encontros e 22 dias que vivemos intensamente a nossa história. Ela dizia que estava gostando muito de mim, sentia minha falta nos dias que não me via, enfim, era super amorosa, carinhosa, receptiva, a gente arrumava tempo no final do dia pra ficar se falando, comentava até que pensava em namorar comigo. Até mencionou que eu estava ajudando-a se reconstruir -ela terminou com o ex marido há 4 meses ao qual foi casada há 6 anos. Fez questão de passar a virada do meu aniversário do meu lado, então assim, era uma mulher espetacular. Parecia surreal o que eu estava vivendo. A minha cara me entregava que eu estava apaixonado. O pesadelo começou no último encontro, que foi na cachoeira.. onde a mãe dela foi com a gente nesse dia e bebeu demais e comentou que a Jéssica (nome fictício) não tinha se divorciado ainda. Perguntei o por quê? Ela me respondeu que a filha dela estava esperando a atitude dele. Fiquei bolado, a sensação foi de que estava me sentindo usado e estava sendo um meio divulgativo pra ela mostrar ao ex dela que estava bem. Foi aí que imediatamente a chamei e disse que íamos conversar sério no final do dia quando fôssemos embora. Pois bem... Chegou no final do rolê, a mãe dela entrou pra casa e ela ficou no carro a fim de nós resolvermos (lembrando que isso foi na quinta) e ela falou a mim que a mãe dela não sabia que estava falando, e que ela já tinha dado entrada nos papéis, porém não fala nada pra mãe dela pq ela não quer usar esse assunto como um "entretenimento" e que apenas resolver logo isso e ficar de boa. Não fiquei satisfeito com a resposta dela, não senti verdade. Estava chapado também pq tinha bebido bastante, então decidi encerrar o assunto e fui pra casa. Na sexta-feira ela me mandou mensagem carinhosa e combinamos de se falar de novo, pois na quinta não foi um bom dia pra ter se resolvido. Foi então que na sexta definitivamente tínhamos se resolvido -mas meu pesadelo tinha acabado de começar. Depois daquele dia, quando entrou pro dia seguinte (sábado) ela mudou comigo logo pela manhã. Ficou fria, distante, monossilábica e indiferente. No domingo perguntei se estava tudo bem com ela e se tinha algum problema que eu pudesse ajudá-la a resolver, ela apenas disse que tinha entrado em outro serviço e que era só o cansaço e que não era nada comigo, pediu desculpas se transpareceu isso. Porém nos dias seguintes não mudava. Segunda-feira sugeri da gente se encontrar pra ela contar como estava sendo a experiência do novo trampo dela,mandei msg as 10 da manhã, porém ela me respondeu só às 22 hs dizendo que estava cansada e sugeriu o dia seguinte. Fiquei p#t0 e disse que não dava, pois tinha meus compromissos, mas na vdd achei muito desaforo ela ter sumido e ter me respondido recusando meu encontro às 22 hs. Mandava mensagem pela manhã e ela do mesmo jeito, demorava muito ame responder. Até que na quarta ela posta uma foto de um drink 🥃, fui tomado por uma revolta misturada com tristeza, que terminei o caso ali mesmo. Na quinta ela me manda mensagem falando que queria conversar comigo pessoalmente, respondi que achava estranho a mensagem dela depois de tudo que tinha acontecido,mas que estava disposto a ouvir o que ela tinha a me dizer. Ela disse que não era pra gente desistir de nós. Foi aí que apenas disse a ela que e o nosso assunto deveria ser tratado pessoalmente e que ia encontrar ela naquela noite na praça (mandei as 10 da manhã a msg). Ela não respondeu, então mandei outra em seguida às 19h30 dizendo que estava arrumado e que na hora que ela estivesse de boa era só me avisar. Nada dela me retornar (tinha caído no wpp dela). Foi aí que as 21 hs peguei, me arrumei e parei em frente a casa dela de carro e mandei uma foto do portão da casa dela com a legenda (estou na frente da sua casa pra gente se resolver). Ela me respondeu de imediato dizendo que não estava em casa e que estava no supermercado com o irmão dela, mandou inclusive uma foto, disse que ia demorar muito. Eu disse que aguardaria tranquilamente. Foi aí que ella me respondeu dizendo que de lá ia no McDonald's e que era melhor se falar no dia seguinte. Disse que era pra ela ficar tranquila que ia aguardar. Ela não me respondeu. Depois de uma hora no silêncio ela posta status com uma garrafinha de cerveja na mão dirigindo o carro dela e eu lá aguardando. Brinquei dizendo "com essa demora espero que vc traga um lanche pra mim", ela me respondeu que ia demorar e que o irmão dela estava pensando em ir fumar um Rosh depois que fosse sair de lá. Foi aí que disse a ela que sem problemas e que pra onde eles iam ir? Pq dependendo eu chamaria o primo dela (meu melhor amigo) pra ir juntos e a gente ia curtir todo mundo. Ela nunca mais me respondeu depois dessa minha mensagem. Aguardei mais 40 min e fui embora pra casa indignado. Pois como pode uma princesa ao qual eu depositava os meus melhores sentimentos virou uma feiticeira em fração de segundos. Conclusão: o sumiço dela me revoltou, bloqueei-a e hj sofro com essa história que se deu desfecho de forma mal resolvida. Fui insensível? Não sei se é pelo motivo de estar apaixonado, mas acho que errei em ter implicado com a questão do divórcio, mas tínhamos nos resolvido.
submitted by Used_Location_9664 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 greenwitchbot YWCA Greenwich Celebrates Dr. King with Panel Discussion on Women’s Health Equity

Greenwich Free Press
On Thursday, January 23, the YWCA Greenwich hosted the Annual Coretta Scott & Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Conversation, a community forum organized by YWCA Greenwich’s Center for Equity & Justice to celebrate the lives of Dr. and Mrs. King.
submitted by greenwitchbot to Greenwich [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 SomeRandomGuyO-O Tips for making a world map?

I’ve been spending a large majority of this month trying to create a map of my entire fantasy world that l intended that I could use as a reference in my story. The main problem with this is that every time I try, I never seem to capture what I assume my world to be, not big enough or not good enough, and always start over. I have a rough idea of what I intend to see in my map, but every time I try, I always feel like I’m not properly displaying my world, or maybe I’m portraying it too small or too simple for the continent of my mind.
I guess the thing that I’m trying to figure out is, what could I do to improve my mapmaking skills, and properly make the ideal map that I’m trying to make? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by SomeRandomGuyO-O to FantasyMaps [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 SillyFiixy Hi!! ‧₊˚✩彡 (Introducing Myself!!)

Hello, everyone! I'm a Furry, Otherpaw and Otherhearted, I'm relatively new to the otherpaw community, I hope to be welcome here!
My name is Felix, but you can call me Fiix :3 I'm genderfluid and pansexual :p my Pawtypes are goat and sheep!
⊹˚. ♡ a little more about me!: I'm an artist and begginer animator, I am part of the scene subculture, some of my favorite artists/bands are Tally Hall, Lemon Demon, Jack Stauber and Sodikken :3
I am happy to find a community where I feel comfortable and can have fun, I hope to make friends here and be well received.
Thanks for reading this, have a nice day!! ٩(^ᗜ^ )و ´-
submitted by SillyFiixy to Otherpaw [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Karma_San Who wins ?

Who wins ? submitted by Karma_San to NarutoPowerscaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 FoundationObvious414 Sthlm någon?

submitted by FoundationObvious414 to tiktoktjej [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Safe_Ebb_6318 What I have and what I need - any offers

What I have and what I need - any offers https://preview.redd.it/klqgd305g7ge1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=37ba7def94f84bc53cc23454625f1afba06efe21
submitted by Safe_Ebb_6318 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 bomakoma Episode gems and passes generator no verification

Icon ➜➜➜ TOP RIGHT CORNER to access generator! Episode gems and passes generator no verification which are used to unlock exclusive ... Understanding Episode Choose Your Story What is Episode Choose Your Story?
Launched in 2013, Episode Choose Your Story is an interactive storytelling app that allows players to create and control their own narratives. With over 10 million downloads on the Google Play Store alone, the game boasts a large community of creators and fans. Players can choose their paths, define their characters, and make decisions that impact the story’s outcome. The game features a variety of genres, from romance to drama to fantasy, catering to diverse player preferences. The Importance of Gems and Passes
In Episode, gems and passes are crucial for crafting an enjoyable gameplay experience. Gems are a premium currency used to unlock premium content, such as special outfits, character choices, and exclusive storylines. Passes, on the other hand, determine how many episodes you can play in a specified timeframe. With limited passes available, players often feel the pressure to acquire more to continue their adventures. Exploring Episode Choose Your Story Cheats Episode Choose Your Story Cheats No Human Verification
Finding cheats that don't require human verification can make your gaming experience seamless and enjoyable. However, it’s essential to be cautious when searching for these cheats online. Many websites claim to offer cheats, but not all are reliable. Be sure to look for platforms that have positive reviews and a strong community presence. Episode Choose Your Story Hack No Human Verification
submitted by bomakoma to EndgameSpoilers [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Bp-overdose How do I get rid of prime

I don't sweat this game and the lobbies r too hard now
submitted by Bp-overdose to csgo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Fairytaleautumnfox Filly the Fox stopped by tonight

submitted by Fairytaleautumnfox to AutumnfoxArchive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 albertcipriani FREE PALESTINIANS!

Free condoms for Gaza!
Do it for thirty years.
And Palestinians
will be ethically cleansed
from the face of this Earth:
forevermore not here
in the shitstorm, but far
from our mess, not living,
but finally just Being,
finally achieving
their long-fought-for-two-state
solution, a separate
state, a new Blessed State,
that of their eternal:
submitted by albertcipriani to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Quantisnow Bloom Energy to Announce Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Results on February 27, 2025

Bloom Energy to Announce Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Results on February 27, 2025 submitted by Quantisnow to Quantisnow [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 ebullient-cynosure Neighbourhood stereotypes - where to live?

Neighbourhood stereotypes - where to live? I’m looking at buying a place in Cambridge and I’d love to hear people’s opinions/stereotypes of different neighbourhoods for guidance on where’s best to live.
For context: - I work in the science park - I have a car - I’ve lived in East Chesterton and Abbey but I’m still open to hearing any opinions on them - I’m 25 and enjoy having a social life (activities, sports, going to town for drinks, etc.) - I’m not looking for house listings in this post, simply opinions on area :)
submitted by ebullient-cynosure to cambridge [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Creepy_Finish1497 Season 2 ep3 - Charlie Utter = Cocksuckah!

My 3rd time watching the entire show. The scene where Bullock fights Swearengen has them both going over the balcony. Al's henchman and Bullock's are inside the bar and when Trixie says they went over the balcony, Dan grabs a shotgun and Utter and Sol watch him take off out the front. Utter is a deputy and he didn't have Bullock's back. He let Dan come up behind bullock and whack him with the shotgun. Useless tool...
submitted by Creepy_Finish1497 to deadwood [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 ySamuh Difícil dizer não

Difícil dizer não submitted by ySamuh to japan_insoul [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Pene-chan HI i need a raichu, moltres, blastoise, flareon, arcanine, exeggutor, beedrill.(GENETIC APEX)

HI i need a raichu, moltres, blastoise, flareon, arcanine, exeggutor, beedrill.(GENETIC APEX) send me a dm to see what cards we can exchange
submitted by Pene-chan to PokemonPocket [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Simple_Dragonfly_689 Do I submit 1099s to IRS?

After we provide 1099s to our owners, do I need to submit them to IRS?
submitted by Simple_Dragonfly_689 to PropertyManagement [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Solid-Homework1510 Multiple contributors to a supplenlmental needs trust, any tax issues?

Are there any tax complications if more than one person contributes to a third party supplemental needs trust? Assume this is a standalone trust created during the grantor's lifetime that will get funded in grantor's lifetime by a party related to the grantor, and funded again upon the grantor's death with grantor's assets.
submitted by Solid-Homework1510 to tax [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:11 Rebeccarodri Sla pode vir com tudo, tô com 21 já...eu tenho cara de 21?

Sla pode vir com tudo, tô com 21 já...eu tenho cara de 21? submitted by Rebeccarodri to MeJulgue [link] [comments]
