Do you think my art will transfer to tattooing skills?

2025.01.30 22:10 YellatinGelatin Do you think my art will transfer to tattooing skills?

Do you think my art will transfer to tattooing skills? I am a digital artist by profession currently, but I am interested in learning how to tattoo. Just looking for a different way to use my art skill that isn't on the computer.
I wanted to know if you guys felt like my current work may translate to tattooing? I know not all mediums work the same, but still would be happy to know what others think. Or if anyone from a similar background has some personal experience to share.
Here are examples of some of my artworks, would love to hear thoughts.
submitted by YellatinGelatin to TattooBeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 NefariousnessHot7639 Would anyone like my Crappies ticket?

I have one ticket for the Golden Crappies at NY Town Hall on Saturday, Feb 1st!
I am struggling quite a bit with some mental health issues and don’t think I will be feeling well enough to go, and would love for someone in this sub to take my ticket. Not really interested in charging anyone either. Just would hate for the ticket to go to waste.
submitted by NefariousnessHot7639 to WatchWhatCrappens [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 remvs98 Overzicht | Turbulente dag in Gaza na vrijlatingen en begin UNRWA-verbod

Overzicht | Turbulente dag in Gaza na vrijlatingen en begin UNRWA-verbod submitted by remvs98 to NUjijDiscussies [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 osceo-sisi88 Ferritin & C-reactive protein

25F, healthy lifestyle, etc. No known diagnosis yet.
About 6 months ago, I presented with crazy high blood pressure and high ferritin (800s) during an annual physical. After lots more tests (and hemochromatosis symptoms), I’m heterozygous for H63D and have high C-reactive protein. My ferritin is in the 500s but the rest of my iron panel is normal. After being referred by my PCP, I saw a hematologist today who basically laughed in my face when I asked about hemochromatosis. He’s referring me out to GI to determine other causes of inflammation. He said my liver felt “a little tender” but my enzymes were mostly normal.
Has anyone experienced high BP with high ferritin? What about high C-reactive protein? Since this isn’t hemochromatosis, what could it be? (and forgive me, I know this is a hem community)
I know the H63D mutation is probably nothing to be concerned about, but in tandem with high ferritin it feels worth exploring. I have fatigue, joint pain, weight loss, low libido, irregulanonexistent periods, GI pain. Maybe GI will have some answers. I’m feeling discouraged about Hematology being a dead end and wondering if anyone else has been in this boat.
submitted by osceo-sisi88 to Hemochromatosis [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 reddit_lss_1 Test Title 30-January-2025 22:09:49

Test body 30-January-2025 22:09:49
submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 warnelldawg Did anyone just see those fire trucks blast through dt labeled “FDNY”? Or am i tripping?

submitted by warnelldawg to Athens [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 FudgeMonkey74 BERT NASH

Got a letter in the mail today from Bert Nash saying g they had trouble with their billing system in 2023. Then sent me a bill for services I cannot confirm that I attended.
"Let's send out bills for a problem we f'd up to mental health patients during an economic crisis"
submitted by FudgeMonkey74 to Lawrence [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Any-Replacement-5645 A way to practice leveling with altar on non-season?

I was looking to do a practice run or two of massacre bonuses and incorporating the altar but it doesnt appear that I can make a seasonal character or utilize altar in non-season, is there a way to do this?
submitted by Any-Replacement-5645 to diablo3 [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 zippee100 𐋅

submitted by zippee100 to TheLetterDoubleH [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 justafanboy1010 Saying that these two are the same person is prejudice against Na'vis and Zehobereis. Please stop spreading misinformation

Saying that these two are the same person is prejudice against Na'vis and Zehobereis. Please stop spreading misinformation submitted by justafanboy1010 to shittymoviedetails [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Real-Ebb134 AMIEL jumper longevity

First post. Hello lovelies I want to know how the AMIEL jumper wears in the long term due to the polyamide? Does it bobble really fast ? I am trying to steer clear of polyamides but have fallen in love with the new grany colour and have the opportunity to buy one pre loved but never worn. I welcome your opinions. I already own the Lauren and Maurice jumpers in yak wool so not sure if I’m better off saving my coins for another wool piece with no poly thank you
submitted by Real-Ebb134 to Sezane [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Forsaken_Scene5415 Name my puppies plz!!

The first one is a boy, I think I kinda like kipper... I'm not sure!!!! Is that a good name d'you think And the second one is my sweet girl (I hope it’s okay to use two in one post) I'm completely lostttt on what to call her, I want it to be very sweet sounding and cutesy lol, it'd be cool to match kipper cause I think I'm attached to the name unless I see a name I love for him! They're Pomsky/chihuahuas so they'll be tiny and small Thanksssss <3
submitted by Forsaken_Scene5415 to NameMyDog [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 blackcherrytomato Professional Advice- who and is it worth it?

My spouse and I would like professional guidance but are feeling a bit confused find the right person and if the fees will be worth it.
Our situation - we're early 40s with drastically different incomes. I'm disabled, work casually making under 10k annually. His income is up to 200k with bonuses. The registered accounts that make sense to max out are maxed. We have unregistered investments. Mostly broad ETFs like VEQT or similar with bonds added.
We have met with financial advisors at financial institutions but at best we are given very generalized advice and some of the specifics are told are questions for an accountant. At worst they want to sell us on managing our investments.
What we want - help with managing the style of investing we do so we get the best advantage out of it after taxes. Some specific type if things we want advice on: One advisor suggested maxing out my RDSP for example which we think will just result in less money if an unregistered account is used instead. I do think about contributing more to reduce OAS clawback/have my contributions>government contributions (to incease flexibility with withdrawing) might make sense, but unlikely up to the 200k limit. I have unregistered investments now, should I be selling and reinvesting now to reduce capital gains when my income increases later?
I have reached out to a few accountants in the past and was basically given quotes for tax returns. This seems to be a bit of a grey area between financial advising and accounting. While some of the tips here are great it's not the same thing as laying out detailed info to get a full plan.
We don't mind paying, but want the value for that payment. Is there a service that does this that gives the value and how do we find it?
Tl;DR - we want help with planning where our investments are sheltered/unregistered and a tax advantaged harvesting/withdrawing plan. Where do we go that makes the fee worthwhile?
submitted by blackcherrytomato to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 linet_addicted VIDEO Ei sunt bărbații reținuți în cazul jafului de la muzeul din Drents / Poliția olandeză le-a dezvăluit identitatea

Poliția olandeză a dat publicității imagini cu doi dintre cei trei suspecți reținuți în cazul jafului de la muzeul din Drents, scrie De Telegraaf.Cei doi suspecți se numesc Douglas Chesley Wendersteyt și Bernhard Zeeman. Citește mai departe...
Citiți articolul
submitted by linet_addicted to Sp1Ro [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Wonderful_Compote534 What I’m confused about is If you want your full frequency range from your speakers but your amp only has high pass and low pass filters that go from 150-5k htz how do you have tweeters that play high frequencies?

submitted by Wonderful_Compote534 to CarAV [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 taylorthestang How are item limits enforced?

With the egg shortage, I still regularly see people with more than 2 containers of eggs in their carts. This is at the normal Costco, not the business center, so I’m assuming it’s just a family.
Is the item limit even enforced? How?
submitted by taylorthestang to Costco [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Cool_Host_8755 Davis Weatherlink Console

Davis Weatherlink Console I didn't hear too much about the (finally) modern console that davis released a couple years ago so it though it talk about it. I love it! Its the best indoor display ive had on a weather station (Better than Acurite atlas and Ambient weather ws2000). The screen in terms of responsiveness and display quality is nearly on par with a mini ipad. You have a choice between light blue and a "high contrast" mode which is black and white with some color accents.
You can look at maps, future forecasts (if you choose to connect to the internet), past data/graphs and how your station data compared with historical averages. This also doubles as a console AND weatherlink live.
Anyone have thoughts? Any better weather station Displays out there?
Heres my station:Wunderground, CWOP, its a Vantage pro 2
submitted by Cool_Host_8755 to myweatherstation [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Ok_Victory_1821 Why do immigrants migrate to a different country?

Saw a post on TikTok and it said: “El peor presidente no es Trump por "SEPARAR" familias y querer protejer a los ciudadanos de su pais. El peor presidente es el de tu pais que hizo que te "SEPARARAS" de tu propia familia porque no hay ningun futuro.”
submitted by Ok_Victory_1821 to immigration [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Temporary-Scholar913 Got classics?

Got classics? 250gt swb, 250gt california, 250gto🤌🏽🇮🇹
submitted by Temporary-Scholar913 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Fairytaleautumnfox Suburb of Baku, Azerbaijan

submitted by Fairytaleautumnfox to AutumnfoxArchive [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 mokatcino Someone knows where can I get Photoshop CC 2017 for MacS sierra?

Ive got a Macbook running with Sierra 10.12.6, and CC 2017 is the only PS version that works here. I stupidly uninstalled the version i got by accident and now can't find a download that works, please help
submitted by mokatcino to AdobeZii [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Ok-Object8010 XF

XF submitted by Ok-Object8010 to OSITOGANG [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 WhatTheFunnel Discovery flight scheduled next week

My job gave me a day off because they need to “start watching their hours”unfortunately, so I took that time to schedule a discovery flight.
Any tips or advice?
submitted by WhatTheFunnel to flying [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 ballandbiscuit40 Left a door open and something came into my sunroom

Left a door open and something came into my sunroom Left outside door open to sunroom wondering if anyone can figure out what animal made it's way in here. Gulf coast.
submitted by ballandbiscuit40 to animalid [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 22:10 Sea_Awareness9547 Online card generation

How much do you really trust the online cards picking for eg a site like
Even if you pick a card by instinct, would you say it is accurate to your situation?
submitted by Sea_Awareness9547 to tarot [link] [comments]