GE washer squeal at low speed in rinse/spin cycle

2025.02.01 16:53 Pyratess GE washer squeal at low speed in rinse/spin cycle

Hi all, I have an older GE washer, and it has been squealing oddly recently. Looking for some help IDing this issue, please!
It runs and washes fine. But at the end of the rinse and spin cycles, it squeals horribly when running at low speeds. It does NOT make noise at high speeds or anytime earlier in the cycle. I replaced the belt last year for a constant belt squeal, but this of course isn't it.
Anyone recognize this sound?
submitted by Pyratess to appliancerepair [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 ArtFraga AOSA Chords - Guitar Tabs - Supercar by Supercar

AOSA guitar tabs download as Guitar Pro and PDF on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
This score has 12 PDF pages
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @leandrogtr7
If you cannot find the score, it might be because of a copyright issue. Click on "Request" button at to request and get the score.
submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 Digess Is this the correct Batman order?

Is this the correct Batman order? Like title says, is this the correct Batman year one order?
submitted by Digess to batman [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 ImperatorJoni2 Fanatec GT Extreme Steering Wheel on DD2

submitted by ImperatorJoni2 to Fanatec [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 compiledbytes Bring earnings under £100k or invest?

Hi everyone, I'm in a bit of a pickle here as to what to do.
My earnings for this year are likely going to be pushed up to £160-£170k due to RSUs performing well. I have used around £17k ISA allowance this tax year and will be maxing this out by April. Due to me being now in the additional rate tax bracket, and wanting to avoid the £100k+ tax trap, I was thinking of selling the rest of my RSUs and putting that and most of the cash I have into my SIPP to bring down my income under £100k (I haven't fully used the pension allowance for the last tax year)
I want to know if this is a good idea as I could also invest into my S&S ISA or GIA instead in the next tax year. My thinking is that this might be the best time to put into my pension as it might be difficult to bring my income down to £100k in the future. However by doing so I'll be putting almost all of my savings till I get the tax relief which is making me feel uneasy, and I will get hit by more CGT if I sell the RSUs (I already sold half and need to pay CGT this tax year). I'm looking to coastFIRE by 35 and I feel locking this sum away into pensions might not be prudent.
I am leaning towards putting it all in my pension but would like to get any thoughts, thank you!
About me:
24, ISA (S&S): £41k, Pension: £21k, Cash: £10k Pots: £19k Bonds: £10k RSUs: £20k
submitted by compiledbytes to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 wineraq Contributed $13,000 too much to Roth 401(k)

I think it might be time to get a professional advisor. I have multiple income streams and seem to have contributed over $13,000 more than the $23,000 IRS limit to my Roth 401(k). I currently have two full-time salary jobs (one is remote/hybrid that requires very little in person work), and I'm also in the USAR.
Salary job #1 matches 5%, salary job #2 matches 4%, and then I also contribute to the military TSP (no match, but a high contribution rate). Of note, last October I quit one job and started another with a better salary, but the same match rate.
All this means I essentially have four W-2s from last year, and contributed to each respective Roth 401(k)… I know there are ways to take back the contributions as earned income, and I assume I should do the TSP first since there is no match, and then the rest from the lowest match job?
How does taking back my contributions affect the company match?
submitted by wineraq to FluentInFinance [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 let_gooob1 Hiii!

Hiii! You look good today 👍
submitted by let_gooob1 to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 BoostedDenmark Clear clutch cover for sv650?

I have a sv650 from 2019, is it possible to buy and mount a clear clutch cover?
submitted by BoostedDenmark to SVRiders [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 gayroma Pentru prima data dupa mult timp calea Dorobantilor din timisoara pe liniile de tramvai era aproape lipsita de masini parcate pe trotuar.

Inainte erau vreo 20 30 dintr-un capat in altul acum doar 2 am vazut si doar pe o sectiune. erau de asemenea masini parcate si la scara blocului la intrare in fata la mai multe blocuri. Din nu stiu ce motiv nu mai sunt. Sigur si amenzile au contribuit. Sesizari in Timisoara se fac online aici: folositi cu incredere site-ul iar pozele ajuta.
Ani in sir nu au fost niciodata atat de libere iar masinistii te si injurau pe tine pe trotuar ca ei nu pot sa parcheze.
Intr-adevar Robu ex primar a facut trotuarul imens mult prea mare si nu a plantat copaci pe o strada super tranzitata. Robu se si lauda ca sunt din ce in ce mai multe masini in oras ca si cum era un lucru bun. A taiat si mii de copaci fara sa puna nimic in loc la drumurile cele mai tranzitate. Robu de la PNL.
ce vroiam sa zic e ca pana in prezent au fost incurajati masinistii sa faca exact ce vor cum vor si tot ei sa se planga.
mesajul meu si pt orase unde pare ca nu se face ceva e sa insistati ca ajunge schimbarea si la voi. cand faceti plangeri, scrieti-le la primarie punctand lucrul evident ca amenzile intra in bugetele locale (eu asa stiu ca e, sper sa nu ma insel, altfel nu faceau aici la timisoara timpark-ul si nu investeau in masini cu camere care sa vada cine plateste parcarea si cine nu).
Altfel nu vad de ce politistii locali si-ar face datoria daca primaria nu ii preseaza. Nu stiu exact cum e in alte orase, poate ca primariile nu ii preseaza, poate amenzile nu ajung in bugetele locale?
solutia ultima nu sunt stalpisorii cred, in locul lor mai bine planteaza copaci. stiu ca nu chiar peste tot se poate copaci dar in multe locuri pot inlocui stalpisorii.
Si asa e masinistii nu au control de sine se vede. daca sunt lasati sunt in stare sa parcheze absolut peste tot si sa distruga tot fara mila.
De asemenea daca vrem ca mai multi oameni sa mearga cu mijloacele de transport in comun, cu bitza, trotineta, pe jos... nu putem sa incurajam masinile. In plus oamenii care chiar au nevoie vor da de strazi pline de masini si va fi infern in oras din ce in ce mai mult.
Ideea e ca pur si simplu nu se poate in Timisoara in Romania in Europa sa fie cum vor masinistii adica ca in America. Orasele Europene inclusiv cele din Romania pur si simplu nu sunt construite asa si nu avem nici resursele sa facem orase dispersate ca in america cu drumuri mari si parcari mari care costa mult sa le intretii anyway.
Parcarile supraetajate nu rezolva peste tot problema, caz aici in timisoara oamenii nu parcheaza la cele supraetajate (unde mai si platesti) ci tot cauta locuri sa parcheze unde pot in afara lor pe drum, pe trotuar daca nu sunt taxati...
Ele au sens in locurile din centru. In cartiere pur si simplu nu sunt locuri suficiente pt parcari supraetajate daca nu se pune si o taxa iar oamenii tot vor parca mai langa bloc sa vada masina.
deci revenind la mesaj continuati cu sesizarile dar va rog sa si punctati sa se planteze copaci pentru a rezolva problema si sa nu mai poata fizic parca masinistii sa ii ajutam sa respecte legea.
Scopul nostru nu cred ca e sa dam o ploaie de amenzi la masinisti si sa incurajam comportamentele negative
submitted by gayroma to fuckcarsRomania [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 fatemilyy I’m not having a bajajajaja blast rn.

I’m not having a bajajajaja blast rn. submitted by fatemilyy to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 sidewinderrr76 EVERSOLO DMP-6 Humming

Please be gentle. 1 year into being an audiophile so I don't know everything. However 30 years in tech and AV.
I'm having issues with my Eversolo DMP-6. Not matter how many cables I try, I constantly keep getting a humming noise from the right channel.
I am not using any cheap cables as well. I have tried COAX, RCA unbalanced and unbalanced and cannot get rid of the humming. It's very noticeable.
I have wiped the system clean and done a firmware upgrade, the issue persists.
I also noticed that its the DMP-6 because when I turn on my turntable and switch inputs to AUX where my Bellari VP129 phono stage is using the AUX to my Emotiva TA1 amplifier. The humming stops the moment I take the eversolo off the chain.
My turntable is whisper quiet. I have unplugged all devices re-grounded everything and the only time I ever get the humming is when I remove the eversolo from the chain.
I also start to play music and the hum also goes away. When I switch back to my turntable the humming starts and I turn off the eversolo and the humming starts again.
It's clearly the Eversolo that is causing a humming issue, whether digital COAX or unbalanced RCA. This problem has happened since I got the unit. I also moved the unit separately from all my components and same issue as well as it being connected to power conditioner using Audioquest Big Sur interconnects RCA cables and a AudioQuest NRG-X3 Power Cable to make sure the power-run is clean
Wondering if I am missing anything or if anyone has run into tthis exact issue. I have reached out to support but have not heard back yet so wanted to ask in the group if anyone has run into that specifcally wiith the DMP-6. Its driving me nuts
submitted by sidewinderrr76 to hifiaudio [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 Academic-Ad-3677 What happened to the concept of Peak Oil?

submitted by Academic-Ad-3677 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 No_Western4956 I hate this game

I hate this game
submitted by No_Western4956 to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 Chance-Bite-7442 Before and after 2 yrs, Sir Pong I.

Before and after 2 yrs, Sir Pong I. submitted by Chance-Bite-7442 to aww [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 Reconsume i have a star treat should i use it on any of these bees or save it?

i have a star treat should i use it on any of these bees or save it?
submitted by Reconsume to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 sheldonalpha5 **No Comment**

**No Comment** submitted by sheldonalpha5 to Mulk_e_Kashmir [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 khryne333 Dial of Destiny Ending

Watched Dial of Destiny just now and just wanted to say that they mucked up the ending. It would have been perfect if Indy stayed and lived in the past instead of going home! It’s got to be every archaeologist’s dream to live out in history itself.
Anyone agree it would have been better for him to stay in the past?
submitted by khryne333 to indianajones [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 Dubiouswhitefish Bad starter motor diagnosis

Hi all,
I think the starter motor is gone on my Mitsubishi Lancer GS2 2011.
It won't turn over whatsoever, the starter seemed to be working fine right up until I tried it last and I can hear a whirring noise like maybe the solenoid is spinning but not being locked out to engage the engine gear?
I have tested the battery with a multimeter and it's reading about 12.2 volts, should be fine to start on...
I just don't want to buy a new starter only to find it's not that that's the problem.
Is there anything else I could do to be sure it is the SM?
submitted by Dubiouswhitefish to AskMechanics [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 jazzpertray Skiing with the locs out!

Skiing with the locs out! submitted by jazzpertray to locs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 jcnardonejr LOOKOUT. STOLEN CARDS. If you see these cards FS/FT... This POS u/LebronWangz stole these cards from me. 🥲

submitted by jcnardonejr to sportscardsforsale [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 Every_Quail_1553 Ai plays hit again, starting to find my rhythm with this system, might need to stay between 3-4 legg

Ai plays hit again, starting to find my rhythm with this system, might need to stay between 3-4 legg
submitted by Every_Quail_1553 to PrizePicks [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 musicncats 36 [F4F] #online Just bored, but I have some random thoughts bouncing around

Have you ever had a random idea pop into your head that you can't seem to get rid of?
That's me right now. Life has been a shit show lately and it's looking like it'll stay that way for awhile. In the meantime I just want to feel alive, you know?
I also have these random thoughts about things I'm into, or might be into. And as weird as it sounds, have you ever had someone close to you going through it worse than you are, and you don't know how to make things better for them?
Maybe someone can help me with some of that.
I'm super into music, writing, gaming, tv, and going to the gym. I'm not looking for anything serious right now, but I'd love a chat.
submitted by musicncats to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 World784w lost and going through grief

I don’t know any other way to explain this without rambling so I’m gonna try and get to the points here.
My ex fiancé only since beginning of January ran off with our 6 month old baby and has got back together with her ex and left the country (Scotland) to (England) she suddenly overnight abandoned her flat and pets and left and never came back. The SSPCA had to break down her door to save the animals after 10 days. She made very big life changing decisions and didn’t even consider the legalities of taking the kid away from the father. I’m broken to pieces I haven’t seen my daughter in 3 weeks now and I’m not sure how to recover from someone actually abusing me and then doing all this and suddenly leaving overnight. We were engaged and had a holiday booked, we went though some rough times due to the un treated bipolar and me being wore down over time but we were still good. I’m so confused and trying to understand what’s going on.
During my time with her she told me she had Bipolar 1 disorder and compulsive lying. Through out our relationship she’s had major situations out of nowhere with me where she is violent, physically assaults me, makes false accusations, locks me in the house, threatens I will never see the child and takes ownership over the kid. We have shared parental responsibilities but the baby lives with her for last few months by themselves as things were getting so intense she was really traumatising me. She is able to cover enough to social services that she’s doing ok but even they are concerned about how she has left and how she is acting. The situation is so complicated to understand but I have never once even touched her or even responded when she has assaulted me I can’t wrap my head around someone lying about me abusing them when they have been doing that to me and I stayed because I loved her and the baby but now she is lying and saying she left because I threatened her and the babies safety which has never happened, I feel like it’s to justify her actions she’s making up lies to get away with it but I also think it could be a manic episode and maybe a dilusion? Im not sure but she doesn’t take her prescribed meds at all so that doesn’t help and she lies about it.
I don't know how to explain what im feeling losing a baby overnight that you were a part of every day life with and the mother of your child point blank saying things to me and others that didnt happen. I've noticed before when she has started acting with similar behavourial patterns she seems to create a new social circle to keep her own narrative and from anyone finding out the other side I don't know if this is common but its happened a few times. Shes never ran off with the baby and i trusted hr thinking things had changed but was maybe naive as she wasnt taking meds, and because at times of social work visits she can present ok its only the background where the rest of the time she is either escalating out of nowhere, being violent or threatening, or needs care to quite a deep level such as cleaners being paid to upkeep her flat and also I pay for hr washing to be done for her and baby as she wont do it otherwise and runs out of clean clothes. gas and electricity too she has ran out multiple times in the peak of winter with baby and I am always the one making sure things are ok.
I have fear and worry for her decision making at the moment and somehow her bank account was shut (proof has been shown) so I know she doesnt have easy access to money ad has abandoned all her things so im really confused as to the way shes thinking because theres alot more but I won't type that shows things arent adding up. If it wasnt for my daughter I think I would be accpeting she doesnt want help and this could keep happening until she accepts help and they find the RIGHT medication but im so worried for my daughter too.
submitted by World784w to family_of_bipolar [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 ThatThingBleedingB Capitao Obscure Headgear with Ember Rise Uniform

Capitao Obscure Headgear with Ember Rise Uniform submitted by ThatThingBleedingB to R6SiegeFashionAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:53 TotalPainter7150 OS 2 : crushing the competition

submitted by TotalPainter7150 to ObjectShows [link] [comments]