Investera 10.000kr/månad

2025.02.01 19:02 VenourGaming Investera 10.000kr/månad

Hej kära Privatekonomiare,
Som rubriken lyder så har jag 10.000kr per månad att investera, hur borde jag dela upp det? Just nu har jag bara delat upp de lika mycket pengar i varje fond.
Jag tänker mig 2500kr på en globalfond 2500kr avanza zero 2500kr spiltan aktiefond investmentbolag och 2500kr swedbank robur technology.
Jag är ganska oerfaren men vill bara göra det så enkelt och ganska safe som möjligt.
submitted by VenourGaming to PrivatEkonomi [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 Tall_Potential_5432 Need something similar to inova beast

I have inova beast and was looking for some drivers around the same speed with just a little more stability. Any suggestions?
submitted by Tall_Potential_5432 to discgolf [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 Aggressive_Ad_4844 PATRICK MAHOMES 2017 PANINI CONTENDERS TICKETS DP #15 PSA 10 GEM MINT RC $400

submitted by Aggressive_Ad_4844 to footballcards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 BidRevolutionary4008 Alguien conoce a Belky Arizala?

La conocí y no sé porque pero siento que está mujer solo es una finjidera y la gente ya no la admira (ni la conocen) pero se comporta y cobra por sus servicios como si así fuera. Siento que hoy en día solo quiere encajar en la farándula colombiana pero nunca ha hecho parte de ella en realidad y aunque tenga sus propios negocios sigue dependiendo de los más grandes que ella (que la emplean) y se nota mucho que la mayoría de sus "principios" son copias exactas de los principios de la otra gente con la que se rodea, pero esos principios no le encajan a ella. Aparte no es para nada humilde, tiene un ego increíblemente negativo y es súper vende humo. Sigue aún enganchada en la idea de que las modelos de alta costura necesitan profesores, cuando el modelaje para empezar va en decaída y aunque las reinas de belleza si necesitan profesores, ella no ha promovido ni una en los últimos años. Las nenas que se inscriben en su academia las conocí y note rápidamente que son generalmente chicas con baja autoestima que buscan en el modelaje un refugio para sentirse bien pero cuando toman seguridad personal se salen porque se dan cuenta que no vale la pena y es mejor entrar a un agencia de verdad que les pague por modelar, porque en la de Belky apenas les cobran por estar ahí. En fin vende humo es que finje popularidad, personalidad, profesionalidad, valores, principios y superioridad hasta que algunos se lo crean pero no tiene nada de eso en la realidad. Pero en fin... Quien ya la conocía?
submitted by BidRevolutionary4008 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 habagat10 Varia AKU [$99] vs AKU mini [$149]

I’ve been using cheap kitchen scale that I’ve own for years and it is having a problem and time to retire it. I set aside a budget to buy a scale dedicated for espresso and I stumble with varia aku. At first I like it because of the accuracy and sensitivity then I saw the mini. Aside from Size is there any other big diff? Is the 50 bucks difference worth it or just go with old AKU? Thanks!🙂
submitted by habagat10 to espresso [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 MadMort Irene, Bae Joo-hyun, RED VELVET [3440x1440]

Irene, Bae Joo-hyun, RED VELVET [3440x1440] submitted by MadMort to KWalls [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 josylad Hiring: Advokat/advokatfullmektig at Gjensidige

Gjensidige is hiring a Advokat/advokatfullmektig
Location: Oslo, Norway
Advokat/advokatfullmektig Rekvisisjons-ID: 2123 Ansettelsestype: Fulltid Sted: OSLO, NO, 0191 Avdeling: Forsikringsjuridisk Gjensidige er et ledende nordisk forsikringsselskap som er et av de største selskapene på Oslo Børs med om lag 3800 medarbeidere i Norge, Sverige, Danmark og Baltikum. I Norge tilbyr vi også pensjon og sparing. Hos oss kan du være med på å sikre flere liv, mer helse og større verdier enn hos noen andre forsikringsselskaper i landet.
I Gjensidige engasjerer vi oss i kundene våre, og i bærekraftige løsninger. Fremtiden avhenger av at vi forvalter verdiene
Learn More and Apply:
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 duhlainawatt Rain dyed spirals

Rain dyed spirals Rain dyed rainbow spirals for a local business, dyed on a slight incline
submitted by duhlainawatt to tiedye [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 TaibhseSD Possible chase...really considering opening it to find out.

Possible chase...really considering opening it to find out. One of the Pops I picked up from Funko Hollywood this weekend. I'm seriously considering breaking the seal to see if it's the elusive metal chase. But, I'm torn on whether to do so.
Gotta love these weird conundrums. Lol
submitted by TaibhseSD to funkopop [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 BeachBrew Royal Rumble at the COSM LA

Anybody going today for the hour preview? Heard after the first hour you can watch the rest of the rumble at the BaHall
submitted by BeachBrew to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 hunegypt A poster announcing the upcoming protest in London against Donald Trump’s criminal plan to deport Palestinians from Gaza.

A poster announcing the upcoming protest in London against Donald Trump’s criminal plan to deport Palestinians from Gaza. submitted by hunegypt to Palestine [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 loveduck_99 Só vou ser respeitada se eu mudar

Sou M24 e sou gorda não padrão.
Tenho uma bundona empinada, mas tenho uma barriga grande, e sei que os homens me acham nojenta, nao feminina e feia por isso..
Isso me magoa muito. Estou tentando emagrecer a 3 anos, e só a ideia de que os homens só vão me enxergar se eu for MAGRA me deixa mais desanimada ainda, pois só magras tem valor pra eles.
Não importa se eu tb curto video game, sair pra comer, curtir um filme, viajar e coisas bacanas, não importa se eu sou hiperfeminina, que uso salto alto, me depilo, use perfumes bons (e nada dessas coisas enjoativas como egeo), nada disso importa. Eu sou gorda e barriguda.
Eu vou continuar sendo desumanizada pelos homens pq eu sou gorda, e nenhum cara gatinho e minimamente legal vai me querer.
submitted by loveduck_99 to desabafosdavida [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 lemkowidmak @DelawareMBB: RT @joeyd812: This afternoon it is great to be in West Long Branch, NJ see @MonmouthBBall v @DelawareMBB ! @CAASports ~ “UNITED IN EXCELLE…

@DelawareMBB: RT @joeyd812: This afternoon it is great to be in West Long Branch, NJ see @MonmouthBBall v @DelawareMBB ! @CAASports ~ “UNITED IN EXCELLE… submitted by lemkowidmak to BlueHens [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 HisDishwasher i hate how the games are set up (for episode 9)

votings and self sacrifice are already boring enough and hard to watch. but for the greediest person to have the highest advantage is just not it. it should have been the opposite where the person who took the least money has the most advantage, whatever game it is. or just play an actual fair game
submitted by HisDishwasher to BeastGames [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 Lower_Bodybuilder425 Winery recommendations

Looking for suggestions for wine tasting and lunch .. any thoughts on Castello di Verrazzano or Agricola Tamburini Emanuela?
submitted by Lower_Bodybuilder425 to florence [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 GranataReddit12 All cheaters live here

All cheaters live here submitted by GranataReddit12 to osubuddyretard [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 Keyboardwarrior_1 Drifted and bent my trailing and toe arms

Drifted and bent my trailing and toe arms I was drifting about a month ago and hit a curb. Luckily there’s no frame damage only the wheel was bent outward from the top. I recently removed the bad arms and replaced them, however one of the arms won’t line up on both sides how it should. If I put the bolt in from one side it appears to be too long on the other as seen in the pictures. What can I do to fix this issue. I want to get everything back together and start driving again. Please help😭.
submitted by Keyboardwarrior_1 to BmwTech [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 Crazy_Sherbert9151 Learnings from building a 100m business in the Philippines

Hi everyone! I couldn't sleep so I decided to look back on my journey building a 100m peso business in the Philippines and just wanted to share the things I learned

  1. Revenue != Profit
  1. Having multiple business partners could be a disadvantage.
  1. Owning your own business isn't always better than being employed.
Hope this helps other aspiring entrepreneurs. Feel free to comment questions and I'll try to answer to the best of my abilities.
submitted by Crazy_Sherbert9151 to phinvest [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 lemkowidmak @DelawareMBB: RT @EddyOnAir: Saturday Matinee #CAAHoops 🏀Join me & @JoeVasilePBP for the call of @DelawareMBB at @MonmouthBBall at 2pm ET on @SNYtv/@NB…

@DelawareMBB: RT @EddyOnAir: Saturday Matinee #CAAHoops 🏀Join me & @JoeVasilePBP for the call of @DelawareMBB at @MonmouthBBall at 2pm ET on @SNYtv/@NB… submitted by lemkowidmak to BlueHens [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 DreamPirates Nikki Tamboli Marathi Actress #nikkitamboli

Nikki Tamboli Marathi Actress #nikkitamboli submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 -Tuesday Give me your best One Piece IRL pics!

Give me your best One Piece IRL pics! submitted by -Tuesday to MemePiece [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 Hour-Hawk2716 What’s your opinion on sunil not getting selected?

I believe h
submitted by Hour-Hawk2716 to Roadies_Mtv [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 SeboFiveThousand Where is the construction module, can only launch from Earth?

I don't see a construction module anywhere, on habs or stations. Feel like I'm going mad, I've managed establish 2 bases on Luna and a station in LEO, along with a single station above Ceres. I can't work out how to bring down the travel time or cost between these sectors, everything just launches from earth. I have a space dock built in my Earth LEO station, and one in my Luna hab - everything still seems to launch from Earth.
Know it's going to be something stupid I've missed, know my run is already cooked by not making it onto Mars, my hope was monopolising Ceres and then beelining for Mercury, but I can't seem to find my way around this issue. Any helpers?
submitted by SeboFiveThousand to TerraInvicta [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 eric4280 Mock Draft 1.0

Mock Draft 1.0 No trades for now*. Mykel’s ideal landing spot.
submitted by eric4280 to MockDraftCentral [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:02 PositiveChard7376 221263787632

221263787632 submitted by PositiveChard7376 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]