H: Runner’s W: PinPointer’s

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2025.02.01 19:01 ImAPickleMorty96 H: Runner’s W: PinPointer’s

submitted by ImAPickleMorty96 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 TucoZizou10 Any budget friendly but good cat food? We use scrambles but it does add up..

Mainly looking for something that’s healthy for our cat but not unhealthy for our money 😅
No additives and preservatives etc
Thank you
submitted by TucoZizou10 to UK_Pets [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Prdalo Zasedba risanke Palček David

Zasedba risanke Palček David submitted by Prdalo to Slovenia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 No_Wealth4431 White monster effect no. 50...

White monster effect no. 50... submitted by No_Wealth4431 to monsterenergy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 friki_drixo666 Hyperfixation is wild

Hyperfixation is wild I used to hate him as soon as I saw the series, but now I love him and I don't know why 😭
submitted by friki_drixo666 to squidgame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Jwhachadoin taiji spirals, golf, quarterbacks and the interconnectedness of all things?

Hi everybody! I am trying to grasp some underlying general concepts of body sequencing and power generation. I'm new to taiji (chen style), and along with yoga, it's been my first door into mind-body practices. I'm not trying to "look ahead" to try to hurry my development, just a deeply curious person. So, I keep hearing everybody talk about these spirals! spiral energies, silk reeling, jin...I have the vaguest grasp that (please correct me) it is essentially transferring energy smoothly and efficiently to and from different parts of your body. networked connections in your musculature and facia fluidly generating->transmitting->receiving->transmitting waves of power from root to x? something like this?
I conceive of this like the way water rolls, slaps up against the coast or your bathtub. Or if I whip a length of rope, it rolls and spirals out along the length...Is this something?
I'm also a passionate (terrible) golfer. Once in a blue moon, I'll hit a gorgeous drive, and i feel that the energy effortless coursed thru my body, the club, into and thru the ball. This guy (I know he's intense) seems to drive at this essence here.
also a big football fan! never played, but again, deeply curious.
I understand (I believe) that the best throwing motions are transferring the maximum amount of ground force from your root, up thru your knees n legs, your hips, torso, shoulders, elbow, wrist and finally to fingertips!
But anyway, I guess I wonder, are these things all the same thing? I'm painting in the broadest of strokes! of course, I know Tom Brady wasn't generating jin/short power (or was he? you can tell me different), and I know the only way to actually study taiji is the careful study, practice, and stacking of fine layers of every form.
But maybe y'all can shed some light on the taiji side of things. Appreciate y'all!
submitted by Jwhachadoin to taijiquan [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 eclectic-sceptic For the dainty ring lovers

For the dainty ring lovers Picked up my ring yesterday and I’m so happy with how it turned out 🥹
submitted by eclectic-sceptic to EngagementRings [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Main-Champion-2256 Hnd Merit List

Anyone who applied?
submitted by Main-Champion-2256 to NUST [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Impressive_Issue_881 Where should i post this?

Where should i post this? submitted by Impressive_Issue_881 to LostRedditor [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Y2dgJulC9H Anyone Hoarding data.gov?

Heard recently there were some datasets removed. Anyone had these ?
submitted by Y2dgJulC9H to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 YumxYummy Chaeyoung

Chaeyoung submitted by YumxYummy to twicemedia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 contentexplorer55 Texas: No heirs, $3M estate, need immediate post-divorce plan with long-term flexibility

Hi y’all -
My divorce is about to finalize. I currently have no heirs and want to ensure nothing goes to my ex or biological family in case of an untimely death in the immediate future.
My questions are: * Should I set up a trust for the long-term? * How expensive is it? * What can I set up in 1-2 weeks to keep away from “defaults”?
My estate includes $1-2M in cash + 401k + stocks/bonds, $2-3M in life insurance
I’m in my late 30s, current forecast of $5M by 50 excluding life insurance.
My goals are: * Immediate: change will, remove ex as beneficiary in all accounts, avoid “default” of my parents/siblings * Near-term: Universities (but want flexibility?) * Long-term: Non-profits + potential future heirs
One alternative would be to leave to a very close friend, but I really want to avoid an awkward and depressing conversation with <0.01% chance of relevance.
submitted by contentexplorer55 to EstatePlanning [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 flowerhoney10 Jimi Hendrix - Hear My Train A Comin' [12:09]

Jimi Hendrix - Hear My Train A Comin' [12:09] submitted by flowerhoney10 to longerjams [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 IAppreciateKeyboards AULA Hero 68HE ?

Does anyone have any info on the AULA Hero 68HE ? looks like a made68 but wayyyy cheaper
submitted by IAppreciateKeyboards to keyboards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Rebellion_Protocol Will Crypto.com remove Tether and 9 other tokens in Europe by Jan. 31?

Crypto.com just slapped a wild bear in its face by waving a bye to Tether (USDT) and other nine tokens, causing ripples of uncertainty across the European market. Why, you ask? It turns out that they're trying to snuggle in and comply with MiCA regulations in the region. This bold move could shake-up the portfolios of those wonderfully naive USDT fans, possibly causing a market dip, but hey - we all know the crypto folks are resilient enough to roll with the punches. How will you handle this curveball? Genuinely enjoyed reading this ride of crypto chaos? Show some love, drop a comment, or give this post an Upvote.
submitted by Rebellion_Protocol to DailyLedger [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Grclbz Ψηφίστε : Ιωάννα Μαλέσκου ή Κωνσταντίνα Σπυροπούλου;

submitted by Grclbz to GreekbaddiesSFW [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Heinz_doof_enshmirtz Is this a keloid or an infected bump? Do i use a cortisone cream or sea salt/saline? (Ps: ignore my fingers)

This is my 3rd lobe tbh v weird position because of my anatomy (i have small ears so the cartilage is closer hence i “think” the problem) i got this done WITH my 2nd lobe which is healing fine no bumps, cleaned them both with saline for the first 2 weeks. No these r not my first piercings its the 1st time a bump has gotten so big, yes pus and blood. Is a heavy steriod cream course the best option for me or do i keep cleaning it with saline?
submitted by Heinz_doof_enshmirtz to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Spoodhood I just made this What do should we call him

I just made this What do should we call him It's catalog avatar of you wanna know. My Roblox friend invited me to it
submitted by Spoodhood to MoonPissing [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Sole_Seeker_ Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence submitted by Sole_Seeker_ to CelebPortraits [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Eric_playzz Best of Chuckle Sandwich?

It would be cool to see a best of video from across the whole series, compiling all the best moments and jokes. Only problem is this would probably take forever since there’s so many episodes and specials to go thru.
submitted by Eric_playzz to ChuckleSandwich [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 jeenoona Light Bulb Replacement

Hello! I have a ceiling fan that seems to have used CFL light bulbs. Can I just switch it out to a LED bulb or am I limited to CFLs?
submitted by jeenoona to electricians [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Tarrdom WB Dialga - 441512069130 - 2 locals

WB Dialga - 441512069130 - 2 locals submitted by Tarrdom to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Aspasc "Special" Pokémon

Hey, this is my first post in this community and I wanted to ask if there is a list of rare or special Pokémon from the manga, anime or spin-off games somewhere. By rare/special Pokémon I mean, for example, Crystal Onix, Thu-Fi-Zer (fusion of Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres) or Shadow Lugia
submitted by Aspasc to pokemon [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Own_Frosting_8051 ALT and AST

ALT and AST Is this overly concerning? I'm female 34 years - wine drinker
submitted by Own_Frosting_8051 to TheLiverDoc [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:01 Lapis-lad What are oil sticks like?

What are oil sticks like? I’m intrigued
submitted by Lapis-lad to oilpainting [link] [comments]
