Healer Main Question?

2025.02.01 23:04 Mindless_Solid_1018 Healer Main Question?

Decided to be healing main but I currently have limited experience with most cast as I primarily use C&D or Sue what are some tips to improve my play in this role and what other healer fill the role better for different objective types.
submitted by Mindless_Solid_1018 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 AutoModerator /r/Serbia ženski kutak - (women's corner) - Feb 02, 2025

S porastom ženskog dela članova na serbia odlučili smo da pružimo zasebnu temu tom delu bredita.
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submitted by AutoModerator to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 _willm Melody will represent Spain 🇪🇸 with the song “Esa diva” at Eurovision 2025.

Melody will represent Spain 🇪🇸 with the song “Esa diva” at Eurovision 2025. submitted by _willm to eurovision [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 Velocity141 Can anyone try and diagnose my finger injury out of curiosity?

A little over 3 months ago while warming up on a 25mm edge I felt a pop in the palm of my hand below my ring finger. I felt a lot of discomfort but stupidly finished my climbing session while remaining in denial of the injury I had received
I never got an X-Ray/MRI but was wondering if this could have been an A1 pulley injury or Lumbrical tear.
The past couple of weeks I started working out again as even pull ups felt uncomfortable until now.
My 3 finger drag on my injured hand still feels very tender and I’m slowly making progress but it feels like if I were to ever commit to a move being 3 finger drag I could easily tear it again. I also think doing heavy weighted pull up workouts contributed to my injury.
If I use all 4 of my fingers on a 15-20mm edge I feel completely fine from half crimp to open. I’ve been following some rehab exercises daily and about to start climbing again in about a week on lower leveled climbs until my hand feels fully healed.
Enough time has passed where I don’t think it matters which injury it was but does anything stand out to what it could have been?
I would like to also add 2 finger holds involving my injured hand are a no go and at the right angle there is a very sharp pain that goes throughout my entire ring finger. When I felt the initial pop I felt it almost 1in to 1 1/2in inches below the base of my ring finger
submitted by Velocity141 to ClimbingInjuries [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 timenowaits 5 startup ideas which I will not promote.

I’ve build an AI problem finder on Reddit. I struggled to find pain points and saw a lot of relevant posts on Reddit. So decided to try an AI search here is the output:

What do you think of these ideas?
submitted by timenowaits to startups [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 autumn_in_lavender My husband just don’t want it

My husband (40m) and I (36f) have been together over 10 years and we have 2 kids. Apart from physical, we have great relationship, we still hold hands when shopping, text and chat daily. However, he DOESN’T want it, the reason is simply he has LL. Sadly, I’m not on the same boat and he knows that. He said I’m still very attractive, indeed, some guys approached me at work. He told me that he didn’t mind if I found my way to get the satisfaction. I don’t want to cheat on him, but can’t stay my life without sex. What should I do
submitted by autumn_in_lavender to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 isuckthighs-tiktok Fishnets are so comfy!

Fishnets are so comfy! submitted by isuckthighs-tiktok to femboy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 Manatsuu Manatsu sat and stared at me like this for an hour to try and get a treat

Manatsu sat and stared at me like this for an hour to try and get a treat submitted by Manatsuu to shiba [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 CosmicHug Cute Snake in Traditional Chinese Frame - Year of the Snake 2025 🐍🌟🎉🐲 Coloring Page

Cute Snake in Traditional Chinese Frame - Year of the Snake 2025 🐍🌟🎉🐲 Coloring Page submitted by CosmicHug to colorfun [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 EngineeringDry1577 New dwarf gourami! Name suggestions welcome

New dwarf gourami! Name suggestions welcome Before anyone mentions it, yes I am aware of DGIV and poor genetics.
submitted by EngineeringDry1577 to Gourami [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 ion_ice No hot water to single handle faucet

The hot water pressure in my kitchen seemed low. I turned the valve off then back on and since then zero hot water has come out. Hot water is going to the dishwasher. I checked all other connections and confirmed hot water comes out at least to this point where it meets the faucet.
I don’t have much experience and I don’t want to have to take the faucet out. Is there anything else I can try? Also since the nut holding the faucet seems to be set in, I haven’t even been able to get a wrench around it even if I wanted to.
submitted by ion_ice to PlumbingRepair [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 mentalcore666 pickup mounting ring recommendations

i've had this guitar for a long time and i bought it used, so the pickup mounts have been cracked since the beginning, but i'm doing some repairs on it and i want to replace them. would it matter which kind i got, or is there a specific brand/model that would fit best ? this is my first time buying new parts so i wanna make sure im not doing anything stupid. it's a schecter synyster gates custom-s with (i believe) seymour duncan invader pickups.
submitted by mentalcore666 to Guitar [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 P_Alcantara Looking for system help.

I’ve played Knights Tale, and it runs perfectly fine on my older PC. I saw Legion 9 was on sale for 5 euro, and it has the same system requirements, but doesnt run well. It’s very “laggy” and unresponsive. Any help on solutions would be appreciated, I am an older gamer, so please put it in words I might be able to understand.
submitted by P_Alcantara to KnightsTaleGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 Direct-Committee-994 Joyabuy spreadsheet (Balenci, Rick, ERD, Number Nine and much more!!!!!)

submitted by Direct-Committee-994 to JoyabuyOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 NyambeFarm Got the Boguns for Christmas and they have quickly become my favourite pair of boots

Fit Details: Rick Owens Bogun Boots, Acne Studio Jeans, Leather jacket, blazer, sex pistols tee, plain white tee
submitted by NyambeFarm to Rickowens [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 Topdigitalmarketing2 Die Besten Immobilienmakler Leipzig 2025 | ExplodingBrands

submitted by Topdigitalmarketing2 to ExplodingBrands [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 curbicon We all have preferences

We all have preferences submitted by curbicon to bassvictim [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 loljaryd My wife's favorite perfume broke, need help finding a replacement

Hey I'm hoping someone can help me out here. My wife really loves La Belle parfum (the one with black on top and red on bottom) but I'm struggling to find a replacement for her. Do you guys know where I can purchase this version for her?
submitted by loljaryd to FemFragLab [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 W1nkle2 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by W1nkle2 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 CosmicHug Cute Snake in Traditional Chinese Frame - Year of the Snake 2025 🐍🌟🎉🐲 Coloring Page

Cute Snake in Traditional Chinese Frame - Year of the Snake 2025 🐍🌟🎉🐲 Coloring Page submitted by CosmicHug to rainbowcoloringpages [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 nexus_WarZone Women: Know Your Limits! Harry Enfield - BBC comedy

Women: Know Your Limits! Harry Enfield - BBC comedy submitted by nexus_WarZone to SmugAlana [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 guntroid Calls 911 to “deport” people, then goes to jail for several charges.

Calls 911 to “deport” people, then goes to jail for several charges. submitted by guntroid to LeopardsAteMyFace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 SueZoe Ying's company during lonely days

Cat photos
submitted by SueZoe to blogs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 BigGoon101 Dae hound🔒(sweepers/ttgz/✈️) damn I ain’t know sweeps been locked in wit drilly’s,rpt and 800 I thought they all just met like 2 years ago

Dae hound🔒(sweepers/ttgz/✈️) damn I ain’t know sweeps been locked in wit drilly’s,rpt and 800 I thought they all just met like 2 years ago submitted by BigGoon101 to nycdrill [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:04 Commercial-Hat398 New Uro Setup

New Uro Setup New 36x18x18 setup for my smaller male . All the rock structures and wood are on the base so its nice and stable. Substrate is about 30 % excavator clay 30% sand 30% dirt 10% river rocks. It should hopefully let him dig really well compared to the just sand and dirt i had last time. I also added a base layer of river rocks to try and stop him from digging into the glass and a pseudo drainage layer for whatever moisture is in there. Basking spot ranges from about 105 to just below 130. Im super happy about it Hes still a little stressed about the move so havent gotten any pictures of him in it besides that one haha :).
submitted by Commercial-Hat398 to Uromastyx [link] [comments]
