Can I move onto my next tray?

2025.02.02 01:50 FinancialCountry9808 Can I move onto my next tray?

I’m on my first tray, I got it 9 days ago. My next appointment is on Feb 25th where I’ll get attachments and my 4th tray. I’ve been told to change my first 3 trays so I have them for equal amount of time, and once attachments come, change it weekly. This worked out 10-11 days for each of the first 3 trays. My first tray isn’t looking very nice anymore and it’s not as tight anymore. Do you think I can change onto tray 2 and ring my dentist to try to bring the appointment forward? I don’t want to keep wearing a tray that’s not tight anymore and doesn’t look fresh, but if I put tray 2 in now and then can’t change my appointment then I’ll have my 3rd tray on for like 2 weeks 😭😭😭 I don’t know whether to wait for tray 2 or just put it in now.
submitted by FinancialCountry9808 to Invisalign [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Due-Lack-803 Stellar Crown v Shrouded Fable

These are currently the most 'available' sets in the UK from my experience - what I'm seeing recently is a HUGE push for sales on Shrouded Fable, notably the SF Pokemon Center ETB has actually had around a 40% increase of REVIEWS in a week; all 5 stars, praising Shrouded to high heavens. Stellar Crown looks like it's stagnating somewhat, despite having stronger chases. Is it FOMO or a targeted pump to make Shrouded Fable seem more appealing?
submitted by Due-Lack-803 to PokemonTCG_UK [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 YouthElegant Starting from scratch

I want to start a scaven army from scratch ! I don’t have budget constraints as I have been saving for a new army. Would appreciate any help on a solid goal for a 2000 point army!!
Thanks in advance !
submitted by YouthElegant to skaven [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 UsernameChosen28 If this post is up, join the lobby - 109775244237953406

Discord - jubilant_moose_34408
submitted by UsernameChosen28 to Muck3Dgame [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Couldonlyhappentome My take on Gamora,GOTG 💚

My take on Gamora,GOTG 💚 submitted by Couldonlyhappentome to CosplayForEveryone [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Electronic_Cattle673 Her latest video about sitting alone in silence and eating in a car, fake content for views

like you have a huge mansion, with a huge tables to eat on them, only 1 kid and a husband who probably lays silently on a couch all day like what are you talking about? Why would you eat alone in a car? I’m so tired of influencers making a fake content (that is stolen from small creators who really lives like that) to seem relatable
submitted by Electronic_Cattle673 to emiliekisersnark1 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Medium-Area5538 boost4boost

Andrew-Adorador I have 4 for this month and will boost back
submitted by Medium-Area5538 to chimeboost [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 No_Major_2880 Roblox bfdi

Roblox bfdi Regretevator
submitted by No_Major_2880 to bfdi [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Unlikely_Finish_8473 Eviction for nonpayment

I got an eviction notice for non payment of Dec-Jan. It said in parentheses "and late payments". My court date is the 7th. I do not owe for December and I had just payed for January the day before I received the notice. I have only been late for December and January due to loss of work hours. Is there anything I can do. I live in Texas and I've never gone thru anything like this. Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by Unlikely_Finish_8473 to TenantHelp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 LUIGIISREAL2017 Why doesn't Mabel ever sacrifice HER own happiness for Dipper's?!

submitted by LUIGIISREAL2017 to gravityfalls [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Disastrous-Care3538 happydad.jpg

happydad.jpg submitted by Disastrous-Care3538 to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Autistoio What continent are you homosapians accommodated inside of

submitted by Autistoio to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 junjoz Why did the PFL buy Bellator?

At this point it seems like a complete waste of money. For the most part their own events haven't become any more stacked. The Bellator v PFL champions event was cool but beyond that they really haven't taken advantage of an expanded roster. They've pissed off a lot of Bellator fighters and cut ties with them. Fighters who could have easily been inserted into one of their tournaments and done very well if not outright win the entire thing. What was the point? They killed off another promotion, one that was more popular than they were, and basically did nothing with it. This is such a disappointment.
submitted by junjoz to MMA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 SuccessNew74 23f need new friends to chat with and share reels I love marvel/dc I’m excited for new superman movie I’m a traveller

I’m down to exchange our ig’s and become friends on ig who can yap and share funny reels or just discuss anything you like
submitted by SuccessNew74 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Jaded_Letterhead2615 16M looking for female friend or just anyone to chat

Hi my name is Tom, I’m looking for friends to chat, talk when I’m bored or sad my age preferably a female cuz idk lol. I’m 16yo from Poland, I enjoy playing games, I collect hotwheels and lego. I’m also really into fashion so i design and sew clothes. Hmu anyone around my age and maybe simillar hobbies but I’d be more than happy if just someone would text me lol
submitted by Jaded_Letterhead2615 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Chart-trader VIX monthly chart: Don't take this too serious but I justfound it again. The trensline starts in 2017 and up to last two months we always bounced from the trendline. We breached it. However the January candle could become a reversal pattern if volatility goes crazy in February.

VIX monthly chart: Don't take this too serious but I justfound it again. The trensline starts in 2017 and up to last two months we always bounced from the trendline. We breached it. However the January candle could become a reversal pattern if volatility goes crazy in February. submitted by Chart-trader to Beat_the_benchmark [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 AndShadow anybody got firefox on infotainment yet?

hello everyone,
has anyone followed kyle's github yet by chance and successfully done it and can assist me?
I have been trying for many weeks now and cannot successfully complete this from the android studio parts. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
submitted by AndShadow to EquinoxEv [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Cheepshooter Strategic tape?

Strategic tape? submitted by Cheepshooter to Mirrorsforsale [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Majonais Help me choosing my new mousepad

I did a little bit of research, im now just playing on an ordinary trash mousepad that i got of aliexpress and want to upgrade. I recently purchased the Pulsar X3 and looking for a new good mousepad to go with it. I have a budget of about €45 and i was looking into the "fnatic focus 3" and the *superbeing momento". Im looking for a hybrid, please recommend any mousepad or give me tips for choosing my new mousepad.
Both the Fnatic focus 3 aswell as the superbeing momento are €30 for me at the moment.
submitted by Majonais to MousepadReview [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Special_Fee9278 Has anyone tried Gladskin?

It’s only my second day of using it but shi burns a bit and makes it look even more red🙃
They say it may get worse before it gets better…is that bs?
Curious if anyone has tried it!
submitted by Special_Fee9278 to eczema [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 tedlesmemes What is this effect on my Bambu Lab A1 and how do I get rid of it?

submitted by tedlesmemes to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 Dense-Ice4909 Who should Dinobot (Transformers Beast Wars) fight?

Who should Dinobot (Transformers Beast Wars) fight? submitted by Dense-Ice4909 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 eggselentbadumts How is my team comp and what should I change/improvd

How is my team comp and what should I change/improvd submitted by eggselentbadumts to CookieRunKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 tedlesmemes What is this effect on my Bambu Lab A1 and how do I get rid of it?

What is this effect on my Bambu Lab A1 and how do I get rid of it? submitted by tedlesmemes to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:50 zooey_spinweb Dancer by zavescophotography

Dancer by zavescophotography submitted by zooey_spinweb to perfectonpointe [link] [comments]