2025.02.02 02:00 Successful-Clue-9097 Blurry picture of a dog
submitted by Successful-Clue-9097 to blurrypicturesofdogs [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Profesionalintrovert Gotta Catch 'Em All!
submitted by Profesionalintrovert to HollowKnight [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Interesting-Yam-8830 I would have loved to see a straw hats Adventure with Ace tagging along🥲 Do yall think he would fit in?
Title says it all, Im re-watching right now and seeing him on the Going Merry with everyone is making me wonder what a mini arc, or even a filler one, would look like if Ace teamed up with them for a mission. I can’t help wishing we got more screen time with him😭 I kinda imagine him jumping between arguing with sanji & zoro, goofing off with chopper & usopp, and chowing down with luffy. He has such a well-rounded personality and he’d gets along with everyone. He could’ve even taught them some combat like haki and such..
Anywho don’t mind me I’m just mourning him again😖
submitted by Interesting-Yam-8830 to OnePiece [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Wrong_Refrigerator28 You got this!
As an Australian watching the organisation of these demonstrations, I just want to say: You’ve got this! Stay safe when attending, but know that you are doing the right thing.
People from all over the world would be there in a heartbeat to support you, and many of us will be participating in our own demonstrations overseas to show solidarity.
Thank you for being good people and for standing up for what’s right. For America, democracy, and the world. ❤️
submitted by Wrong_Refrigerator28 to 50501 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Proud-Bumblebee-4754 Would this potentially count as otherhearted?
This may be a basic question, however, I'm a bit confused about what counts as genuine otherheartedness. Is it a very surface level connection, or much, much deeper?
I'm a therian, but I never really looked into hearttypes. I feel connected to my theriotypes to an extent (maned wolf, hoary bat, and red ruffed lemur) but I don't know if otherhearted connection may seem a bit different. When I think of my theriotypes, I am them. I feel connected to them because I AM one of them. I'm drawn to them. I see a hoary bat and I feel so warm, knowing that's what I truly look like. I feel at peace. I'm often calm when I view them.
For my suspected hearttypes, I often feel a sense of longing. Sometimes it's desiring to be them, feeling as though I should be them, or that they are family and I recognize them as being related to me. Almost like "blood" related. My relationship with hyenas is all over the place, and fluctuates. Sometimes, I feel such a strong bond with them, like I'm family to them. Other times, I can sorta just say "that's a hyena" but still feel some faint warmth when seeing one. And with wolverines as well, same thing, except it seems a tad more consistent. I see a wolverine, and it's almost like I am one, except not really. I don't necessarily identify as a wolverine, but I feel like we might as well be blood-related.
Thanks for any help, and thank you for reading, even if you don't respond. :)
submitted by Proud-Bumblebee-4754 to Otherhearted [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 nba_gdt_bot Game Thread: Phoenix Suns (25-22) at Portland Trail Blazers (19-29) Feb 01 2025 8:00 PM
Body will update in a moment
submitted by nba_gdt_bot to suns [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Inside_Garlic_4407 Soyyoelmalo/a por enojarme con mi novio por haberse quedado dormido?
Resulta que estaba toda la semana insistiendo en ir a un motel, yo no podía ya que entresemana tenía cosas pendientes por hacer.
Finalmente el viernes ambos teníamos tiempo disponible, fuimos y cual fue mi sorpresa? Que el hombre solo fue a dormir. Literal solo comió y se hecho a dormir, durmió por más de 4 horas y yo ahí, solo como hongo, mejor me puse a ver mi serie.
Obvio me moleste porque hubiese hecho lo mismo en mi casa la diferencia que en mi casa es gratis. Y obvio empecé a sobrepasarlo todo, que tal vez, ya no le traigo, que tal vez tiene a alguien más, que soy aburrida, etc, etc. Al final termine llorando y me sienti horrible porque me sentí como una egoísta por molestarme porque quizás solo estaba cansado.
Así que me levante, empecé a guardar mis cosas porque estaba dispuesta a irme así sin más, ya que sentía que no le importaba, pero se despertó como si nada, todavía tuvo el descaro de preguntarme por que estaba guardando las cosas. La neta le aplique la ley del hielo.
Y ya no pensaba hablarle si no hasta que me sintiera mejor y preguntarle si ya no me encuentra interesante, pero como somos socios de un pequeño negocio, el dueño del local nos mandó llamar y ya todo normal.
Y sigo sin poder hablar con él, ya que me cancelo para ir a cenar con su familia.
submitted by Inside_Garlic_4407 to SoyElMalo [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 CooP7878 going to a party tonight what should i wear?
submitted by CooP7878 to Colognes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 SneakySnam Week 3: Stretching - Sourdough pretzels and beer cheese
submitted by SneakySnam to 52weeksofcooking [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 Fine-Discount33 Spongebob Squarepants occult wisdom.
I've realized that there is much occult wisdom hidden in plain sight within the popular kid's show, SpongeBob Squarepants. I've made a video on it here and it goes far deeper than anyone may expect. As far as I know, no one else has publicly revealed these connections. LMK what you think. I hope you enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxXL9g9eKvo&ab_channel=ToyBokz
submitted by Fine-Discount33 to SaturnStormCube [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Imaginary-Ad9901 GMU/UMD/WVU
I’m choosing between 3 schools currently, Emotionally I want to go to UMD, but that 63k tuition per academic year is NOT good realistically. I got the OOS 20k scholarship, meaning I’d be paying 18k based off of estimated cost. WVU is my state school and I’d be paying 30k. Does anyone have any advice about not going to your first choice because of cost/thoughts on the GMU political science program? It’s only my undergraduate degree as I plan on attending law school. Thanks!!
submitted by Imaginary-Ad9901 to gmu [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 sevrnn Stake Referral Code !!
Hello everyone who’s joining Stake, you’re welcome to use my code severined942 🙏
Join me investing in 9,500+ Aussie and US stocks and ETFs on Stake. Use my referral code severined942 and we will both get rewards! https://hellostake.com/severined942?name=Severine
Lets get riiich together in 2025 🫡
submitted by sevrnn to referralcodes [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 OurStreetCollective It seems like all of our IG’s are down…
Although our IG seems disabled… this playlist rages on! To join collaborate dm us https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5G4Q2G6cGppwDGXsYYY0GB?si=pxepMf7BSDiziUzuliedQw&pi=GDqdZa5UTBKg4 submitted by OurStreetCollective to FolkPunk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 GameProfessional ⬆️ Up Game Shop
submitted by GameProfessional to UpGameShop [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 GameProfessional 🛍️ eBay Video Games | ⬆️ Up Game Shop
submitted by GameProfessional to eBayVideoGames [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 Jason_b130497 Added new pendant to my dining room. 27m, gayyyyyyy
I have been waiting for the pendant for literally months and it finally is up. What do people think? submitted by Jason_b130497 to malelivingspace [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 DerpOKat21 Peese Chizza
Cheese Pizza
submitted by DerpOKat21 to letterswap [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Ok_Commercial_92 What is the best Hyper Scooters to get right now that are between three and four grand??
I just purchased the Roadrunner RX7 but I'm debating on sending it back due to the bad reviews I've seen mainly on the first few batches of this scooter. Are there any RX7 owners in here? What's your take on the RX7? So what are the best hyper scooters to get right now that are around three to four grand?? submitted by Ok_Commercial_92 to ElectricScooters [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | ⬆️ Up Game Shop
submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 Rfksbrainbuddy The House
submitted by Rfksbrainbuddy to Emo [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 GameProfessional 🏆 Game Professional | ⬆️ Up Game Shop
submitted by GameProfessional to GameProfessional [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 czgfvxrvxr Slightly bothersome
can i get this in the corner? it is just super annoying
submitted by czgfvxrvxr to Bazzite [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 Gloomy_Guest6136 How my ocs would react when if any sprunki said: I love you
submitted by Gloomy_Guest6136 to Sprunki [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:00 Total-Studio-5426 Virtual Meetup for Black Women Who Are No Contact with Their Mothers Due to Narcissistic Abuse
Hi Ladies,
Sending everyone love in these crazy times.
I wanted to share this resource here since it is specific to black women. Hopefully someone here finds it helpful!
submitted by Total-Studio-5426 to blackgirls [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:00 dialetica_negativa Engenharia é a melhor opção no meu caso?
Boa noite, pessoal. Eu tenho 33 anos (vou fazer 34 semana que vem, rs) e trabalho na posição de Especialista em Excelência Operacional. Estou fazendo Engenharia de Produção (vou para o segundo período), mas como trabalho muito, fazer faculdade nessa altura da vida está cansativo. Decidi fazer o curso porque eu tenho uma formação nada a ver com nada (sou formada em Geografia, Bibliiteconomia, tenho mestrado em Geografia também e MBA em Ciência de Dados), e fiquei com a impressão que se eu perder meu atual emprego, por conta da minha formação zoada, dificilmente conseguiria me colocar no mercado de novo. Meu MBA foi na Poli-USP e tive aula com o irmão do meu orientador do mestrado, que era professor lá, que insistiu muito que daria certo eu fazer engenharia.
Faço na UNIVESP, que é uma pública EAD, dizem que ela é mais ruinzinha, porém eu não tenho energia de encarar presencialmente, e ainda mais numa turma muito mais jovem que eu.
Fazer o curso de Engenharia na Univesp já seria o suficiente para me recolocar profissionalmente na mesma posição caso eu perca esse emprego? Mesmo sendo uns diplomas inúteis, o fato de só ter feito usp consegue "melhorar" o meu currículo? Será que se eu fizer um curso de Processos Gerenciais ou algo mais rápido já me ajuda? Se eu tiver que procurar algo na minha área de formação minha renda certamente diminuiria muito.
submitted by dialetica_negativa to Engenharia [link] [comments]