Video post title 861

2020-05-26 欧米茄手表1551/861是表带型号,不是手表型号,无法确定... 2014-10-17 欧米茄手表,表盖上有匹马,表链号1551/861 2014-09-21 omega手表,表带stainlesssteel什么意思 15 2016-10-21 欧米茄老款星座,表带上有1551.861 16 手机号前的+861是什么东西手机号前的+861是中国的国际代码。 当国内用户发送短信到国外时,发送方的手机上接收到的信息前面会附带+86。 如果直接选择手机菜单里面的回复功能,或者手动输入号码进行回复,都不需要输入 目前国内、国际长途电话都没有861这样的区号。如果接到显示“861”开头的电话,有以下几种可能: 这是某国外地方拨来的,但是具体情况无法查询,因为这串数字是在空中传输的过程中自动转换的,不通过人为的干涉很难获取具体信息。 还有可能是以下情况: 中国大陆国际区号是“ +86” 00是国内自己的国际拨号代码,不同国家的数字是不同的,也就是说中国打国外才用00加区号,国外打中国则要用当地代码加86。 astm b861/2 gr.7属于美标钛靶合金,执行标准: astm b861属于美标钛及钛合金无缝管 astm b862属于美标钛及钛合金焊管 2011-07-01 861什么意思 2 2012-03-09 ct-861什么意思 2015-12-16 yy里主播说的泰格是什么意思? 56 2014-01-07 yy里说1314是什么意思 110 2006-07-25 网上别人说的“yy”是什么意思啊? 912 2017-12-16 yy里经常说的"扣五项"是什么意思? 2 2013-04-11 yy里经常说的"扣五项"是啥意思 95 861是什么意思861这个数字在中国是有着特殊的意义的。它指的是中国的国际区号,用于打电话给中国。由于中国人口众多,有着悠久的历史文化和繁荣的经济发展,使得861成为了一个国际上非常重要的号码。许多外国人在与 我是学土木的,因为对目前的工作状态很不满意,所以通过多种途径得到可以去861厂的机会,但是在网上查了一下,好像目前861厂的经营状况很差,差点面临破产,而且即使去了好象与土木工程专业搭不上边,请问各位,我改如何抉择? a193 b7(或a193 b7m)机械性能标准等级,相应的最小抗拉强度是861.25(689.00)mpa; 最小屈服强度是723.45(551.20)MPa;延伸率是16(18)%;最大硬度是HRC35(HB235),材料:采用铬钼合金钢,选用美国牌号是4140、4142. 手机号码前有+861是什么意思啊+86属于中国的区号而已,因为我们都是在国内通话所以根本不需要加上区号的,就好象我们固定电话都是有区号的,但是我们城市内之间打固定电话都不需要加区号是一样道理的.现在移动电话

2024.11.25 21:36 lss_web_1444 Video post title 861

Video post title 861 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 woahtherebetsy Anyone with tingly gifting fingers?

Anyone with tingly gifting fingers? Hi friends! Hoping some kind soul can help me out 🥹 I have and will continue to gift like my life depends on it, but I just cannot get my hands on this one. Would trade but I only have one Supervisor!
submitted by woahtherebetsy to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 NoMeasurement6473 Can anyone recommend a slim case that’s similar to when you take out the inside of the Steam Deck OLED case?

I just want a slimmer case. The current one is too big.
submitted by NoMeasurement6473 to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 PyuThesgrasadao Sketch inicial de uma entidade de RPG

Sketch inicial de uma entidade de RPG Feito no IbisPaint
submitted by PyuThesgrasadao to desenhos [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 drdg49 Opinions on the beyerdynamic AMIRON 300
I am in the market for earbuds looking to spend around 200 euros. I saw the beyerdynamic amiron 300 on Amazon but I am struggling to find many reviews.
Anyone here who has used them and can give a small review or comparison to other earbuds? For reference I was almost set on ordering the jabra elite 10 gen 2.
submitted by drdg49 to Earbuds [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 melegie UPDATE: Kind of late, but we got over 100 trick-or-treaters!

I know it's almost Thanksgiving but I wanted to post an update to my question I asked about trick-or-treating a month ago. I was told unless I lived on a "halloween block party" street, I should temper my expectations. WELL. Certainly glad we stocked up on candy! Even though our house is mostly hidden from the street, we decorated and put up lights and had over 100 kids between 5:30-8:30! Doorbell was ringing so often that we ended up posting outside. Happy to be in Cambridge.
submitted by melegie to CambridgeMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 SynX85 Trade in S22U for S24U on Black Friday or Trade in on S25U?

Hi guys I have a S22U and when trading in to get the S24U I get a $700 trade in for my old phone rather it being $217 and both storages goes for $599.99 USD (I chose 512 GB obv) and as my Final Price without Tax is $599.99 saving me $820
I'm wondering is this a good deal to take on Black Friday or will the price be somewhat similar if I wait to trade in for the S25U or am I crazy to not take this price they are giving me for S24U Titanium Blue 512G at $599.99?
submitted by SynX85 to samsunggalaxy [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 Educational-Ruin6801 High mileage ford f250 10-12 years old issues?

Hello everybody, planning to have 2012-2015 ford f250 xlt or xl. i will use it for my lawncare business. and snow plow. my budget is tight so i will be able to get high mileage one. over 150.000 to 200.000. do you guys recommend yo get hight mileage of f250? is there alot of problems on high mileage? thank you
submitted by Educational-Ruin6801 to F250 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 TheBlueRaptor My first color photos are blurry/not sharp, any advice?

My first color photos are blurry/not sharp, any advice? I recently just had my first roll of color film developed in a lab. While some of my photos are good, most of them seem blurry/not very sharp, , which I find disappointing.
I'm using a canon eos elain ii and shooting in the aperture priority mode, using kodak gold 200. I did not have this issue when shooting in b&w (using ilford super 400 I believe). Any tips?
If there is anything I can do in post, I'm happy to hear suggestions as well.
For information, the first picture was shot at 4.5/1000. The quality of the scans was also not super high (1545x1024) but I don't think this should have an effect.
The last one is an example of a picture I think is decent.
submitted by TheBlueRaptor to AnalogCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 cullbrissendedfg54 How to write a good letter of recommendation for a student?

What information should be included in the letter? How should the letter start? Can personal stories or examples be used to highlight the student's strengths? What tone should the letter have? How long should the letter be? Should the letter address specific skills or achievements? Is it important to write about the student's character?
Do you know any reliable services where students can request letters of recommendation?
submitted by cullbrissendedfg54 to coffeeandsmartnotes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 coleodin FOLLOW ME AROUND RETURNS!!!!

He played it last night and it's maybe my favorite rendition since the full band version in the Meeting People Is Easy video (which I would KILL to hear without the interviews over the top). Thom fucking SOARS in this!!!!
submitted by coleodin to radiohead [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 worlixx0 I have one too!!

I have one too!! submitted by worlixx0 to HeartstopperAO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 R_Chucksin but i thought i didn't visit it??😭

i don't even remember what it is either
submitted by R_Chucksin to recap [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 natoshannastycontent I’m an OF model AMA

I do adult Onlyfans modeling ask me anything you’d like to know
submitted by natoshannastycontent to AMA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 allthefaintlights LF-Another Galactus

LF-Another Galactus Trying to help my sister get galactus. Will trade anything I have for it.
submitted by allthefaintlights to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 Formician4532 Is it normal for inbreeding ant colonies to forage with their queens when they are small?

I have a small colony of Tetramorium Bicarinatum, around 20 workers and now 2 queens, and i used to see only queens foraging until recently, when some workers started walking around the outworld too, but still i mostly see their mothers in the outworld, i know that with many queens they can be treated like workers, but is it normal in small colonies? Does it means that queens are old(one died 2 days ago but it may have been coincidence)? Is it something that i should be concerned about?
Also, kind of unrelated, but most of the time there is a worker sitting on top of a thermometer, Its probably not important but i thought that i will put it there just in case it may mean something bad that i don't know about.
submitted by Formician4532 to antkeeping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 Alextingzon Are there any places that Warhammer painters & players/comic collectors/D&D players/ video game players/tcg players/ gundam builders/general hobbyists work and hang?

Just moved. Don’t want to stay corporate working, it’s killing me. Trying to find a new job and things to do in this town. Seeming more and more farfetched the more I search without having to travel 45+ minutes to do anything.
submitted by Alextingzon to TempleTX [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 Plus_Bee_2935 Inside corner of big toes (both of them) hurt during and after xc ski session

It is a bit tough to describe for me. It's almost like a constant pressure point on the inside of the big toes (on both feet) and to the front. Let's call it the front inside corner.
I've had these boots for years (I haven't been skiing for the last couple of years) and they have never given me any issues. But yesterday when I went out for a 12km ski, this specific section of both feet started hurting almost immediately. And it's still tender today.
Nordic skis (not skate skiing) and boots (both Rossignol).
The only thing that changed since my last ski is my body composition (about the same weight but less fat and more muscle) and I'm way more fit than last time.
Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by Plus_Bee_2935 to xcountryskiing [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 DemonLordAC0 Dica para iniciantes: Eis a primeira coisa que vocês fazem quando começarem a jogar

Vocês vão em Opções na partida, interface, e procure chat e desative.
Sério. Não tem quase nada de útil em deixar o chat ativado, especialmente em conta low level (MMR Ferro) ninguém sabe o que tá fazendo, e aprendem só a disseminar ódio. Eu na boa tava pensando e não consigo ver nada de útil de deixar o chat ativado quando vc tá aprendendo a jogar. Vc tem que aprender, e com isso vc vai errar, e vc vai ser xingado por todo mundo. Então antes disso, já desativa o chat antes de mais nada.
submitted by DemonLordAC0 to leagueoflegendsbrazil [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 jonathanaahar there is a deep nuance to understand here. gamers have a lot to learn

there is a deep nuance to understand here. gamers have a lot to learn submitted by jonathanaahar to TonyZaretOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 bacontomatosammie Fairy Tales

Fairy Tales Are there any other stories that are fairytale retellings such as this one? It’s one of my favorite stories on here!
submitted by bacontomatosammie to Episode [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 TastyBeach5869 Att iphones black friday and cyber monday

Hi! Looking to get iphone 15 or 16 and curious do u guys think the price will lower on Black Friday/ cyber monday or the price is probably the same as it is. Thanks!
submitted by TastyBeach5869 to ATT [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:36 JustHeretoBrowse816 Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy Theories Does she realize then when she posts the dumbest conspiracy theories she just looks stupid?
submitted by JustHeretoBrowse816 to LivingMyBestSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:35 montaukwhaler NSCLC exosomes: Unlocking biomarker potential

submitted by montaukwhaler to nsclc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:35 oghond2112 I don’t get it; I’m not in band

I don’t get it; I’m not in band submitted by oghond2112 to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]