I Am the One Who Knocks

2025.01.18 11:05 Mother-Commercial-40 I Am the One Who Knocks

I Am the One Who Knocks Knocking on doors, knocked down, knocked up, etc
submitted by Mother-Commercial-40 to weirdspotifyplaylists [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 Next_Bobcat_3061 Help with kvk3 commanders

So i am in kvk2, 2 weeks before entering kvk3 off-season, and like title says I would like some advice for commanders. I am currently at just above 1000 gold heads (vip13), and have calculated that by the time the first fight comes around in kvk3 I should have roughly 1400 gold heads. I've also got a 5511 richard and an almost 5411 (hopefully 5511 by kvk3) pyrrhus, which I am planning to use for swaps. This mean that by the time the first fights come around in kvk3, I should have roughly 1800 gold heads (after 2 swaps). My question is which commanders I should invest in.
Currently my plan is to expertise arthur and liu che, and pair Huo (5511) with arthur (exp.) and scipio prime (5511) with liu che (exp.). My technology, equipments and armaments are similar (stat-wise) for infantry (wedge and arch are also in a similar spot, with wedge being slightly better) and for cavalry. My plan for infantry seems fine to me, as my next step would be to get scipio to 5551, but idk how good huo is at 5511. Since cavs are first wheel, and are very fast, i figured i would definitely want them in the roster, which leaves the question of wether it is worth it to expertise huo and arthur, and thus run only one march for kvk 3 (while working on infantry so as to use them in kvk4), or wether I should stick with my original plan. I know liu che and arthur are the two best commanders in the game right now, so I would definitely like to run them both, but if huo needs expertise to function, then I feel like cavs might be the right choice. I also have a 5411 mina (which i could get relics for once in kvk3) to pair with arthur, in which case I would then run 5551 scipio with exp. lc (although mina seems too weak to trade very well against meta commanders).
Sorry for the long message lol. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
submitted by Next_Bobcat_3061 to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 FireApproches253 Ready Or Not Concept Achievements (read captions)

Ready Or Not Concept Achievements (read captions) submitted by FireApproches253 to ReadyOrNotGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 Fine_Log985 Ryzen 5 5600 for 84€ or Ryzen 7 5700x3D for 150€?

I know the ryzen 7 5700x3d is a freaking beast. But it's almost the double price, so, in this case I think it's not worth it, right? as I assume it doesn't have 2x performance than 5600.
BTW I have a RTX 2060 6 GB and I play singleplayer games a 1080p. Thinking on upgrading to RTX 4060 8 GB (because RTX 4070 is again almost double the price lol) as I'm kinda happy at 1080p & 30-50 FPS at good graphics fidelity.
submitted by Fine_Log985 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 standardeloquence Tacierzyńskie

Czy ktoś się orientuje jakie jest minimum miesięcy w pracy by móc ubiegać się o tacierzynskie? Chodzi o to że około 2 miesiące temu zmieniłem prace na nową a spodziewamy się dziecka. Sytuacja wygląda tak ze po urodzeniu dziecka to bardziej mi się opłaca iść na urlop niż mojej żonie.
submitted by standardeloquence to Polska [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 Itz-Lexi Thought Jschlingus might like my Minesweeper time.

Thought Jschlingus might like my Minesweeper time. submitted by Itz-Lexi to jschlattsubmissions [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 Ok_Goal7231 Most Lore-Friendly Alliance Race / Class Combos

Most Lore-Friendly Alliance Race / Class Combos
Give me your suggestions / critiques y’all
Horde version is cooking in the lab as we speak
Arms Warrior (Stormwind Army)
Holy Paladin (Scarlet Crusade & Argent Dawn)
Unholy Death Knight (Ebon Blade)
Marksmanship Hunter (Vanilla Cinematic)
Elemental Shaman (Wildhammer Clan)
Brewmaster Monk (Alcoholics)
Night Elf:
Balance Druid (Self-Explanatory)
Holy Priest (Elune’s Chosen)
Havoc Demon Hunter (Illidan’s Chosen)
Arcane Mage (High IQ)
Demonology Warlock (King of the Imps)
Subtlety Rogue (Inconspicuous AF)
Holy Priest (Low-key Pacifistic)
Protection Paladin (Resilient)
Elemental Shaman (Harnessed Elements w/ Alien Tech)
Subtlety Rogue (Predators)
Feral Druid (Natural Shapeshifters)
Affliction Warlock (Gothic Vibe)
Windwalker Monk (Shado-Pan)
Elemental Shaman (Ancestral Ties)
Survival Hunter (Spiritual Bond w/ Animals)
Devastation Evoker (Dragon = Fire)
Augmentation Evoker (Time Warpers)
Fire Mage (Sensitive Throat)
Void Elf:
Shadow Priest (Mostly Void Magic)
Subtlety Rogue (Slips In & Out of Shadows)
Marksmanship Hunter (Dark Ranger)
Lightforged Draenei:
Retribution Paladin (Pissed Off & Vengeful)
Dark Iron Dwarf:
Elemental Shaman (Accidentally Summoned Wagnawos)
Fury Warrior (Angriest Dwarves)
Fire Mage (idk, they have fire eyes ig)
Enhancement Shaman (Baelgrim = Gigachad)
Protection Warrior (Oathsworn)
Shadow Priest (Skardyn)
Kul Tiran:
Outlaw Rogue (Swashbuckling Pirate)
Restoration Shaman (Tidesages)
Brewmaster Monk (Beer Belly)
Beast Mastery Hunter (Tinkerer w/ Robot Pets)
Fury Warrior (Terminator Cosplay)
submitted by Ok_Goal7231 to wow [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 SocijalniSlucajj I kako da ih ne podržiš? ETŠ NIKOLA TESLA ❤️

I kako da ih ne podržiš? ETŠ NIKOLA TESLA ❤️ submitted by SocijalniSlucajj to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 Diligent_Plum905 Karina

Karina submitted by Diligent_Plum905 to AESPA_Hotties [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 Babybundtdaddy Has anyone returned product that they didn’t like?

I picked up two separate jars of live and cured resin from two different dispensaries in Maine yesterday. Both are completely in my opinion, unsmokeable.
I got a quarter of the LA kush cake from captains. The smell was pretty good. Nothing off from what I could tell. Got home and tried a dab late last night with my girlfriend. I’m not too sure what exactly went into this but it has an insane chemical taste. Extremely extremely harsh. Left a chemical aftertaste in both of our mouths and had some really weird after effects. Light headed. Headache. Definitely not anything good. I’ve had plenty of LA kush cake before. It’s gassy, earthy, vanilla cake terps. This taste absolutely nothing like weed. Never have I ever been more disappointed with something that I’ve gotten in Maine and I’d really like to just return it.
I also stopped at indico after a few people on here had good results with their live resin. I just want to say the employees there were super fucking cool, very helpful and very kind. Again the jar smelled ok, nothing alarming. But again, I took a dab late at night thinking “alright this can’t be as bad as the captains stuff.” I was wrong. I got a half ounce of space candy. There is absolutely no terps in this. It tastes like chemical lemons. I don’t know how to describe it. Again, I’ve had space candy before. Absolutely loved it. Candy gas terps. There was absolutely no candy and no gas on the taste. I noticed when I got in my car after the purchase there wasn’t much smell but I didn’t think much of it. I drive up from mass so I just wanted to get home and smoke.
Why didn’t I try these as soon as I got home? Cause I had some hidden Forrest rosin that I was dying to dig into. I also had a few edibles on the way home so after a dab of some rosin I was good on smoking for a bit.
I feel bad and this isn’t a bad review on either dispensary by any means. I’ve had great experiences at captains and even though it was my first time at indico I’d definitely go back given how friendly the employees were. I just genuinely do not want to smoke these concentrates as they taste absolutely horrible, have terrible effects and I honestly don’t even think the LA kush cake is safe to consume.
If anyone could point me in the right direction on how to go about this, that would be much appreciated!
submitted by Babybundtdaddy to mainetrees [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 OrangeMangoLemon Funny Bruce Banner MVP

Funny Bruce Banner MVP submitted by OrangeMangoLemon to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 Upper-Elderberry-647 Nyuddannet og boligkøb

Hej DKFinance,
Jeg står i den situation, at jeg ønsker at købe en lejlighed, når jeg starter i fuldtidsjob efter sommerferien, og jeg ønsker at få jeres besyv på min økonomiske situation.
Min situation er som følger: Jeg færdiggør min kandidat i IT til sommer med en indtjening på 42.000 kr. brutto og en samlet formue på 650.000 kr. til udbetaling. Jeg søger i en vækstkommune og kigger udelukkende efter ejerlejligheder. Jobsikkerheden er høj, og fremtidsudsigterne for lønstigning peger i en positiv retning.
Derudover har jeg tidligere benyttet Airbnb som en ekstra indtjening på 30.000 kr. om året, hvilket jeg også har tænkt mig at benytte i den kommende lejlighed. Er dette noget banken vil tage højde for, i et kommende rådighedsbeløb, da det vil være 2.500 kr. om måneden netto?
Mit rådighedsbeløb vil være ca. 8.000-8.500 kr. om måneden, og jeg ønsker et fastforrentet 30-årigt lån med afdrag. (Dette er uden Airbnb indtjening)
Jeg har kigget på lejligheder i prislejet 2,8-3,0 mio. kr., hvilket vil være en gældsfaktor på ca. 4,2-4,6. Jeg skal have et møde med min bankrådgiver engang i februar og ønsker at få nogle gode råd til, hvad jeg kan forvente, og om ovenstående er urealistisk.
Jeg har undersøgt gældsfaktorerådighedsbeløb ved gældsfaktorer over 4 og vurderer, at jeg "overholder" de gældende regler for singler omkring minimumsrådighedsbeløb samt positiv formue, når min positive formue er over 20 % med min udbetaling på 650.000 kr. Den positive formue på over 20% gælder både for lejligheder til 2,8 og 3,0 mio. kr.
Lad mig høre, hvad I tænker, da jeg er i tvivl om, hvorvidt det nuværende renteniveau kan være udslagsgivende for ovenstående.
PS: Jeg har Sparekassen Danmark som bank
submitted by Upper-Elderberry-647 to dkfinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 forget-me-not15 Am I ugly? [22f]

Am I ugly? [22f] I'm slightly overweight and I have hormonal acne
submitted by forget-me-not15 to amiugly [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 No-Mushroom8063 Best Laptop for Film School and Video Editing?

Hey everyone,
I’m starting film school soon and need advice on which laptop to get for video editing and other film production tasks. I currently have a 2020 MacBook Air with an Intel chip, but I’m looking to upgrade to something more powerful that can handle software like Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, and DaVinci Resolve without lag.
I’m open to both MacBooks (Air or Pro) and Windows laptops, as long as they provide great performance for video editing. I’m also considering refurbished models if they’re reliable and budget-friendly.
My priorities: • Handles intensive video editing smoothly • Good screen quality for color grading • Reliable and durable for long-term use • Offers great value for money
I’m happy to invest in a good machine, but I’d like to avoid overspending on specs I don’t need. Any recommendations for specific brands, models, or specs (RAM, storage, GPU, etc.)?
Thanks so much for your advice!
submitted by No-Mushroom8063 to laptops [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 SweetNhiana Waves upon the shore

Waves upon the shore submitted by SweetNhiana to ocean [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 Awkward-Practice5046 Piercings ha LNU

Okay la ba nga mayda eyebrow peircing kun maiskwela ha LNU? (hopefully pwede 😓)
submitted by Awkward-Practice5046 to Tacloban [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 thkMadame Why does Louis seem so indifferent towards Madeleine/Claudeleine?

Why does Louis seem so indifferent towards Madeleine/Claudeleine? As I was watching S2E6, Louis seems so indifferent towards Madeleine and her pairing or Claudia choosing her. I understand him being cautious when he first encounters them together in their flat. Where Madeleine is in Louis’ coffin reading Claudia’s diaries (which outside of “the rules”, is a sweet moment to me). After he has agreed to turn her and after, Louis seems to be in mourning and seems to direct those feelings towards Madeleine. Particularly in this scene, his bloodletting after her turning and then how nervous he seems at the cafe when Claudeleine reunites with Loumand.
submitted by thkMadame to InterviewVampire [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 sestnastka Actual state of game

Actual state of game submitted by sestnastka to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 milktanksadmirer Why are financial statements missing in PM CARES Fund reports?

Why are financial statements missing in PM CARES Fund reports? Source : https://www.thenewsminute.com/news/why-are-financial-statements-missing-in-pm-cares-fund-reports
submitted by milktanksadmirer to IndianConversation [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 Yussso My current desktop wallpaper

My current desktop wallpaper submitted by Yussso to furinamains [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 supramike18 Need help with wheel ID

Need help with wheel ID submitted by supramike18 to Wheels [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 GoldenPeachGlow Brown leaf

Brown leaf Hi, guys! I have bought this Monstera variegata 1 month ago. Her first leaf is “shrinked”(idk how to explain-see pic 3). The second leaf started to get brown, I have cut the brown area, but it seems that it continues to get brown around the part that has been cut. The rest of leaves seem healthy. What do I do? The first and second leaves have been like that since I have bought them.
submitted by GoldenPeachGlow to Monstera [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 TheLineForPho Western liberalism in a nutshell. The problem isn't the genocide, the problem is people being insufficiently polite about the genocide. Western officials feeling inconvenienced and insulted is a greater concern than children being shredded and burned by US military explosives.

Western liberalism in a nutshell. The problem isn't the genocide, the problem is people being insufficiently polite about the genocide. Western officials feeling inconvenienced and insulted is a greater concern than children being shredded and burned by US military explosives. submitted by TheLineForPho to worldpolitics2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 Captain_Owlivious ARAM Soraka after the Warmog's nerf

...now that Warmog is nerfed, it feels like a direct punch in the face to Soraka. What is better to build on her now?
To me it feels like she is pretty much forced into Fimbulwinter -> Warmog (and then maybe hp enchanter item as this seems to be not enough). I have never build Fimbulwinter on Soraka, kinda feels like yet another nerf to her healing power (you sacrifice even more enchanter items to buy HP). And, with nerfed Warmog healing slower (1/2 of previous, right?), healing back with Warmog is painfully slow now.
Idk. Classic enchanter build seems weird on her because of how she destroys her own health. Now, Warmog build also feels weird and inefficient. What to even do? 🙁
submitted by Captain_Owlivious to ARAM [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:05 ClientGlittering4695 How do I configure unsubscribe in SES mails? Do I need a Lambda function pointing to a custom db?

I want to add unsubscribe option in mails I send from ses. I've seen mails where unsubscribe button is present at the top of the mail near the sender mail address on Gmail. Also seen some mails with unsubscribe link at the very bottom. I want either of those to be enabled in mails I send.
How do I do this? Is there a simple easy to follow documentation on this?
Is unsubscribe event supposed to be tracked from SNS events and then saved to db via lambda?
submitted by ClientGlittering4695 to aws [link] [comments]
