Empty egg retrieval

2025.01.23 16:42 Bibkbi Empty egg retrieval

Today I had my 3rd egg retrieval and they told me that they found no mature eggs. This is the 2nd time that's happening, the doctor doesn't know the reason :(. I had 3 follicles in both retrievals and they found nothing. I don't know what to do
submitted by Bibkbi to DOR [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 thizzking7 What would you consider the classic outfits or most iconic outfits for the characters?

For example, I believe Archie's is the plaid pants, the shirt with the R, the bowtie, I think you all know which outfit I'm referring to and Jughead's I believe is that blue sweatshirt with an S but I want to know what you all think
submitted by thizzking7 to archiecomics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 phoenixberger [PS4,5][2K25] Selling MT $6 = 100K (Player cards available, snipe method)/ [PC][EPIC/STEAM] $5 = 100k (Player cards available, snipe method)//[Xbox X/S/One][2k25] $7 = 100K/ ELITE Seller! Bundle Available!

[PC][2K25][Epic&Steam]: $5 = 100k
Selling player cards. Let me know which cards you are interested and I will give you the price. Safest and easiest way.
[PS4/5][2K25]: $6 USD = 100K
Selling player cards. Let me know which cards you are interested and I will give you the price. Safest and easiest way.
[XBOX X/S/One] [2k25]: $7 USD = 100K
Payment: Paypal, Venmo, Cashapp, Zelle, Apple pay
Delivery time: 5-10 mins
New Rep page: https://www.reddit.com/NBARep/comments/ot3067/uphoenixberger_nba_rep_profile/
My 1st Rep: https://old.reddit.com/NBARep/comments/exgl6w/uphoenixberger_nba_rep_profile/?
PM me on reddit, and I will help with how to put cards on auctions and things can be done in 5-10 mins.
submitted by phoenixberger to NBA2kMTselling [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 Plastic-Ad-7036 Fui pior no TRF6 do que no TRE unificado.

De acordo com o gabarito preliminar.
Senti que a prova do TRF6 foi mais técnica. O direito estava lotado de jurisprudências, além de ter caído 10 questões, em cada prova, de regimento interno.
Minha estratégia de marcar apenas as questões que tinha 80% de certeza também não funcionou, porque acabei errando umas 15 questões em cada prova (fiz pra TJAA e AJAA).
Por fim, caiu pouca coisa de administração, e essa disciplina que alavancou minha nota no TRE. Pelo tanto que foi cobrado no edital, veio um número minúsculo de questões da disciplina em cada área nas provas do TRF6.
O que vocês acharam das duas provas?
submitted by Plastic-Ad-7036 to concursospublicos [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 Sea_Acanthisitta_773 Pikachu SVP 088 Black Star Promo crimp error

Any idea if this Pikachu promo crimp error is worth anything?
submitted by Sea_Acanthisitta_773 to PokemonMisprints [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 Many-Ad2803 New Beat Tape Alert!

submitted by Many-Ad2803 to beats [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 CosmicTexas Σώτειρα

Σώτειρα submitted by CosmicTexas to AmmonHillman [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 tyrantrider Theme looks~

Scene theme and the newest theme~
submitted by tyrantrider to MovieStarPlanet [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 _Death_Reaper_Z_ Looking for a portal switch design that only uses one button

submitted by _Death_Reaper_Z_ to redstone [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 Hundred_Year_War Sepulveda fire is basically out thanks to our selfless firefighters (photo taken at 8:30 this morning)

Sepulveda fire is basically out thanks to our selfless firefighters (photo taken at 8:30 this morning) submitted by Hundred_Year_War to LosAngeles [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 SOROKAMOKA Is this gas piping?

Is this gas piping? Howdy, trucker here, and this flex pipe was for my bunk heater exhaust. I need to replace it and it looks like a gas line just without the wrapping/coating. Do yall think that's what it is? If so I would like to just buy the gas line to replace it, and hopefully the wrapping/coating won't melt. Thanks for the help
submitted by SOROKAMOKA to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 emackn If you want some real insight into how the leadership of this team is picked ...

Just watch DCC: Making the Team, yeah, the Cheerleader show. It clearly demonstrates the arrogance the team holds with their "brand". They keep thinking everyone wants to come to Dallas. And while that is still true for the cheerleaders, and used to be true for the team in the 90s, that perception has slowly rotted away. We are the Yankees being run like the Oakland A's. It just won't work. Schottenheimer is a one and done coach,
Here's our future,
He's a 500 coach, 136-136. Mediocre is what we need LESS of.
submitted by emackn to cowboys [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 Connect-Humor-791 Starting to get Royalties and Rights sorted. HELP

Im a composer from Portugal, and all I do now is having music being streamed in Spotify appl music etc, through Amuse.io
as I been having a few business meetings with people from abroad about making soundtracks for film, or getting my music heard by big publishers, I want to know whats the best course of action to get my rights and royalties sorted.
I'm very confused with the amount of entities:
1 - some ppl say I have to register with my local PRO in this case being SPA, to get my performance royalties sorted.
2 - but then others telling me to go to NASCAP and register there as a writer + PUbLISHER (?!)
3 - and go to songtrust and HFA???????? (but many say songtrust is shite)
4 - and then go to local mechanical rights institution in Portugal?????????????????????????
do I have to do all of this?
is there a linear path to sort this out on a world wide scale??? I'm completely lost on what I have to do
thank you so much in advance
submitted by Connect-Humor-791 to composer [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 Outrageous_Whole_492 Tribal poetry

submitted by Outrageous_Whole_492 to poetry_critics [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 EarthEmail How the ‘forever tote’ became the It bag du jour – and a greenwashing ruse

How the ‘forever tote’ became the It bag du jour – and a greenwashing ruse submitted by EarthEmail to EnvironmentalNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 FishMann1 Anyone know these two losers? Snowmobilers chased, ran over fox in central PA field

submitted by FishMann1 to Pennsylvania [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 GearOFootball BUY NOW.

BUY NOW. Football gear reimagined. Perfect replicas made for the fans. Explore now, link in bio! || Helping fund my studies. #gearofootball
submitted by GearOFootball to GearOFootball [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 shokatjaved Emma Watson

Emma Watson submitted by shokatjaved to TheRedDress [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 Artistic-Name-8663 How do you deploy project's to VPS

There are some saas can deploy our project's, but they all need my money, I don't want to pay so much money for them. My project have a backend service written with golang, a frontend written with nextjs. I want to deploy these to a single vps. I don't want to deploy them manually, it need a lot of time.and I hope deployment don't use too much resources from this vps. if you know any tool to do it,please tell me.
submitted by Artistic-Name-8663 to indiehackers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 Relevant_Look_8775 Ever seen fear+meld+rezz?

Had to use glyph of fear, hyperspeed accelerators on gloves to pull this off, with PI and borrowed time it goes down to a 5.4 second cast. Obviously it's not worth it to build a priest like this, just a cool little trick I wanted to upload. :) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vptUrq10Jj0
submitted by Relevant_Look_8775 to worldofpvp [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 MaineSellWhite This is what it feels like to play Dr Strange

This is what it feels like to play Dr Strange submitted by MaineSellWhite to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 Onmylevel666 First golf trip

Hello fellows!
Next week I am taking my first golf trip by plane. We are flying to SC to play Kiawah Ocean Course among some other courses on property there
Just curious if anyone has any tips or things they wish they’d taken etc for a first time flying golfer. I have a hard case I am using that I think will be good for the flight. But I’m also trying to pack minimum for just 1 carry on bag.
Any tips or advice would be awesome.
submitted by Onmylevel666 to golf [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 spellky Servers are down!

I had Zarokh, the Temporal on 40% when server droped.......
Fck this, im done rant over.
submitted by spellky to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 JustALittleWeird [Excerpt] Volstagg raises his children right (Journey Into Mystery #630)

[Excerpt] Volstagg raises his children right (Journey Into Mystery #630) submitted by JustALittleWeird to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:42 CHY1970 AI如何学习复杂系统中的规律

嵌套结构在自然界中普遍存在。从微观粒子到宏观宇宙,从细胞到社会,都是由更小单元的相互作用涌现出来的。每个层次都有其独特的规律,但这些规律又受到底层规律的制约。要让AI学习并综合各层次的规律,尤其是直接学习定律和公式而非依赖海量数据,需从多学科理论结合和算法设计入手。以下是可能的解决思路和方法: 1. 从物理规律的本质出发 物理定律(如牛顿力学、热力学定律)是经过抽象和总结的人类知识的浓缩体现。要训练AI直接学习这些定律,可以参考以下策略:

2. 多层次嵌套结构的学习方法 不同层次规律之间虽然有独立性,但仍受下层约束和影响。让AI理解和整合多层次规律,可以从以下角度出发:
3. 将理论与数据相结合 虽然理论公式简洁,但它们的有效性通常需要通过实验验证。因此可以让AI通过理论指导数据分析,或者用数据辅助公式理解:
4. 面向科学的训练数据设计 海量数据并非毫无意义,而是为理论验证提供基础。要平衡数据与公式之间的关系,训练AI时需要:
5. 引入人类科学家的方法论 科学发现的过程既包含归纳也包含演绎,而AI目前更擅长归纳。要让AI更接近人类科学思维,可以:
总结 让AI学习多层次规律并直接掌握公式,需要结合数据、理论、符号推导和深度学习技术。通过模拟科学发现过程、构建多层次网络和约束学习方法,可以让AI不仅依赖数据归纳,还能抽象和综合物理世界的规律。这不仅能让AI更高效地学习,也能将其从工具转变为创新的“科学家”。
submitted by CHY1970 to 25Universe [link] [comments]
