How to deal with contaminated plates from vendor?

2025.01.23 16:41 toomuchPTO How to deal with contaminated plates from vendor?

How to deal with contaminated plates from vendor? What is the consensus on the appropriate action to take when you receive contaminated plate(s) from a vendor? Is is reasonable to request a replacement and/or partial refund, or is it just part of how it goes sometimes?
My train of thought is that when you're buying from reputable vendors, you have an expectation of sterile environment and laboratory equipment and if there is contamination then some sort of reimbursement is fair.
It's been a couple of days since I reached out to the vendor that this plate came from, and so far I haven't received any response, so I'm wondering if my request was out of the ordinary or if the vendor is not treating me right.
I would like to hear other opinions!
submitted by toomuchPTO to Agarporn [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 kitti3_v0mit my first tarot session with lilith

last night was my first tarot reading for myself by myself. i’ve been really reluctant to start doing it myself because the two times i’ve had my cards read they mentioned my abuser. i’ve been very emotional lately, and i’ve been getting signs from the universe and lilith, so last night was perfect.
i cleansed my room/area. i set up my cards, crystals, music, and books. i also took some time to relax and open my mind and body to what was going to come. i put intention into everything. when i finally felt ready to start, i called to lilith and asked the question of “how do i stand with you?”. i meant this in terms of our relationship. i just did a single card draw, and i got the two of cups reversed. my tarot set theme is kitties, and what i saw in my card was two cats (one small, one big) eating from the same bowl. the bigger cat had its eyes open still, and the way its head was in the bowl seemed like it was fully into the food. the smaller cat was interested in the food, but reluctant to go all in. i also saw these cats as mother and daughter. i interpreted this draw as encouragement to continue to reach out. our relationship is strained, and i understand why.
i did some other readings with just the universe, and i was basically told to take a chill pill and try to look at a bigger picture with my views and philosophies.
i’m happy with my reading honestly, and i thought i’d share! i’m open to any suggestions, advice, interpretations, etc!! :3
submitted by kitti3_v0mit to DemonolatryPractices [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Keltik Not as much as pro wrestling

Not as much as pro wrestling submitted by Keltik to VintageTV [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 roughstrider কি বুঝলেন?

কি বুঝলেন? submitted by roughstrider to westbengal [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Otherwise_Basis_6328 Tobacco - Motorlicker

submitted by Otherwise_Basis_6328 to SynthRiders [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 freeoption09 I need advice on what this means

This boy in my class keeps snapping me very frequently..but he's started sending me videos (nothing like that) and there just like of what he's doing..but I'll allways catch him looking at me. Do videos on snap mean anything? am I just looking into it?
submitted by freeoption09 to TeenagerAdvice [link] [comments]


submitted by 4D4M-ADAM to SpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 clvgn_ New Livestream from the UK team showing off new tools for Jan-Apr

submitted by clvgn_ to BoschProPowerTools [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 HenriettaRHippo-HRH Ch.14 Forbidden Fruit

Title: Forbidden Fruit Rating: Explicit Pairings: Aziraphale/Crowley, Beelzebub/Gabriel, Muriel & Eric
Chapter 14
“Oh, by the way.” Crowley cleared his throat. “Eric knows.”
“Eric knows?”
“About us?”
Crowley nodded shortly. “Uh, yeah. He…heard us.”
Aziraphale froze against him. “...heard us?”
Crowley winced. “Yeah…” he drawled, dragging the word out like it physically hurt. “The room he’s in is, uh…below yours.”
He held his breath, counting the beats until Aziraphale’s hand flew to his mouth, and he inhaled sharply.
submitted by HenriettaRHippo-HRH to GoodOmensAfterDark [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Ahjumawi Jeff Bezos deletes 'LGBTQ+ rights' and 'equity for Black people' from Amazon corporate policies

Remember this when you are making your choices about where to spend your money, or where to work, or who you vote for. Bezos and the other would-be oligarchs are looking to demote the rest of us to second-class citizenship.
submitted by Ahjumawi to gay [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 KindTransportation17 Monopoly Go Stickers For Sale

submitted by KindTransportation17 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 TheFalmon [Deep Ambient] smokedfalmon - (a) manhã

Produced by the Falmon Video captured with an old phone camera for those vintage vibes. Hope you enjoy, feel free to drop some feedback! Much love 💚
submitted by TheFalmon to ThisIsOurMusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 CummyCockRing 2024 AICPA Vehicle Policy & Income Inclusion Guide

Whoever sends this to me will receive (2) kisses on the lips, redeemable at any time.
submitted by CummyCockRing to Accounting [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Sabom3trics [For Sale] signed and unsigned hiphop vinyl from Benny, Crimeapple, Cousin Feo, Westside Gunn, Mach-Hommy, Conway, Rome Streetz, Estee Nack, Company Flow, Cannibal Ox

Full list HERE
Payment via PayPal G&S only. All prices include shipping within the USA from NJ. Ask about international rates. Google doc includes notes, grades and photos (for most records). Send me a chat if you are interested, have questions or want more photos. Let me know if you are looking for other records from these artists. I will be adding more periodically. Not looking for any trades at the moment.
submitted by Sabom3trics to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 RxlGvz11 Ayuda, soy primeriza

Hola, soy mamá primeriza y ha estado pasando algo con mi bebé que no entiendo, no es nada malo, simplemente en las noches no puede dormir bien, esta semana se hizo el intento de pasarlo a su cuna, y por 2 días todo bien, pero desde antier, se queja y lo volvimos a pasar a la cama, ya que suponíamos que tenía frío, pero el empieza a patear, y a quejar, y solo se tranquiliza si le doy de comer y esto me a estado desesperando pues son como 7 veces las que se levanta en la noche, ¿Por qué pasa eso? ¿Me pueden dar consejos?
submitted by RxlGvz11 to MujeresEnReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Vanaglorioso Polizze, la compagnia Fwu verso la liquidazione: oltre 100mila italiani nella rete

submitted by Vanaglorioso to ItaliaPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 RoommateMovingOut Has the winner emerged? - Episode 7 Edgic

I've been using Survivor-style "Edgic" in an effort to identify the winner of Beast Games.
Post 1, Post 2
Wow! In just one episode, a hero lives long enough to see himself become a villain, a player is yet again tricked into self-sacrificing, and a contestant who has been playing with honesty and integrity has his edit dragged through the mud and is left on the tracks to (most likely) die. We are officially down to the top twelve!
These seven players haven't received enough screentime to win at this point:
424, 453, 947, 697, 566, 937, 974
Moving into relevancy:
Patrick (930) - "My motto is survive and advance." Patrick's persona as the strategist is finally being showcased. Throughout the series, he has been the hinge of his group (dubbed the Avengers), bridging outliers like Jeremy with straight-shooters like Jeff, Twana, and JC. He is baffled by Akira's non-strategy, and wonders aloud why he wouldn't take the opportunity to take out the biggest threats.
Still relevant:
Deano (380) - Deano trusts in his team, but they have lost trust in him. He is one of the final people to believe in Akira, which leaves him an island for the final train. He explains that his strategy is to lay low and not put a target on his back, but feels at risk when Queen is set to be an uncontested captain. The edit shows him annoying the rest of the group by asking his allies to step up, and when none of them do, he steps up himself. This has the counter-effect of further alienating himself and lays the trackwork for his elimination.
Queen aka Brittney (817) - Poor Queen is abused by the edit this episode. First, the edit chooses her to wash over Akira's controversial first three picks. She appears to say in response to Mia: "I don't think her comment is a reflection of how this game is being played right now." Later, she is shown to be considered second-fiddle to Twana. The editing is yet again unable to center her perspective and point of view, which is pretty damning for her winning prospects.
Gone but not forgotten:
Akira (539) - Just like I predicted last week, Akira is burned after trying to advocate for his version of the greater good. He makes enemies by shockingly choosing 4 women of colour to be eliminated, and eventually loses the trust of key group members Jeff, Twana, and Patrick. Akira's edit this episode is so sloppily put together it is embarrassing. Check 4:29 where production can't even be bothered to spell-check his job title: "Adventur Park Employee." He was later clowned on in the edit where post-production lazily cuts together the sentence: "It's really hard for me to decide between {CUT} the Lamborghini {CUT} verses three great people who played their hearts out in this game." It is clear that he made the correct strategic choice to take out three people in an effort to protect his alliances, but the show forces him into a villain role.
Top two:
Twana (830) - Twana's wrestler persona is finally being showcased in its entirety, and it is awesome. After sweet summer child Colton announces that he is there to make friends and have fun, Twana jumps in with: "My motto is: Bathe in the blood of your enemies." The wrestler in her stares down the camera as every single person easily chooses to put their trust in her. She smartly figures out the final game, and picks her closest ally, Queen, to stand opposite Deano, knowing that's where she'll be safest. She shows she's capable of making hard decisions, and is described by Yesi as "The girl that's on fire."
Jeff (831) - We finally get to hear Jeff's story! He wants to use the prize money to help find a cure to help his son who is suffering from Creatine Transporter Deficiency, a very rare brain disease. He has the motivation and the story to make it to the end. The edit gives Jeff a major win when it shows Patrick say: "You're like the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman... nobody sees you coming." This is a great read of how Jeff has played the game - making strategic alliances, treating everyone with respect, and keeping his cards close to his chest. I am excited to see how he'll remain under the radar when there's nowhere left to hide.
That's all for this week! Curious for your comments and if I'm underestimating anybody.
submitted by RoommateMovingOut to BeastGames [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 DerGeheimeNoob Warum kann ich nichts in Minecraft kaufen?

Warum kann ich nichts in Minecraft kaufen? ich will mir etwas in Minecraft kaufen und ich hab auch noch das Geld dazu auf meinem Microsoft Account aber ich kann mir nichts kaufen. Kann da mir irgendeiner Helfen?
submitted by DerGeheimeNoob to MinecraftDe [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Appropriate-Net-5583 Primeiras impressões? A primeira foto é antiga

Primeiras impressões? A primeira foto é antiga submitted by Appropriate-Net-5583 to MeJulgue [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 RoyaleFougard What it is to patch using Eurorack? Step by step patching and ramblings...

What it is to patch using Eurorack? Step by step patching and ramblings... submitted by RoyaleFougard to modular [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 SweatyBanana95 Everything look normal so far?

Everything look normal so far? It’s been 2 weeks since I mixed the spawn and substrate and was wondering if everything looks normal. Any advice helps!
submitted by SweatyBanana95 to unclebens [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 mister_anti_meta was letzte Chip?

submitted by mister_anti_meta to wasletztepreis [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Malfoso_madyver O olhar da luz amarela do canto (Daischmund)

Eu olho para eles, aqueles que não estão chorando, mas cujas mentes são conturbadas por coisas que deixariam qualquer um triste. Eles são poucos, não se encontram facilmente no mundo, estão entre nós, mas raramente os vemos.
Eles não são seres divinos, são humanos que guardam no coração um amor incompreensível. Nós odiamos, todos odeiam a quem eles seguem: ELE. Todos que dizem estar ao lado dEle são contra Ele, pelo menos é assim que percebemos. Ler um livro que nunca foi apagado, mas que está apagado de nossas mentes, pois poucos encontram respostas nele, apenas mais perguntas, mesmo que dentro dele haja uma mensagem capaz de restaurar o pior dos homens e sanar a pior das dores, para alguns.
Os porquês sempre seguirão aqueles que não entendem seu livro, e essas dúvidas nunca desaparecerão, pois eles sempre rirão das respostas. Não parece haver uma explicação, mas se houvesse, o que aconteceria?
Ele tem poder, para os que acreditam nele, mas para os outros, este poder nuca existiu. Aqueles que o seguem corretamente não aparecem nas telas, nos cinemas, nos filmes, nas novelas e séries, nos bares, nas baladas, na luxúria ou prostituição. Não somos capazes de vê-los, pois não andamos com eles, e acreditamos que seus caminhos são de loucura e burrice, mas são apenas o pequeno trigo na grande fazenda de joio que inunda todos os campos.
No final de tudo, eles viverão e morrerão em alegria ou aflição, acreditando em algo além deste mundo. E aqueles que não acreditam, o que farão? Nada farão, apenas olharão as pedras daqueles que um dia estiveram ao seu lado, para um dia fechar os olhos, sorrindo ou chorando, e virar pó na mesma terra que eles, que todos, que o mundo.
submitted by Malfoso_madyver to FilosofiaBAR [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Unable-Signal-2185 22$ only

submitted by Unable-Signal-2185 to TikTokaccounts4sale [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Kino_Camera Teradek Bolt 300 UPD fail

Teradek Bolt 300 UPD fail I tried to update Teradek Bolt 300 RX but something went wrong and now this is the situation. I can't find old firmware, maybe someone has a file? Or maybe someone knows the solution?
submitted by Kino_Camera to focuspuller [link] [comments]