Calgary Plan likely to be delayed another year - LiveWire Calgary

2025.01.23 22:30 One-Mycologist-3706 Calgary Plan likely to be delayed another year - LiveWire Calgary

Verrrry interesting. "Calgary city councillors will be asked to consider at least a one-year delay in the approval of the Calgary Plan, putting it after the October 2025 municipal election."
submitted by One-Mycologist-3706 to Calgary [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Slight-Berry153 Anybody feed their beasts canned chicken or canned tuna? I'm talking about the kind for humans… My boy jumps on the counter if I'm making chicken salad and I've been letting him have some. Plus, he's almost bigger than me so at some point he's just gonna take what he wants!

Anybody feed their beasts canned chicken or canned tuna? I'm talking about the kind for humans… My boy jumps on the counter if I'm making chicken salad and I've been letting him have some. Plus, he's almost bigger than me so at some point he's just gonna take what he wants! submitted by Slight-Berry153 to mainecoons [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 SakuraHereNow Super LO-FI: Cutie Chilling (Hip Hop & Funk)

submitted by SakuraHereNow to MusicFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 GuyfromSpain22 Off one etb

Off one etb God I felt like poo, I paid 100 off market place and snagged this bad boi. Been having terrible hits and this cheered me up :)
submitted by GuyfromSpain22 to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 TheManInMyRoom Paladin multiclassing help needed.

I'm currently playing a lvl 3 Human Paladin who is Oath of the crown. I would like to have him multiclass into a bard at some point but I'm not sure what when to do it and how many levels I should put into it. Any help is appreciated! :D
submitted by TheManInMyRoom to DnD [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Away_Quality_4115 Has anyone had eye throbbing like veins hitting the eyelid, since I started using tretinoin, in the left eye only, even though I stay away from it, or is it unrelated?

submitted by Away_Quality_4115 to tretinoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 fiddlesticks-app Fiddlesticks Match #7241

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fiddlesticks-app to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Kinc4id Rocksmith 2014 remastered doesn't start

I just bought RS 2014 Remastered on Steam but I only get a white screen with the RS logo in the corner for a second and then I'm back on the desktop. It seems others have this issue as well and the solutions were to update directx (didn't work for me, directx is up to date already) or join a beta (doesn't work either since there are no beta versions available for me). Anything else I could do?
submitted by Kinc4id to rocksmith [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 MysteriousEnd8009 Crowntail

Crowntail Any fellow Crowntail owners out there?
The second pic is when I first got him, seems I don’t have any recent pics except when I saw this air bubble on his dorsal fin lol
submitted by MysteriousEnd8009 to bettafish [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Afer_13 Any tip for this stage?

Any tip for this stage? I’m unable to beat them 🥲
submitted by Afer_13 to LordOfNazarick [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Overall_Recording Endless supply of starter

Endless supply of starter Has anyone dehydrated their starter like this? I just want to verify my research.
1) dehydrating starter should be done with fed starter so the lil guys in there go to sleep fat and happy?
2) rehydrating can be done with adding like a TBSP of starter and water 1:1, then feed as normal?
AND a two-part question...
3) Do I need to get some moisture absorbers? If so, what size would I need for a 32 oz jar?
Thank you for your help.
If this should be poster in the regular Sourdough thread, let me know! Thank you again!
submitted by Overall_Recording to SourdoughStarter [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 TraverseYT modding

I am trying to mod an NDS rom and I come across the vfs zip file which has all the files for the game. Great.
However when I change anything in the file and boot the rom up there is a blank white screen,
does anyone have any suggestions on why this is and how I can avoid it?
submitted by TraverseYT to Modding [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 callmechaddy Wtf can't change my password?

Wtf can't change my password? submitted by callmechaddy to Crunchyroll [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 lw016__ Meu filho de medicina e o investimento em MELANIA

Há uma semana, emprestei 24 mil reais pro meu filho, que está no primeiro ano da faculdade de medicina. Ele é bolsista, mas tinha umas taxas pra pagar, e, como um pai que acredita na educação, fui lá e fiz o que pude.
Agora, uma semana depois, o moleque tá me evitando como se eu fosse um paciente contagioso. Algo tá estranho.
Normalmente, ele vem me contar das aulas com entusiasmo: "Pai, hoje eu cortei um sapo!" ou "Pai, aprendi a auscultar o coração!" Mas agora, quando pergunto qualquer coisa, ele me responde com frases genéricas: — Tá tudo certo, pai. Tô aprendendo muito, sabe? Coisas sobre... sistema nervoso e tomar decisões difíceis.
Decisões difíceis? Uma semana atrás ele tava me pedindo ajuda pra entender o boleto da faculdade!
A coisa piorou ontem à noite. Passei pelo quarto dele e ouvi uns sussurros estranhos: — MELANIA vai voltar... tem que voltar... Vai dar a volta por cima...
Abri a porta, e ele fechou o notebook mais rápido do que eu abro a carteira pra pagar o supermercado. Olhei pra ele e perguntei: — Quem é MELANIA?
O moleque ficou mais vermelho que um cadáver numa aula de patologia. Ele gaguejou: — Ah... MELANIA... é... é um modelo de... sistema econômico alternativo. Tô estudando isso pra faculdade.
Eu levantei uma sobrancelha. — Sistema econômico alternativo? Que matéria é essa? "Como perder dinheiro 101"?
Ele deu uma risada nervosa e tentou mudar de assunto, mas não colou. O mistério me corroía, então hoje cedo fui dar uma olhada no histórico do computador dele. E adivinha? Meu filho, futuro médico, jogou os 24 mil reais em uma criptomoeda chamada MELANIA.
Pra quem não sabe, MELANIA é basicamente uma moeda digital que prometeria "revolucionar o mercado" e "libertar as finanças da tirania dos bancos". Só que, pelo que vi, ela despencou mais rápido que as notas do meu filho nas provas de química.
Agora tô aqui pensando em como abordar o assunto. Como é que eu digo pra ele que investir 24 mil reais numa moeda chamada MELANIA é tão inteligente quanto abrir uma clínica médica num reality show?
De um lado, eu quero brigar. Do outro, não consigo parar de rir. Ele passou a semana toda me evitando como se o dinheiro ainda estivesse lá, enquanto a MELANIA desvalorizava mais que meu humor.
Vou chamá-lo pra conversar à noite. Só espero que, como futuro médico, ele já saiba suturar o coração que quebrou... o meu e o da carteira!
submitted by lw016__ to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Training_Web_8537 Looking for some friends, for coop breeding and Gen exchange. I’ll add you back. I’m lvl 178 2 lvls off the max lvl. I played DragonVale for 11 years nows.

Looking for some friends, for coop breeding and Gen exchange. I’ll add you back. I’m lvl 178 2 lvls off the max lvl. I played DragonVale for 11 years nows. submitted by Training_Web_8537 to DragonValeFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Easy_Equipment2482 Music

I'm bored so let's make a 3 minute song about the mouthwashing game
submitted by Easy_Equipment2482 to Mouthwashing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 AAHHHH- Troops

Troops Kvk just started and the lvl 4 pass opens in a day, and I was just wondering if I am ready or if there are any more steps I need to take.
submitted by AAHHHH- to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 atl167 Help with skin please

Help with skin please Currently on accutane. Wondering if anyone could help me, is this just enlarged pores or acne scarring?
submitted by atl167 to acne [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Comfortable_Sock755 Nothing is going to happen tomorrow

Nothing is going to happen tomorrow First of all I reckon that everyone including me was quite disappointed with the announcement of more merch today and now everyone is trying to cope. Secondly we didn't get anything for dawn FM 5 days before release.. i know that plans don't have to be identical but I could imagine he'd wait till next week. He also tweeted today "7 days left" while it's actually 8. If He was to plan to release something like a trailer or tracklist they'd know the specific date, time and distance from the album. But in all honesty I hope he proves me wrong. We are nearly there anyway guys so hurry up tomorrow!
submitted by Comfortable_Sock755 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Dr_Silver_35 Rosalina Fanart 👑 🌟

submitted by Dr_Silver_35 to nintendo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Commercial_Swim_3073 Hangisini Almalıyım?

Hangisini Almalıyım? Kadıköyde 2. el mağazasından 5-6k arası olan amfileri sıraladım sizce hangisi en çok alınabilir olan?Belirli bir süre pratik amfisi olarak kullanacağım, okula vs götüreceğim.Zamanla param oluncada lambalı amfiye geçmeyi planlıyorum o sırada bana yardımcı olacak arkadaw bunlardan biri olmalı.(Gozumu en cok line 6 tuttu.Onun 30w modeli var celestion modifiyeli ama maalesef bütçem ona yetmiyor yetse o amfiyi alırdım kesinlikle.)
submitted by Commercial_Swim_3073 to enstrumanlar [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Some-Research-3099 Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Legion Go Gameplay

submitted by Some-Research-3099 to LegionGo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Naive-Schedule1028 Behold the manjuu buns

Behold the manjuu buns submitted by Naive-Schedule1028 to ElfSanWaYaserarenai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 Kraken-Writhing The members of r/writingcirclejerk are the ENEMIES. We should ban links to r/writingcirclejerk

They think that writing is good.
We must continue our sacred worldbuilding, and NEVER WRITE A CHARACTER.
They have also BANNED links to our HOLY subreddit. EVIL VILE people.
Furthermore, they think they are better at deconstructing racism via well thought out slavery.
submitted by Kraken-Writhing to worldjerking [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 22:30 bootiagabum Anyone willing to do these trades? I’m left.

submitted by bootiagabum to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]