Indonesian's army Dodge truck,with a Japanese AA gun.1948

2025.01.24 10:01 vitoskito Indonesian's army Dodge truck,with a Japanese AA gun.1948

Indonesian's army Dodge truck,with a Japanese AA gun.1948 submitted by vitoskito to shittytechnicals [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 stonerbobo Is it even possible to make an NVIDIA marketplace account?

I don't see a single product on their shop page that doesn't link to some distributors like bestbuy or microcenter to buy. Even for items like the SHIELD TV which should be solely made by them. Without adding an item to cart, you can't create a marketplace account. Is it possible to make an account now? Has NVIDIA has decided not to sell things directly at all now?
submitted by stonerbobo to nvidia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Megan_Skyler4Life Plz we need help have an appointment at 8am

We have an appointment at 8am for our kitten Smokey, he’s 6 months old and the best kitty ever. The last 3 days he hasn’t been able to eat anything, he’s getting super skinny, he stumbles when he walks, he’s weak and confused:( it’s super sad and he’s apart of our little family. If anyone could help us pay for the vet appointment please let us know, we can send the info of the vet and we can figure something out. We will pay back and do anything to get our Smokey back to normal.
submitted by Megan_Skyler4Life to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 matwithone_t The one time I choose him he hits his season low

submitted by matwithone_t to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 LateCaterpillar9557 Need Advice: Can I Legally Petition My Suspension at Work?

Hi, everyone. I’m seeking advice about a recent work situation that has me stressed and confused. I’ll keep this anonymous for privacy.
I’m a college student working part-time as an online teacher. I’ve always been consistent with my attendance and performance, balancing work and studies as best as I can. Recently, during one of my classes, there was a power outage in my area. I had entered the virtual classroom 5 minutes before the session was scheduled to start, but just before I turned my camera on, the power went out.
I quickly reconnected using mobile data, but because I live on the 21st floor of a building, the signal was very weak. While the student wasn’t in the room yet, I tried to find an emergency outlet to reconnect my Wi-Fi router, because there are some outlets that are powered by a separate generator during outages. However, it seems the student joined while I wasn’t in front of my screen, even though my camera was on.
The administration decided to suspend me from teaching classes in that program due to this incident. I’ve received responses from them, but most have denied my requests and stated that I am suspended with nothing more I can do. I still feel this is unfair, as this was a one-time, unforeseen event, and I’ve always been reliable and prepared for my work.
I plan to file an incident report at the physical office to formally appeal my case, as I want to explain my side further. As a college student, this job is important to me, and I feel this decision doesn’t take into account my consistent track record.
Does anyone know if I have any legal options to challenge this decision? Or any advice on how to handle this professionally?
Thank you in advance for your help!
submitted by LateCaterpillar9557 to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Shellnanigans What's your favourite niche weapon?

I am loving the twin rogga on harrow! I'm using [arcane pistoleer]
This gun has a very forgiving headshot hotbox, it keeps my [lasting covenant] up.
I put 6m of punch through with blast on it....I can shoot full auto exploding rail gun shrapnel, like a machine gun
I also love the larkspur, with my harrow it's a 60m chaining tentacle monster of doom
submitted by Shellnanigans to Warframe [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 miclaui Strukki-Kapitalrentenversicherung nach 10 Jahren kündigen oder jetzt halt durchziehen?

Servus, liebe Carbonara-Jünger,
Stellen wir uns mal vor, ich wäre sehr dumm (nicht schwer). Stellen wir uns dann weiter vor, ich hätte geglaubt, der Strukki-Vertriebler wäre mein Freund. Stellen wir uns dann weiter vor, ich hätte vor knapp zehn Jahren eine private kapitalgebundene Rentenversicherung abgeschlossen. Die Tonnen an Gebühren, die man in den ersten Jahren zahlt, kommen jetzt sowieso nicht mehr zurück. Ich habe nicht mehr die Fonds, die er mir empfohlen hat in diesem Versicherungsmantel, sondern stinknormale MSCI ETFs. Die automatische Beitragserhöhung habe ich auch ausgeschaltet. Wenn wir jetzt nur von meinem aktuellen Stand ausgehen, könnte es dann eine sinnvolle Option sein, diesen Vertrag weiter zu besparen, weil im Alter steuerliche Sonderregelungen gelten (Irgendwie muss der Kerl mich ja davon überzeugt haben) oder ist es auf jeden Fall, garantiert und sicherlich besser, diesen Vertrag beitragsfrei zu stellen und das Geld monatlich einfach selbst in einen ETF zu schmeißen?
Ich bedanke mich für eure Meinung!
submitted by miclaui to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Wear_Unique leaderboard for the new mode

leaderboard for the new mode submitted by Wear_Unique to SparkingZero [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 ivanpeter84 But why?

But why? submitted by ivanpeter84 to Japaneselanguage [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Fair-Contribution954 Mac Mini with an ultrawide monitor?

Mac Mini with an ultrawide monitor? Lately, I’ve noticed a lot of Mac setups rocking ultrawide screens. Right now, I have two 32-inch 4K monitors—they’re great, but they take up a ton of desk space, and honestly, I don’t need all that screen real estate. I’m thinking about switching to a single 34-inch ultrawide with a 3440x1440 resolution.
That said, I know Macs have had scaling issues, so I’m wondering: would you recommend making the switch? And could there be any issues with text sharpness? I’m considering the LG 34WQ75C-B—any thoughts?
p.s. I’m currently using an M4 Mac Mini and two Samsung U32J59, both running at 2560x1440.
submitted by Fair-Contribution954 to macmini [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Phan_Tom_one 306110212600 - WB Dialaga

2 locals
submitted by Phan_Tom_one to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 spoolaf PS5 DS3 summon me

Happy to help with anything!
submitted by spoolaf to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 josylad Hiring: Clinical Psychologist at Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora

Health New Zealand - Te Whatu Ora is hiring a Clinical Psychologist
Location: Timaru, New Zealand
Working Across; Community Mental Health - 0.6 FTE Infant Child and Adolescent Service (ICAMHS) -0.4 FTE Permanent Full Time Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is firmly grounded in the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and is dedicated to serving all New Zealanders. Through integration and collaboration, we’re building a health system underpinned by partnership, equity, sustainability, whānau-centred care, and excellence. About the Role The role provides specialist psychological assessment and treatment to individuals in conjunction with the multi-disciplinary team. The role is integral to assist the management team to support the ongoing maintenance and development of the Strengths Model Recovery Approach within the Mental Health and Addiction Service About the Team/Service/ Location This position is split between the Adult Community Mental Health and Addic
Learn More and Apply:
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Ok_Second1408 i’m shaking rn what’s this guy worth?

i’m shaking rn what’s this guy worth? submitted by Ok_Second1408 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Ader453 154000000XP in Firemaking

I now have at least 154000000 experience points in the Firemaking skill.
submitted by Ader453 to AderRS [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 DreamPirates Aditi Rao Indian Actress #AditiRao

Aditi Rao Indian Actress #AditiRao submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Nofunatall69 L'autre soir...

Assis au bar à siroter une pinte de Black Velvet, j'aperçois un mâle caucasien blond aux yeux bleu azur. Celui-ci jette un regard scrutateur aux alentours et prend son temps avant de finalement s'asseoir à ma droite.
- Elle est jolie votre chemise brune, monsieur.
- Merci! Par contre, je tiens à préciser, elle n'est pas brune, mais marron. Je ne vous en veux pas vous savez. Il y a pire. Nous vivons à une époque où l'ignorance semble glorifiée. Par exemple, les gens ne peuvent faire la distinction entre un salut Nazi et un salut Romain. C'est pitoyable. Pathétique. Inexcusable. Shooter?
- Bien sûr! Qu'est-ce qu'on boit?
- Jägermeister.
Le dominant naturel lève son verre et enchaîne :
Fuck les Wokes! Fuck les féministes! Fuck BLM! Fuck les universitaires et les intellectuels! Fuck la/les/l'eût LGBTQ+! Fuck les artistes! Fuck les merdias! Fuck le gouvermaman! Fuck les syndicats! Fuck Greta pis les enverdeurs! Fuck les immigrants! Fuck les citadins! Fuck les mauvaises religions! Fuck la gaugauche ou go-gauche ou go-go-Che, c'est selon!
- Je me trompe ou ça sonne légèrement facho votre affaire?
- Hahaha! Pas du tout. Les fascistes haïssent, moi je méprise. La nuance est capitale. Vous savez, le communisme a tué plus de gens que le nazisme et ça, c'est la vérité.
- Ouais... OK... Euh... pourquoi on parle des communistes? Êtes-vous en train de banaliser le fascisme et par extension, le concept de suprématie raciale?
- Aucunement. Shooter?
- Certainement!
- Veuillez me pardonner, je reviens tout de suite.
- Excuse-moi Gab! Je vais te prendre une pinte de Chartreuse.
- Hein? Une pinte? Vraiment?
- Yep!
- Autre chose?
- Non, c'est bon. J'ai mon briquet.
submitted by Nofunatall69 to Quebec [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Abject_Click8889 كفى بالمرء إثما ان يضيع من يعول.

انا حرفيا ابويا ده مبيعرفش يجيب القرش ، متجوز بقاله ٢٦ سنة و طول السنين دي كلها بيجي يحط المرتب ع الترابيزة و لما يخلص و التلاجة ميبقاش فيها غير جبنه و اي حاجه تانية يفضل قاعد برضو مبيجبش اي حاجه م دام مرتبه خلص الي هو مرتبه كام اصلا؟ ٧٠٠٠ج متخيلين راجل داخل ف ال٦٠ مرتبه ٧٠٠٠ و دة مش عشان البلد بايظة لا عشان هو بيختار الشغل السهل صحابه كلهم بيترقوا و بقوا مديرين و حجات كبيرة و هو قاعد زي م هو بقاله سنين و كل شوية يسيب شغل تحت مسمى انها فيها ضغط و هو مش عايز يتعب خالص
امي و اخويا الكبير بيشتغلوا و انا هشتغل ف الاجازة بس حرفيا ابويا معندهوش اي ذرة احساس بيقعد بال٨ ساعات ف الصالة مبيعملش اي حاجه و يدخل ينام و يكرر اليوم تاني و مفيش فلوس و التلاجة فاضية و هو معندهوش نظر دة غير لو انا و هو قاعدين بس ف البيت و مفيش اكل بيدخل يعك اي حاجه لنفسه و ياكل و ميسالش عليا اكلت ولا لا و طبعا امي و اخويا الكبير مستنذفين ماديا عشان امي تقريبا هي الي شايلة اكل و شرب و اخويا شايل نفسه و كمان ساعات بيسلفني و بردله فلوس اول الشهر بس حاليا المشكلة ف ابويا تقيل اوي اوي ف البيت و كمان بنعامله معامل الضيف حرفيا يعنى بنسيبه قاعد ف اوضة لوحده و بناكله لوحده و كمان لو جبنا مثلا اي حلويات مش بعزم عليه و حطه ف اوضة برة لوحده كدة عشان يحس بالذنب و هو مفيش دم خالص و حرفيا النهاردة مفيش اكل و مش عارف هناكل ايه.
submitted by Abject_Click8889 to AlexandriaEgy [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 purpleorchids2 Daily Jaiden #98

Daily Jaiden #98 submitted by purpleorchids2 to JamesxAiden [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Poutcheki Ecobank Sénégal célèbre ses 25 ans d’existence

submitted by Poutcheki to Seneweb [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Von_Duhnen Pachycephalosaurus baby sculpture

Pachycephalosaurus baby sculpture This little P. wyomingensis baby which I gave the name "Piña" (for her head looks like a pineapple) was made by the amazing sculptress Mariaelena Mariotti (MotherOfTheDinosaurs). Now this little bonker sits in my shelf in a bed of dried ferns.
submitted by Von_Duhnen to Dinosaurs [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Harvard_Universityy This is why I was against Reddit getting mainstream in India!

So many new subs have come to the life and man oh man!
The quality of existing subs and mods is getting down except some.
We have more than 2 subs for the same thing! Eg - look at indian stock market subs, we have more than 15 stock market related subs for almost same content and same thing!
So many dumb or cringe subs comming to life ! Eg - R iphonewale sub, there are multiple female influencers nsfw subs!
More narcissistic, Egoistics, braindead, and more personality related issues ppl have found reddit or comming and posting Attention seeking content, fake posts and rage bait posts. If you have seen any then I don't need to advocate for that!
Religious, Political and all that war room is more dangerous here! Ifykyk those 4 tag team Indian subs, Except some time you get to see good discussion from all sides!
Meme pages, oh god indian "denk/dark" kids seems to getting more denk than any other nationality out there!
Industry related subs or education related subs aren't that helpful except some!
Now one might say! What's the problem? This is how it goes? Nah nah dawg not like this! Making it combination of Indian facebook + Quora + instagram sceen!
submitted by Harvard_Universityy to AskIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Asleep_Thought7451 feed for feed 🐻

Can you help me out? I am trying to get a free gift. Hello friends, I need your help to click this link below to get more puppy snacks for my new pet!!
submitted by Asleep_Thought7451 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 ReverseMod Reminder: Be Respectful - Character Shipping / Non-Canon Relationships

Hello Timekeepers!
Our community has grown quite well since its founding days. Along with different people come different backgrounds and experiences.
Recently, we have observed a gradual rise in heated discussion regarding pairing and shipping between characters. It has frequently disregarded others' preferences while showing strongly intolerant attitudes towards others with different views than their own. These types of comments have sometimes turned into insults, personal attacks, and overstepping into others' personal space. This behavior is obviously disruptive to the community's overall harmony.
We would like to remind everyone here that we place the upmost emphasis on the first rule of this subreddit: Be respectful.
We ask that you please respect others' preferences. If you dislike certain elements of it, just ignore them. There is no need to engage. Reddit has a function that allows users to block another user's content. Utilize that, if needed. There is absolutely no need to attack, denigrate, or insult other people's preferences.
As such, anyone, no matter which sphere of shipping you fall within (yuri, straight, or other), who is aggressive, hurtful, insulting, or rudely intolerant within posts or comments will receive temporary bans. Serious or repeat offenders may also face permanent bans.
Thank you all for your cooperation and let's continue enjoying this game together!
submitted by ReverseMod to Reverse1999 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 CrisVola CrisVola - AmoR Conversely [acoustic songs]

submitted by CrisVola to Music [link] [comments]