The making of an Atlantic ruling class - Kees van der Pijl

2025.01.24 10:01 delete013 The making of an Atlantic ruling class - Kees van der Pijl

The making of an Atlantic ruling class - Kees van der Pijl submitted by delete013 to EuropeanSocialists [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 AaronAJKnight95 Drake the type to accidentally get picked up by the trash truck and dumped in the back

submitted by AaronAJKnight95 to DrakeTheType [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 JoueurBoy Inquiry will examine ACT's strata system as apartments house more Canberrans

Inquiry will examine ACT's strata system as apartments house more Canberrans
submitted by JoueurBoy to canberra [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: मूल्य

मूल्य translates to worth
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submitted by sharewithme to HindiFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 AutoModerator Don't forget about the NMSCE/NMSGE app. Search for and enter found ships, multi-tools, fauna, etc.

Don't forget about the NMSCE/NMSGE app. Search for and enter found ships, multi-tools, fauna, etc. submitted by AutoModerator to NMSCoordinateExchange [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 AutoModerator Friday Anything Goes Thread 01/24

You can talk about anything you want here, MUT-related or not but you may not break any other rules in this thread. No discussion regarding things that violate ToS such as coin selling, farm accounts or in-game exploits. Do not insult people and absolutely nothing NSFW.
submitted by AutoModerator to MaddenUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Buddhiofficial Did You guys saw that

Did You guys saw that submitted by Buddhiofficial to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 kat_vie How to best understand a customer's instance quickly

Hi, After starting out with ServiceNow last year, I think I got a pretty good grasp, and I can finally work on projects. But... when I first open a customer's instance, how would I find my way around, acquaint myself with their setup - in the most efficient way, without needing a chaperone, that is. Like a guided tour of some sort... What are the ten top sights to seek out, any landmarks to look for, any pointers to stuff most orgs customize the heck out of. Thanks for advice!
submitted by kat_vie to servicenow [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Weak_Ad2332 Need help finding wireless earbuds

I’ve been using the wired apple earbuds for so long because how perfectly they fit in my ear, i hate silicone fitted earbuds due to them always falling out or just feeling weird. I used to have the Airpods Gen 3 but they felt so wide and uncomfortable in comparison to these ones. Is there any wireless earbuds out there with relatively the same size and shape?
submitted by Weak_Ad2332 to Earbuds [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: valor

valor translates to worth
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submitted by sharewithme to GalicianFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 DubbleWideSurprise Could holding part of your body against something painful result in gradual strengthening?

I read the rules, pretty sure this is the right sub-
Allow me to elaborate:
In isometric exercise, you hold a position and apply force for as long as you can, which strengthens the tendons and not just muscles. This is called time under tension. It has to do with the neuromuscular something or other as well.
As I began to fall asleep, I wondered:
Could I gain the benefits of body hardening by just holding the body part there?
Could I, for example, press my fists into concrete or would for extended periods of time every day, and experience strengthened body, and thicker hand skin, less pain-
Kinda like how people punch trees in movies and punch buckets of rice and stuff
With everything I know about how isometrics work, I’m like 95% sure this would work, and I wanted to talk to someone about it.
submitted by DubbleWideSurprise to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 PeterPam_cooper green day are always in my head

I was studying for an university exam and I saw the word “castaway” my head instantly stop to get what was written on the book and started to sing. maybe this isn’t for lots people bc warning is underrated lmao
submitted by PeterPam_cooper to greenday [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 hawleesin31 müthiş olmuş

müthiş olmuş submitted by hawleesin31 to hiphoptr [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Academic_Promise_552 Sub pls

submitted by Academic_Promise_552 to SmallYoutubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 RockHard_Pheonix_19 Behind India’s economic slowdown, our very own Deep State

submitted by RockHard_Pheonix_19 to IndianModerate [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Heavesz Thread Semanal - Para onde vai?

A thread tem como objetivo, divulgar os eventos (pagos ou gratuitos) e roles que vão ocorrer no FDS e nas semanas seguintes em Maringá!
O Sub tem recebido vários novos integrantes que estão buscando interações pela cidade.
Compartilhe para onde vai ou para onde gostaria de ir, vamos conectar todas as regiões da cidade!
submitted by Heavesz to maringa [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 dobrogames I’ve based a customization in my game on my experience. My parents cut my hair one of these ways my entire childhood :D Maybe that’s why I made a horror game with elements of irony :D

I’ve based a customization in my game on my experience. My parents cut my hair one of these ways my entire childhood :D Maybe that’s why I made a horror game with elements of irony :D submitted by dobrogames to gaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Sad-Intention2077 Peticion a mi novia

¿Está mal comentarle que me gusta mas verla cuando se toma el tiempo de maquillarse y ponerse guapa?. Le he comentado que no lo tome a mal, ni pensara que la estaba llamando fea, sino porque me gustaba mas verla así por gusto mio. En anteriores cosas ella me ha comentado que le gustaría que yo también hiciera x cosas, como skin care, etc, y la verdad es que no le veo problema, pero al decirle lo de arreglarse, se lo tomo mal, diciéndome que no la quería, que le bajaba el autoestima y demas, así que quiero saber; ¿estuvo mal, es machista?
submitted by Sad-Intention2077 to askspain [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 Medical_Software3752 12 serious daily testers needed

Hello, am looking for 12 serious testers... You can remind me to test your App daily & send you screenshot if you test my App too.
👍Test App stability, UI, Navigation, speed, perfomance and give your feedback on playstore:
submitted by Medical_Software3752 to TestersCommunity [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 ImEliasK Its currently January 24, 2025 at 11:01AMat GMT +2

Its currently January 24, 2025 at 11:01AM at GMT +2
submitted by ImEliasK to gmt2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 baronesse_4 Von Deutschland nach Wien: was muss ich wissen?

Hallo zusammen, ich ziehe nächstes Wintersemester nach Wien, um an der Uni Wien zu studieren. Momentan wohne ich in Deutschland, habe aber noch einige Fragen und hoffe auf eure Erfahrungen und Tipps:

  1. Wohnungssuche: Wie schwierig ist es, in Wien eine 1-Zimmer-Wohnung unter 750 Euro zu finden? In Deutschland herrscht momentan eine echte Wohnungskrise. Oft kommen 100 Leute zu Besichtigungen, selbst für teure Shitwohnungen, und viele sind froh, wenn die Miete nicht über 1500 Euro liegt. Muss man in Wien auch so früh wie möglich mit der Suche beginnen? Tipps?
  2. Sicherheit Welche Bezirke in Wien würdet ihr einer jungen und kleinen Frau empfehlen, die eine sichere Wohnung sucht?
  3. Diskriminierung: Ich habe zwar einen deutschen Pass, lebe seit 8 Jahren in Deutschland und spreche fließend Hochdeutsch, komme aber ursprünglich aus der Ukraine und man hört meinen Akzent noch. Kann das meine Wohnungssuche oder andere Aspekte in Wien beeinflussen könnte, insbesondere wegen der politischen Situation in Österreich?
  4. Mentalität: In Deutschland war es wirklich schwer, Freunde zu finden, aber mit der Zeit habe ich es somehow geschafft. Wie ist das in Wien?
Ich würde mich über eure persönlichen Erfahrungen, Tipps und Hinweise freuen. Gibt es etwas, das ich unbedingt beachten sollte?
Vielen Dank im Voraus!
submitted by baronesse_4 to wien [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 WerewolfConfident420 Does playing on console helps getting extra rewards on mobile game?

I am planning to buy the legendary edition of Injustice 2 but just wanna know if there are extra rewards or perks on mobile game for console players. E.g. the boss fights would get easier or something like that
submitted by WerewolfConfident420 to Injustice2MobileGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 dejwiiii Headphones for Rocksmith- can they be wireless?

I am looking for headphones for playing guitar on rocksmith, because this game requires 48khz 16 bit sound output and my airpods pro 2 can't be set up to this sound quality. I am wondering if other bluetooth headphones can be set up to 48khz 16 bit? I've gotten used to living without wires and I don't want to give it up. On the other hand, I wonder about the delay when using Bluetooth headphones - will it be noticeable or can it be ignored with today's technology? Which wired or wireless headphones do you recommend?
submitted by dejwiiii to HeadphonesAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: arvo

arvo translates to worth
Report an incorrect translation @
submitted by sharewithme to FinnishFeed [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:01 CustomWritingsCoLTD Data analysis and interpretation thesis

Hire me as a consultant to work on the data analysis (statistical analysis) portion of your dissertation or thesis.
Text me on my Discord CWCO#8243 & Click here to view Completed Projects I'm great with STATA, SPSS, R (I love the R Studio IDE btw), Jamovi, EViews & Minitab. If you prefer email, shoot a quick DM.
submitted by CustomWritingsCoLTD to statisticsHomework [link] [comments]