Need to know

2025.01.27 16:49 Lost-Jelly-1576 Need to know

I would love to know if Virgo is in our Reddit page Virgo if you’re in here please send me a private message and I will not disclose your Reddit name. I would like to have a private conversation with you. I have some information.
submitted by Lost-Jelly-1576 to sbektbeavo [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 BlackMonk7 The Abyss Podcast - Issue 174: Pro & Mick

The Abyss Podcast - Issue 174: Pro & Mick submitted by BlackMonk7 to theumbrellacollective [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 ekho95 Pryda 20 - LA 02/08 After Party Code?

Anyone have the code for the after party for LA on Saturday? I haven't received any email.
submitted by ekho95 to ericprydz [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 Treysppsmol Just found this screenshot online??

Just found this screenshot online??
submitted by Treysppsmol to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 jakewisdom What’s my age again?

I’m curious to hear everyone’s age and when you started lifting? Also, how your training has changed over the years. I’ll start… I’m 58 and only started lifting consistently about 2 1/2 years ago. Even now, I consider myself a beginner. Prior to lifting, I had done mostly running, triathlon and HIIT type workouts with only occasional intermittent strength training. The SL app has been tremendously helpful for my training and staying consistent!!
submitted by jakewisdom to strengthlog [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 nnetessine Never ending cycle

I feel like no matter what progress I make with my anxiety (health anxiety, agoraphobia) each morning I wake up and everything bad is just back. I had such a great day yesterday and this morning I woke up nauseous, scared I’m getting sick again, dissociating really badly and like every morning for a while, I’m left crying in my bathroom not sure what is happening to me. I just want to go back to bed and start over but I have to get on with my day and pretend I’m fine or I’ll spiral all while thinking “why is this happening to me”. I’m just tired.
submitted by nnetessine to PanicAttack [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 taylorkaitlyn04 Best sedative for extremely anxious dental patients ?

I just went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago for a root canal, they numbed me up but didn’t sedate me. I was shaking in my seat the entire time and even had a full panic/anxiety attack where the dentist had to pull all of the tools and stuff out of my mouth. I have extreme unmediated anxiety and now i need my wisdom teeth taken out. They said they give valium for wisdom teeth but im worried i need something stronger like IV sedation. What is your experience? is nitrous oxide stronger? will a valium be ok?? TIA
submitted by taylorkaitlyn04 to askdentists [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 android_tests_pac Comments and replies order for 2025-01-27 16:49:15

submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 LeadingContent6920 What is this Radiolucency?

What is this Radiolucency? 4 year old patient. No sinus tract or abscess. Tissues looked normal. Tested normal to palpation, percussion, and endo ice. He came back from seeing pediatric dentist and they only applied SDF.
submitted by LeadingContent6920 to Dentistry [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 Decent_Balance_3536 Visiting Liverpool!

Hi all! Visiting Liverpool with my partner Monday evening to Wednesday evening! Looking for recommendations and things to do! Any gigs or events going on? Xx Some touristy things as well? Xx
Thanks x
submitted by Decent_Balance_3536 to Liverpool [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 Madonner51 3 card reading advice

Originally deck Design by p colman smith 3 card spread Question I asked what is my future re: true love? I came out of a controlling relationship a while back and no contact Past lovers- in my view this means this is the heart of the reading and why I am where I am. I fell for someone who manifested all I am and now I want mutual love Present 8 wands Always reminds me of action and speed, changes happening quickly and travel whirlwind of emotions ( sound familiar I have ADHD)
Future 9 wands To me choices and opportunities clutching on to them but unsure of the choice I wish to make, not wanting to let go but having to. Thoughts please!
submitted by Madonner51 to Tarotpractices [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 Useful_Aardvark3737 Is this normal scoring on piston and cylinder walls?

Is this normal scoring on piston and cylinder walls? 1977 XLH 1000 Ironhead Mileage unknown Engine does turn over Did not perform a compression test Bought as a rolling basket case First engine rebuild HD service manual on hand
Pulled the rocker boxes off to investigate an oil leak surrounding the rocker boxes and saw how filthy the valve springs were so decided to pull the heads and jugs off. There’s some visible signs of wear on the piston skirts and vertical scoring on the cylinder walls. Cylinder scoring doesn’t appear too deep when doing a fingernail test. No signs of cross hatches left where the piston rings ride against the walls so I’m assuming rings are worn. Perhaps oil starvation since there’s vertical scoring on the walls? Haven’t mic’d the pistons or cylinders yet. Are these scorings normal?
Note - piston pin retaining clip appears to be original or rather the older style retainers so i don’t believe this engine was never rebuilt. I have a .020 over piston available and it doesn’t fit the cylinders so I’m thinking the cylinders are still standard sizing
submitted by Useful_Aardvark3737 to Harley [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 TVLER999 What happens after the revolution?

I will admit my TikTok and Reddit and other media is full of leftist ideologies, and the trending topic has been dreaming and advocating for revolution. While I do believe a violent revolution is within the rights of the oppressed, I also believe it should not happen until there is a clear path.
What exactly happens after the revolution against the capitalist machine? Sure we will feel the joy of overthrowing an exploitative system, but it seems no one has an actual plan of what happens next. And as far as I can tell, many of the people advocating for a revolution of government still want to be governed. I believe we should tread lightly if and/or when a revolution actually approaches. Use V for Vendetta for example. What happens in V for Vendetta 2? Do the revolutionaries place a trusted elected official into power and continue to submit to them so long as they follow their ideology? If we were to accelerate a revolution, there would be total chaos in western civilization.
I could be totally oblivious and out of the inform and maybe a leftist organization actually does have a plan, but not from what I’ve seen on social media. If anyone has any current literature on this topic please link below.
submitted by TVLER999 to leftist [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 Embarrassed_Abroad70 When does the January transfer window close? Key 2025 deadline dates and all you need to knows | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴

When does the January transfer window close? Key 2025 deadline dates and all you need to knows | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴 submitted by Embarrassed_Abroad70 to fotbals [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 North_Potential_4713 Tiden Løber fra os Alle

Et tabt stykke guld
kan findes igen,
et tabt stykke tid aldrig.
Kinesisk ordsprog
Tiden løber fra os alle. For fangen der sidder indespærret, forsvinder tiden uendeligt langsomt, men for manden der er fri og glad, er han både gammel og grå inden han får set sig om. For mig, går tiden uendeligt langsomt når jeg f.eks. skal vente på bussen, eller laver noget kedeligt, men tiden flyver simpelthen forbi hvis jeg f.eks., ser TV, læser en god bog, leger med lego, osv. Det vil sige, at jo mere spændende noget er, desto hurtigere ser tiden ud til at gå, men hvis man sidder og tænker grundigt over noget, eller keder sig, går tiden meget langsomt. Så hvordan kan man få tiden til at gå langsommere? Jeg har opstillet nogle simple regler for at hjælpe på dette:

  1. Læg mærke til de små detaljer. Dette vil hjælpe dig med at huske hvert minut bedre.
  2. Sid stille. Dette vil kede dig, og trække dagen lidt ud.
  3. Gør færre ting hver dag. Det får dig til at holde pauser og gøre ting langsommere, hvilket i tur får dagen til at gå langsommere.
Personligt følger jeg disse regler:
  1. Stå tidligt op. Dette vil hjælpe dig med at få en lavet en masse.
  2. Gør alt så hurtigt du kan uden at begå fejl.
  3. Læg altid mærke til små detaljer. De kan hjælpe dig med at huske dagen og få ting til at føles som om de går langsomt.
  4. Tag en pause fra hvad du laver hver time og tænk på det, du har fået for hånden. Når du indser hvor meget du har nået, vil du også vide at der er brugt meget tid på det.
  5. Når du skal noget, lav både en plan og en tidslinje for opgaven. Dette vil hjælpe dig med at bruge din tid mest effektivt.
Det er sådan jeg får mest muligt ud af min tid. Hvad gør i?
submitted by North_Potential_4713 to Time [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 test_block_4 To report 2025-01-27 16:48:12

submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 Ali41050 friend

Anybody from east London ? Rainham ,romford cyclist ?
submitted by Ali41050 to londoncycling [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 NlGHTGROWLER Salvador Dali by Me

Salvador Dali by Me submitted by NlGHTGROWLER to drawing [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 didddddddy Pov my mom asks what I want to be when I go grow up

Pov my mom asks what I want to be when I go grow up A mod
submitted by didddddddy to MeMe_FoR_FuN [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 Embarrassed_Abroad70 Genesis turned the GV60 into a snowmobile because it can | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴

Genesis turned the GV60 into a snowmobile because it can | Live Streams, Free Score & Result, Online Update, TV Channel Schedule and More 🔴 submitted by Embarrassed_Abroad70 to fotbals [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 PSU_Alumnus Some Possible Names to Keep an Eye On as Ohio State Looks to Fill the Vacancy They Now Have at Defensive Coordinator

submitted by PSU_Alumnus to CFB [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 RyanLanceAuthor Tips for Mega Dungeons

Often when running dungeons, I find that floors turn into single encounters. The party might surprise a kobold, but the one that hears the fight alerts the wizard, who rings the bell, and a defense is organized. When a dungeon floor is a single map, even if very large like 50x50 squares, it is difficult to justify ringing steel and spellfire to go unnoticed by the intelligent and sentient denziens of the level.
Outside of very specific encounters: wizard in loud lab, undead bound to a room, unintelligent blobs, bugs, and skeleton, potted carnivorous plants and so on, many intelligent enemies will organize or flee unless the party is heavily committed to stealth and casting spells like "silence."
I am currently running a "mega" dungeon, which is really a series of encounter locations on different pages, spread so far apart as to make sound passing between them impossible. A cavern. A bridge. A ruin. A warrens. A river. It makes sense, and I was lucky to find many good maps.
But I've also recently run my share of "all the goblins group up" scenarios because they are largely unavoidable if that is the sort of enemy present.
When your goal is to create a long lasting dungeons delve experience, how do you put your maps together when you want the experience to make sense? What are your tips and tricks? It seems like the most common "labyrinth of rooms" full of intelligent enemies is the least likely to work without often playing dumb.
submitted by RyanLanceAuthor to osr [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 SuitableFriendship69 (Huanuo) 4 leg desk frames in general

Greetings everyone! I’m looking to get into standing desks now that I am moving, and I’m looking for a desk frame since I already have the table top.
I’ve spotted this:
desk frame from Huanuo and it looks great, I’m just worried because I can see no reviews(for the specific desk, Huanuo as a company seems to be legit).
I’m worried because I haven’t purchased anything similar before and I may be missing something crucial, so that’s why I’m asking here.

  1. Does anyone have any experience from Huanuo’s desks, are they legit?
  2. Do 4 legged desks equal more sturdiness? My no.1 concern is sturdiness and I think that 4 legs ensure that.
  3. Does the specific frame look good? I see nothing obviously wrong, but I’m not really sure of what to look for.
submitted by SuitableFriendship69 to StandingDesk [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 patoindiano Some upgrades to my idk, what yall think?

Some upgrades to my idk, what yall think? submitted by patoindiano to TornadoInterceptors [link] [comments]

2025.01.27 16:49 AddisonDeWitt_ Why do I get ghosted after three consecutive job interviews?

Since my company is doing budget cuts they could extend my contract via agency and I had to search for other jobs.I had applied to a job that I did not have previous experience in, but is within my field of work.
I got invited to a first interview with the HR manager via Teams. We went over my CV and experience. He liked the conversation we had and arranged a second meeting with the senior manager of the company. He also asked me if I could fill in a competences file. It took him 5 working days before sending me the teams invite for the second meeting though.
The second meeting with the Senior manager also went the same. We went over my Experience and my competence file that I filled in for them. She was very happy with that and she said I would be a great fit for the company. She arranged a third meeting that would be on site, and I would have a a conversation with one of their employees, and I could see their site and meet the team and ask questions.
During the third interview, I met everyone in real life and had a conversation with one of their senior employees. He had some questions for me, but mostly let me ask him question, questions that he said he liked.
Afterwards, I had a conversation with the senior manager again and she asked me what I thought of the company. I said I was positive and she said she again said she find me a good fit for the company, and that the next week they would let me know if they would continue with my application. But a week later and I hadn't heard anything from them. I send them an email with a request for an update, but one business day later and they still haven't responded.
I would like to know whether they will continue with my application, since this long process took a lot of time and effort, and I have had less time to apply to other jobs because of this.
What are the steps I should take now?
submitted by AddisonDeWitt_ to careerguidance [link] [comments]