Asking again cus I got a new update but I used e-ems and my package got sent to the U.S and cleared customs but then got sent back to China, but with these updates does it mean my package is going to get sent back to the United States? Or is it getting sent back to joyabuy warehouse

2025.01.30 07:16 nettspendson Asking again cus I got a new update but I used e-ems and my package got sent to the U.S and cleared customs but then got sent back to China, but with these updates does it mean my package is going to get sent back to the United States? Or is it getting sent back to joyabuy warehouse

Asking again cus I got a new update but I used e-ems and my package got sent to the U.S and cleared customs but then got sent back to China, but with these updates does it mean my package is going to get sent back to the United States? Or is it getting sent back to joyabuy warehouse submitted by nettspendson to JoyabuyOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Bonnie_Dark Los hombres de zenless son tan sexys

Los hombres de zenless son tan sexys Joder diganme que no soy el unico que se le para de tanto estar viendole el culo a lighter o a seth lowell despues de estar jugando tanto
submitted by Bonnie_Dark to ZenlessZone_Gays [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 WhyHowForWhat Japanese developers on Steam can’t receive revenue from adult games due to Japanese banks blocking transfers

Japanese developers on Steam can’t receive revenue from adult games due to Japanese banks blocking transfers submitted by WhyHowForWhat to IndoGamer [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Adventurous-Many-250 taking back an ex

i was the one that broke it off with the girl i was dating. she ended up reaching out after i messaged her a few months ago cause i wanted to try again. i found out she went on/dated a guy for a while but it didn’t work between them.
should i take her back knowing she dated someone else after me but i was the one that initiated the break up?
submitted by Adventurous-Many-250 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Junior_Light2885 Trying my best as a 2024 Grad

What do i do as a 2024 new grad?
hopeless do i keep going or quit (lol)
here's some facts

submitted by Junior_Light2885 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 sweetb44 Went in for a INR cb thought they were sold out so i got a NEO cb but they hooked me up and found the last one in the store! I lucked out big!

Went in for a INR cb thought they were sold out so i got a NEO cb but they hooked me up and found the last one in the store! I lucked out big! submitted by sweetb44 to MagicCardPulls [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 very-creative China Small Flexible OLED Panel Market Transformations: Charting the Growth Curve by 2035 -- \ The main aim of the report is to provi... ...

China Small Flexible OLED Panel Market Transformations: Charting the Growth Curve by 2035 -- \ The main aim of the report is to provi... ... submitted by very-creative to news_release [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 vtire Newman center doesnt like my friend group and I hanging out all the time. Best way to handle this?

Hi, my friends and I just started getting berated earlier today for always being around each other at my university’s Catholic Church. We are a very close, tight-knit group of faithful and traditional Catholic men that share a lot of common interests and hold a lot of value in each other. We respect each other and get along great. We are always talking and hanging out, at the center and outside. However, people don’t seem to like this. We have SPO at our church, and we found out the male missionaries have a “problem” with this because they think it’s a “clique,” a word which I just learned. We found out they would speak to us about it when me and one of my friends were together, but it has yet to happen.
But today, I found myself in a surprise meeting with one of the church’s staff members and she was relaying a message from our priest that he is not a fan of us guys always hanging out with each other and she told me her problems with it too (which I also told to my friends and we all took offense to this). Basically they’re upset at how were “secluded” and “opposed” to meeting and talking with different people and not including them in our group. How we aren’t putting ourselves out there, especially not including women in our group. Furthermore, they think that were imposing “opinions” or telling people how they need to live their lives which is completely false. She said we as Christians are not called to be cliques, but called to love the entire body of the church. Okay? That seemed very disrespectful and uncalled for, since it isn’t true. We love to partake in the community. I am in multiple leadership positions at the church, most notably OCIA. We don’t go out of our way to dictate people’s lives or telling them what we think. In fact, we keep a lot of controversial/political talk to ourselves for the most part, despite the gripes we encounter at the center.
We welcome all who want to talk with us, and we have gone up to people, but typically it doesn’t last because we don’t share genuine interests with strangers who aren’t regulars or don’t share deep connections with the regular members of the community. I’m very familiar with the regulars at the center, and so are my friends. We acknowledge each other and may hold minor conversations (What’s crazy is that the SPO missionaries can barely hold a conversation with us except one who’s a good friend of the group and very involved with us). We’re not disrespectful at all, we are very polite. Additionally, I say hello to everyone at the center that is passing through and may even strike up conversation with them on those regular days outside of mass when I’m chilling there in between class hours. This also goes for the women.
On the Damascus nights which are once every two weeks (Co-ed get togethers), everyone is in their little “clique” group. This is the one out of maybe three times of the week where men and women can get together with all their friends in their groups and talk to each other. This also goes for after Sunday mass. I don’t see how any of this is wrong and it’s completely natural. Humans are social creatures that identify with like-minded individuals. Why would I make myself and someone uncomfortable by forcing them to have a conversation with me and we don’t share much in common. We are literally the only ones getting flak for hanging out with each other it’s definitely driving us away from wanting to be around the Newman center.
There are a bunch of women groups that only hang out with each other, and there is a hispanic community of ~30 that mostly do their own thing at the center. They’re not getting reprimanded. I get that we may bring a lot of attention to ourselves for always being around each other (we have been told) and that may seem “intense” to some people or make them jealous of our friendship and maybe a bit of envious and want in on it, but this feels so unprofessional it’s insane. We’re just a few dudes that enjoy being around each other and it unites us in faith to serve God. I am going to be speaking to the priest about it tomorrow. The girl I spoke with and the priest seem to think I’m at the center of the problem/the root of it cause I’m the “leader” of the group and have a strong presence and very impressionable, causing my friends and I to only stick to ourselves. Like an addiction. What’s the best way to handle this situation?
submitted by vtire to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 ExaminationLimp4508 Claire deleting her insta pics.

C didi is deleting her insta pictures. Something really serious has happened or just trying to get attention coz she’s MIA in Jaipur.
submitted by ExaminationLimp4508 to JaipurRoyalFacade [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Rish2695 Stache or beard? Planning to keep the stache for some time

Stache or beard? Planning to keep the stache for some time submitted by Rish2695 to malegrooming [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 mamasgotthejuice Please help and click my link .1 away

Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge...
submitted by mamasgotthejuice to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Kitchen_Dress_1449 UHM SPIKE TALKED

UHM SPIKE TALKED submitted by Kitchen_Dress_1449 to tribegaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Noyroq Love Caine

Love Caine A little sketch for start
submitted by Noyroq to TheAmazingDigitalCirc [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Ill_Reindeer_2404 looking for a video

what video was it where hamzah and martin are playing a video game (i feel like maybe it was roblox) and martin does something to hamzah's character and then hamzah says "AHHH UNCLE UNCLE UNCLE" it's stuck in my head 😭😭 im watching the wrestling video right now and martin says uncle and it reminded me of the moment im referencing but can't trace back...
submitted by Ill_Reindeer_2404 to SlushyNoobz [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Mother-Tomorrow3755 does anyone know why my exotic leavfs are 0

i cant gather any exotic leafs so any tips im kina new so there may be things i dont know
submitted by Mother-Tomorrow3755 to LeafBlowerRevolution [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 ThomasBP81 vCenter/vSphere notes permissions

Hi in vCentevSphere 8, where is the permissions to adding "notes" to a VM. Administrators have full access and can make the notes, but have then some users that can make VM's but can't add "notes" to the VM. In what permission in the note setting?
submitted by ThomasBP81 to vmware [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 tai-kaliso97 [ps1/Ps2] [Early 2000's] First person shooter/action game.

I remember almost nothing of the game but the part I do is you're fighting a big humanoid monster in a ring shaped hall. the monster has a laser cannon and you have to shoot steam valves to hurt the creature and then you take his cannon and blast a hole through his stomach.
submitted by tai-kaliso97 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Fearless-Ad-7872 Their 2nd shed! (And help me determine their sex pls)

submitted by Fearless-Ad-7872 to snakes [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Lahlulli-_ Absurd

Absurd So ein misst was das gestern war
submitted by Lahlulli-_ to wallstreetbetsGER [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Larri_G Zimbabwe inflation surges sharply in January amid rising food and housing costs

Zimbabwe’s inflation rate escalated significantly in January, with sharp increases recorded in both U.S. dollar and local currency terms, primarily driven by spikes in food and housing prices.
submitted by Larri_G to AfricaNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 Happy-guy-238 Just watched nosferatu and loved it..

I dont know why this movie is getting hate or mixed opinions.. i mean this movie has a great story telling great acting great visuals . I mean if u r watching it expecting it as a horror movie then surely u will be disappointed. It has more of gothic eerie unsettling vibe and actually very fun to watch on weekends or on spcl ocassion. It has more of twight saga vibes too. The atmosphere of the movie was so intense and so good smthing unique .. a solid 8.5/10 what are your thoughts?
submitted by Happy-guy-238 to horror [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 jordon809 Just know your worth

Just know your worth submitted by jordon809 to somebiztips [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 bilgesem Mercedes Vito Elektrik Ateşleme Sensör Müşür Aksamı Parçaları Snc Otomotiv'de

submitted by bilgesem to sncotomotiv [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 AdventurousDealer822 photo

photo this photo was taken at big white in bc. me and my friends went for a hike and i was looking back on the photos. i saw what i thought was a bird flying past until i played the live photo and noticed how fast it flew by plus the flashing lights. any explanation?
submitted by AdventurousDealer822 to ufo [link] [comments]

2025.01.30 07:16 82fordmustang Jamo football card question

Jamo football card question Picked up this card because I thought it was dope but anyone know what jersey this may have come from? I know they're not from any specific game etc.... but can't think of find any jersey where they would have had this black and silver stitching a few years ago.
submitted by 82fordmustang to detroitlions [link] [comments]