Nyuddannet jurist, svært at lande arbejde

2025.02.01 16:44 Mathias0112 Nyuddannet jurist, svært at lande arbejde

Hej Allesammen. Lad mig gøre det kort. Jeg er nyuddannet jurist(pr. Juli 2024) Jeg har forsøgt at lande et job siden d. 20 november hvor jeg kom hjem fra en større, tiltrængt rejse. Jeg havde rejst siden august.
Jeg står nu i lidt i en øv-situation. Jeg har en masse relevant erfaring som stud.jur fra flere kompetencegivende ansættelsesforhold. Min a-kasse har ligeledes sagt “god” for mit CV. Så alt burde være i den fineste orden.
Faktum er bare det. At jeg bliver mødt med afslag eller direkte ghosting. Sender gennemsnitligt 7-10 ansøgninger om ugen og er kun blevet indkaldt til 1 enkel samtale, som desværre ikke blev til noget.
Mit spørgsmål til jer er så: Tror du/i at jeg bliver fravalgt fordi arbejdsgiver(nok nærmere HR) kan se, at jeg har været ledig siden juli? - til samtalen blev der spurgt ind hertil og det var intet problem.
Men jeg tænker nærmere, når vedkommende der skimmer min ansøgning/CV ser hullet efter endt studie, at jeg uden videre bliver fravalgt uden muligheden for at forsvare mig selv til en evt samtale.
Jeg valgte aktivt at tage ud og rejse efter 5 års intense studier. Men kan det nu være rigtigt at det bider mig i røven?
Tillægsspørgsmål: oplever du/i, at det er arbejdsgivers marked i øjeblikket? Det er måske bare realiteten at jobsøgningsprocessen som nyuddannet er mentalt drænende…
På forhånd mange tak for svar. Modtager også tips/tricks det jobsøgningen med kyshånd.
Hilsen en frustreret nyuddannet
submitted by Mathias0112 to dkkarriere [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Southern-Painter1352 Does anyone know what’s the app Tana and Brooke referred to in one episode that is always recording and you can listen to it afterwards?

submitted by Southern-Painter1352 to canceledpod [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 GryphonTimeCo [WTS] Rolex Datejust 16220 $5200

[WTS] Rolex Datejust 16220 $5200 submitted by GryphonTimeCo to Watchexchange [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 bradameses Zinus Promotion 2025

Click the link for Zinus Promotion 2025. Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.
submitted by bradameses to OccasionMall [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 40K_Guy RTC 4070 North Build Complete

Upgraded from DDR4 -> DDR5 (while keeping my original GPU), stepping away from the fishtank case with RGB to a minimal RGB build with an air cooler, and I will never go back.
submitted by 40K_Guy to FractalDesign [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 gentleteapot I need to be free

Part of what's holding me back in life is that I'm addicted to a guy, or at least that's what I've come to believe
We're just friends, and we'll never be in a relationship. I get it. But I've noticed that talking to him feels like getting fueled up, and when he says something that hurts me, I'm down for weeks
I can't improve myself when I go through withdrawal every month from my drug. I spend days feeling really happy and ready for anything, and then I go to bed late, wondering what he's been doing
Now, the problem isn't him. This is just how I am when I'm in love, and it sucks. I want to have the same energy I do when the guy I'm into is nice to me
It just feels so good to share my ideas with him: my stories, what I cooked, what I'm planning to do
And yet everything feels empty when I do those things and don't get to share them with him. I just don’t want to be like this anymore
submitted by gentleteapot to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Offres 💥Take it in the unexpected part! 💉🍑😂

💥Take it in the unexpected part! 💉🍑😂 💥Take it in the unexpected part! 💉🍑😂👉 🔥 @ https://osmedialabs.com/gags/unexpected-part/
submitted by Offres to marocctv [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 usan73 Radon levels this high in Singapore?

Radon levels this high in Singapore? The 7 day average indoor radon readings on Airthings View Plus was 523 Bq/m3 despite complete ventilation during the entire day! Long term indoor average radon readings about 400 Bq/m3.
Airthings radonmap.com shows Singapore as majorly High risk & partially medium risk for radon exposure. Is the radon map accurate?
Radon is second leading cause of lung cancer as per www.cancer.org & studies also indicate that it contributes to the development of AML Cancer.
Are cancer incidences in Singapore higher than other parts of the world? Do I need to do test for staying there for past 4 1/2 years? What tests should I do ? How does one stay safe?
submitted by usan73 to AirPurifiers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Inked-Wolfie The Greatest Compliment, by me. Based on an unrelated meme seen a few years ago.

The Greatest Compliment, by me. Based on an unrelated meme seen a few years ago. submitted by Inked-Wolfie to Mignolaverse [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 maverickwoods Valorant konzola?

Zdravo nekoj igra? Ja sum Silver II, ako ima nekoj igrac ajde bujrum 😁
submitted by maverickwoods to mkd [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Competitive-Ad-1437 Incontinence help

Was thinking about speaking to the GP to get referred to the continence nurse/team. Really trying to do this on my own but serially starting to drain me. So what will I expect to happen. Uk btw
submitted by Competitive-Ad-1437 to Incontinence [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 N7OQ How can i solve this error

How can i solve this error I was updating fortnite then i got MD-DL-0 then i got this error AS-3 , i tried using vpn but it didn’t work and tried to uninstall epic games and all games i installed from epic but no result
submitted by N7OQ to EpicGamesHelp [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Non_sensical_lullaby Late night cuppa

Late night cuppa Sometimes you just need to drink tea late at night
submitted by Non_sensical_lullaby to ACPocketCamp [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Kaizen_Nexus New Player : Need characters pulling suggestions

Hello, I'm a new player to this game and I really like the theme, story and combat of this game. But I'm kinda of overwhelmed by seeing such a vast character roaster. So if someone can help me with it how and who should I pull and invest as f2p. Also I'm willing to play this game for a long time so any other advices are appreciated.
I just summon water Joshua and light syphfride.
submitted by Kaizen_Nexus to lordofheroes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Wide_Pause_2754 Venu 3 vs Instinct 3

So looking to replace my current Garmin Vivoactive 4 with either of these but having trouble deciding.
On one hand, I really like the look of the Instinct better and I am also somewhat rough with my watches. On the other hand, I realize that the Instinct 3 doesnt have the latest sensor that the Venu has and it also missing some other features health related features.
I like to monitor my workouts, nothing too fancy, just different cardio and resistance workouts where I keep an eye on my heart rate. I also like to monitor other health related stuff like sleep.
I know this is super subjective but just looking for some suggestions
submitted by Wide_Pause_2754 to Garmin [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 forest_moon_92 19 years break..

19 years break.. I'm 32 years old. I've been skateboarding for a one week. it's like learning tricks all over again. I'm good at keeping my balance, I haven't forgotten that. What do you think about my ollie??? Thanks for comments 👍
submitted by forest_moon_92 to NewSkaters [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Outside_Usual_3854 LSAC Not Taking Documentd

Is anyone having issues uploading personal statements or resumes into applications? Mine keep spinning as if they are being uploaded and then nothing happens.
submitted by Outside_Usual_3854 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Agitated-Gap-6965 Need help tuning

Can someone give me some tips for tuning my amp? Just installed the Triple 8" 2,100 Watt SDR Series from skar, linked above. Its put into a 2018 dodge charger gt (dont diss). Appreciate any and all help.
submitted by Agitated-Gap-6965 to subwoofer [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 PeterBCreative Created some kit concepts for the Hounds!

Created some kit concepts for the Hounds! submitted by PeterBCreative to USLPRO [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 Cookiesenpai123 Help picking my next game 🥲

Hi everyone! So I tried playing Olympia Soirée and I love the story, art, and songs, but I was bothered by how long it takes for the first choice to show up. I was wondering which of the following games that I have access to are more fast paced and engaging. Lately I can only play a small amount of time on weekends so a shorter game with a simpler plot would be better for me now (I’ll still finish Olympia soirée sometime, but honestly I’ve forgotten everything about the world building and will have to go though the whole dictionary again 🫠) So please help me pick a more fast paced, engaging, and if possible simpler and shorter game:
Jack Jeanne
Radiant Tale
Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei
Collar X Malice
Piofiore: Fated Memories
Cupid parasite
Piofiore: Fated Memories
Winter’s Wish: Spirits of Edo
submitted by Cookiesenpai123 to otomegames [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 MisterPTX21 Gun?

Gun? I was getting a bounty, and on the minimal theres shows there’s a gun but I can’t seem to find it, maybe you guys can help?
submitted by MisterPTX21 to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 WingardiumLeviYoAss International travel at 5 months?

Our friends are getting married in Portugal when our daughter will be 5 months (I’m still pregnant at moment). It’s an almost 7 hour flight from where we live. Our parents may come to help out, planning is still up in the air.
How realistic is this trip? She will JUST be 5 months. Are we nuts to travel with her that young? Any suggestions to make it easier?
submitted by WingardiumLeviYoAss to NewParents [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 GMC-Sierra-Vortec Takes all my PC has to hold 1080p 165hz lmao

cpu bottlenecked unless i litterally put everything to max then my gpu becomes the problem at 1080p.
just built this pc about a year ago but not quite.. 12700k at 190 watts and a RTX 4070 lol. 32gb ddr4. could get a few more frames with a ddr5 mobo. games installed on a NVME 2tb gen5 drive. using xbox app.
anyone have any tips? my config was set to 13 for that render thread thing. put it to 8 helped maybe 1 percent.
submitted by GMC-Sierra-Vortec to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 ambyparky My orange tuxedo manx 🧡

My orange tuxedo manx 🧡 We call him Bubby now, but I originally named him Flynn. He's the most amazing kitty I've ever had and has provided hours and hours of laughs and comfort.
He's 13 now and still going strong! I've had him since he was found as a kitten in a warehouse wall by my cousin. He has been through the most vital years of growth for me and has seen so much of my life play out.
I am incredibly grateful to see him be so happy in the house we're in now, as some of the places I've lived in the past weren't the most peaceful situations. He deserves every bit of peace, love and comfort he gets. 🥹🧡🥹
submitted by ambyparky to manx [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 16:44 StruggleBusy7522 GBS information needed

Wanted to know how many new cases coming up everyday and also does some death also happening everyday due to GBS, what's the count on daily basis
Where I can find - news articles are very generic and no proper info available
And the new cases which are coming, are from which locality, where can we get these info
As this will be helpful for everyone in Pune.
submitted by StruggleBusy7522 to pune [link] [comments]
